PROMUME PARRAPHIER BANKRAMA BANK: 130 euros easy to obtain, BOURSORBANK sponsorship (2023): € 130 offered! (Ex-boursorama)

BoursoBank 130 euros sponsorship (ex-Boursorama Banque)

Anyway, the offer extends over a short duration between 48 and 72 hours. During this period, you must start the procedure to enjoy this enticing premium. To find out when to take advantage of the stock market sponsorship offer is quite simple. First of all, you must connect to the customer area which is reserved for you on the Boursorama Banque website. Then you must click on the “Services” tab and on the “Sponsorship” section. Once the page is displayed, you just have to go down and click on the “conditions of the offer”. You will have access to all the important information that will help you better benefit from the sponsorship premium.


Boursorama Banque sponsorship

EBUYCLUB The purchasing guide

Boursorama is a banking establishment that offers many services to various customers who open a account. With this provider, you can carry out a multitude of operations, including transfers, mobile payments, checks, samples, etc. Boursorama Banque also offers a sponsorship bonus worth 130 euros. This is an operation limited in time which is generally offered by the establishment.

The objective of setting up this premium is to thank customers who attract new registrants. It also serves to encourage members who have opened an account. Note however that to take advantage of this sum, you must fulfill many conditions and carry out some actions.

In this article, we will present you the criteria to be fulfilled to take advantage of the sponsorship offer and other essential information to know.

Banque Banquerema sponsorship code

Here is our Valid Boursorama sponsorship code:

Open a stock market with € 130 offered
Discover the valid sponsorship code
Boursorama cashback € 10 reimbursement
Touching the Cashback Boursorama Remnbours thanks to an EbuyClub account
Boursorama sponsorship code of € 100
€ 100 offered with this sponsorship code

How to receive 130 euros with Boursorama Banque ?

To touch the premium of 130 euros offered by Boursorama to motivate you to attract new customers, you must proceed step by step. Here are the essentials to benefit from the offer.

Obtaining the code

The sum offered by Boursorama Banque cannot be affected without the sponsorship code. To obtain it, you must follow a few essential steps, namely: connection to your customer area, the search for the sponsorship tab in the services of the bank and the recovery of the code. If you are a customer of this establishment, you can freely generate this secret information to present Boursorama to your loved ones who have not used its services. By going to the customer area and more precisely in the “sponsorship” tab, you will find a list of all the people who have registered through your code.

It is very easy to recommend the Boursorama bank to those around you and to invite new members. Send the sponsorship link by the different channels that are within your reach. WhatsApp, SMS, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok … These are all tracks to explore for the shipment. Make sure to send the link before the duration of the expire. Note that after registration on the Boursorama platform, new customers will in turn be able to share the link to their loved ones.

The Boursorama sponsorship code of 130 euros is in the form of alphanumeric code with the first two letters of your first name, the last two letters of your name and the last 4 figures of your phone number. Without this sponsorship code, you will unfortunately not be able to benefit from the advantages linked to the offer. So be sure to generate it to use it the right time.

The creation of an account

The opening of an individual bank account at Boursorama Banque is essential to benefit from the sponsorship bonus. To do this, the godson being at least 18 years old must start online procedures. First, he must fill out the registration form available on the official website of the bank or on the Boursorama application. Other conditions must be validated by the new member to be entitled to the premium. Indeed, in addition to providing proof that he has never opened an account at Boursorama, he must have a bank account in France and demonstrate that he actually lives in France. Also, the registration being intended to take advantage of the stock market offerings offer, the future godson must inform the sponsorship code on its registration form, in the part dedicated to this purpose.

The last step is to provide supporting documents to complete the account activation. At the end of this procedure, the two people involved (sponsor and godson) receive the Boursorama premium of 130 euros directly on their bank account. Note that outputs are distributed differently depending on the status. Indeed, the godson receives 130 euros and the sponsor has a bonus of 100 euros.

The first transfer

The next step in the long process to benefit from the sponsorship bonus is the activation of the godson’s bank account. The latter must necessarily make a first transfer to unlock the funds. Note that the first payment is set at 50 euros minimum for the Welcome offer and 300 euros minimum for the Ultim offer. If you have provided a specific RIB when registering on Boursorama Banque, you must use the bank account attached to it in order to make your payment.

When the transfer is made, the godfather will automatically receive his bonus which amounts to 100 euros. Regarding the godson, its account is automatically credited with the amount of its Boursorama Banque bonus which is 130 euros. Certain details must be taken into account at the time of activation of the referral current account, for an effective payment of the sponsorship premium.

