Price of an electric car: purchase, maintenance and charging station, automobile: what is the real cost when you opt for an electric car?

Electric car cost

Prize observed in February 2020 on the Argus website.

Price of an electric car: purchase, maintenance and charging station

Misitia Ravaloson

Price of an electric car

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More and more French people are turning to the electric car, for ecological questions. The segment of the electric vehicle for individuals has indeed reached more than 42.000 units in 2019, compared to around 31.000 in 2018. Despite this advance, its market share remains minimal in France (only 1.9%). The price of an electric car is often the first obstacle to its purchase. But you should know that, even if this type of vehicle is more expensive to buy than a thermal car, it is eligible for government aid and is much cheaper for use. Details.

What is the purchase price of an electric car ?

Average price observed for the purchase of an electric car in 2020

Car model Autonomy Purchase price
Renault Zoé 70 to 150 km From € 23,900
BMW i3 Up to 308 km From € 39,950
Nissan Leaf 270 to 385 km From € 33,900
Kia E-Niro Up to 455 km From € 37,000
Tesla Model S Up to 550 km Between € 91,000 and € 107,700

Prize observed in February 2020 on the Argus website.

According to one International study of the Cetelem Observatory of the Automobile In 2018, the price of an electric car is by far the first obstacle to its purchase: 91% of French people receive the electric vehicle as a more expensive car that its thermal equivalent. Indeed, with equivalent model, the average additional cost of an electric car compared to a thermal car can go up to 50%, despite government aid.

Furthermore, the cost of a new electric car varies enormously according to several factors. The price starts at around € 20,000 and can go up to € 90,000 . Autonomy is one of the elements that explain this price difference. The most widespread models are indeed those with limited autonomy, Between 70 and 150 km real (for example the Renault Zoe, there BMW i3 or the Nissan Leaf)). These models are adapted to mainly city dwellers and vary Between 20,000 and 40,000 €.

But we also distinguish high -end models, with autonomy to more than 500kms, whose price goes from 70.000 to 90.000 € (for example, those of the brand You’re here)).

How much is the maintenance of the electric car ?

Although the price of an electric car is high, you should know that in use, this type of vehicle remains more economical. It can be half cheaper in use, especially becauseIt requires little maintenance Compared to a so -called classic car, with a view to its different operation: no need to empty or change the filters, candles or the distribution belt, among others.

Not only is few consumables to maintain, but the maintenance is also done less often: every 30,000kms, Against 15,000kms for a petrol engine and 20,000kms for a diesel vehicle .

Concretely, the cost of maintaining an electric car is 20 to 30% lower than for a traditional automobile.

Regular maintenance services to be performed

electric cars

The price of an electric car can represent a brake, but it can be profitable over time, because compared to a carrier or diesel car, a VE is much easier to maintain. As proof, regular and compulsory maintenance services to be performed are:

  • Change the battery : the battery is what makes the electric car work, and its maintenance is therefore essential. It must obviously be recharged regularly, but in addition, it must be replaced after a few years, according to its lifespan. THE Electric car battery replacement It is not negligible, but fortunately, it is not a regular maintenance (the lifespan can go up to 10 years) and the batteries are available for rental at certain dealers;
  • Renew fluids : the cooling liquid, the brake fluid and the windshield washer are the only fluids to be renewed regularly on an electric car;
  • Brake : an electric car is equipped with a regenerative braking system, which means that the platelets and the discs are less requested. Brake maintenance is therefore 50% less restrictive compared to that of traditional cars;
  • Maintain the electric motor : This service is also simplified because there are much fewer revisions: no oil emptying to do, no exhaust pot or gearbox to control, etc. ;
  • Traditional controls : certain control points remain common to electric and classic cars, but they remain unimportant in terms of price (wipers, tires, air conditioning system, etc.)).

It is strongly not recommended to maintain your electric car yourself because of the high risks of electrocution. This service must be performed by an authorized professional .

What is the average price to replace your battery ?

The battery represents an important position in the price of an electric car. Two choices arise for consumers about the battery:

  1. Buying the battery : According to the dealer, consumers can choose to buy their battery. THE Price of an electric car battery is however important and can go from 4.000 to 9.000 €. For example, the Renault Zoé battery costs 8.900 €, an amount that is added to the purchase invoice. The battery is guaranteed for a number of years, after which the manufacturer no longer supports failures or loss of capacity. The consumer will therefore have to replace the battery at his expense;
  2. Battery rental : rental is another option. In this case, the dealer supports battery maintenance and its replacement. This solution can be more interesting and much more accessible. Nevertheless, the rental price varies Between 70 and 150 € per month, And the consumer is required to pay a fixed sum every month, even if the vehicle is not used.

The average price to recharge your electric car

electric car recharge

THE Cost of recharging an electric car is one of the largest arguments in its favor. Indeed, the cost of consumption of an electric car is much less significant than that of conventional cars. Recharge is also much cheaper (in some cases, free) compared to fuels.

Use a free access terminal

According to’RECOGNIZED, it exists 9507 charging stations in France in 2019 (public parking lots, private and road parking lots), representative 21,954 charging stations allowing individuals to load their electric car throughout the territory. Nevertheless, these charging stations are still very poorly distributed. Like the price of an electric car, this disparity also represents a brake on the purchase of an electric car from individuals.

