Price per kWh of electricity: prices and developments in 2023, electricity price 2023: prices, increase and solutions

Electricity price 2023: prices, increase and solutions

The regulated electricity sale rate corresponds to the Blue offer of EDF. It evolves up to twice a year by the public authorities for historic suppliers: EDF and some local distribution companies.

KWH electricity price: prices and developments in 2023

The price per kWh TTC is 0.€ 2276 in September 2023 in France. It corresponds to the offer, the pricing option and the majority meter power in France, namely the regulated blue price of EDF as a base for a 6 kVA counter. The price per kilowatt hour is not the same for everyone: it depends on the supplier’s offer, its meter power, its price option. We explain to you how it has been set, its evolution for 30 years, the origins of the unprecedented increase in the price of electricity since the start of the conflict in Ukraine and that to wait in the coming months.

  • The main thing to know about the price of the kilowatt hour electricity in France
  • The price depends on 3 factors the meter power, the pricing option, and the offer subscribed to a supplier;
  • For the details At the regulated price of EDF, the price per kWh is 0.€ 2276 including tax at the base rate, 0.2460 € TTC in full hours and 0.€ 1828 including tax in off -peak hours for a 6 kVA meter;
  • For professionals, The price per kWh rises to 0.2,300 € optional at the blue rate for a power of 9 kVA;
  • The cost of electricity is breaking into 3 sources : 20 % are linked to taxes, 33 % are linked to network transport costs, and 47 % are linked to production/purchase and supply.
  • Between 2022 and 2023, the electricity prices experienced a Historical increase of +31 % of which +15 % in August 2023 ;
  • The average electricity price in the first half of 2022 was 0.2039 € per kWh taxes and subscription included according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion.

What is the price of electricity in France in September 2023 ?

Today, on 09/25/2023, the price of electricity in mainland France is 0.€ 2,276 per kWh for an subscribed power of 6 kVA at the base rate.

Price for a power of 6 kVA, the most subscribed in France (20 million households according to Enedis).

Will electricity prices increase in 2024? If a declaration made in September by the CRE, the organization which fixes the amount of the regulated rate, threw the disorder; The response of the Minister of Economy has not reassured. To put it simply, the main thing is to know how much will it increase. Probably just under 10%. Our advice: plan a free reminder with Selectra at the end of December, to see if it will indeed be the right time to take out a fixed price offer, just before the increase.

Price per kWh of electricity at the regulated price of EDF in September 2023

The price of 1 kWh EDF at the regulated electricity rate including tax in September 2023 is:

  • 0.€ 2276 / kWh as a base
  • 0.€ 2460 / kWh in full hours and 0.1828 € in off -peak hours optional HPHC.
  • 0.1539 € per kWh for the tempo option, and 0.€ 2126 / kWh with EJP.
0.€ 1539/kWh 0.€ 2126/kWh 0.€ 2249/kWh 0.€ 2276/kWh

Average price for the same consumption at any time of the year in power of 9 kVA.

The regulated electricity sale rate corresponds to the Blue offer of EDF. It evolves up to twice a year by the public authorities for historic suppliers: EDF and some local distribution companies.

Available in base price and off -peak hours options, here is the pricing grid of the regulated electricity rate up -to -date with the prices in force in September 2023.

Details of the prices of the EDF offer regulated electricity regulated Proper Option

Annual subscription Price KWH – Base option
3 kVA 113.64 € 0.€ 2276
6 KVA 149.28 € 0.€ 2276
9 KVA 187.56 € 0.€ 2276
12 KVA 226.68 € 0.€ 2276
15 kVA 263.04 € 0.€ 2276
18 KVA 299.04 € 0.€ 2276
24 KVA 379.2 € 0.€ 2276
30 KVA 447.48 € 0.€ 2276
36 KVA 535.92 € 0.€ 2276
Contact / subscription ::

Prices in euros including tax of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier updated on 09/25/2023

Details of the prices of the EDF offer regulated electricity regulated HPHC option

Annual subscription Price KWH
Full hours
Price KWH
Off -peak hours
6 KVA 154.2 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
9 KVA 198.6 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
12 KVA 239.64 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
15 kVA 278.88 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
18 KVA 317.76 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
24 KVA 399.36 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
30 KVA 473.52 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
36 KVA 535.68 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
Contact / subscription ::

Prices in euros including tax of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier updated on 09/25/2023

With the increases in the price per kWh of electricity, the regulated sales rate returns to popularity. Thus, on March 31, 2023, 63% customers of the residential market were still at the regulated electricity rate.

Price per kWh of electricity in alternative suppliers

In September 2023, the price per kWh of electricity at the cheapest supplier was € 0.205 including tax option Base 6 kVA

Since the market opening, the regulated electricity rate is no longer the only offer available to subscription. Other suppliers, known as alternative, and moreover EDF competitors offer a more or less advantageous electricity price:

  • THE Indexed market offers Follow the price of EDF’s price, by offering a discount or not;

* Up -to -date table of 25/09/2023. Budget calculated for a consumption of 7,700 kWh per year in Nantes as a base (6 kVA) .

To know the price of KWH and the subscription of the Offer Offer Bubbles of Information in the Table.

  • THE Optional offers full / off -peak hours offer a double price of the price per kWh depending on the schedules, by offering a discount or not;

* Up -to -date table of 25/09/2023. Budget calculated for a consumption of 9,700 kWh per year in Nantes as optional hours/off -peak hours (9 kVA) – on a basis of 1/3 in HC, 2/3 in HP .

To know the price of KWH and the subscription of the Offer Offer Bubbles of Information in the Table.

  • Fixed price offers, which allow you to benefit from a blocked price for a contractual period.

* Up -to -date table of 25/09/2023. Budget calculated for a consumption of 7,700 kWh per year in Nantes as a base (6 kVA) .

To know the price of KWH and the subscription of the Offer Offer Bubbles of Information in the Table.

KWH price on the electricity market

09/25/2023 , The price on the wholesale market (Epex Spot) is € 87 per 1000 kWh. The price of the MWh of tomorrow will be available at 1:30 p.m . For comparison, a month ago, the price of the MWh of electricity spot in France was € 111.08, against € 272.84 a year earlier.

MWh electricity price on the wholesale market

MWh Prize today
87 €
MWh Prize tomorrow Available around 13:30 €
MWh price last month € 111.08
MWH Prize last year € 272.84

Last update: 09/25/2023

Price of KWh of electricity for professionals

Due to a sharp increase in the price of raw materials, electricity suppliers count on an increase in electricity prices for professionals of around 84% in 2023.

What is the price of electricity for small professionals ?

In September 2023, the price per kWh of electricity at the blue rate for small professionals at EDF Pro (for a 9 kVA optional meter power) is:

  • 0.1907 € by kWh ht in base;
  • 0.1984 € by kWh ht in full hour;
  • 0.1607 € by kWh ht in off -peak hours.

The blue price is only available for small professionals, that is to say for power meters from 3 to 36 kVA.

Details of the prices of the EDF offer regulated electricity regulated Proper Option

Annual subscription Price KWH – Base option
3 kVA 144.96 € 0.1917 €
6 KVA 181.68 € 0.1917 €
9 KVA 217.2 € 0.1917 €
12 KVA 252.24 € 0.1917 €
15 kVA 287.28 € 0.1917 €
18 KVA 319.68 € 0.1917 €
24 KVA 393.96 € 0.1917 €
30 KVA 467.28 € 0.1917 €
36 KVA 538.32 € 0.1917 €
Contact / subscription ::

EUMPs HT of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier updated on 09/25/2023

Unlike individuals, professionals can recover VAT. Doing so, The price per kWh of the professional blue rate is expressed excluding taxes.

Of course, there are other energy suppliers than EDF for professionals and businesses.

KWH HT prices for blue prices professionals (selection of offers for meters 3-36 kVA)

Offer name KWH HT Price Base option KWH price ht full hours KWH price ht off -peak hours
EDF Blue Price Pro
0.1907 € 0.1984 € 0.1607 €
100% variable green electricity ekwateur
0.1960 € 0.2323 € 0.0730 €
100% fixed green electricity ekwateur
0.€ 2970 0.€ 3388 0.1253 €
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Up -to -date price on September 1, 2023.
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Electricity prices for companies and large accounts

The prices regulated for major consumers (yellow rate and green price) disappeared in 2015. Companies fueled by power counters greater than 36 kVA are no longer eligible for regulated electricity prices.