When the subscription is carried out through the Boursorama Banque application, the file must be fully completed within 5 working days after the subscription to open the account. After signing the contract and ordering the bank card authorized by Boursorama, you must proceed to the first payment mentioned above. The latter must imperatively be done within 5 working days to benefit from the sponsorship bonus of 130 euros.

On the other hand, if you register for Boursorama without going through the application, the procedure is different. Here you must complete the file within two months of your subscription. As for your first payment by check, it must be sent before the end of the two -month period. If necessary, you have the possibility of paying the sums within five working days, after receiving the email inviting to make the payment. When the funds are sent, the sponsorship premium is automatically credited.


The Boursorama sponsorship bonus is divided into two parts. To benefit from the second payment of a value of 50 euros, the godson must choose Boursorama Banque as its main banking establishment. In order to achieve this, it will then be necessary to domicile a transfer or a recurring levy from the newly open Boursorama bank account.

What is interesting with this service provider is that the godson will not need to carry out the various operations mentioned to change bank. Using the free Easymove free banking mobility service, actions are facilitated. Nevertheless, he must sign up a mandate which authorizes Boursorama Banque to recover the list of regular operations carried out in the last 13 months.

The banking establishment will then be responsible for transmitting the new contact details to the organizations domiciled on the original bank account of the godson. On average, it will take 25 days after the signing of the bank mobility mandate to see Boursorama Banque becoming the main provider of the godson. When it is done, the second part of the sponsorship bonus is paid to the god account. This process seems endless, but it is essential to benefit from the entire bonus.

What are the criteria to meet to take advantage of the sponsorship offer 130 euros ?

In reality, anyone can take advantage of the sponsorship offer at 130 euros in Boursorama Banque. Of course, there are criteria that must be respected, as much in the godfather, as in the godson. To recommend Boursorama to a loved one, the person concerned must be of age and capable. It must also have an account to take advantage of a product offered by the bank. As for the godson, he must also justify his age and not have opened an account at Boursorama Banque. Finally, he must be a tax resident and have his bank account in France or in the European Union.

To be eligible for the sponsorship bonus of 130 euros offered by Boursorama Banque, the godfather must have benefited from at least one product of the company. It can be a savings book, a personal credit, a mortgage, an insurance product, a bank card in its name or a financial instrument account. The godson must open its bank account with the banking establishment, must order a bank card with one of the two available offers (Welcome and Ultim) and opt for the Easymove bank mobility service.

When these conditions are met, supporting documents are generally required to ensure the eligibility of the godson when opening a Boursorama account and the sponsorship offer of 130 euros. The documents to be provided are no longer to be presented since they remain unchanged from one establishment to another. Among the most important documents, we can mention: a valid residence permit, an identity card, a passport, a personalized RIB or a handwritten signature.

When to benefit from the sponsorship offer at 130 euros at Boursorama ?

Contrary to what you can think, the Boursorama Banque sponsorship bonus is not available at any time. On the other hand, you have the possibility of taking advantage of it several times during the year, provided you have the right information. What you should remember is that the sponsorship bonus of 130 euros set up by Boursorama is an instrument to attract customers to the banking establishment. When the online bank decides, it launches the limited offer in time for its loyal customers. Like a few services offered by the Boursorama bank, the sponsorship bonus will be offered at a more or less regular rate.

Anyway, the offer extends over a short duration between 48 and 72 hours. During this period, you must start the procedure to enjoy this enticing premium. To find out when to take advantage of the stock market sponsorship offer is quite simple. First of all, you must connect to the customer area which is reserved for you on the Boursorama Banque website. Then you must click on the “Services” tab and on the “Sponsorship” section. Once the page is displayed, you just have to go down and click on the “conditions of the offer”. You will have access to all the important information that will help you better benefit from the sponsorship premium.

That the godfather and the godson win with the Boursorama offer ?

What makes the feature of the Boursorama’s offer is that the godfather is not the only one to take advantage of the premiums. The godson also benefits from a large sum when it achieves all stages.

The Godfather

Contrary to what some people may think, the godfather does not benefit from a premium of 130 euros, but 100 euros. This sum is paid to him automatically after opening and activating the account thanks to the first payment. Boursorama also requires conditions with regard to the sponsor of the godfather. Indeed, the latter can only perform a maximum of 20 sponsorships over a period of 12 slippery months. As for the bonus amount, it will mainly depend on the value of the ongoing offers offered by the Boursorama bank.

