QD OLED A95L., Cheaper OLED and QD -OLED TVs at the end of the year – digital

Cheaper OLED and QD-OLED TVs at the end of the year

Its only real competitor could then be the micro LED technology, also defended by Samsung and which offers significantly the same advantages (infinite black, bright colors and ideally saturated, high light), but whose price is still extremely high (more than 100,000 €, three sizes announced: 89 ” – 226 cm, 101” – 256 cm and 110 ” – 279 cm diagonal).


Our new panel Improved qd-room passes the OLED to the next level! In fact, this TV A95L QD-Oled offers approximately 200 % more brightness than a classic OLED TV.

In addition, the autoluminous panel maintains the constant brightness, which allows to maintain an image of quality from all angles. Perfect for watching a movie with friends or family: everyone has the best place in the house when you look at the flagship model A95L !

THE XR Triluminos Max Display is also the best to date. It immerses you in each story with more than a billion different shades, directly from the real world. So, whether you watch an intense documentary or you play a fantastic game, you will see each universe exactly as the Creator wanted.
The light images of this type contain more real details, which means that you can see every detail of the forest in an opening scene and get closer to your favorite actors. OUR Cognitive Processor XR treat the eyes, but also the ears.

The moviegoers to athletes via the players, everyone knows that it takes a highly technical combination of image and sound to give life to your content and create moments that you will never forget. Our technology ACOUSTIC AUDIO SUPER+ Transform the screen A95L in a speaker, like a cinema screen ! Large actuators make the screen vibrate invisible to create a powerful acoustics that follows the action, while bass boxes integrated on the left and to the right amplify the bass.

There Bravia Cam is included – connect it to your television for an optimal visual experience. Wherever you are in the room, our unique technology Ambient Optimization Pro recognize your

Close [-] position and distance from the TV, as well as the amount of light present in the room, and automatically adjusts the image parameters to offer you a perfect image. The sound is also optimized according to your position, automatically adjusting the balance between the left and right sounds when you move in the room, and our technology Voice Zoom guarantees the clarity of the dialogues. Where you are seated, you will benefit from the same sound quality as if you were in front of the TV !

Put your remote control aside and control theA95L in Handsfree! Voice Search Life makes you easier – you just have to ask to find a specific title, to do a gender search, to obtain personalized recommendations . You can even use it to control your other intelligent domestic devices, and much more.
You can’t know what to look at? You may like a television program, but you would also like to see the latest football results. With our new function Multi view, You can watch both! The screen can be divided in two, which is ideal for multitasking people.

Perfect for PlayStation 5, The A95L recognizes the connection and ignition of the console. It then automatically switches to Low Ltency Auto mode in HDMI 2.1 so that you can enjoy a fluid and responsive game. This is an essential feature for those who want to have one step in advance in fast and intense games.

Cheaper OLED and QD-OLED TVs at the end of the year

The cost of production of the 65-inch QD-Oled slabs should drop by around 30 % by the end of the year, that of LG Display’s OLED slabs to follow the same trend in the years to come.

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The year 2022 was not easy for screens manufacturers. Low demand has resulted in production capacity, with factories that turn in slow motion. In the third quarter of 2022, for example, the production plant for LG Display’s OLED slabs in South Korea operated at less than 50 % of its full production capacity.

Consequently, the production costs of LG Display WOLED WOLED (White-Oled) panels increased significantly in 2022, according to the market firm Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC). To be convinced, just observe the price of 55 -inch OLED TVs. These are very rarely below 1000 €. The LG 55BX was at € 999 in 2021 and it was thought that the OLED models would pass permanently below the 1000 € during the year 2022. There was the 55CS around 900 € for Black Friday in November 2022, but it is now difficult to find a 55 -inch TV less than 1000 €.

The production costs of the LG Display woled slabs should again drop to 2023 on the backdrop of resumption of demand, and keep this trend each year until 2026, according to DSCC forecasts in its latest report. The cost of producing a 55 -inch OLED slab should thus drop from more than $ 450 in 2022 to $ 300 in 2024.

