Pro Bouygues Package: Prices, options, Customer Service, Pro Bouygues Package: Prices, advantages and conditions of Bouygues Telecom Mobile Pro offers

Pro Bouygues Package: Prices, prices and conditions of the Bouygues Telecom mobile mobile offers

A mobile package for professionals not only requires services adapted to intensive use in France or abroad, but also quality customer service. Let’s find out together what services are included with the Pro Bouygues packages, offered by Bouygues assistance for professionals and what are the prices charged.

Pro Bouygues Package: Prices, Options, Customer Service

Bouygues Telecom is one of the most important telecommunications operators in France. Bouygues Telecom Pro brings together offers for small professionals and VSEs, with or without commitment. These services offer Bouygues Pro mobile plans meeting the specific needs of mobile telephony entrepreneurs. In order not to miss anything, here is a guide of Pro Bouygues packages, different prices, subscription, termination and customer service.

  1. To whom is the mobile pro plans ?
  2. Pro sensation with commitment
  3. B & You without obligation
  4. Subscribe
  5. Terminate
  6. Customer service
  7. Comparative
  8. Faq

PRO BOUYGUES Package: to whom the operator’s pro mobile pro plans addresses ?

Bouygues Telecom offers a range of offers meeting all the needs of daily professionals.

  • Differentiating the professional offers offered by Bouygues Telecom:
  • Bouygues pro mobile packages are aimed at professionals whose company is made up of – 10 employees;
  • Bouygues Entreprise mobile packages are aimed at companies made up of + 10 employees.

Bouygues Telecom Pro therefore offers an offer adapted to the needs of Small professionals and VSEs . For medium and large companies, there is a dedicated Bouygues Telecom business platform.

  • The Bouygues Pro package offers:
  • To be recalled within 15 min by the professional customer service of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m
  • Taking Priority appointment in the 550 shops with a pro space;
  • Websites & mobile dedicated to pros;
  • Packages with or without commitment;
  • An offer 4G in France and internationally.

Pro Bouygues Package: Sensation Pro offers with commitment

Telecom Reduction Invoice

Announcement Save on your pro telephony invoice

Discover an innovative professional telephony solution at € 9/month HT per number, with ONOFF Business ✓ Without commitment

Pro sensation with commitment

Sensation pro offers offer the comfort of Bouygues Package Pro services with commitments ranging from 12 to 24 months. Multiple advantages are available to the professional.

Is it possible to keep your number ? As part of a Bouygues Pro mobile plan, it is possible to benefit from -15 €/month discount for 1 year by keeping your phone number.

  • 1 year of engagement ;
  • 2 hours of calls, Unlimited SMS/MMS;
  • Blocked package option;
  • Foreigner: 2 hours of calls from Europe and DOM, unlimited SMS and 40Mo Internet ;
  • Smartphone advantages;
  • 2 years of engagement ;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS ;
  • Blocked package option;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 50Mo of the Internet ;
  • 1 inclusive bonus;
  • Smartphone advantages ;
  • 2 years of engagement;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS;
  • Blocked package option;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 5GB ;
  • 1 inclusive bonus;
  • Smartphone advantages;
  • 2 years of engagement;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 20GB ;
  • All bonuses included ;
  • Smartphone advantages.

Sensation package 100GB Mobile PRO BOUYGUES Package from € 39.99/month for 1 year, then € 54.99. Offer available in stores only

Pro sensation with smartphone advantages

A professional’s smartphone is often his first working tool. The Sensation Pro offers offer the possibility of associating its services with smartphones advantages:

  • In the event of a breakdown, the Replacement with an equivalent phone ;
  • A new mobile at preferential tariff after a year of engagement;
  • There Resumption of the old smartphone at a guaranteed price;
  • Of the Payment facility to buy the smartphone.

Bonuses, daily advantages

  • Bonuses as part of Sensation 50MB, 5GB and 50GB offers:
  • A Unlimited internet access on weekends ;
  • + of 1000 press titles national and regional unlimited;
  • Of the TV channels Entertainment ;
  • Sports news with a Team subscription.

PRO BOUYGUES Package: B & YOU offers without obligation

Telecom Reduction Invoice

Announcement Save on your pro telephony invoice

Discover an innovative professional telephony solution at € 9/month HT per number, with ONOFF Business ✓ Without commitment

B & You offers without obligation allow the freedom of a 4G Bouygues Telecom Pro package.