For these meter powers, electricity suppliers do not disseminate a public pricing grid. To get a price, you have to ask for a quote, and the energy supplier or the broker will make a personalized rating according to the market price of the day of demand. Prices on wholesale markets that can evolve, the rating may only be valid for a few days.

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Why such an increase in electricity since 2021 ?

Energyians buy their electricity on the wholesale market, before reselling it to their customers. In fact, the increase in electricity prices of September 2021 has directly reflected in the price of market offers.

Several causes are at the origin of these price developments:

  • Post-Cavid economic recovery, to which is added the high demand on the Chinese side;
  • The Russian-Ukrainian conflict against the backdrop of economic sanctions and Russian oil embargo;
  • The closure of certain nuclear reactors, with an uncertain reopening calendar and conditioned by the smooth running of maintenance.

Market conditions that promote the increase in the price per kWh of electricity

Several factors are at the origin of this Unpublished increase in the price of electricity in 2023 which also affects our European neighbors:

  1. the outbreak of electricity prices on wholesale markets : The Mégawatt Hours (MWH) Prix of electricity in France recently reached a peak of 196 euros out of two of the main European scholarships (compared to only 60 euros in 2019, before the COVVIR crisis);
  2. L’exponential increase in gas courses In recent months: gas is an energy source used for heating, of course, but it also plays a preponderant role in electricity production. Indeed, to meet the growing demand for electricity, electricity producers using natural gas power plants must provide gas on the wholesale market. However, when it increases, the costs of electricity production increase for these power plants, which results in an impact on the price of KWH. Thus, the price of electricity in Europe is directly linked to fluctuations in the price of gas;
  3. L’increase in taxes On the price per kWh of electricity.

What an impact on the price of the electricity bill ? According to CRE estimates, the increase in the price of electricity without the implementation of the price shield could have translated as a average increase of +160 € on the annual bill of a French household. With the extension of the price shield in 2023, the increase in the price per kWh of electricity between February 2023 and August 2023 was limited to 10%.

A price shield that limits the increase in the price per kWh of electricity

At the end of 2021, the outbreak of energy prices threatened to severely affect the budget of French families. Indeed, for several months already, the price of electricity has not ceased to increase and The expected increase in regulated prices (TRV) for 2022 had to reach +44.5% , A record never reached before.

Faced with this observation and arrested by consumer associations, the government has announced the implementation of a Price shield to limit the price increase to +4% (against the +44.5% initially planned).

In February 2023, the price of electricity underwent a new increase of +15%. In the absence of the price shield, the increase would have been around 99%.

  1. The increase in the ARENH ceiling (nuclear sold by EDF to alternative suppliers) from 100 to 120 Twh, or 20% more;
  2. increased MWh price as part of ARENH From € 42 to € 46.50 per MWh ;
  3. The drop in the amount of the CSPE€ 22.50/MWh at € 0.50/MWh.

In August 2023, the price of electricity again suffered an increase of +10 %, a cumulative increase of 31 % in the year 2023. Nevertheless, this increase would have been much greater without the price shield. Indeed, the price of electricity would have increased 74.5 % without the presence of the price shield.

Subscribers at the regulated tariff of protected electricity

The 63 % of French households subscribed to the regulated electricity sale rate did not feel the impact of this increase in the same way as customers in market offers. Indeed, with a price revision in January and August, it was not until February 2022 that they began to perceive the effects of price increase with a first increase in the price of electricity limited to 15% thanks to the introduction of the price shield Then a second increase in August 2023 limited to 10&nsbp;% thanks to the extension of the price shield.

Evolution of the price of electricity in France since 2006

Tensions on the wholesale market have repercussions directly on the price of domestic electricity, that is to say the final price, for the consumer, after taxes.

History of notable increases in electricity prices HT

Date of evolution of the price of electricity Evolution of the price per kWh of electricity
August 2023 +10%
February 2023 +15%
February 2022 +4%
August 2021 +0.48%
February 2021 +1.61%
August 2020 +1.54%
February 2020 +2.4%
August 2019 1.23%
February 2019
August 2018 – 0.5%
February 2018 +0.8%
August 2017 – 1.7%
February 2017
August 2016 – 0.5%
February 2016 +2%
August 2015 +2.5%
February 2015 +2.5%
August 2014 +2.5%
February 2014 +3%
August 2013 +5%
February 2013 +2.5%
August 2012 +2%
August 2011 +1.7%
August 2010 +3%
August 2009 +1.9%
August 2008 +2%
August 2007 +1.1%
August 2006 +1.7%

Updated information in September 2023

January 2016: +2%

January 2016 corresponds to the highest price of the CSPE, at € 22.5 / MWh. Between 2002 and 2016, the contribution to the public electricity service had already increased 650%. Thus, the CSPE represented around 17% of the final electricity bill, forcing the government to freeze its price. Thus, the amount of the CSPE remained unchanged until December 31, 2021, before its calculation evolves by a decree of the Official Journal of January 30, 2022, fixing the CSPE at 0.5 € / MWh for the counters of a power greater than or equal to 36 kVA, and € 1 / MWh for the others.

February 2018: +0.8%

Turpe (price for using public electricity networks), reassessed every 4 years corresponds to the remuneration of transport and distribution network managers. Its increase leads to a mechanical increase in the price of electricity. Indeed, the electricity supplier pays Turpe in Enedis, the distribution network manager, which will pay the price of the routing. Its cost being deducted directly from electricity bills, an increase in turpe is always reflected in the final price of electricity.

In the same way, the financing of energy savings certificates, carried by the consumer contributed to the increase in electricity prices. In question, classic CEE and precariousness increased that year.

June 2019: +5.9%

Set up in 2017, capacity guarantees allow electricity suppliers to guarantee the instantaneous power that they are able to provide cutting -edge days. Energy producers can be wisited, or thanks to auctions organized and regulated by Cre. In 2019, this auction mechanism, associated with an increase in the price of electricity on the wholesale market resulted in a record increase in the price of electricity in June 2019: +5.9%, and a Average price of the past capacity of € 9,342.65 / MW in 2019 at € 17,644 / MW for 2019.

August 2019: +1.23%

After a deliberation dated June 6, 2019, the evolution of the Turpe 5 HTB pricing grid was decided. Applicable from August 1ᵉʳ 2019, this increase has the main origins of the acquittal of the balance of charges and products (CRCP) and the taking into account of inflation, up 1.61% to this period.

February 2020: +2.4%

Following the demonstrations of the yellow vests, the government had decided to freeze the price of the regulated electricity rate in the first half of 2019. In the same momentum, the CRE recommended the extension of the frost of the prices, something that the government has not applied, because of too high a difference between the cost of electricity, and the resale price of the regulated rate. In doing so, individuals and small professionals (counters of less than 36 kVA) saw their electricity bill increase by 2.4% in February 2020.

August 2020: +1.54%

The new increase in electricity prices is to originate a new increase in Turpe, this time by 2.75%. This increase in Turpe, combined with a drop in marketing costs and the end of the catch-up of the 2018 costs overcrowded the increase to 1.54%.

February 2021: +1.61%

In February 2021, the rise in the price of electricity was due to an increase in electricity supply costs, combined with a simultaneous drop in marketing costs in connection with the health crisis.

August 2021: +0.48%

This second increase of the year is mainly explained by an increase in the component of routing of TRVs because of the entry into force of the new price for use of public electricity networks (Turpe 6) on August 1, 2021 , but also the reassessment of the remedial component of prices relating to non -covered amounts in 2019.

February 2022: +4%

In February 2022, the price of electricity continued to increase, due to tensions on the wholesale market, and the start of the conflict in Ukraine, February 20, 2022. In reality, the increase was limited to 4% thanks to the implementation of the price shield. Without this device, prices would have been 44.5% more expensive than in August 2021.

February 2023: +15%

While the new increase should have been 99.22%, the extension of the price shield made it possible to limit the increase to 15%.

