Prime Bike Electricity Region Occitanie – Bicycle subsidies, aid for the purchase of an electric bike: State, region, municipalities, we tell you everything about the premiums you can benefit from in Occitania

Aid for the purchase of an electric bike: State, region, municipalities, we tell you everything about the premiums you can benefit from in Occitania

The idea you have been in your mind for several weeks “and if I left my old car and I bought an electric bike ?”The desire is strong but you must recognize that prices have something to cool you down. The state may have just provided you with the little help required to make you take the plunge.

Occitania region electric bike premium

The new Occitanie region has made commitments in favor of mobility, the environment and purchasing power. To make the region offers A bonus of € 200 for the acquisition of a new electric bike. This aid takes place from July 1, 2020. The grant is thus taken at the regional level. The objective is to promote the development and practice of cycling. It is therefore valid for all the inhabitants of the region (Toulouse, Albi, Montauban, Montpellier, Perpignan, Carcassonne, Tarbes, Béziers, Sète, Nîmes, Narbonne, Castres …)

The help of the Occitania region paid to the applicant can be Cumulative with the state -of -the -art bike bonus under this same cycle (subject to compliance with the conditions set out in article D251-2 of the Energy Code).

Inhabitant of the metropolis of Montpellier ? Benefit from an additional bonus of your community up to 500 euros without income conditions, click here

Resident of the Toulouse metropolis ? Benefit from an additional bonus of your community up to 600 euros under conditions, click here

What conditions to benefit from the Occitanie electric bicycle bonus in 2022 ?

Conditions relating to the applicant

  • Be a natural person major. Legal persons are not eligible for the system.
  • Justify his main residence in Occitania region.
  • Justify a reference tax income by share less than or equal to that which corresponds to the 1st income tax section (for example for a bicycle acquired in 2022, tax notice 2021 on 2020 income: reference tax income by share less than or equal to € 25,710))
  • Do not have already benefited from aid under this system.
  • Engage yourself to Do not sell the bicycle for the 12 months according to its acquisition

Conditions relating to electrical assistance bike (VAE)

  • Being an electrical assistance cycle, within the meaning of the regulations in force (Definition of European Directive 2002/24/EC of March 18, 2002 corresponding to the French standard NF in 15194 and resumed by article R. 311-1 of the Highway Code: “Assisted pedaling cycle, equipped with an electric auxiliary engine with a maximum continuous nominal power of 0.25 kilowatt whose power supply is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed 25 kilometers/hour, or earlier, if the cyclist stops pedaling ”), With a lead unleaded battery (to find out more about the lifespan of electric bicycle batteries).
  • To have been bought from a professional working in the Occitanie region.
  • Do not have already been the subject of aid for acquisition under this system.
  • Bought after July 1, 2020

lLained to obtain more information on the terms of payment of the aid, the controls, the methods of deposit, click here

Take advantage of the summer 2023 sales for the purchase of your future VAE !

Aid for the purchase of an electric bike: State, region, municipalities, we tell you everything about the premiums you can benefit from in Occitania

The period is the perfect opportunity to be funded by a multitude of devices and buy an electric bike

Since August 15, 2022, the State has expanded the conditions for obtaining “bonus bikes” to buy an electric bicycle. A device that can add up with regional and local aid throughout the Occitanie region.

The idea you have been in your mind for several weeks “and if I left my old car and I bought an electric bike ?”The desire is strong but you must recognize that prices have something to cool you down. The state may have just provided you with the little help required to make you take the plunge.

Since August 15, 2022, the conditions for obtaining aid will indeed be relaxed by the State. This bonus bonus bonus, which was up to now at maximum € 200, has been enhanced and modulated according to household resources conditions. These devices respond to an assertive desire to encourage the greatest number of us to opt for a non -polluting mode of movement.

This infographic shared by the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, is quite clear.