  • Without engagement ;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS;
  • Blocked package option;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 100MB of the Internet ;
  • Without engagement ;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 10GB ;
  • Without engagement ;
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS;
  • Unlimited calls to fixed 120 cities;
  • Foreigner: unlimited calls/SMS from Europe and DOM and 20GB.

How to subscribe to a Pro Bouygues package ?

To take out a pro Bouygues package, the professional can go in store or everything programmed remotely on the Internet.

Subscribe a pro Bouygues package on the internet:

  • Go to the Sensation or B & You packages tab in order to select the suitable offer;
  • Once the Bouygues Pro mobile package has been selected, continue by clicking on “Learn more”;
  • The customer can select a smartphone and add everything to their basket;
  • Continue the order and have an identity document and an IBAN;
  • Select the delivery option and choose to receive the package in store, by post office or in parcel relay;
  • Activate and take advantage of the Bouygues Pro package.

Subscribe a pro Bouygues package in stores:

  • Go to the nearest Bouygues Telecom store;
  • Bring an identity document, an Iban, a canceled check and proof of address of less than 3 months;
  • And be guided by an advisor to take out a Bouygues Pro mobile package.

How to terminate a Pro Bouygues package ?

Terminate online for customers sensation pro and b & you:

  • Click on termination your offer in the “My package and my options” section;
  • At the bottom of the page, click on “I no longer need the line”, and then follow the instructions;
  • Reception of the confirmation email at the address entered in personal information. If the email does not appear, checking unwanted letters.

EXID online for customers sensation pro with smartphone advantages:

  • Click on “I no longer need the line” within the section “my package and my options”;
  • Then follow the instructions and ask to be recalled by customer service to the niche of your choice.

Release by mail his Bouygues Pro mobile package

Customers Sensation Pro, Sensation Pro with smartphone advantages or B & You, can terminate by registered mail at the following address:

Bouygues Telecom customer service
TSA 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

Guide and models of termination documents guide to terminate an offer with or without commitment and documents of documents.

How to reach customer service for a pro Bouygues package ?

If The professional is not yet pro Bouygues Telecom customer, He can join the Bouygues Telecom sales teams at 3100. Or, ask to be recalled.

If The professional is a professional customer bouygues telecom, It can reach customer service:

  • By telephone Customer service can be reached as the number indicated on the invoice and within the customer area. Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m
  • By Internet Follow the instructions under the tab contact us. Bouygues Telecom offers several possibilities in order to respond to different requests: FAQ, Tutorials, Forum, to be recalled by customer service.
  • In storeMake an appointment in the Bouygues Telecom store of his choice.

Mobile comparison: Bouygues mobile package, SFR Pro, Orange Pro.


How to connect to my Bouygues Telecom Pro customer area ?

Connect using your mobile number and password.

Is there a mobile application to manage my pro Bouygues package ?

It is possible to download the mobile application of the Customer Space Package Bouygues Pro.

The customer can find in real time on his smartphone:

  • THE detail of its packages and subscriptions Pro Bouygues Telecom;
  • L’consumption state ;
  • Personal information;
  • A tab dedicated to assistance;
  • THE invoices ;
  • The Bouygues Telecom e-shop.

How to access my messaging with my pro Bouygues package ?

To access the messaging of its Bouygues Pro package, then click on the “envelope” icon or on “messaging”.

How to subscribe to a pro sensation offer if I already have a smartphone ?

The pro offers Bouygues offer two options:

  • Smartphone, With all the advantages of Bouygues Pro mobile packages;
  • With smartphone, With all the advantages of the PRO packages and the comfort of choosing a smartphone.

How to keep my current number if I subscribe to a Pro Bouygues offer ?

To keep your mobile number:

  • Call it 3179 In order to obtain his Rio number ;
  • Indicate to Bouygues Telecom his current number and Rio, checking “I want to keep my current mobile number” for any online order;
  • Bouygues Telecom Pro takes care of asking number portability.

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  • Innovative solution with ONOFF Business
  • 9 €/month HT per number
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  • Without engagement

So we do it together ? 1.6 million French people have already trusted us

A specialized advisor for professionals & companies

From Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

Pro Bouygues Package: Prices, prices and conditions of the Bouygues Telecom mobile mobile offers

A mobile package for professionals not only requires services adapted to intensive use in France or abroad, but also quality customer service. Let’s find out together what services are included with the Pro Bouygues packages, offered by Bouygues assistance for professionals and what are the prices charged.

