Purchase of electric cargo bicycle – VAE – Unique®, electric cargo bike | Cheap

Electric cargo bike

Children, races, work equipment: Moving these different charges will only be a formality and you will not even be tired thanks to your electric bike cargo !

Electric cargo bikes

Faster than a traditional bicycle capable of transporting heavy loads: the advantages of an electric cargo bicycle are numerous ! It is also an excellent alternative to the car and public transport and will allow you to move around town easily.

Children, races, work equipment: Moving these different charges will only be a formality and you will not even be tired thanks to your electric bike cargo !

You will be able to fully benefit from your family walks, bring your offspring to school without undergoing city traffic jams, or even easily move in the context of your work. Another significant asset, your vehicle will be ecological, polluting without common measure with your car. Our unique company, a real specialist in the field, provides you with reliable, fast and quality models.

Discover our Cargos bikes:

Equo Cargo Power 4.1

Equo Cargo Power 7.1

Electric cargo bikes Electric cargo bikes

Electric cargo bike price: what to expect ?

The purchase of a cheap electric cargo bike still requires a minimum budget of around 2000 euros. If, as a contrario, you want to invest in a very high -end cargo bike VAE, count a budget of around 5000 euros.

These sums are substantial and can scare first, especially since maintenance costs must imperatively be taken into account when developing your budget. Many aid devices are however put in place and will facilitate your purchase.

A grant from your municipality

Many municipalities and metropolises pay a bonus on the occasion of the acquisition of a VAE. To find out if this is the case with yours, ask via their website. You will then have to constitute a file, whose documents to be provided differ depending on the cities. Here too, unique can help you in your efforts.

An ecological bonus for your VAE Cargo bike

If you live in a ZFE (low -emission zone) and you have received the previous help, the purchase of a VAE Cargo Bike, made between July 26, 2021 and December 31, 2022, is now concerned by the ecological bonus. You will be able to obtain a reduction up to 40 % of the purchase price, up to a limit of 1000 euros. It can be accumulated with the conversion premium.

The conversion bonus

Since July 2021, it is possible to benefit from the conversion premium for the purchase of an electric bike. The idea: separate from your car or your van (registered before 2006 or 2011, depending on whether it operates on petrol or diesel). This premium can represent up to 40 % of the price of your electric cargo bike. However, a ceiling of 1500 euros cannot be exceeded.

That unique offers you ?

With a view to facilitating for all the acquisition of a Cargo VAE bicycle, unique leaves you the possibility of making a payment in 10 times without costs. Long rental, lasting 36 months, is another possible option.

The flagship models in unique: the Equo Cargo Power 7.1 and the Equo Cargo Power 4.1 euros are autonomous up to almost 200 kilometers, capable of supporting a maximum weight of 60 kg in addition to the weight of the pilot, they have a powerful engine, robust tires and effective brakes in the event of immediate danger. To ensure your comfort and safety, unique provides you with helmets and rain protection. Various accessories are also available to personalize your electric cargo bike.

Unique is a human -sized business, the objectives of which are to satisfy you and to facilitate your daily life, via the use of a VAE cargo bike. To do this, we remain at your disposal before any acquisition in order to understand your needs. We will determine, then together the electric cargo bike that suits you. So do not hesitate to contact us, we will be delighted to help you in your choice !

Electric Bike Cargo

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Our unique team will be delighted to best respond to your request.

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Chambéry bicycle store

Chambéry Chambery@unique store.Fr
04 79 68 97 36

Ready to climb all passes
From Tuesday to Saturday :
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. – 7 p.m
Closed on sunday and monday.
Discover the store

Chambéry bicycle store

Lyon Lyon@unique store.Fr
04 78 68 00 38

The city to be enjoyed by bike
From Tuesday to Saturday :
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. – 7 p.m
Closed on sunday and monday.
Discover the store

Chambéry bicycle store

Ready to climb all passes

From Tuesday to Saturday :
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. – 7 p.m
Closed on sunday and monday.

Chambéry bicycle store

The city to be enjoyed by bike

From Tuesday to Saturday :
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. – 7 p.m
Closed on sunday and monday.

Electric cargo bike

A Electric cargo bike is a bike with a suitable storage space to carry loads such as your shopping or your children (which does not mean that your child is a charge). It is a very popular solution in large cities where a car is expensive and difficult to park. This is why this type of bike is very popular in a city like Amsterdam. A electric cargo bike combines the advantage of a large storage space and the ease of use of an electric motor to give you an additional boost when you transport heavy loads.