1 Bonus bonus bonuses

The amount of state aid is fixed at 40 % of the cost of acquiring the bicycle, within the limit of:

  • 400 euros For the most modest households (whose reference tax income per share is less than € 6,300) and disabled people;
  • 300 euros For households whose reference tax income per share is between € 6,300 and € 13,489.

Likewise, the bonus ceiling for the purchase of a cargo bike (or a folding bicycle, a bicycle adapted to people with disabilities -with electric assistance or not -, or an electric trailer for bicycle), which was 1,000 euros until August 14, is fixed at:

  • 2,000 euros For the most modest households (whose reference tax income per share is less than € 6,300) and disabled people;
  • 1,000 euros For households whose reference tax income per share is between € 6,300 and € 13,489.

All people with disabilities are eligible for bike bonus.

2 Retairy premiums

You can also benefit from a conversion bonus in exchange for a to the scrap of an old “polluting” petrol or diesel vehicle. This premium can be combined with the bike bonus.

Again, the amount of the conversion bonus is equal to 40 % of the acquisition cost, within the limit of:

  • 3,000 euros For the most modest households (whose reference tax income per share is less than € 6,300) and disabled people;
  • 1,500 euros For other households.

3 “ZFE” bonuses

Note for people living in cities with low -emission mobility areas (ZFE, part of a territory whose access is limited for the most polluting vehicles), such as Toulouse and Montpellier, the State also grants Additional help up to 1000 euros provided that the beneficiary has received local aid for the same bike.

4 Aid device for the Occitanie region

After national aid, you can benefit in addition to a bonus in the Occitanie region. This device materializes in the form of an “eco-check”. Beneficiaries can receive from 200 euros of assistance for the purchase of a bicycle. It nevertheless remains subject to conditions related to income. To test its eligibility, go to the region of the region.

Occitania has also created a sustainable mobility package bonus. It complements the sustainable mobility package offered by the employer. These 2 aids are cumulative.

The sustainable mobility package is an aid conditioned foruse of bikes. It is activated by the employer. This aid is set at € 200 for public sector agents and € 400 for private sector employees.

5 Local aid in the department and agglomeration communities

Other communities have also implemented assistance operations for the purchase of an electric bike. There are the department, such as that of Hérault which offers “Hérault Mobility” and “Hérault Bike” checks. In the amount of 200 or 250 €, These checks will be completed by a “Hérault Pichòt” bonus for the purchase of a bicycle seat or a career. The sums paid also depend on your income.

Agglomeration communities can also offer you funding like the Grand Albigeois which offers “for any purchase of a classic bike, electric bike or cargo bike (..) Aid for the purchase (without resource conditions) of 25% of the amount including tax of the bicycle, up to: € 100 for a classic bike or folding bike, 250 € for an electric bike (VAE), € 500 for a cargo bike.

But beware, all departments and communities of municipalities or agglomeration do not always offer this type of financial support for the purchase of an electric bike. Inquire. You will not lose. All these premiums from the national to the local, passing by the regional are cumulative (with rare exceptions). The perfect opportunity while some cargo bikes can cost up to 6,000 euros.

“Mobility eco -check” – Purchase of an electric bike

The Occitanie region wishes to promote the development of cycling, it is committed to pursuing its policy of supporting the development of clean transport methods.

This system has been updated for the year 2023. The system in force until July 1, 2023 applies for any electric assistance bike bought before July 1, 2023. Before making your request, please refer to the payment located for download at the bottom of the page.