August 2023: +10%

In August 2023, electricity again saw its price increase by 10%. Without the presence of the price shield, this new increase should have been 74.5%.

What is the price of electricity composed ?

In France, the composition of the price of electricity is clear and transparent. It results from the addition of the different costs linked to the routing and the applicable taxes.

The price per kWh of electricity can be broken down into three main parts:

  1. The supply of electricity;
  2. The taxes ;
  3. Costs associated with the transport and distribution of electricity.

Supply: share of the regulated rate to cover the costs of production and marketing of electricity. Network: Part of the regulated rate to cover electricity transport costs. Taxes and contributions: VAT, CTA, TCFE and CSPE.

The supply of electricity

The profession of supplier consists mainly of buying electricity on the wholesale steps and to resell it at retail from its customers. In 2022, around 48% of the price per kilowatt hour billed to the customer was therefore dedicated to the‘Supplier of the electricity supplier, via three means:

  • L’purchase of nuclear electricity from EDF at a price defined by law (€ 42/MWh), according to the mechanism called Arenh (regulated access to historic nuclear electricity). This system has been established so that nuclear production and its moderate costs can benefit all consumers, regardless of their electricity supplier. ARENH represents an important part of the supply of EDF’s competitors: its success is such that the number of TWh which can be sold to them is reached each year.
  • L’purchase of electricity on the organized wholesale markets (electricity “scholarships”). The ARENH ceiling being reached, alternative suppliers are increasingly turning to this supply method.
  • their clean electricity production. EDF, Engie and Totalenergies are also producers of electricity, unlike most other alternative suppliers.

To this main cost are addedOther less known costs ::

  • THE cost ofEnergy savings certificates (EEC): energy suppliers are forced by law ofencourage their customers to save energy, with an obligation of results. For example, they distribute bonuses to their customers who change an old boiler for new more efficient equipment. If they do not generate enough certificates from their customers, they must buy them to third parties to fill their quota.
  • THE cost of capacity guarantees : energy suppliers are forced by law to contribute to the supply security electricity. They must be able to demonstrate their ability to provide their customers in an exceptional winter peak without causing a blackout, making available to production capacities on the side of supply or erasure capacities on the demand side.
  • THE commercial costs : customer service, customer acquisition, unpaid.

The tax component

Three taxes weigh on the price of electricity:

  • The excise on electricity, which now includes the CSPE and the TICFE, tax paid by the supplier on the basis of the quantities consumed.
  • There Rental price contribution (CTA) finances special retirement plans for electrical and gas manufacturers (EDF, Engie, Enedis and GRDF network managers. )).
  • There value added tax (VAT) at the rate of 5.5% for the subscription and the CTA, and 20% on consumption (including CSPE and TCFE) for the powers subscribed less than 36 KVA !

Amount of electricity VAT for large consumers for installations of more than 36 kVA, the applicable rate is 20% on subscription and consumption.

Costs associated with the transport and distribution of electricity

The price per kWh of electricity includes prices for using public electricity networks (Turpe) which remunerate them transport networks (Rte) and distribution (Enedis) of electricity. Turpe is set by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) to cover the costs of network managers while encouraging them to efficiency.

The turpe is identical in all respects of the territory regardless of the supplier.

How the price gates of electricity offers work ?

As we have seen, energy suppliers can only influence the “supply” part of the price of electricity.

Each household pays on the one hand, a subscription, the Fixed part of the invoice, And on the other hand, his consumption, Calculated by multiplying the price of kWh by the number of kWh consumed. Thus, the annual invoice of a household can express themselves as follows:

Annual invoice = annual subscription TTC + (price per kWh incl

Example for a consumption of 5,000 kWh in 9 kVA at the regulated rate

A home that consumes 5,000 kWh, subscribed to the regulated electricity price as an optional base for a 9 kVA meter power will have to pay:

Annual subscription (€ 187.56) + Annual consumption (5,000 kWh) x Price per kWh (0.€ 2276)

The amount of the electricity bill therefore amounts to € 1,325.56 per year, or on average € 110.46 per month.

Estimate for an annual consumption of 5,000 kWh – 9 kVA counter option Base at the price of the regulated electricity rate of August 2023

Each option price (base and off -peak) has its own pricing grid.

The base option

L’Base option displays a unique kWh price At any time of the day and night all year round. It concerns half of household electricity meters, mainly small consumers (non -electric heating and hot water, secondary residences. )).

  • A single price of electricity
  • Suitable for all consumption profiles
  • No possibility of savings during certain time slots

The full / off -peak hour option

  • Two electricity prices
  • Suitable for large electricity consumers
  • Off -peak time slots allocated randomly by Enedis
  • Need to modify its consumption habits in order to consume electricity as much as possible during off -peak hours which are rarely at accommodating hours

The off -peak option displays a more expensive subscription and two kWh prices : a price in Full hours more expensive than the base option and a price in Off -peak hours cheaper than the base option, but valid only 8 hours a day, generally at night. The off -peak hour option concerns 47% of electricity counters, mainly heated electricity dwellings and having a programmable electric water tank to operate at night.

Other pricing options

Other rare tariff options (tempo and EJP) concern only less than 3% of residential counters.

The tempo price is a tariff modality of electricity which has six distinct rates, represented by blue, white or red colors. Every day is associated with one of these colors, and the color of the day is communicated the day before. The price varies depending on the color allocated to the day.

The objective of this option is to increase the cost of electricity during periods of high demand, in order to encourage consumers to reduce their consumption during these advanced periods.

The EJP price option (erasure of peak days) is no longer open to subscription. However, customers who joined this option before 1998 still benefit from its advantages.

This price option is characterized by two types of days: days in normal hours and days in mobile rush hours. The days in normal hours represent 343 days a year and offer an attractive price for the electricity consumed. On the other hand, the days in mobile rush hours, 22 days, display high prices.

The color of the days in mobile peak hours is communicated the day before, generally by email, SMS or on the EJP days observatory.

What are the price forecasts for electricity in the months and years to come ?

Currently, the price of Spot electricity is 87 € by MWH, as observed today, on 09/25/2023 . For comparison, the price of electricity 30 days ago on the EPEX market (Day-Ahead) was € 111.08 / MWh, while it was € 272.84 per mWh there is a year.

Price planned for tomorrow: Available around 1:30 p.m

Overall, the trend is priced and as indicated Emmanuelle Wargon, President of the Energy Regulatory Commission, during her interview on France Inter “The prices are lowering, so for the 2024 contracts, the prices will be lower“, which should reduce the electricity bill for French households. Nevertheless, as Emmanuelle Wargon explained, if the price of KWH underwent an increase in August 2023, this is explained by the fact that “The suppliers bought their electricity at the end of 2022, when it was very expensive“”. Thus, before seeing fully the results of the decrease in the price of electricity on the wholesale market, it is possible to see new slight increases on the price per kWh for French households.

Most frequent questions about the price of electricity

What is the price of KWH EDF in 2023 ?

In September 2023, the price of a kWh of electricity is 0.€ 2276 including tax for individuals With the regulated EDF rate, as a base option and for a 6 kVA meter power.

What is the lowest KWH price in France in 2023 ?

In September 2023, the cheapest kWh price is € 0.2033 including tax with the Aurore de la Bellenergie offer .

* Up -to -date table of 25/09/2023. Budget calculated for a consumption of 7,700 kWh per year in Nantes as a base (6 kVA) .

A kWh of electricity is worth the same price as a kWh of gas ?

THE gas price of gas is much cheaper than that of electricity. For example, for a gas heated consumer in zone 1, the price per kWh at the regulated price of Engie is 0.1035 € TTC against 0.€ 2276 incl.

Consequently, if natural gas is three times cheaper than electricity, why don’t all Frenchman systematically use gas for heating, hot water and cooking ?

  • Because many consumers live Not near the natural gas networkl and cannot therefore choose this energy.
  • Because natural gas adds a new subscription to pay, The price per kWh is only part of the invoice.
  • Because’Installation and maintenance of a boiler and a network of radiators are expensive.

Finally, only the dwellings located near the network and having energy consumption quite significant to amortize the fixed costs of the subscription and the boiler make the choice of natural gas.

