RCS or SMS: What differences for your marketing strategy, RCS: Android Will Eventually replaces SMS – Octopush

RCS Messaging

+115% click rate

RCS or SMS: what differences for your marketing strategy

If you have implemented an emailing strategy for several years, you may have already thought of SMS. SMS is ideal for establishing a close relationship with your audience. By operating it in the right way, you can quickly convert. But innovations around messages develop quickly. SMS is already competed by the RCS.
We come back to the details of RCS compared to SMS and why its growth does not explode despite innovative features.

The future of SMS has arrived

Explanations and definition of RCS

RCS is probably The future of SMS. The RCS allows you to do the same as applications like Whatsapp or Messenger, but in a native way: therefore unlike these applications, the RCS does not need to be installed. He is directly supported in your messaging app Android.

(Some technical details arrive, go to the following paragraph if you want the operational directly !) ➡️

Technically, what is the RCS ?

RCS means “Rich Communication Services”.

It is a mobile communication protocol considered to be the future of SMS. The RCS uses the 3/4/5G or Wi-Fi Unlike SMS that uses GSM networks.

It was developed by the GSMA consortium, an association of operators and mobile manufacturers. It is mainly to Google that we owe its deployment and its growth.

You may also have heard of RBM (Rich Business Messaging) to evoke communications in RCS format between companies and their customers (Application 2 Personally). It is a variant, but logic is generally the same.

(End of technical details, good return to operational staff !) ⬅️


Be in the right place for your audience

Conversations between relatives are no longer done via SMS. The French prefer Messenger, Whatsapp, Telegram … In the native application of your smartphone, you probably have ..

A long list of transactional and advertising SMS.

It’s not a bad thing for your business. It means that your audience is looking for business messages once in its conversations. Make the most of it.

To stand out Rigid and cold SMS, RCS is a good alternative. Especially since you don’t need to multiply the types of messages:

You only sendOnly one communication, and a “Fall Back” system allows the recipient to receive the RCS version of your communication if its mobile allows. Otherwise, he receives the SMS version.

The 11 main features of the RCS in 2023

Concretely, the RCS allows:

  • Authenticate a sender
  • Content exchanges enriched
  • Conversations of band
  • Sending links hypertext, documents
  • The use of components (carousel)
  • To integrate buttons/chips in the conversation window (we explain below what it is)
  • Sharing location
  • The cat in One-to-one
  • Adding events on the calendar
  • The display of an icon indicating thatA message has been read
  • The display of an icon indicating that a message is in writing

How much character can contain a RCS message ?

The first time we have traveled the features, we became pale: how to keep one of these components in 160 characters, like a classic SMS ?

Good news, The RCS is not not limited to 160 characters. You can write Unlimited number of characters. Be careful not to lose the attention of your audience with a too long message.

What is a RCS compared to an SMS looks like ?

Here is an example of what a RCS can look like:

RCS carouses for your mobile customer experience

These are only two components among the multitude of possibilities offered by RCS. Here are other content that you can use:

RCS or SMS Difference explanations MINDBAZ

On the last visual, these are chip lists that are used. It’s a super interesting special component for your marketing strategy. We can translate chip lists by suggested responses.

They allow you to integrate a pre-formatted response or even action following the sending of a message. Concretely, a chip triggers the action of your choice. You can Create advanced scenarios To advance your sales funnel.

RCS performance in France

The importance of an SMS / RCS strategy to create a relationship of trust

As an SMS router, Mindbaz is aware of the importance of a good SMS strategy. It allows you to intervene at the right time directly in the pocket of its audience. According to the report State of Mobile 2022 data.AI, we spend an average of 4:48 on his phone per day. The French are slightly less addicted, with 3:06.

Clearly, the SMS marketing strategy presents new challenges compared to email. These challenges are found with the RCS. We had devoted a series of content dedicated to your SMS action plan recently:

How to collect phone numbers (2/6)

The guide for successful SMS campaign

Build your SMS campaign The Mindbaz guide

SMS: When to send your campaign (5/6)

By preparing your strategy, Your SMS and RCS will exceed your goals and the averages of those who have already been interested in the subject.

Statistics around RCS in France

According to AF2M, 9 out of 10 people open a RCS message. By way of comparison, 70% of messages companies on reads on Whatsapp. A sign that a message received in a channel dedicated to companies interests more.

THE conversation rate is even multiplied by 6 Compared to a classic SMS.