Electric bike Pedalier engine
Electric cargo bike
Battery placement
Integrated speed hub
Available now

Batavus e Lastenrad Dreirad Bosch Pedalier engine Nabenschaltung

Batavus e Lastenrad Dreirad Bosch Pedalier engine Nabenschaltung

Free delivery

€ 5,699.00 (saving 7.02%)

Winora F.U.B. 2W Velo Electric Cargo Bosch Pedalier engine

Winora F.U.B. 2W e Lastenrad Bosch Mittelmotor
In stock, shipped today
€ 5,299.00 (saving 5.66%)

Winora F.U.B. 3W Velo Cargo Electric Dreirad Bosch Pedalier engine

Winora F.U.B. 3W e Lastenrad Dreirad Bosch Mittelmotor
Free delivery
€ 5,699.00 (saving 5.26%)

Batavus e Lastenrad Bosch Pedalier engine Nabenschaltung proud-2

Batavus e Lastenrad Bosch Pedalier engine Nabenschaltung proud-2
Free delivery
€ 5,649.00 (saving 4.43%)

What is an electric cargo bike ?

Appeared in 1877 in England, Cargo bikes showed their importance in the cycling tradition and are now present all over the world. The Netherlands are particularly attached to these useful bikes, called “bakfiets” in Dutch, which literally means “cargo bike”. A cargo bike is generally a bicycle designed to transport loads with large volume or significant weight. Thanks to contemporary technology, electric cargo bikes have become more and more popular by allowing to easily transport even heavier loads thanks to the electrical assistance of a powerful engine and a battery. Their chassis (frames) are specially designed to easily transport significant weights thanks to a series of clever particularities:

  • Smaller wheels: The wheels are in the 16 to 20 inch range. They are often smaller than those of a standard bicycle, which makes it possible to quickly speed up. The smaller wheels also give good maneuverability and reduce the weight of the bicycle and load it as low and in a way as stable as possible.
  • Reinforced executives: The frames are often lying down and have a longer wheelbase than a standard bike to incorporate additional storage space. Therefore, the frame is often reinforced to make it as sure and robust as possible. This increases the total weight of the bicycle, but as it is with an electric assistance, it does not affect the effectiveness of the driving.
  • The planned space allows you to use large storage containers or other integrated options: Electric cargos bikes are incredibly versatile and can be adapted to practically all tasks, from brick transport to a storage container to transport children in a personalized seat.
  • A more powerful engine: An electric cargo bike is generally equipped with a more powerful engine than a standard electric bicycle, designed to pull larger weights and with more torque for easy acceleration despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite the load despite.
  • Greater capacity battery: It is not uncommon to see an electric cargo bike with a larger capacity battery than a standard electric bike, or even two batteries.
  • Everything is integrated: Most cargo bikes are equipped with mudguards, front and rear lights, footrests and an integrated screen so that you are ready to face all the obstacles of your trip.

What are the electric cargo bikes for ?

Electric cargo bikes can be used for a whole series of different activities and objectives, which explains their popularity:

  • Commercial objective: These electric bikes are excellent commercial vehicles and studies have shown that they can often reach their destination faster than a car in most cities. Popular in couriers, they are ideal because of their large storage capacity and the assistance they offer all day thanks to their high -capacity engine and battery.
  • Family bike: In many regions of Europe, electric transport bikes are very popular with families, once again thanks to their amazing functionality. Since most brands offer integrated seats, parents can now transport their whole family to a single bike.
  • Home-work journeys: For people who have to take a lot of equipment every day at work, cargo bike is the ideal alternative to the car. It offers an exceptional driving experience whatever time and allows you to easily go to work without sweating.

What is the load capacity of an electric cargo bike ?

As with the majority of bikes, the maximum charging weight varies depending on the model and the bicycle brand. An electric cargo bike can comfortably bear more weight than any other type of bicycle, 150 kg to 250 kg of total payload. He is able to bear such a significant weight thanks to his design and strengthening of the frame and components. In terms of total transport volume, most transport bikes are equipped with a luggage container of a volume between 200 and 300 liters, which makes it possible to transport a huge amount of goods. Here are some situations in which the bike must be used without problem (see the specifications of the electric bike to check first if you are not sure):

  • A cyclist, a dog and 30 kg of races
  • A cyclist, two children and a few luggage
  • A cyclist and 75 kg of packages to deliver

How to choose your electric cargo bike ?

Due to the wide variety of choices, this is the question that comes up regularly in terms of cargo bikes. As with most bikes, you must first ask yourself where you plan to roll and what is the purpose. In general, if you only drive in urban areas, you need an “e-cargo” type bicycle with fine and smooth tires that adhere to asphalt and offer better resistance to rolling. If you are looking to do a little off-road on hiking trails and easy tracks, a cargo bike with wider tires and a few crampons will be ideal and will offer more comfortable driving.