Is there also a gas price shield ?

In the same way as for electricity, the price shield set up by the government also applies to natural gas, the price of which has also reached records since fall 2021. While it was initially ended in December 2022, the gas price shield is ultimately extended in 2023.

Xavier Pinon

After a master’s degree in policy and energy management at Columbia University in the USA, Xavier founded Selectra in 2007 during the liberalization of the market. He also published the book “The energy retail market: competition in action in electricity and gas” in 2015 in 2015.

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Electricity increase: +31% for the EDF rate in 2023 !

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Increase in the price of gas in 2023 and the next to come

Evolution Price of electricity in France [2006 – 2024]

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Gas drop: last decrease in the price of gas in France

The price of electricity in France in 2023 [day price]


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Electricity price 2023: prices, increase and solutions

Electricity supplier rates

The electricity spot price is today € 87. In September 2023, The price of electricity for individuals in France is 0.€ 2276/kWh as a base, Whatever the power of its counter. HPHC optional, The price of electricity is 0.€ 2460/kWh in full hours and 0.€ 1828/kWh in off -peak hours. These prices are those of the regulated electricity sale rate, after an increase of 10 % since August 1, 2023. The regulated electricity sale rate is set by the State after consulting the energy regulation commission (CRE), and applied by EDF. However, it is possible to find cheaper electricity suppliers such as Bellenergie or Mint Energy which apply reductions in relation to the regulated rate.

Increase in the price of electricity: +10% from August 1, 2023

THE Regulated electricity rate experienced an increase of 10 % on August 1, 2023. This increase concerns All French individuals as well as small businesses. Indeed, it applies to all electricity contracts with a subscribed power less than or equal to 36 kVA. This new increase should impact the electricity bill for millions of French. The average French bill was, in July 2023, around 1,700 euros per year. It should drop to just over 1850 euros, which represents a increase of € 13 per month.

Why does the price of electricity increase in 2023 ?

  • Energy crisis: the price of electricity has been up since the end of 2021;
  • Price shield: To cope with the rise in prices, the State has set up a price shield which limits the increase to 15% in 2023;
  • The price per kWh in September 2023 is 0.€ 2276 as a basis for the regulated rate.
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Since the end of 2021, consumers have faced the increase in electricity prices. Energy suppliers who get their supplies on the wholesale market are affected by this increase in the KWH price. Consequently, energy offers are no longer so attractive only before for certain alternative suppliers.

For example, in August 2022, The price of electricity on the wholesale market has reached a peak of more than 1100 €/MWh. During this period, the average cost of an electricity market offer was € 0.2327/kWh or € 232/MWh. This increase had a substantial impact on the annual household electricity bill. Consider a standard fireplace representative of an average consumption with electric heating (around 11,200 kWh per year, with a 9 kVA power counter). By subscribing to a market offer, The amount of the annual electricity invoice amounted to an average of € 1960 in August 2021 against € 3,337 in August 2022, an increase of around 70.25%. In April 2023, the amount of the annual electricity invoice is an average of € 3,293.

Source: the SElectra index of electricity prices in France.

The energy crisis

The energy crisis is linked to several factors such as:

  • The gas : the price of electricity is indexed to that of gas. The price of gas being up following the cessation of importing Russian gas, the electricity rate also increases;
  • Nuclear energy : the French nuclear park has several reactors in maintenance (delayed following the health crisis) and other orders following the discovery of corrosion. In September 2023, the production capacity of nuclear reactors in France was used at 56 %. Of the 56 presense reactors in France, 32 work perfectly, 22 are stopped, and 2 are partially functional.

Source: North Pool

We can see that theIncrease in the price per kWh started in October 2021 and accentuated during 3 distinct events:

  • The announcement of the closure of 2 reactors from the Chooz power plant;
  • The threat of Russian oil embargo;
  • Russia cuts gas to France and other European countries (following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia).

The price shield

The government has set up a price shield in order to limit the increase in the price of electricity For individuals since the end of 2021. It should be extended until 2025.

The price shield blocked The increase in prices at 4% in 2022 and 15% in 2023. This corresponds to an increase of € 260/year for an average household. According to CRE, without this price shield, the price of the regulated rate would have increased by 44% in February 2022 and 99% in February 2023.

What is the price of electricity in September 2023 ?

In September 2023, The price of reference electricity for individuals in France is 0.€ 2276/kWh as a base. If the user chooses the HPHC price option, The price of electricity is 0.€ 2460/kWh in full hours and 0.€ 1828/kWh in off -peak hours. This is the regulated electricity sale rate set by the State after consulting the energy regulation commission (CRE) and applied by EDF. EDF competitors have the choice between offering a price of electricity indexed to the TRV and fixing their price freely. In the first case, they generally offer either a price identical to the regulated rate or else, they make their customers benefit from a more advantageous rate via reductions in the price per kWh. For example, Bellenergie or Mint Energy are suppliers offering a price for electricity per kWh cheaper than EDF.

Reference electricity price: the regulated EDF electricity rate

At the end of 2022, EDF still held no less than 27.2 million customers – Or more than 70 % of the market – subscribers at its regulated blue rate. Even if this offer does not present the most advantageous prices on the market, it therefore remains undoubtedly the most common. In addition, since the energy market crisis in 2021, EDF’s blue rate has gained competitiveness on the market and provides safety to consumers.

Here is the pricing grid of the regulated sales (or blue rate) of EDF optional basis.

Pricing grid of the EDF offer regulated electricity regulated prices

Annual subscription KWH Prix Option Base
3 kVA 113.64 € 0.€ 2276
6 KVA 149.28 € 0.€ 2276
9 KVA 187.56 € 0.€ 2276
12 KVA 226.68 € 0.€ 2276
15 kVA 263.04 € 0.€ 2276
18 KVA 299.04 € 0.€ 2276
24 KVA 379.2 € 0.€ 2276
30 KVA 447.48 € 0.€ 2276
36 KVA 535.92 € 0.€ 2276
Info / subscription ::

Prices € TTC of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date on 09/25/2023

Here is the pricing grid of the regulated sales price for full hours/off -peak hours.

Price grid of the EDF offer regulated electricity prices Option full hours off -peak hours

Annual subscription Price per kWh
in full hours
Price per kWh
in off -peak hours
6 KVA 154.2 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
9 KVA 198.6 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
12 KVA 239.64 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
15 kVA 278.88 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
18 KVA 317.76 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
24 KVA 399.36 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
30 KVA 473.52 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
36 KVA 535.68 € 0.246 € 0.1828 €
Info / subscription ::

Prices € TTC of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date on 09/25/2023

The majority of French people subscribed to the base price option, which is characterized by a price of electricity per constant kWh at every hour of the day. The most widespread meter power in France is 6 kVA. The annual subscription for the majority of French people therefore equals no less than 149.28 €. The price of kWh is therefore mainly 0.€ 2276.

The price of electricity according to other EDF offers

Since June 20, 2019, EDF has been selling the electric Zen offer. An offer which, according to the historic supplier “Adapts to your lifestyle”. Customers benefit from a reduction on the price per kWh During weekends and holidays. It is possible to contact EDF directly to subscribe to an offer.

This is an offer reserved for holders of a Linky communicating counter

With the electric Zen offer, EDF offers a 30% reduction on the price of electricity for up to 3 days per week. More specifically, users benefit from 30% reduction on the price of electricity per kWh on weekends or weekends in off -peak hours and 30% on weekends + 1 day of the week or weekend + 1 day + in off -peak hours. Consumers can therefore benefit from an electricity price at C our hollow hours (0.1615 € per kWh) for a maximum of 128 hollow hours per week (excluding holidays), instead of the usual 56 in a hollow hour contract. Please note, this is offset by a higher rate both in terms of full hours. This is why it is essential to perform a simulation of all EDF contracts before subscribing and see if this operating mode is profitable after having estimated its electricity consumption.