THE click rate is also multiplied by 6, This time compared to an email, for those of you who have not yet passed SMS.

According to Google, just over 40 brands have sent at least one RCS to France. Among them :

  • Axa
  • BNP Paribas
  • Hello Bank
  • Cdiscount
  • Shopping street
  • Le Figaro
  • Orange…

Many finance players in this ranking. For what ? Because they understood that the RCS allows Strengthen confidence with their audience, An important problem in this sector. A great way to convert, but also loyal their clients.

Look around you. Have your competitors launched a RCS strategy ? Why not be the first in your sector to innovate with your marketing strategy ?

If you have any doubts, Start with an SMS strategy To check the appetite of your audience towards mobile messages. With a lower cost, SMS is a good way to launch A/B test campaigns.

Julien explains the RCS in 3 minutes

Slow growth of RCS: Apple

Google vs Apple: the shock of the titans

We sent you a dream with the start of this article. But why did the RCS not take precedence over the SMS ?

The answer is in another acronym: GAFAM and in particular the first two letters: G / A

We told you, Google Don’t unemployed to highlight the RCS. But Apple brakes two feet and refused the implementation of technology linked to RCS in iPhones.

How long before Apple folds ?

Today, there are 17 million Android messages users and 12.4 million Imessages users, by Apple.

In France, 1 in 3 mobile is compatible with RCS.

On the US side, the pressure increases for Apple

The United States represents a market with high growth potential for RCS. Major operators are favorable to its development, and among them, T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T already support the RCS protocol.

The total number of RCS messages sent by companies should exceed 170 billion by 2027, If Apple supports this protocol in the next 3 years.

Scarlett Woodford, Juniper Research analyst, was interested in the development of RCS and Apple’s reluctance:

“” “Apple must support RCS to Facilitate Smooth and Secure Communications Between Mobile Operating Systems. The RCS Protocol is likely to be deployed over the existing iMessage interface on ios devices, in order to capitalize on use familiarity and maximized adoption adoption.»

“Apple must support the RCS protocol to facilitate Fluid and secure communications between mobile operating systems. The RCS protocol will probably be deployed on the existing Imessage interface on iOS devices, in order to take advantage of user familiarity and maximize adoption.»

Yet Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO does not hide his reluctance:

“” “I do not see our users asking us to put a lot of energy [for the RCS protocol] at this stage. I would like to convert you to the iPhone “

Tim Cook, Apple CEO – Conference Code seven. 2022

Can the democratization of the RCS be bending the apple giant ? In 2022, according to SMSMODE, Only 12% of OT brands heard of the RCS. The company that promotes SMS is enthusiastic about the subject of the RCS and press a change at Apple:

“Today, there is a fracture with a low notoriety of these new channels on the one hand and on the other hand a Very high satisfaction rate. For example, for the RCS, the professionals interviewed are only 9% to have already received a. On the other hand, almost 90% of those who have already experienced it are satisfied ! These channels have only existed for 2 years and have appeared in full pandemic. »»

Fabien Andraud, Commercial Director of SMSMODE.

Use RCS to optimize the customer experience

If all the players in the sector are also enthusiastic about the RCS, it is also because they know that brands have every interest in investing in this innovation: Prospecting, customer experience, loyalty… An RCS strategy is part of your sales funnel:

Funnel Sales RCS Explanations Mindbaz

Use RCS to increase your brand notoriety

Branding: Create a channel in your colors

On the form, SMS of all companies are alike. Difficult for your audience to make the difference between your brand, your competitors and other companies that operate the SMS channel.

The RCS is different.

You have the possibility of personalizing the bottom of the conversation with your prospect. Take the colors and the specific of your graphic charter so that your contact immediately recognizes you.

We tell you about the background, but that’s not all. Add keys from your editorial charter with additional elements. For example, the “+” button allows you to insert emojis, gifs and other details based on the colors you define.

RCS Personalized Background Conservation SMS MINDBAZ router SMS

Reassure your audience to avoid finishing in spam

RCS allows a Better identification of the sender message.

The protocol includes a certification symbol present next to the name of the sender of a message.

YOU Reassure your audience In the blink of an eye, which allows you to pay more attention.

It is not surprising that your contacts are cautious at the idea of ​​clicking on a link: fraud in the professional training account (CPF), spam and cyberattacks are multiplying and are increasingly publicized.

Anticipate the problem and find solutions. For your RCS, sms and even emails, the question remains essential.