There are a lot of different styles of electric cargo bikes and the desired use will help you decide what is the best for you:

  • Models with wider frame: These models are often ideal for taking objects of larger volume and can offer the most heaviest loads. They are perfect for deliverers and for commercial use, while a family can have difficulties because of their large size and their lack of portability.
  • Models with shorter frame: These models, with enough space to accommodate a child or a full workshop, are more often adapted to a family or a worker, but these bikes do not have the same capacity as the models with longer chassis. The advantage is that they are much more portable and easier to store, while the short wheelbase allows a better robbery.
  • Weight requirements: If you plan to transport very heavy loads, it will be important to choose a model of electric cargo bicycle which is as high as possible. This is the total weight including the bike and the driver.
  • Position and overall appearance of the battery: The battery position may be different depending on the model. On some cargo bikes, it is mounted on the rear luggage rack, which allows it to insert it and easily remove it to load it. Other cargo bikes have a battery mounted on the horizontal tube or partially integrated into the frame, which can give a cleaner aesthetic, while other models choose to put it in luggage chests, which gives an appearance particularly neat in the whole.
  • The wheels : Electric cargo bikes are divided into two main groups with regard to the wheels. There are two -wheeled and three -wheeled models. Two -wheeled models generally have a longer chassis for more stability, while those with three wheels have a shorter chassis, but also more stability, the wheels are generally at the front. Three -wheeled models are generally a little more delicate to drive, as you should learn to use the inclination to help you in turns, while those on two wheels behave much more like an ordinary bike.

How to store an electric cargo bike ?

The majority of electric cargo bikes are extremely robust and weather resistant, which means that you can drive them with difficult conditions without fear of damaging them. It is however advisable to put your bike inside, in a hangar, a garage, a bicycle container, etc. Indeed, the engine and the battery can be damaged if they are left outside for too long in wet or very cold weather. Due to the cost of an electric bike, it is also safer to store it inside, and always with a padlock to avoid the risk of flight. It is important to take it into account when you buy a cargo bike for the first time, you may have to choose a smaller cargo bike or even a foldable version if the storage is more expensive.

How to use an electric cargo bike ?

You can use an electric bike like an ordinary bike. You can always pedal normally, but you also have the comfort of an electric motor that provides you with assistance if necessary. The cargo bike is probably longer than you are used to, or it has three wheels if it is a tricycle. His handling will therefore be slightly different and it may take a few laps to get used to it. The smaller wheels allow to keep the performance in turn, while turning easily at the desired speed. It is useful to test the cargo bike in a large open space to get used to its maneuverability before taking the road or crossing very frequented urban areas.

Where can I drive an electric cargo bike ?

You can use a cargo bike wherever a normal bike is allowed. This encompasses cycle paths and cycle paths, which makes it more advantageous than the car or public transport in urban areas. It can also roll on the road, but you must be very attentive when you drive in traffic to avoid any risk. According to local legislation, you can also ride by bicycle on the lanes reserved for buses, which allows you to avoid traffic and reach your destination faster.

How fast can I drive on my electric cargo bike ?

Electric bikes are subject to speed limitations in the United Kingdom and in a good part of Europe. This speed is limited to 25 km/h and most electric bikes can accelerate so far when you pedal. Once you exceed this speed, engine assistance cuts off and you are alone to supply the vehicle. Some electric bikes are equipped with a “Twist and Go” function, which accelerates up to a speed of just under 7 km/h without pedaling, before moving on pedaling assistance.

How far can I travel with an electric cargo bike ?

One of the first questions when looking for an electric bike is linked to the autonomy and the distance that the bicycle can travel. There is no universal response because it depends on a large number of factors. The battery capacity ultimately determines the autonomy of an electric bicycle, which should make it possible to give a first index. The engine is another key element and the different engines are designed according to different uses, whether for performance or movement saving. The speed at which you roll / the mode you select can also have an important effect on autonomy, just like the type of land that you are going to browse. As a rule, an electric bike with a battery will help you over a distance of 80 km without the need to be recharged, but some bikes equipped with two batteries are even more efficient. That said, autonomy can be strongly influenced by the weight of the bicycle, which is why it must be taken into account in the choice of a cargo bike. Unlike other electric bikes, they are much more difficult to drive without assistance due to their weight. Assistance is therefore important to allow you to continue rolling with serenity.

What is the best electric cargo bike ?

The best electric cargo bike depends on where you want to drive and the target. There is a wide range of electric cargo bike brands with different unique characteristics. To guide you, search for a cargo bike equipped with a Bosch, Shimano, Yamaha or similar brand engine, as it guarantees proven performance when we need it. The battery capacity is also very important because it determines the distance you can browse by bike. Most cargo bikes are equipped with 300 to 500 W batteries which can travel up to 80 km depending on the conditions, the power mode, etc. Some bikes have more powerful batteries, up to 1,000 W, found in some models that use two different batteries.

Why choose Vansprint ?

We facilitate your decision for the choice of your next bike, with free shipping costs and a period of 100 days for the return of the bicycle if it is not in line with your expectations. Thanks to the possibility of paying in several times, your next electric bike has never been so accessible.

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