You need a pro Bouygues package ? You can call it 01 86 65 26 97 in order to be advised and choose the pro offer most suited to your needs and your use.

  • The essential
  • Bouygues Telecom offers offers adapted to professionals, with an efficient mobile network but also a Pro customer service and dedicated support.
  • Offers Bouygues Mobile Plan Pro are offered with 12 -month commitment, or 24 months if you need a professional package with mobile.
  • You prefer to subscribe a PRO BOUYGUES PACKAGE without obligation ? The operator also markets B & YOU offers for pros.

What are the bouygues dedicated to professionals ?

Note important you can take advantage of a Bouygues Profession Pro Package offer if you are auto entrepreneur or if your company does not exceed 10 employees. Otherwise, you can turn to a Bouygues Telecom Entreprises package.

What is the Bouygues Pro Sensation package made for you ?

Bouygues Telecom markets 3 Sensation packages for professionals. This is the mobile plan Pro Bouygues:

  • with 5GB of mobile internet per month,
  • with 50GB of mobile internet per month,
  • with 80GB of mobile internet per month.

These three offers are accompanied by a 12 -month commitment duration and offer a preferential price for Bbox customers.

You want to keep your mobile number ? By activating the option I keep my number, You benefit from a Pricing of € 12.50 on your professional pro Bouygues 50GB and 80GB. Indeed, the first goes to € 17.49/month HT for 12 months, and the second at € 22.49/month excl. For the Bbox customers, The price also decreases (€ 13.33/month excl. Tax for 12 months for the 1st and 16.66 €/month HT for 12 months for the second).

  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM
  • 5GB of mobile internet in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Smartphone advantages
  • In blocked or not version
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • 50GB of mobile internet including 20GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • Unlimited calls to the mobiles of the USA/Canada/China and the fixed on 120 countries
  • 80GB of mobile internet including 25GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible

Deduction of good plan VAT ! As a professional, you are eligible for the deduction of VAT on your Bouygues Pro package, with or without a smartphone.

What are the Pro Bouygues packages with smartphone advantages offered ?

mobile phone

You need a smartphone to exercise your activity as well as possible ? Bouygues offers a range with Smartphone advantages which contains 5 professional packages with:

  1. 10GB of mobile internet per month.
  2. 60GB of mobile internet per month.
  3. 90GB of mobile internet per month.
  4. 120GB of mobile internet per month.
  5. 300GB of mobile internet per month.

Each package is accompanied by a 24 -month commitment.

To make your choice from the offers offered, you just have to identify your mobile internet needs on a daily basis. To do this, be aware that you can find your mobile data used in your phone settings.

Again, Bouygues Telecom offers an advantageous price for Bbox customers as well as a Discount of € 12.50/month excl For 12 months if you subscribe with number portability.

  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM
  • 10GB of mobile internet in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Smartphone advantages
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • 60GB of mobile internet including 25GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • Smartphone advantages
  • All Bouygues bonuses
  • 2nd SIM card offered
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • 90GB of mobile internet including 35GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland
  • Smartphone advantages
  • All Bouygues bonuses
  • 2nd SIM card offered
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland/USA/Canada
  • 120GB of mobile internet including 50GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland/USA/Canada
  • Smartphone advantages
  • All Bouygues bonuses
  • 2nd SIM card offered
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible
  • Unlimited calls/SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Switzerland/USA/Canada + 24 countries in the Business Pro zone
  • 300GB of mobile internet including 100GB from Europe/DOM/Switzerland/USA/Canada + 24 countries in the Business Pro zone
  • Smartphone advantages
  • All Bouygues bonuses
  • 2nd SIM card offered
  • B.HD TV
  • 5G compatible

* There Business Pro zone Includes the following countries: United States (including Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Dutch Antilles, South Africa, Algeria, Brazil, China, South Korea, Cuba, United Arab Emirates, Hong -Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Morocco, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey.

You wish to take out a mobile plan pro Bouygues ?

Are there any bouygues pro offers without commitment ?

For professionals who wish to enjoy a PRO BOUYGUES PACKAGE without obligation, There are B & You Pro offers.

The main advantage of a PRO package without commitment is the possibility of being able to put an end to your subscription when you want, without any costs, and directly from your Bouygues customer area online.

You can take advantage of the 4G Bouygues network, while enjoying a low price package. On the other hand, a B & YOU PRO package does not include bonus bouygues.

here are the B & You Pro offers proposed.