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Likewise, the production costs of QD-Oled slabs should lower significantly in 2023 due to the improvement of yield and better use of factory production capacities.

Bob O’Brien, co -founder of DSCC, declares: “According to our estimates, Samsung has considerably improved the QD-Oled yield throughout the year 2022, the average yield for the year for 65-inch QD-Oled panels was only 68 % in 2022. We expect it to be improved at 84 % in 2023 and 85 % in 2024, and the big jump in the yield in 2023 allows substantial improvement of the total cost per unit. In addition to improving yield, average use of SDC QD-Oled lines increases from 77 % to 89 %.””

The combination of these two factors, added to modest reductions in the cost of certain components, allows a 30 % reduction in the total cost of a 65-inch QD-Oled slab in 2023 compared to 2022. According to DSCC, the cost of a 65 -inch panel should drop from more than $ 1,000 in 2022 to less than $ 800 in 2023 and even less than $ 750 in 2024.

The reduction in production costs should result in the long term by a drop in prices for QD-Oled and OLED televisions, not only in the consumer division of LG and Samsung, but also at other television manufacturers. We can hope to see the 55 -inch models pass durably below € 1000, while 65 -inch models should sold less than € 1,500.

QD OLED: technology that is revolutionizing TV

QD OLED: technology that is revolutionizing TV

The arrival of the first QD OLED TV televisions, that is to say OLED doped TVs with quantum boxes, rebates cards on the Ultra HD TV market. First manufacturer to present a QD OLED TV, Sony scored spirits with its Sony A95K range Bravia XR OLED operating a samsung qd oled slab produced by the Korean manufacturer under the name QD DISPLAY ! You are lost ? Don’t panic, we explain what he is going.

With its QD-Display screen, Samsung Display, the branch of the Korean manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of slabs for PC screens, smartphones and TVs, wishes to combine the assets of two technologies that were previously opposed: technology Quantum dots and OLED technology. To better understand QD-DISPLAY technology also called QD OLED, let’s take stock of the functioning of dowry quantums and OLED screens.


Sony is the first manufacturer to present a 4K QD-Oled UHD TV with a Samsung QD-Display slab: the Sony XR-65A95K.

What is quantum dots technology ?

This technology for improving backlight has been operated for several years by Samsung with its Samsung Qled TVs. In a classic LCD-LED TV, there is a white LED backlight and an LCD slab, each sub-pixel filters only the component of light useful to the composition of the image (red, green and blue). This technology works well, but its maximum brightness is often limited and it does not allow to reproduce many shades of colors compared to the capacities of the human eye.

Quantums dots

Quantum dots technology, or quantum box filter, uses cadmium selenial nanocrystals interposed between backlight and LCD slab. When they are excited by the light of the backlight, these nanocrystals emit light whose wavelength, that is to say the color, is determined by their shape and their size. The quantum box filter is designed to improve the light intensity and purity of red and green produced by the screen, weak point of LCD TV.

By combining a blue LED backlight and a quantum box filter, QLED TVs have a very effective RGB backlight which increases the overall brightness of the images and increases their color space, that is to say the panel of displayable colors.

How does an OLED TV work ?

The slab of an OLED TV adopts a multitude of DIADES OLED (organic electro-luminescent diode). This electronic component produces light from an organic substance capable of light up when it is crossed by an electric current. OLED televisions therefore do not need backlight to work, since each pixel generates its own light.


On an OLED TV, a pixel is made up of four sub-pixels: a white, a red, a green and a blue, the color pixels being actually white OLED pixels covered with a color filter. We are talking about OLED WRVB or WRGB slab in which each sub-pixel emits its own light, with the possibility of turning on and extinguishing each sub-pixel individually.