Finally, there is the EDF tempo option. For consumers who have chosen the EDF tempo option, The price of electricity can vary every day Depending on the color of the day: blue, white or red; and time (full/off -peak hours). The Tempo option aims to regulate supply and demand in electricity on the market by encouraging consumers to reduce their consumption during peak periods via advantageous prices during the other periods. So, The price of electricity with the tempo option is hyper competitive 300 days per year, very competitive 43 days a year and very high 22 days per year. Thus, the tempo option can be very advantageous for consumers who have the possibility of restrict their consumption in full hours during the 22 cold days of winter. This is called erasure. According to Selectra calculations, a consumer capable of adapting his heating mode during the red days, especially in full hours, will be able to realize on average 27% savings on its electricity bill

Here is the price grid of the EDF tempo option.

Pricing grid of the EDF offer regulated electricity regulated TEMPO OPTRO

Annual subscription �� KWH price blue ⚪ KWh price white day �� KWh Red Day Price
Off -peak hours (HC) Full hours (HP) Hc Hp Hc Hp
6 KVA 153.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
9 KVA 192.00 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
12 KVA 231.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
15 kVA 267.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
18 KVA 303.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
30 KVA 457.56 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
36 KVA 531.36 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
Info / subscription ::

Prices € TTC of the offer regulated electricity prices of the EDF supplier up to date on 09/25/2023

Electricity price in alternative suppliers

Subscribe to one of the suppliers below can make it possible to obtain cheaper electricity. In this list of Competing suppliers from EDF, You will find everyone’s offers, their best discounts, as well as phone numbers to subscribe to a contract or obtain information. By clicking on the links, you will be able to discover the detailed offers from alternative suppliers to EDF Electricity, notably with the prices and discounts according to each offer. In addition, some alternative suppliers also offer offers for professionals, such as Urban Solar Energy Pro and thus compete with the EDF Entreprises offer.

⚡ which is the best optional electricity supplier base?

Electricity supplier Offer name Annual budget – TTC EDF savings Annual subscription – TTC KWH price – TTC
09 74 59 22 19 Subscribe online DAWN
�� Green offer !
⚖ Indexed prices !
Estimated annual budget
2081 €
You win
230 €
149.28 € 0.2033 €
09 74 59 46 30
subscribe online
Classic & Green
�� Green offer !
⚖ Indexed prices !
Estimated annual budget
2098 €
You win
213 €
150.6 € 0.205 €
05 64 27 04 88 Blue energy
�� Green offer !
Estimated annual budget
2142 €
You win
169 €
154.44 € 0.2092 €
Switch Power Fidelity
⚖ Indexed prices !
Estimated annual budget
2178 €
You win
133 €
121.92 € 0.2164 €
09 70 68 07 65 Private offer
�� Green offer !
Estimated annual budget
2188 €
You win
123 €
201.12 € 0.2091 €

* Up -to -date table of 25/09/2023. Budget calculated for a consumption of 9,500 kWh per year in Limoges as a base (6 kVA) .

Comparison of the price of electricity among suppliers in September 25, 2023

The 10 cheapest electricity offers at 25/09/2023

Supplier Offer name Price per year Savings compared to the regulated rate TTC subscription price KWH price including TTC
09 74 59 22 19 Subscribe online DAWN
✔️ Green offer !
��️ Indexed prices !
Estimated budget
2081 €
You save
230 €
149.28 € 0.2033 €
09 74 59 46 30
subscribe online
Classic & Green
✔️ Green offer !
��️ Indexed prices !
Estimated budget
2098 €
You save
213 €
150.6 € 0.205 €
09 74 59 22 19 Subscribe online CAUTION
✔️ Green offer !
��️ Blocked prices !
Estimated budget
2105 €
You save
206 €
173.4 € 0.2033 €
05 64 27 04 88 Blue energy
✔️ Green offer !
Estimated budget
2142 €
You save
169 €
154.44 € 0.2092 €
Switch Power Fidelity
��️ Indexed prices !
Estimated budget
2178 €
You save
133 €
121.92 € 0.2164 €
09 70 68 07 65 Private offer
✔️ Green offer !
Estimated budget
2188 €
You save
123 €
201.12 € 0.2091 €
09 74 59 22 19 Subscribe online Consistency
✔️ Green offer !
��️ Blocked prices !
Estimated budget
2201 €
You save
110 €
269.28 € 0.2033 €

* Table updated daily. Annual budget calculated for a consumption of 9,500 kWh in Lille at the base rate

You don’t know which electricity offer to choose ? To see more clearly and choose the one that best suits your consumption needs and habits, do not hesitate to contact free A Selectra advisor to:
☎️ 09 74 59 22 19 or free reminder

The price of electricity dedicated to the supply

This is the only part that varies from one supplier to another. The supply of electricity includes:

  • Supply costs;
  • Sales costs and cost of customer service;
  • The supplier’s margin.

The price of electricity dedicated to the electricity network

The delivery of electricity means the “journey” of the electricity of its place of production at the customer’s home. This routing has a cost that is the same for all suppliers. In France, Enedis supervises this part. The price will depend on the power subscribed when signing the contract with the supplier.

Taxes applied to the price of electricity

Finally, the last part of the price of electricity is the taxes. Again, the latter are the same for all suppliers. There are 3:

  1. The transport rate contribution (CTA): this tax is a percentage concerning the fixed share of the delivery rate. Indeed, it is used to finance insurance for employees in the service of electric and gas industries;
  2. The excise on electricity: this tax was called TICFE before January 1, 2022. This tax is taken from the State and serves to feed its general budget. To cope with the energy crisis and for the establishment of the price shield, the State lowered this tax on February 1, 2022;
  3. The value added tax (VAT): it will apply to 20 % on the total amount and 5.5% on the price of the subscription.

Supply: share of the regulated rate to cover the costs of production and marketing of electricity. Network: Part of the regulated rate to cover electricity transport costs. Taxes and contributions: VAT, CTA, TCFE and CSPE.

How to compare the prices of supplier electricity ?

Compare the prices of supplier electricity thanks to the selectra comparator

Once the consumer is comfortable with the Composition of his invoice, But also with the type of offer that corresponds to it, it is then simple to define its criteria in order to choose the energy offer that corresponds to it. Thanks to Selectra comparator, It is possible to select the best offer for your home on the basis of essential criteria such as:

  • The surface of the accommodation concerned;
  • The number of inhabitants ;
  • The power of its electric meter;
  • etc.

To these different characteristics are added certain information about offers or supplier, which can affect the choice of customers, such as:

  • The type of energy (standard green, premium, local, etc.);
  • Customer service (telephone, online);
  • The type of offer (special Linky offer, dual offer, etc.);
  • etc.

Understand how the price of your invoice is divided

An electricity bill details the calculation of consumption and subscription in order to reveal the exact price to pay for the consumer.

The cost of the subscription
L’Electric counter subscription is paid every month or every two months, at the same time as consumption, depending on the choice of invoicing. Indeed, if the customer decides to base his invoices on a estimate or on its actual consumption. This price corresponds to the “rental” price of the electric meter.

Energy consumption.
Energy consumption is represented in the electricity bill by the price of KWH multiplied by the KWH number consumed Within the home for a given period. It can be a estimate established on an average depending on the consumption profile or a history, or of a actual consumption based on an exhaustive succession of the electric meter.

Taxes and contributions on electricity
The electricity rate is therefore made up of several parts which are not all fixed by the supplier. Among these elements, we therefore count taxes and contributions on electricity. They are exactly the same for all suppliers and can in no case vary depending on the offer, They include in particular:

  • VAT ;
  • The excise on electricity, resulting from the merger between the CSPE and LATCFE;
  • The CTA.

The different types of offers varying the price of electricity

Since the liberalization of the energy market, the electricity supply offers have multiplied to seduce clienteles with various sensitivities:

  • Set -priced offers:
    These offers guarantee a price which remains the same on the fixity duration determined by the contract (often between 1 and 3 years). This helps not depend on the increases in the regulated electricity rate. Small flat, this does not allow you to benefit from a possible drop in this same price.
  • Offers at indexed prices:
    These offers guarantee a reduction percentage compared to the reference index, most often on the regulated electricity rate. For example, the Alpiq electricity offer guarantees a 4% reduction on the HT price per kWh compared to the regulated price of EDF. This type of offer has the advantage of guaranteeing that we will pay its kWh of electricity always cheaper than the regulated rate, since it directly follows its evolution.
  • Green offers:
    These offers guarantee consumers of renewable electricity. If electricity is not traceable, the principle of equivalence guarantees the customer of a green offer as for the amount of energy it consumes, the same amount of energy from renewable sources has been injected into the network. Alternative suppliers offer green offers at very advantageous prices, and sometimes even local offers.
  • Offers 100% Online:
    In order to allow consumers to save, many suppliers now offer so -called digital offers or 100% online. Their particularity ? By saving on the price of telephone customer service and by offering customers to manage their electricity contract themselves from a dedicated online space, suppliers can offer additional discounts.