Main characteristics of aid

  • Electric assistance bike must be nine and must have been bought from a professional exercising his professional activity in the territory of the Occitanie region, as of July 1, 2023.
  • The help of the Occitanie Region paid to the applicant may be combined with the state-of-the-art bike bonus for the same cycle (subject to compliance with the conditions set out in article D251-2 of the code of the code Energy)
  • New electric bikes does not use lead battery, complies with the regulations in force (within the meaning of the definition of European directive 2002/24/EC of March 18, 2002: “Assisted pedaling cycle, equipped with an electric auxiliary engine with a maximum continuous nominal power of 0, 25 kilowatt, the supply of which is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 kilometers/hour, or earlier, if the cyclist stops pedaling ” – Correspondence of the French standard NF EN 15194), and is not sold by the buyer in the year following its acquisition.
  • The amount of aid is 200 euros

Eligibility terms and conditions

Conditions relating to the applicant

To benefit from help, the applicant:

  • must be a major natural person. Legal persons are not eligible for the system
  • must justify his main residence in the Occitanie region
  • must justify a reference tax income by share less than or equal to 14,089 €
  • Must not have already benefited from aid under the “Eco-Check Mobility-purchase of a new Electric Assistance bike”
  • must not have already benefited from aid under the “Eco-Check Mobility-Sustainable Mobility Package” system “

Conditions relating to electrical assistance bikes

To benefit from the aid, the electric assistance bike must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Being an electrical assistance cycle, within the meaning of the regulations in force (Definition of European Directive 2002/24/EC of March 18, 2002 corresponding to the French standard NF EN 15194 and resumed by article R. 311-1 of the Highway Code: “Assisted pedaling cycle, equipped with an electric auxiliary engine with a maximum continuous nominal power of 0.25 kilowatt whose power supply is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed 25 kilometers/hour, or earlier, if the cyclist stops pedaling ”), With a lead unleaded battery
  • to have been bought from a professional exercising his activity in the Occitanie region,
  • do not have already been the subject of aid for acquisition under this system

Terms to submit the assistance request

The files requesting funding will be considered admissible by the region when:

  • The purchase of electric bikes was made from July 1, 2023 (billing date)
  • The complete file was set up on the dedicated deposit platform within 6 months The date of acquisition of the cycle

In order to benefit from the help of the Occitanie region, you must submit an online request by following this link: access the platform for requesting aid online

Supporting documents to be attached to your request:

  • Recto-verso copy of the national identity card, passport or the residence permit of the beneficiary, valid
  • Bank or postal identity statement of the beneficiary
  • Copy of proof of domicile in the Occitanie region of less than three months: water, electricity, gas or telephone bill (including mobile phone), tax notice or non-taxation certificate, receipt insurance (fire, rental risks or civil liability) for housing, ownership or rent receipt
  • Copy of the cycle purchase invoice: the invoice must notably mention the applicant’s name, name, address, references and price of the cycle, as well as the domiciliation of the professional seller in the Occitanie Region,
  • Copy of the cycle approval certificate
  • Copy of the imposition or non-taxation notice on income of the year preceding the purchase of the cycle (example: for a purchase in 2023, provide the tax notice of the year 2022). All pages of the opinion must be transmitted.

Beneficiary’s obligations

The beneficiary undertakes not to sell the electric bike subject to this aid in the 12 months according to its acquisition.

The beneficiary must accept the control over the obligations resulting from the granting of aid under this system.

This control on parts may be exercised, until the extinction of the beneficiary’s obligations, by any person duly mandated by the Region.

As such, the beneficiary must submit to the Region of the Region any accounting and administrative document whose production would be deemed useful for carrying out control.

Aid payment terms

Help gives rise to a single payment, following a favorable investigation of the detailed assistance request above.

Reversal terms

In the event of non-compliance with the obligations to which the beneficiary is held, the Region may require the repayment of the aid allocated. The repayment is requested by simple issue of a recipe title.

Prior to the issue of the title, the Region notifies by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the conclusions of control over compliance with the beneficiary’s obligations with mention of facts in fact and law which justify the order of repayment.

This notification letter indicates the delay available to the beneficiary to present written observations. This period cannot be less than 15 days from the date of notification.

The repayment decision is taken by the president of the regional council if no document is presented by the beneficiary at the expiration of the period specified in the notification letter or if the documents transmitted, within the time limit, are not likely to allow the maintenance of funding allocated to the beneficiary.

Occitania region
Directorate General Delegate Infrastructure and Mobility

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