  • Unlimited calls and SMS in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Unlimited MMS in mainland France
  • 100MB of mobile internet in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Available in blocked or not version
  • Unlimited calls and SMS in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Unlimited MMS in mainland France
  • 20GB of mobile internet in France
  • 10GB of mobile internet from Europe/DOM
  • Unlimited calls and SMS in France and from Europe/DOM
  • Unlimited MMS in mainland France
  • Unlimited calls to fixed 120 destinations
  • 50GB of mobile internet in France
  • 20GB of mobile internet from Europe/DOM

You can also buy a phone with your B & You Pro package but also add Additional paid options (Internet 500MB in France, 1h to Europe/DOM/USA/Canada/China, Norton Safety Pack, ONOFF, BEIN SPORTS MOBILE, B.TV, unlimited internet weekend option, etc.)).

PRO BOUYGUES PACKAGE: What the pro pack contains ?

Bouygues customer service dedicated to pros

Bouygues Telecom offers customer service entirely dedicated to professionals. To reach an expert advisor, simply call the 3106.

The service is reachable for free From Monday to Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., to help you and answer your technical or commercial questions.

Bouygues Pro customer service also puts 500 stores available. You can make an appointment at the following address: RDVBOUTICS.Bouygues Telecom.Fr.

Then just:

  1. Click on the box Make an appointment.
  2. Choose the date and schedule that suits you.
  3. Enter your personal data.
  4. Confirm your appointment in Bouygues store.

The smartphone loan included in the Pro Bouygues pack

Your mobile is lost, stolen, broken or broken down ?

Bouygues Telecom offers a mobile loan service and temporarily replaces your phone with an equivalent smartphone.

Thus, you can continue to take advantage of your services and continue your professional activity.

This service is obviously available in the event of subscription of a Package + smartphone.

The priority mobile debit option

Bouygues Telecom offers the service Priority mobile flow.

This is an option that allows you to benefit from a reliable connection, Indispensable for your activity, whether to stay in touch with your customers and employees or to access your emails and the Internet to work.

The priority debit service can offer you an internet speed up to 2 times faster than with a classic package, even in the event of a strong crowd on the Bouygues mobile network.

What is the ONOFF application ?

ONOFF application

The ONOFF application gives you the possibility of having a second issue mobile phone, on the same smartphone and the same SIM card.

This service is particularly interesting for people who wish to dissociate their professional life from their privacy, while keeping a single device.

You can use your phone normally for your personal exchanges and simply go to theONOFF application To access your professional space.

L’ONOFF mobile offer Allows you to make calls and send unlimited SMS:

  • In France and Europe with a French issue: 9 €/month HT.
  • In the country of origin, if you have an international number: 25 €/month HT.

You want to take advantage of the ONOFF Business offer without obligation ?

What are the bonuses of offers with smartphone advantages ?

When you subscribe to a Pro Bouygues package with smartphone advantages (from the 60GB package), you automatically benefit from Bouygues bonuses.

  • The service Unlimited Internet on weekends : As its name suggests, you can surf the internet unlimited on weekends, regardless of the size of your data envelope.
  • THE team newspaper : you have access to the newspaper in digital version, to follow all the sports news.
  • The reading service Cafeyn : you can enjoy more than 1000 digital titles to read, on all your screens, and even in offline mode.
  • THE TV Bouquet Pop Culture : access your series, talk show, manga and favorite music.

If the pro Bouygues 10GB mobile package does not allow you to take advantage of Bouygues bonuses, you however benefit from Smartphone advantages (price delivery on your new smartphone, ease of payment for your new mobile, free loan of a smartphone in the event of failure, loss, flight or breakage).

How to subscribe to a Pro Bouygues package ?

The Bouygues Telecom Subscription Steel

To subscribe to a Bouygues Package Pro offer, follow these few steps:

  1. Go to the Bouyguestelecom website.FR/PRO.
  2. Click on Discover the packages Under the section that interests you (the sensation packages or the sensation packages with smartphone advantages).
  3. Choose the Bouygues Pro package you need and click on Add to Cart.
  4. During the 4th step, you can add a smartphone to your order and choose to activate the option Number portability. If you wish, enter the mobile number to keep as well as your Rio code then validate.
  5. Enter your personal contact details and then choose your delivery method before confirming.

At the time of your validation, you will pay the price of your package but also the cost of SIM card, which amounts to 5 €.

How to benefit from the number portability ?