Each type of offer therefore has its specificities. These influence the price of electricity. Indeed, the amount of the invoice will not be the same depending on whether there is green energy or standard energy for example.


�� How is the price of electricity set ?

With the exception of EDF and its rate regulated by the public authorities, all offers are fixed freely by suppliers. Thus, they can choose the price of the subscription and the price per kWh that they will charge to their customers. Nevertheless, the routing costs and the taxes are the same for everyone, which is why the price differences per kWh rarely exceed the penny’s penny – which does not however prevent hundreds of euros in savings at the end of the year.

Note that some suppliers offer fixed electricity prices, whose HT evolution is frozen for periods of up to 4 years. This allows you to guard against changes in the price of electricity, since most alternative offers to EDF are indexed – downward – on the regulated rate. Thus, in the event of an increase in the price of electricity, they remain a certain cheaper percentage, but integrate the increase.

✒️ How to change supplier ?

Since the opening of the energy market for individuals, the EDF electricity giant is no longer the only supplier to occupy France. As mentioned above, a multitude of other suppliers have, in fact, emerged in order to offer consumers offers that are always more competitive than the regulated rate.

Men with documents

Moreover, knowledge of consumers in terms of energy supply is increasing. Indeed, according to the 14ᵉ edition of the energy-info barometer unveiled in 2020 by the National Energy Mediator, in 2020, 70% of French people are now aware that they can now Change electricity supplier .

Furthermore, the supplier change is a procedure:

  • simple : Just contact your energy supplier or a Selectra advisor (free at ☎️ 09 74 59 22 19 or free reminder);
  • fast : with the necessary documents in hand (last invoice, PDL number, address) the process takes on ten minutes on average;
  • without engagement : Now the law guarantees the consumer to be able to terminate his contract when he sees fit;
  • at nochy : there is no termination fees for individuals;
  • without risk : the quality of the supply remains identical from one supplier to another;
  • cut -off : the distribution part for lines and meters remains operated by Enedis.

Each subscriber can therefore at any time Change energy supplier By signing a contract with the company of its choice. This signature, which can be done by email, is sufficient to terminate the current contract and the subscription to the new. The former supplier continues the service until the replacement date desired by the consumer. It is then up to the new supplier to take over.

Change supplier during a move when an individual changes housing, he has the obligation to terminate the leaving housing electricity contract, even if he wishes to keep the same offer. He must again subscribe to the new accommodation. He can also take the opportunity to go to another supplier. The approach is, in fact, the same. It is recommended to contact the supplier of his choice to take out a contract 2 weeks before moving in.

⏰ When the price of electricity evolves ?


In addition to local distribution companies, called ELD, EDF is the only supplier to be able to market the blue rate or regulated electricity rate. This price therefore presents no particular discount since it is the reference price on the electricity market.

Since 2015, it’s the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) which transmits its proposals for electricity sales prices to the Ministers of Economy and Energy. The government therefore has a period of three months in order to study the new price proposal and – possibly – oppose it. In principle, the regulated blue rate is revised (up or down) every six months. However, for several years now, it has been constantly increasing. Although remaining the most subscribed contract in France, it remains among the least advantageous on the market at present.

�� What was the impact of market liberalization ?

The purpose of opening up a market to introduce new players in this monopolistic market (only one company). Ultimately, the goal is to compete All these actors to increase supply, develop innovation and lower prices – and that’s what happened. If we put things in perspective, it should be remembered that EDF was founded in 1946, it was therefore alone on its market to be able to take advantage of public power, for 61 years. Its history is linked to the history of France in the 20th century century. The French remain attached to this former public enterprise which has provided jobs to hundreds of thousands of people and ensured the energy security of our country. So it is difficult for young new entrants to come and compete with a mastodon which, in 2006 still, had 100% of the French electricity market. However, this opening had different impacts for consumers:

  • More economical offers:
    The opening of the market has, in fact, allowed the diversification of energy offers. Among them, there are many that offer their customers advantageous discounts;
  • Greener offers:
    According to government figures on sustainable development, green energies are expanding (+84 % between 1990 and 2019)). This evolution can be explained by technical innovations, but also and above all, by the emergence of new players on the energy market, offering competitive (or premium) green offers in abundance, in order to participate properly in the energetic transition. This is the case, for example, of Mint Energie, Enercoop, etc.

Clémence Grébonval

After spending a year in an ELD, Clémence took charge of Prix-Elec in January 2023.

Electricity price 2023: KWH prices and developments in France

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FRANCE Electricity Price

electricity price

The price of electricity is currently 0.€ 2276 per kWh in 6 kVA base according to EDF (regulated blue rate). This electricity price joined the increase of +10 % in August 2023 following a government decision. According to Eurostat, the average electricity price in 2022 is 0.2092 € TTC. Find on this page the prices of electricity at the regulated prices of EDF and with some of the most popular offers of alternative suppliers. Also discover our advice to pay the lowest electricity price and explanations on its fixing.

  • Electricity price: the essential to remember
  • The price of electricity in France for individuals is to 0.€ 2276 including tax per kWh according to the Grille of the regulated price of EDF optional basis.
  • For half of households who benefit from the option Off -peak hours, the price of electricity decreases to 0.1828 € TTC per kWh during the 8 hours off, but goes up to 0.€ 2460 including tax per kWh the rest of the time.
  • There is the fixed part of the invoice, thesubscription, most often Between € 100 and 200 € per year Depending on the meter power and the price option (base or off -peak hours).
  • According to Eurostat, including consumption prices and subscription, the average electricity price was 0.2092 € TTC per kWh in France in 2022.
  • On the wholesale market Epex Spot, the price of electricity oftoday is 87 € per mWh.
  • To help consumers in the face of the energy crisis, the government has set up a price shield by capping the increase in the price of electricity at +4 % in February 2022 (instead of 444 %). For the year 2023, The price shield is extended with a cap capped in +15 % on February 1, 2023 (instead of +99 %) and a limited increase in +10 % on August 1, 2023 (instead of +74.5 %). A new increase in the price of electricity is to be expected on February 1, 2024.


�� The price of electricity will increase in February 2024 ?

The president of CRE announced during a press conference on Thursday, September 14, that electricity prices are likely to increase between 10 % and 20 % on February 1, 2024 According to the calculation of the theoretical regulated prices. It is important to specify that this calculation formula has not been applied by the government thanks to the energy price shield funded by the state budget.

The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire wished to bounce back on the declarations of the presidency of CRE: “An increase in electricity rates from 10 % to 20 % [. ] At the beginning of 2024 is excluded “. The official percentage of increase in electricity prices will not be announced until the end of the year.

�� The price of electricity set for 2023

Increase in the price of electricity capped at +10 % in August 2023 with the price shield (instead of 74.5 %)

The price of electricity increases by +10% on August 1, 2023, especially due to the increase in the price for use of the public electricity network (Turpe HTA-HTB) planned since the deliberation of May 31, 2023, as well as various minor factors.

This increase is limited thanks to the price shield always active until 2025. Without the price shield, the electricity prices would have increased by 74.5 % According to the calculation of the theoretical development of the regulated electricity sale rate of the energy regulation commission (CRE).

This increase affects All households and small professionals Having subscribed to a meter power less than 36 kVA and having a contract at regulated price or a contract at PRIX indexed to the regulated electricity rate.

Increase in the price of electricity limited to +15 % in February 2023 with the price shield (instead of 99.22 %)

For the year 2023, the government undertook to extend the price shield applied to the regulated rate. The increase in the price of electricity is capped at +15 % (instead of +99.22 %) on February 1, 2023. To help the most modest households to face this increase in the electricity bill, the state announces the granting of exceptional energy checks in the amount of 100 to 200 € depending on tax income.