To be guaranteed to touch the 130 offer from the banking establishment, the godfather will have to carry out some actions. First, he must generate his personal code from his space. Then he must share the code to his godson by the different possible channels. As for the customer he tries to enlist, he must open his account at Boursorama Banque and pay a minimum sum which depends on the offer chosen. When this last condition is met, the bonus of 100 euros is credited with the godfather’s account.

The godson

Apart from the godfather, the godson also benefits from the benefits linked to the sponsorship offer set up by Boursorama. The total sum promised to new customers is 130 euros. This amount is paid into two parts according to the actions carried out by them. Indeed, after the opening of the account and the first payment, the godson perceives the sum of 80 euros. To benefit from the remaining amount, he must choose Boursorama Banque as a main banking establishment.

Note that the customer can already touch the first part of his sponsorship bonus of 80 euros after opening the account and making the first payment within 48 hours, or two days. Then, thanks to the subscription to the free Easymove free banking mobility service, the godson will receive the sum of 50 euros within 60 days after the domiciliation of its income.

What is the perfect time to sponsor with Boursorama ?

At Boursorama Banque, you will no longer have time to waste to enjoy the sponsorship bonus of 130 euros. As soon as you activate your bank account, you can already get referrals. So do not hesitate to turn to your loved ones to make them benefit from the various advantages offered by Boursorama Banque during the year. Nevertheless, if you are the godfather, you must comply with the requirements of the banking establishment, because everyone is not necessarily eligible for the bonuses offered by Boursorama.

First of all, you must be the legal age of 18 years and be legally capable of hoping to touch the bonus of 130 euros in Boursorama. The second criterion is linked to the services subscribed to the bank. Indeed, so that it really considers you as a customer, it must ensure that you benefit from its services. Among these, we can cite:

  • Possession of an active bank card on your behalf
  • The Boursorama Savings Booklet;
  • Boursorama insurance products (Accounts insurance, Carapass and Boursorama Protection);
  • The account of financial instruments with elements such as the securities account, the PEA or PEA-PME, the life insurance contract, the financial savings account piloted;
  • The personal loan;
  • Mortgage, etc.

Finally, you must make sure not to have a dispute in progress with the banking establishment. When you activate your bank account as a sponsor and you subscribe to one of the services offered by the bank, you can start taking advantage of the advantages reserved for customers of the establishment. This obviously implies the stock market program 130 euros. Once you go through these different stages, all you have to do is start the procedure to become a godfather and earn 100 euros.

How to obtain the Boursorama sponsorship code ?

The operation of sponsorship with Boursorama is quite simple. In your customer area on the bank’s website, you can generate a sponsorship code automatically. It is made up of letters and figures that will be very useful for your godson. After obtaining this information in the “My sponsorship” section, you must copy it to transfer it to friends or relatives that you plan to sponsor.

After making the code copy, you must share it by the different channels at your disposal. Among the different possibilities, there are: SMS, social networks and email. It is not recommended to forget this code, because it is essential to connect the account of your godson to yours.

Note that the code generated on your Boursorama customer area is unique and specific to your account. It consists of a mixture of elements related to your profile. Indeed, it uses information from your phone number, name and first name. After sharing this code with your godson, he must register it in the box reserved for this purpose. Otherwise, you will not be able to benefit from the premium of 100 euros. As for him, he does not enjoy the Boursorama sponsorship bonus of 130 euros.

What is the duration of the payment of the Boursorama sponsorship premium ?

If you are a sponsor for the stock market program, the time to pay your bonus is nonexistent. After the validation of the different stages by your godson, the payment is immediate. As for him, he must wait 48 hours to get in possession of his bonus. For bonuses to be credited as soon as possible for the sponsor, criteria must be met.

Primo, the customer must have activated his account by making a payment. In order to facilitate the procedures, it is advisable to correctly inform the subscription form, then to submit supporting documents within the deadlines imposed by the bank. After signing the electronic contract and ordering the bank card, the godson must pay a minimum sum on the account within 5 days. Once this operation is completed, the account is active and the godfather can then receive the sum of 100 euros.

Regarding the godson, he must wait 48 hours after activating his bank account to benefit from 80 euros. By opting for Boursorama as the main banking establishment, it will benefit from an additional 50 euros, which is quite attractive. If the Boursorama sponsorship premium is not paid 15 days after validation of the account by the bank, it is possible to contact customer service. Thus, you can check that you meet all the conditions and you will get optimal assistance until your sponsorship bonus is paid.

Why should we restore the Boursorama premium ?