Use components to improve your brand image

Create more than messages: immerse your contact in your universe via the Rich Cards.

The Rich Cards allow the sending of an image enriched with content. The content concerned are varied: text, title, description, responses or suggested actions (within a limit of 4 maximum).

They generally come in the form of “chips”.

You can use them to

  • Insert a link to a site, a web page
  • Phone call
  • Geolocate a point of sale
  • Track a package
  • Install a mobile app
  • Add an event to the calendar ..

By going to the RCS, you put forward A dynamic and innovative brand image. If generation Z is also part of your audience, this is an additional asset. They are particularly attentive to the reputation of your brand. Meet their requirements.

Understand generation Z to create emails that convert:

.RCS: the innovative asset to convert your audience

Respond to pain points from your audience with associated content

Once you have made contact with your audience, the ball is in your camp. You must identify her expectations to bring her value -added content so that she spends more time on your channels.

Contents can take different forms:

  • A discussion in the RCS channel
  • A blog article
  • An episode of podcast
  • A white paper
  • A post on social networks
  • An email..

What matters is that you cerk the issues of your audience. And for that, do tests !

Offer content that seems relevant to you then look at the statistics. What works best ? Adjust your content After establishing an action plan drawn from your statistics.

RCS has a content suggestion functionality that you can exploit freely.

Do not hesitate to use the Datavisualization features of your router To save time on your analyzes.

Monitor the actions of your contact to convert with the RCS

Opening monitoring is integrated into a RCS message. You can easily access statistics like:

  • Number of messages sent / culminated / read
  • THE openings are quantified according to the date of sending the message:
    If a message is sent on 01/10 and openings take place on 2,3 and 4/10, then they are “attached” to the sending of 01/10.
  • THE “User engagement“: This is a statistic to see if the message has generated interactions and what types.
  • THE “Type interaction”: To know the type of interaction: sending a message, click on a suggested answer, a CTA.
  • THE “Responsive agent”: Statistics to find out an agent’s response time to a received answer.

Involve your contacts with easily

Among the components of the RCS that you can operate, do not miss the function event.

Event is an interesting channel to convert. You involve your audience in events so that it feels privileged: private sales, evenings, inaugurations ..

Offer their content at a key moment: webinar, showroom, customer case ..

But do not hesitate to increase your registration rate thanks to the RCS. By sending them the invitation at the right time, you will have a better response rate.


To achieve your goals, Remember to target effectively. We gave you advice on targeting your SMS campaign which is just as relevant for RCS.

With the RCS, it is possible to integrate a component for Register for the event without leaving the cat. Simple and efficient, use it to convert.

Improve the customer experience to retain via RCS

The integrated conversational bot for your customer experience is the RBS

The RBS is the flagship functionality of the RCS:

A native channel directly in your prospect’s phone with an automated narrative tree.

This popular feature is called RBS: RCS Business Messaging .

We don’t hide it, it wins us. The conversational bot created is also called “agent”. The agent’s responses on configurables and we can even integrate components.

We summarize the advantages of the RBS:

  • A personalized customer experience in your colors
  • Directly in your client’s smartphone
  • With configured and personalized answers
  • Your customer service can regain control at any time
  • Possibility to activate the “in writing” feature so that your customer knows that he is answered
  • Components can be integrated into conversation (automatically or not) as
    • Pay an item
    • Register for an event
    • Carrousel with different Instagram -style products
    • Videos ..

    This feature allows you to create an extraordinary customer experience.

    Integrate qualitative content into RCS

    We get out of the RBS to come back to the other advantages of RCS. Quality is essential in your exchanges with your customers, whether in substance and in form. We let you manage the background, but in terms of form, we reassure you:

    RCS allows the sending of HD visuals as well as videos. The maximum weight of a file sent by RCS is 10MB. Beyond that, the file is compressed and its quality is reduced, as for an MMS.

    Bet on geographic proximity to encourage to come in stores

    Using Rich Cards of RCS, you can easily share the geolocation of a point of sale for example. Highlight your stores to accelerate the sale and push to action at the right time.

    Which of the transactional part of the RCS ?

    RCS facilitate the monitoring of packages. Particularly important after years of pandemic, Europeans have gotten into the habit of ordering and operating all the possibilities of online sales:

    • Click and Collect
    • Relay point delivery
    • Relay delivery
    • M-commerce, or 100% purchase on mobile
    • Social Commerce
    • Online booking…

    For these practices, transactional messages have become essential and long -awaited from your customers. Reinsurance elements, you can no longer miss it, by email or SMS / RCS.