Concretely, the price shield limiting the increase to +15% would represent an average increase in the electricity bill of € 25 per month, instead of € 200 if this device had not been extended, according to the service-public site.Fr.

This aid device (energy price shield) costs 16 billion euros, 5 billion for electricity and 11 billion for gas.

A price of electricity according to the revenues of the French ?

In 2022, according to LCI, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire spoke of an ongoing project to go from general mechanisms (tariff shield) to more targeted mechanisms.

“It will be necessary, from January 1ᵉʳ 2023, than on electricity and on gas, we help more those who need it. [. ] There must also be increases for those who can afford it. [. ] This means that we will take into account the level of income of people ”
announces the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire on LCI.

As of February 1, 2023, no measure to fix electricity prices according to French household income was voted for an application in 2023.

�� Why has the price of electricity increased with the energy crisis ?


The price of the electricity market has exploded since September 2022 for several reasons:

  • China’s blockage concerning the export of Australian coal : China preferred to pay a higher price in the United States compared to European countries, resulting in a blazing of coal prices (used as fuel to produce electricity);
  • Historical drought in Brazil : the country depends on its hydroelectric installations for electricity;
  • gas production limited in the Netherlands : the Groningen gas field had to suspend its gas production (energy used to produce electricity) due to a succession of tremors that weakened dwellings in the region;
  • Carbon prices increasing : This market aims to limit greenhouse gases by an CO2 emission quota exchange system;
  • The invasion of Russia in Ukraine : Russia is one of the main gas suppliers (energy used for the production of part of the electricity) in Europe. Following the support of many European countries vis-à-vis Ukraine by refusing to pay the gas in ruble (Russian currency), Russia has reduced its volume of delivery of Russian gas.
  • stopping a large number of nuclear reactors in France : EDF had to stop the activity of several nuclear reactors due to corrosion problem.

Industrialists directly buying their electricity on the wholesale market were affected by this historic price increase. Part of French households that have subscribed to a market offer at EDF or an alternative supplier are also affected by the increase in electricity prices.

Only 70 % of French households at the regulated blue rate at EDF did not see their daily life changed at the start of the crisis. Indeed, the regulated electricity rate (TRV) only evolves twice a year during the revision by the public authorities (more precisely CRE). This revision comes in January and July of each year.

Increase in the price of electricity in February 2022

As a result, the regulated rate will increase on February 1, 2022. According to expert forecasts, the increase in the regulated electricity rate is Estimated at +35 %. Faced with the outbreak of wholesale market prices, the government has announced a Ceiling of the increase in the regulated electricity rate at +4 % in February 2022.

This price shield should make it possible to relieve many French households. In parallel, Prime Minister Jean Castex communicated on a Energy check for an additional 100 euros For the 5 million most modest households. This energy check helps households in difficulty paying their energy bills in the face of the increase in electricity prices.

Increase in the price of electricity in August 2022

Wednesday, July 23, the CRE offers in July an increase in the regulated electricity sale rate of 3.89 % from August 1ᵉʳ 2022. In general, the government follows and applies the recommendations of. However, in the context of pricing with the energy crisis, a price shield had been set up on December 31, 2021. Thus, the Government reserves the right to oppose proposals greater than 4% increase in electricity prices

According to BFMTV, the Ministry of Energy Transition will not apply the increase of 3.89 % suggested by CRE on August 1, 2022 for consumers.

“It is a technical reassessment which will serve us to know how much we compensate the suppliers within the framework of the shield, but it does not change the operation and the protection of consumers”
– specifies the ministry.

⚡ Price of electricity at the blue rate in 2023

Offered only by the historic EDF supplier, the so -called regulated rate “blue price“is not today the cheapest on the market for individuals and small professionals. The tables below give the prices of the month in progress as a base and optional full hours and off-peak hours.

  • The price per kWh of electricity varies depending on the price option Base or off -peak hours and according to the meter power.
  • With the price option Base, THE price is identical all year round at any time of the day. This is the option usually retained by households not using electricity for heating and hot water.
  • With the price option Off -peak hours, THE Price varies according to the hours of the day. This is the option usually retained by fireplaces heated to electricity and equipped with an electric hot water tank.
  • There meter power also vary itPrice per kWh, but to a lesser extent.

Regulated electricity rate for individuals

THE Regulated electricity rate (TRV) corresponds to the offer EDF Blue Price. This TRV is fixed and reassessed by the public authorities. The table below presents the price grid of the EDF blue price offer available for optional individuals base and full hours / off-peak hours.

Particular electricity regulated price as a basis

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

Particular electricity regulated price for full hours/off -peak hours

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

Consumers wishing to reduce their electricity bill can compete by choosing an offer cheaper than EDF’s regulated rate. Some suppliers regularly offer guaranteed discounts on the price per kWh compared to EDF, allowing to save on your annual bill. Note that EDF also offers other offers than regulated prices (see all EDF prices).

Did you know ? More than 6 million EDF customers have already passed through competition since the opening of the energy market in 2007. Changing supplier is a free and risk -free procedure. More information by contacting a Selectra advisor on 09 75 18 41 65 Free reminder
(Monday-vendredi 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Blue rate for professionals

The EDF blue price also exists for professionals. However, the price of electricity is not the same as for individuals. The figures in the following table are indicated in HT for professionals.

Regulated Professional Electricity Tariff Base

€ HT price of the EDF supplier’s regulated electricity prices offer up to date at 25/09/2023

Regulated pro electricity rate optional full hours/off -peak hours

€ HT price of the EDF supplier’s regulated electricity prices offer up to date at 25/09/2023

The regulated rate was the only price of electricity on the professionals market until 2003. By confidence or by habit, many business leaders keep it, sometimes without knowing that they could benefit from more economical offers. However, many alternative suppliers offer, today, very competitive offers, including transparent and reliable discounts, which allow professionals to substantially reduce their electricity bills. If you are a big professional, consult our items on profiles in yellow and green rate.

Professional: how to lower your energy bill ? To obtain a free and tailor-made quote depending on the activity, simply contact Selectra at:
09 71 07 17 15 Free reminder


�� Electricity price in alternative suppliers in 2023

Alongside the blue rate offered by EDF, alternative suppliers offer market prices, often much more competitive than the regulated rate Since the opening of the energy market. However, with the energy crisis which started at the end of September 2021 and which continued in 2022, the regulated blue rate of EDF became the most advantageous thanks to the aid device set up by the French government called “price shield energy “. It makes it possible to freeze the prices of regulated prices to help consumers in this difficult context.

Consequently, market offers not benefiting from the price shield cannot compete with regulated prices, thus making them less competitive. The tables below present different offers for individuals. For more choices, it is also possible to compare the different offers on the market for free and in a few clicks.

The cheapest electricity supplier currently is Bellenergie with its Aurore offer with a KWH price of € 0.2033 in 6 kVA base for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh.

* Prices € TTC up to date on 09/25/2023. Budget calculated for an annual consumption of 5,500 kWh in Toulouse as a base (6 kVA).

Participate in a group purchase of energy to reduce your electricity bill, it is possible to pre -register free of charge in an energy purchase operation. The operation takes place in 3 steps:
1 free pre -registration and without obligation;
2 negotiation by the organizer of an offer at a group rate by sending a call for tenders to all energy suppliers on the market;
3 Reception by the pre -registered of an email presenting the characteristics of the winning offer and the saving savings; possibility of subscribing to the offer or renounce it.
Pre -register

Alternative offers for professionals

To find a cheaper electricity offer than regulated electricity prices, it is possible to use the electricity tender comparator for professionals. It is also possible to directly call the service dedicated to ☎️ 09 71 07 17 15 or to request a free reminder.