This design makes it possible to obtain a very high contrast rate, even infinite, with an incomparable depth of black, since the pixels are completely extinct to produce black. OLED technology is however limited in brightness with lower peaks than QLED TV. Filters on white OLEDs of RGB subpixels lead to a fairly large loss of brightness. Furthermore, if they boost the overall brightness of the image, white subpixels tend to alter the saturation of colors which are then dull in the highlights, as washed out by white light.

How does Samsung QD OLED technology work ?

The SAMSUNG QD OLED (QD-DISPLAY) quantum points screen operates blue OLED, the brightest, as a light source. Each image pixel consists of three sub-pixels: a blue, a red and a green. Red and green pixels use quantum points instead of filters used on conventional OLED tiles. When the light emitted by the blue OLED reaches the emissive layer of quantum points, the latter in turn emit red and green color light.

QD OLED and classic LCD

This QD-Display technology thus makes it possible to obtain brighter and richer colors than the classic OLED thanks to quantum points, while allowing to keep an absolute black since each pixel can be completely off, unlike the LCD slabs.

What are the advantages of QD-Oled TV ?

Large color space

Of all the display technologies used on current TVs, QD OLED technology is the one that can display the widest range of colors, as evidenced by the True Color Tones label issued by the Global Certification SGS Certification Organization. Thus, QD SAMSUNG QD-DISPLAY QD-OLED technology screens can cover more than 80 % of the BT color space.2020, while conventional screens generally reach less than 60 %. A wider colorimetric space provides immediate benefit to spectators who benefit from much more realistic colors.

Large color space

The QD OLED screens cover a much more extensive colorimetric space than conventional screens with more nuanced and richer colors key.

Extended vision angles

As on OLED TVs, the pixels of QD-Display screens diffuse light uniformly in all directions, minimizing the loss of image quality when we move from the axis. LCD TVs generally offer less than 40 % luminance when you place a 60 -degree vision angle compared to the axis of the screen. With a QD-Display TV, the luminance never drops below 70 %, whatever the viewing angle.

Extended vision angles

Like TV OLED, TVs with QD OLED screens offer widened vision angles: Luminance is preserved even by shifting on the side of the screen.

Elimination of reflections

Strong point of Samsung Qled TV for several years, Samsung anti -reflective technology can considerably reduce parasitic reflections on the screen. The light intensity and the colorful wealth of images are preserved in almost all lighting conditions, day and night, light or extinguished lights. In contrast, the reflections on the shiny slabs of OLED TVs sometimes make it difficult to perception of the images displayed, in particular in the dark scenes where the depth and the details are then the most difficult to discern.

QD OLED: less reflections

QD OLED screens have a very effective anti-reflective filter that allows you to enjoy a more readable image in all circumstances.

Inheriting Samsung Qled TV a very efficient anti-reflective filter with an extremely low light reflectivity index, QD-Display technology promises high light and impeccable contrast in a wide variety of lighting environments.

High contrast rate

Despite the numerous recent technological advances in terms of backlighting with in particular mini LED technology, LCD TVs are unable to adjust the brightness individually for each pixel, like TV OLED. It is on the other hand possible with the QD OLED TV (QD-DISPLAY) whose OLED lighting source makes it possible to control the brightness of 8.3 million pixels (3840 x 2160) separately compose the UHD 4K 4K image. We then take advantage of a perfect black, a density and an abysmal depth, with the key a very high contrast ratio.

QD OLED: high contrast

The very high contrast rate offered by QD-Display screens guarantees an optimal display of HDR content, with a lot of nuances between the darkest areas and the brightest areas of the image.

Black uniformity (no halo effect)

TVs are not all capable of displaying black uniformly on the screen, especially when displaying a luminous object on a dark background (a neon or a lamp in a street at night for example). Some TVs suffer from what is called a halo effect, also called blooming or clouding. This manifests itself by a clear halo around the luminous object at the level of the pixels which are supposed to remain dark or black. This is due to the fact that even managed by zones, the backlight always overflows beyond the only pixels which must be illuminated. This effect is particularly visible with subtitles: the outline of the letters is not clear and the white of the characters seems to be spread out and overflow.