There are cases where you must make the bonus of 130 euros to Boursorama. For example, when the godson closes its account in the twelve months following its opening, the bank can take the appropriate measures. It has the possibility of withdrawing from the account, the full amount of the Boursorama premium received by the godson. This option is possible if closing the account is deliberately carried out by the customer or if it occurs in the event of a dispute.

In addition, if the godson changes domiciliation and renounces Boursorama Banque as the main banking establishment, the bank can freely take the 50 euros of domiciliation bonuses. If the customer does not maintain his contract at least 12 months after activating the account, he will be obliged to return the funds to Boursorama Banque. It is a recurring policy among banks who wish to avoid interested subscriptions.


To conclude, Boursorama Banque offers a sponsorship bonus to motivate customers to attract their loved ones. If you are interested in the advantages offered by this establishment, do not hesitate to create your account and generate your sponsorship code

Other guides

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Boursobank sponsorship 130 euros
(ex-boursorama bank)

I suggest you join Boursobank (formerly Boursorama Banque). Following the opening of your account, you will benefit from a bonus up to € 130 if you have chosen a bank card (excluding Visa Classic). Once your account is opened you will then have access to a total premium of up to € 130 for you !



Boursobank: online bank n ° 1 in 2023 !

Still classified in 2022 as the cheapest bank according to The world in December 2022 and with simple and quick means to open your online account. Boursorama Banque quickly established itself as the best online bank available in France.

With customer support in France with advisers available from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., you will always find an interlocutor who can answer your questions.

Join Boursobanq (ex-Boursorama Banque) with 130 euros offered

Open your Boursobank account (ex Boursorama Banque) now and get up to 130 euros offered on your Boursobank account as soon as it operates by taking advantage of my sponsorship offer by clicking on the button below !

! Limited !

How to be sponsored today ?

Here are 3 solutions available now to allow you to obtain up to 130 euros offered when opening your online account at Boursobank.


Solution n ° 1

Click on my link

Simply register for Boursobank (ex-Boursorama Banque) by clicking on the link below and get 130 euros when opening your Boursorama Banque account.

Solution n ° 2

Scan the QR code with your phone

Using the “photo” mode of your mobile phone, you can directly scan this QR code to register on Boursorama Banque and automatically benefit from my sponsorship code !


Solution n ° 3

Use this code: CHDU0422

By seizing this sponsorship code above when registering for Boursobank, you automatically benefit, once your Boursorama account has opened, from your sponsorship bonus of up to 130 euros !

The sponsorship offer
Boursobank (ex-Boursorama Banque)

Boursobank allows, thanks to its sponsorship offer to open a bank account with many advantages including obtaining a Visa Mastercard blue card (Visa Classic or Visa Premier/Gold – Offer Welcome) Free and this for life ! To take advantage of this offer you don’t even need to domicile your salary at Boursobank ! In addition, on a daily basis, your common operations are free of charge.


By registering with Boursorama Banque with my sponsorship offer, you choose to enjoy a risk -free sponsorship, easy and fast. Registration is done directly on the Boursorama Banque site and does not go to a third -party site.

You benefit from the cheapest online bank on the market with a clear offer and few bank costs. You master your finances at the best price by paying only for services that have value.

Your account opening request is made in 5 minutes by selecting the bank card that suits you and you sign your account opening contract today !

Why choose Boursobank ?

Online services accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day from your computer or mobile

Elected the cheapest market on the market for the 15th consecutive year

No need to domicile your income at Boursorama to take advantage of the offer.

Boursorama Prime Opening Livret A

Up to 130 euros offered at Boursobank (ex-Boursorama Banque)

Boursobank has also been on numerous occasions, elected the cheapest bank with its aggressive prices and best online banking ! With all these advantages, its banking services and the sponsorship offer that I offer you you no longer have any reason not to crack ! Open your account now and get rid of these untimely banking costs every month present in traditional banks … And then, once you are a customer at Boursorama Banque, it will be your turn to sponsor and win money ! By praising the merits of this online bank with your friends, your family, you can boost your income ! You have questions about the new sponsorship offer ? The way to get your free blue cards ? On the opening of your account ? You want information on the operation of your Boursorama account ? I offer you a news space to give you more information on the sponsorship offer. You can also find out more about the Banqueorama Banque sponsorship conditions.

A safe and fast sponsorship service

I have treated with a lot of godchildren until today. The latter, all received their bonus of up to 130 euros as agreed. For my part, I would be delighted to count you among my godchildren.

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