    RCS Function reservation by Mindbaz message

    These transactional messages are unique and personalized and are sent after a user action. For example :

    • Purchase confirmation
    • Abandoned basket
    • Shipping,
    • confirmation of shipping an order
    • Delivery of a relay point package
    • Sending of access code
    • temporary password
    • appointment confirmation
    • Reservation confirmation

    You can use the location of RCS to provide reinsurance elements to your customers.

    Use case: 3 business examples for whom the RCS succeeds

    Jennyfer: the example of a retailer that has implemented a RCS strategy

    With its Don’t call Me Jennyfer campaign on RCS, the brand won the RCS challenge awarded by AF2M. It is with a RCS business managing campaign operated by CM.com, major player in conversational trade that Jennyfer stood out. We analyze together.

    Example Use Case Jennyfer RCS Explanations MINDBAZ

    Jennyfer, the female ready -to -wear brand

    At the end of 2021, don’t call me jennyfer tests RCS to dematerialize and personalize her Christmas catalog. It is with Carousels that Christmas looks are shared. The objective of generating traffic in store is successful, as much as to the website for Jennyfer which does not wish to communicate figures on this point.

    Customers were offered products according to their reactions and appetites. A successful challenge:

    “Customers are really ready to consult the carousel of products, to dialogue with the brand, with a conversational time which has reached almost a minute on average. This is clearly a new deal for us, and we think that the next step could also be to test the M-commerce capacities of the RCS, and to really engage in a “conversational trade” “

    Julia Foucher, CRM manager at Don’t Call Me Jennyfer.

    In short: the figures of the RCS Don’t Call Me Jennyfer campaign for Christmas

    0.6% conversion rate vs 0.3% for the same SMS campaign

    1 minute is the conversational time recorded by Jennyfer

    30% of Jennyfer BDD is RCS compatible

    Le Figaro: +115% with the RCS

    Le Figaro, a French daily newspaper, won with CM.com, the price of innovation for the deployment of a RCS solution.

    Le Figaro wanted to increase online registrations with this RCS campaign.

    Price Le Figaro CM For Campaign Message RCS Analysis MINDBAZ

    In short: the figures for the RCS du Figaro campaign

    +115% click rate

    +233% of account creations.

    97% deliverability, a record even for a channel known for its excellent deliverability

    Orange: a tenfold reading rate between RCS and SMS

    Orange, French telecommunications company, is preparing a RCS campaign to offer a new mobile to customers close to the end of their contract.

    By operating the Rich Cards, Orange has prepared a personalized campaign. The Rich Cards allow the sending of an image enriched with text content and suggested responses or actions.

    Orange has also optimized the monitoring of the campaigns, in particular the “type interaction” which allows to follow the type of interaction privileged by the audience.

    In short: Orange RCS campaign figures

    +80% campaign reading rate sent compared to the same campaign

    X3 of sales volume generated by the campaign sent by SMS to 58,000 people is 3 times higher than that recorded on the campaign sent by email to 200,000!

    The promising growth of RCS

    The detailed figures in the practical cases of the previous part gives you an idea of ​​the opportunity represented by a RCS strategy. If the SMS already represents a solid base for your relationship with your audience, the RCS is an asset for an excellent customer experience.

    RCS Messaging

    Rich Communication Services, Multimedia SMS/MMS Service of the Future.

    What is RCS message ?


    You will then be able to share: images, videos, files, payments, gifs, buttons, maps, etc … and enrich the quality of your conversations.

    This is the well-Known Android version of Imessage from Apple.

    RCS Messaging

    Discover the Features of RCS Messaging

    Make an impression on your customers and prospects with the multimedia content available. They are numerous and without size limitation: images, videos, documents, QR codes, payments, geolocation sharing, etc. Ideal to Boost Your Exchanges.

    Conversational e-commerce

    RCS Messaging can be used for marketing purposes (Promoting Sales, Private Sales, Promotal Offers, etc.) and/or transactional purposes (tinging reservations with payment integrated into your conversation).

    RCS messages are delivered through year internet connection, so delivery times are much faster. If RCS Messaging is not supported by your user’s phone or carrier, the RCS message is smell traditional sms.

    Gain your contacts ’Trust by Highlighting Your Company’s Brand Image (Brand, Logo, Colors, Website, Telephone, etc.) During Your Exchanges.