As it uses self-emissive oled pixels, Samsung QD OLED (QD-DISPLAY) technology perfectly displays light objects on a dark background, with perfect sharpness and light leak from light pixels to dark pixels. Indeed, each pixel of the QD-Display slab can be individually lit or off, without impact on neighboring pixels.

QD OLED: black uniformity

As it operates an OLED slab with which each pixel can be completely turned off if necessary, QD-Display technology is able to display very bright objects on a black or dark background without light leak or bright halo effect. The displayed image is all the more realistic.

Ultra fast response time

The response time of classic LCD LCD TVs like TV LCD QLED is directly linked to the time put by the liquid crystals to change position under the impulse of an electric current and let the light pass or not. When the change in state of liquid crystals is not fast enough, it generates a phenomenon of drag or remanence on the screen.

With OLED technology, reactivity is almost instantaneous: the change of state of an OLED is indeed extremely fast since it can light or turn out into a tenth of Milliseconde ! Result: an almost instantaneous response time and an extremely weak input lag, ideal for video games.

QD OLED: no latency

By freeing yourself from liquid crystals (LCD) for the benefit of the OLED, QD-DISPLAY technology offers an almost instantaneous response time with optimal responsiveness, very precious for video games.

Real brightness and perceived brightness

From the user’s point of view, the overall brightness perceived on the screen is not only affected by physical brightness, but also by the regularity of the black and the saturation of colors. With a global light, the clear areas and the dark areas may appear different depending on the background. Improve, an elevated luminosity peak is not necessarily relevant if black seems dull (dark areas of the image with conventional LCD technology) and the colors are washed out (light zones on conventional OLED TVs). With absolute blacks and bright colors and ideally saturated, QD Display Samsung technology seems ultimate to get images offering a real cinema rendering.

QD OLED: Best perceived light

Samsung QD-Display certified by SGS for its exceptional image quality

Those who doubt the capacities offered by QD-Display technology will undoubtedly be reassured to learn that it has received several certifications by the independent organization SGS:

  • True Color Tones certification which attests 90 % or more coverage of the BT2020 colorimetric space (color space for 4K UHD productions) and 99 % or more of the colorimetric space DCI-P3,
  • Pure RGB Luminance certification which highlights the exact and precise expression of RGB primary colors (red, green and blue),
  • Ultrawide Viewing Angle certification with more than 80 % of the frontal luminance preserved from an angle of 60 degrees.

QD Display: SGS certifications

The different certifications of Samsung QD-Display technology by SGS laboratories a very favorable day the capabilities of the latter to produce even more realistic images than current QLED TVs and TV QLED…

Will QD-Display TV sign the death of the OLED and LCD ?

If the performance of the Samsung QD-Display slabs are confirmed in use, which can be checked quickly with TVs in the Sony A95K range Bravia XR OLED, this technology could very seriously be shadowed not only to Conventional TV OLED – LG has to worry – but also on LCD QLED TV of the Korean manufacturer himself ..

Its only real competitor could then be the micro LED technology, also defended by Samsung and which offers significantly the same advantages (infinite black, bright colors and ideally saturated, high light), but whose price is still extremely high (more than 100,000 €, three sizes announced: 89 ” – 226 cm, 101” – 256 cm and 110 ” – 279 cm diagonal).

  • See the article: Mini LED / Micro LED: What are the differences ?

All the same, do not take over conventional OLED technology too quickly. LG still has margins of progression with regard to the brightness and colorimetry of the OLED tiles, as he has been able to demonstrate this year again in CES with its LG OLED C2 ranges (operating an OLED EVO panel) and LG OLED G2 (endowed of the new OLED EX slab).

The price is undoubtedly one of the keys that will determine whether or not the QD-Display technology. If the entry ticket is too high, the professional market may well be the only outlet, at least during the first years while waiting for a democratization of the prices. Until then, LCD LED TVs, Qled TVs and OLED TVs seem to have a few years in front of them before having to pass the hand.

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