�� Evolution of electricity prices from 2006 to 2023

History of increases in HT electricity prices since 2006

Date of evolution of the price of electricity Evolution of electricity price
August 2023 +10 %
February 2023 +15 %
February 2022 +4 %
August 2021 +0.48 %
February 2021 +1.61 %
August 2020 +1.54 %
February 2020 +2.4 %
August 2019 1.23 %
February 2019
August 2018 -0.5 %
February 2018 +0.8 %
August 2017 -1.7 %
February 2017
August 2016 -0.5 %
February 2016 +2 %
August 2015 +2.5 %
February 2015 +2.5 %
August 2014 +2.5 %
February 2014 +3 %
August 2013 +5 %
February 2013 +2.5 %
August 2012 +2 %
August 2011 +1.7 %
August 2010 +3 %
August 2009 +1.9 %
August 2008 +2 %
August 2007 +1.1 %
August 2006 +1.7 %

Updated information on July 31, 2023

Despite this upward trend, the price of electricity in France remains below the European average (According to the graph below). In addition, consumers have hitherto benefited from the government’s reluctance to increase the price of electricity: increases too low in recent years, which did not compensate for the operating cost of EDF (maintenance and strengthening of the security of the nuclear fleet in particular) are also partly responsible for the expected increases.

�� How is the price of electricity ?

The electricity bill consists of subscription and consumption. The price of the subscription and the price per kWh of electricity are fixed:

  • Either by the state : regulated electricity rate, only at EDF (and ELDs in certain regions);
  • Either by the supplier himself : market price, often indexed to the regulated rate (-x %) for the sake of transparency.

To this price excluding taxes are added different taxes and contributions. Finally, on all these elements, VAT applies.

Detail of the components of an electricity bill

What is this ? Fixed by VAT
Subscription Fixed price
Varies depending on the supplier, the contract, the power subscribed and the option
The supplier (or CRE in the case of regulated prices) 5.5 %
Consumption Electricity consumption at the price of kWh that applies:
The price per kWh depends on the supplier, the contract, the power, the option (base or HPHC) ..
The supplier (or CRE in the case of regulated prices) 20 %
Taxes 3 taxes exist (apart from VAT): CTA and excise on electricity (ex-CSPE and ex-TCFE) Ministerial decree (independent of the supplier)
Municipal council (or intercommunality) for the municipal (or inter -municipal) TCFE
Departmental Council for the Departmental TCFE
Ministerial decree (independent of the supplier)
Municipal council (or intercommunality) for the municipal (or inter -municipal) TCFE
Departmental Council for the Departmental TCFE
5.5 % for the CTA
20 % for the excise on electricity

Taxes related to electricity is not spared by increases; They are decided by the public authorities and apply in the same way for all suppliers.

Supply: share of the regulated rate to cover the costs of production and marketing of electricity. Network: Part of the regulated rate to cover electricity transport costs. Taxes and contributions: VAT, CTA, TCFE and CSPE.

The supply of electricity among the components of the invoice

The supply of electricity constitutes 27 % of the electricity bill:

  • The purchase of nuclear electricity from EDF : ARENH is a system allowing all consumers (regardless of the electricity supplier) can benefit from nuclear production and its moderate costs. The price is set by law. The majority of EDF competing alternative suppliers get their supplies from ARENH. Each year, the sales ceiling authorized in number of TWh is reached.
  • Buying electricity on wholesale markets : When the ARENH ceiling is reached, suppliers fold up to the wholesale markets to ensure the request.
  • Electricity production specific to electricity suppliers : some large electricity suppliers are also electricity producers. This production activity allows suppliers to have their own means of electricity production. This is the case of EDF, ENGIE (ex-GDF) and totalergies (ex-Total Direct Energie).
  • The cost of energy savings certificates (EEC) : the law obliges electricity suppliers to encourage their customers to save energy. For example, encourage to change an old boiler against a device with better energy performance. An energy premium quota is set each year. If the electricity supplier does not reach this objective, he is forced to buy them from third parties to fill the gap.
  • The cost of capacity guarantees : the law obliges electricity suppliers to contribute to the security of electricity supply. Energy suppliers are required to guarantee a supply capacity in the event of a request peak especially during an exceptional cold wave, without causing a power outage. To meet this objective, operators must ensure that they have a production capacity for supply or erasure capacity for demand.
  • Trade costs : these costs are linked in particular to customer service, the acquisition of new customers, the loyalty of current customers or even unpaid.

Network costs among the components of the electricity bill

The fixed share represented by the price per kWh includes the rates for using public electricity networks (Turpe). This component created in 2000 is a rate paid by users of electricity networks. Fixed by CRE and identical throughout the national territory, the Turpe is used to remunerate the electricity transport network (RTE) and the distribution network of the electrical network (Enedis – Ex -ERDF).

Other taxes and contributions among the components of the electricity bill

Many taxes and contributions complete the electricity bill. They represent a third of the electricity bill:

  • The transport rate contribution (CTA): Proportional to the cost of carrying energy, the CTA depends on the consumer category (but not on the supplier for electricity). It is fixed by ministerial decree (independent of the supplier).
  • The fraction of the right of excise on electricity : This tax corresponds to the old contribution to the public electricity service (CSPE) set up in 2008. It is a participation in costs linked to the public service missions of historic suppliers (mainly solidarity and ecology). The excise on electricity also includes taxes on final electrical and municipal electricity consumption (TCFE). Fixed by the finance law on the proposal of the CRE, the excise on electricity set in particular to:
    • Finance the basic necessity rate (allowing precarious households to eat at preferential rate) which is today replaced by the energy check
    • Compensate for the supply costs of the isolated areas of the network
    • Strengthen the development of renewable energies

    �� How to have a cheaper electricity price ?

    Compare prices for electricity offers

    To find out the best electricity offers and reduce your bill, it is recommended to use an electricity comparator that lists all the offers available on the market. This tool avoids having to compare all prices yourself in all energy suppliers.

    Selectra offers a free online electricity comparator, but also by phone at:
    09 75 18 41 65 Free reminder

    Participate in a group purchase of electricity

    Particular or professional consumers now have a weapon against the price increase. If they cannot act on the developments themselves, they can. However, lower the price of their electricity by subscribing to a supplier offering discounts on the price of electricity, or simply by participating in an energy group purchase.

    • The change of supplier for private customers is made:
    • Free ;
    • Automatically ;
    • Without technical intervention;
    • Without power cut;
    • Without terminating his previous contract (the new supplier takes care of everything).

    KWH converter to Euro selectra provides a free KWH converter to Euro to estimate the amount of the energy bill thanks to electricity consumption.
    Convert kWh to Euro

    ❓ Questions Fair (FAQ) on the price of electricity

    What is the price of a kWh of electricity in 2023 ?

    The price of a kWh at the regulated blue price EDF is 0.€ 2,276 for a 6 kVA -based meter power (up to date on September 1, 2023). However, you should know that the price of a kWh of electricity varies depending on the energy supplier price grid.

    Where to find the pricing grids of electricity suppliers ?

    In general, pricing grids are publicly communicated by electricity suppliers on their website.

    Is an electricity price cheaper or more expensive than the price of gas ?

    The price of electricity is more expensive than the price of gas. The price of electricity of the EDF regulated rate is 0.€ 2276 per kWh (base price in 6 kVA) while that of Engie gas is 0.€ 1035 per kWh (base price in zone 1).

    However, natural gas increases more frequently than electricity. Indeed, the regulated gas rate is revised every month while that of electricity is every 6 months. In October 2021, the price of gas increased by +12.6% compared to the previous month. As for electricity, it will increase by +4% in February 2022.

    Which supplier offers the price of the cheapest electricity ?

    The supplier offering the cheapest price of electricity varies regularly depending on the economic situation, but also new offers and new arrivals. To find out which supplier offers the cheapest price of electricity, it is necessary to use an electricity comparator either online or by phone like selectra on 09 71 07 17 15 free reminder.

    Xavier Pinon

    After an international business diploma with an energy specialty, Xavier co-crere the company Selectra with Aurian de Maupeou. He wrote a book entitled “The energy retail market, competition in action in electricity and gas” (2015) in collaboration with Thomas Véron. Xavier regularly publishes articles on international news of electricity and comparisons between countries.

    Save money on your electricity and/or gas bill compare energy prices with the selectra comparator !
    09 75 18 41 65 Free reminder
    (Non -surcharged number – Free service – currently opened) Announcement

    Telephone platform currently closed (free service – open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

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