If you want to change operator for a Bouygues offer, you can enjoy 15 € discount For 12 months thanks to number portability, simply call 3179 from your mobile. The voice server is continuously available.

You will receive your Rio code by SMS. In step 4 of your subscription, enter your Rio Bouygues code then validate.

The discount applies automatically And this, during the next 12 months.

What are the Bouygues Procedure Procedures Pro Package ?

Terminate its offer with or without number portability

You want to terminate your Pro Bouygues package ?

Contact Bouygues Telecom customer service to notify your termination request. Then send a letter of termination to the dedicated service (customer service will communicate the exact address to you).

On the other hand, if you want to terminate your package to change your offer and have activated the option of Number storage, Just ask for your Rio code by calling the 3179.

By transferring this Rio code To your new operator, you allow him to take charge of the termination procedures with your current supplier. In this case, you have nothing else to do.

What are the termination costs to pay ?

When you get an offer, there are 3 situations:

  • You have subscribed a B & you pro package without obligation : you have no termination costs to pay.
  • You have subscribed to a mobile plan Pro Bouygues with a 12 or 24 month commitment and you resound After the end of commitment date of your contract: you have no termination costs to pay.
  • You have subscribed to a mobile plan pro Bouygues with a commitment of 12 or 24 months and you resilled while Your commitment period is not over : you must pay termination costs, variables depending on your situation.

Let’s find out more about this last case.

What is your situation ? What are the costs you need to pay ?
I terminate a pro Bouygues package with 12 -month commitment. There all of the remaining monthly payments Until the end of your commitment period.
I terminate a mobile pro Bouygues offer with 24 -month commitment during the 2nd year. 25% of the remaining monthly payments Until the end of your commitment period.
I terminate a Bouygues Pro package with 24 -month commitment during the 1st year. All of the remaining monthly payments Until the end of the 1st year of engagement
+ 25% 2nd year

You need a professional mobile plan ?

Updated on 11/10/2022

Emmanuelle is in charge of the creation of news and guides for Echosdunet. It deals with many telecoms and pages dedicated to operators.

Bouygues Telecom, professional mobile packages for better management of your fleets

Bouygues Telecom Pro makes companies happy with its mobile packages. Indeed, companies will be able to benefit from flexible internet mobile plans for better management of their fleet. These are offers with commitment for any purchase of a new smartphone. Users can take advantage of a preferential price for even more savings !

A PRO 130 GB Package and smartphone advantages

For € 22.33 excl. Tax/month for 12 months then € 34.83 excl, Try the Professor Pro 130 GB. A multi-SIM and 5G offer. Even if it requires a 24 -month commitment, you can benefit from many advantages. A package that allows among other things:

  • to take advantage from Europe, Dom, Andorra and Switzerland calls, unlimited SMS and Internet 80 GB;
  • to make unlimited calls, SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/DOM/Andorra/Switzerland;
  • Have a 2nd Internet SIM card to use your package on a second device (tablet, connected watch, etc.);
  • to make unlimited calls/SMS to Europe/Dom/Andorra Mobiles and Fixed.

A 200 GB pro package for € 24.99 excl. HT/month and full of giga !

With this € 24.99 tax/month package, You benefit from even more freedom even on the move ! Your employees will be able to make unlimited calls to the fixes of 120 countries and more:

  • From Europe, Dom, Andorra and Switzerland: calls, unlimited SMS and Internet 80 GB;
  • A 2nd Internet SIM card to use your package on a second device (tablet, connected watch, etc.);
  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS in France and from Europe/Dom/Andorra/Switzerland.

The Pro Bouygues Telecom Package Package offer then increases to € 41.66 excl. Tax/month with a 24 -month commitment.

A 240 GB Pro Package for € 45.83 excl

This is the package that offers the maximum comfort for any type of use on the Internet ! For € 45.83 excl. Tax/month, then € 58.33 excl. Tax/month, and always a 24 -month commitment you benefit from:

  • Unlimited calls, SMS/MMS in France and from Europe and Dom, Andorra, United States, Canada, Switzerland, Brazil, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Japan, Russia, Turkey;
  • A 2nd Internet SIM card to use your package on a second device (tablet, watch, etc.);
  • Towards mobiles, from Europe, Dom, Andorra, United States, Canada, Switzerland, Brazil, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Japan, Russia, Turkey Calls, Unlimited SMS and Internet 130 GB;

Pro and international

Unlimited calls to the mobiles of the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Brazil, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Japan, Russia, Turkey + the fixes of 120 countries.

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