    Responsible and Suggestated Actions

    SMS 2.0 Allows Your corresponds to responds via Suggested Answer Buttons. With RCS Messaging, You can Improve Your Customers ’Experience and make your Exchanges More Fluid.

    Evaluate and Readjust Your Communication Campaigns Thanks to the Acknowledge of Reception, Reading or Click.

    Make clear suggestions for action to call your customers to act.

    Response to your audience event during your off hours and become much more responsive.

    Enhance the experience of your customers and prospects with multimedia content.

    Delive A Better Customer Service Experience With RCS

    RCS Messaging

    Our Others Resources

    • The RCS or the Marketing Strategy Tool par excellence
    • SMS Newsletter To Build Customer Loyalty

    Frequently asked questions
    What is business rcs messaging?

    Enterprise RCS Messaging is an upgrade to your provids business with richer, more interactive features to communicate with their customers more effectively. RCS Stands for Rich Communication Services ”.

    Through the RCS Channel, BUSINESSES CAN DELIVER Interactive Mobile Experiences Directly to their Customers ’SMS Inboxes Such as Sending A Newsletter via RCS.

    How do i Enable RCS Messaging for My Brand Or Business?

    ENABLING RCS Messaging for Your Business Has Never Been Easier With Octopush. RCS requires you to configure and certify your business with the operators before you can meet a message. There is on-boarding policy that at this internship only allows large companies to use.

    We invite you to contact us to verify your eligibility and get assistance to use this new communication channel.

    How does RCS Messaging Work?

    RCS is a new messaging standard Found in Smartphones. It used Enhanced Encryption that Links supports, Multimedia content and group cats.

    To receive an RCS message, an internet connection or mobile data is required. USERS MUST ALSO Have an RCS Messaging App Installed or Downloaded To Their RCS-Enabled Android Smartphone to Receive and View Enhanced RCS Messages.

    How can RCS Help Improve My Business?

    With Rich Communication Services, Businesses have the Ability to Send:

    • Reminders, Treatment Information and Medication Reminders to Patients
    • Information reservation, special offerers for repeat customers and check-in/check-outs.
    • Personalized Offers to Customers, Appointment Reminders for Fittings and Updates on Online Orders.

    Is it possible to use rcs for two-way interaction?

    Yes, it is possible to use rcs for two-way interaction over mobile networks.

    It should be noted that for users to receive rcs, they will still need a sim card to do so.

    Our customer support is always there to help you

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    See also Other Channels

    Personalized Sender, Long SMS, SMS Chat and Instant Sending

    Cat with your customer and add AUTOSIONS.

    Automatically turn Your Text Into Voice Calls messages.

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    Storage or technical access is necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertisements, or to follow the user on a website or on several websites with similar marketing purposes.

    RCS: how to activate SMS replacement on Android ?

    The RCS is the new message sending message to replace that of current SMS, find out how to benefit from it now on Android.

    RCS Google SMS messages

    Sending messages by the telephone network as we know it has been almost identical for a long time. Since the 90s, he has used the SMS protocol, with the same limitations. But a newcomer is now shadowing. Developed in 2007, the RCS (Rich Communication Services) is now deployed on all Android smartphones.

    This protocol includes features found on flagship messaging applications like WhatsApp. Concretely, it significantly expands file sharing and offers the possibility of giving its geolocation or configuring a blacklist. It also allows you to launch video calls, to know if your interlocutor has read your message, or if it is written.

    How to activate RCS on Android ?

    This protocol works via wifi or mobile data. And to be able to benefit from the features of the RCS with your interlocutors, the latter must also have activated them. If necessary, send them this tutorial to guide them ! Here are the steps to follow :

    • Go to the Play Store to check that your messages are up to date.
    • Once you are done, open the message app then click on your Google profile photo.

    • Click on “Message application settings”
    • Then press the first line, “RCS cats”
    • Once in this section, activate RCS cats and refine the settings to your convenience.

    You have the possibility or not to send or not confirmations of reading and to display or not of the input indicators. If your message does not take place (probably because of an absence of wifi or 4G/5G), you can make sure to automatically return an SMS/MMS. Finally, you can lower the default limit (100 MB) of the automatic download of files received via mobile data.

    As a reminder, the RCS also allows you to activate the end -to -end encryption on the messages application, as we explain here. If you hold on your privacy you have every interest in doing it, it’s free !

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