That said, recharging an electric car remains advantageous, because much cheaper than fuel . Also, there are several options, which allow individuals to load their car free or for a very small sum, which greatly dampens the price of an electric car. Some examples :

  • Supermarkets : supermarkets like Lidl Or Auchan offer a free load in their car parks to electric car owners who frequent their brands;
  • Supercharters : these are charging stations set up by Tesla, intended only for its models. Supercharters operate by credit. New buyers benefit from an annual credit of 400 kWh;
  • Bélib in Paris : this is a Ile-de-France network providing free charging stations over night, and paid during the day, of € 1/15 minutes the first hour then 4 €/15 minutes beyond . This price is reduced for those who have a Bélib badge;
  • Correw : this is the main fast charge network in France, produced by Sodetrel, an EDF subsidiary. The cost of recharge varies between 0.5 and 0.7 €/5 minutes of load .

Note that in France, unlike other European countries, The billing of a recharge is done according to the time, Often by 15 minutes or via a pricing formula, not at the KWH delivered. The recharge time to refuel depends on the power of the battery and the power of the terminal.

Home recharge

Another option is to recharge your electric car at home, in your garage. This allows unlimited access to a charging station and prevents individuals from looking for a terminal available for miles from their home. Two options are possible in this case:

  1. The Wallbox charging station : this is a box attached to the wall allowing to recharge an electric car easily and at any time. This terminal has the advantage of having a much shorter recharging time and being programmed according to the time of day – ideal for those who have an optional power/off -peak hour subscription. However, the Price of this electric car charging station goes from € 500 to 1.500 € Depending on the model, excluding installation costs;
  2. Domestic standard socket : This is a more economical solution. The cable allows the battery to be loaded according to the power of the electric meter. The drawback is that the recharging time is relatively long, up to 10 hours . Note that many electricity contracts are made for households with an electric car, and that they combine both recharge and conventional power consumption of the home.

Regarding the cost of consumption, it depends on the price of KWH applied by its electricity supplier. It will be necessary to multiply this rate by consuming your vehicle to have a precise idea of ​​the cost of its consumption. Namely that in France, the average consumption of electric vehicles is Between 13kwh/100km and 20kwh/100km.

Some examples below of charging cost according to the electricity suppliers.

Comparison of charging costs according to a selection of electricity offers

Electricity Average consumption kWh/100km Base Hp Hc
☎️ 09 74 59 44 87
Be recalled
Online offer
12kwh/100km € 1.758/100km € 1.968/100km € 1.489/100km
15kwh/100km € 2.197/100km € 2,460/100km € 1.861/100km
20kwh/100km € 2.93/100km € 3.28/100km € 2.482/100km
☎️ 09 74 59 40 27
Be recalled
12kwh/100km € 1.815/100km € 2.034/100km € 1.533/100km
15kwh/100km € 2.269/100km € 2.542/100km € 1.917/100km
20kwh/100km € 3.026/100km € 3.39/100km € 2.556/100km

Price including tax noted in February 2020, for a power of 9 kVA. Non -surcharged call. Free referencing of suppliers. Selection of partner offers, classified in decreasing order of the number of customers.

How to lower my electricity bill ? To recharge your electric car, it is advisable to turn to cheaper offers in order to lower your bill. There are special electricity offers for electric cars. To find the best offer, simply call Selectra experts on 09 73 72 73 00 or ask to be recalled for free.

Can we benefit from aid to finance it ?

You should know that the electric car is little polluting, with zero CO2 emission . Thus, to finance this investment, there are government aids like:

  • The ecological bonus : This is one of the first measures of the Grenelle Environment of December 2007. New car owners emitting the least CO2 are a bonus, and those who opt for more polluting vehicles are penalized from a penalty. The bonus of some is thus funded by the penalus of others. Electric cars are eligible for the ecological bonus in the amount of € 6,000, generally directly deducted from the price of the electric car by sellers;
  • The super bonus : This is an additional bonus of € 2,500 that is added to the ecological bonus for those who replace their diesel car dating before 2001 (2006 for non-taxable diets) and their petrol car dating back before 1997 by an electric car. The individual can therefore be granted a Total help of 8.500 € on the price of his electric car by combining these two bonuses.

There are also aids for installing a charging station at your home:

  • The Adverse Program : This system is funded by Energy Economy Certificates. Help is capped Between 600 € and 1.500 €, unable to exceed 50% of the total installation costs for an individual;
  • The city : the installation of a charging station is eligible for the CITE, that is to say to the tax credit by 30% to reduce the costs.

Automobile: What is the real cost when you opt for an electric car ?

ANALYSIS. An electric vehicle is today more interesting than a thermal in town beyond 9,000 kilometers traveled per year. Elsewhere, he still struggles to be competitive. By André de Palma, Cy Cergy Paris University; Robin Lindsey, University of British Columbia and Yannik Riou, University of Strasbourg

In April 2023, the European Commission adopted a regulation prohibiting from 2035 the sale of new passenger cars issuing CO2. In response, the French government encourages the acquisition of electric vehicles by offering subsidies for purchase and retaining taxes on lower electricity than those equivalent to petrol and diesel. It also grants their drivers privileges, such as access to zone zones in zero emissions in city centers or reserved parking spaces.

The magnitude of the transition to be operated on is impressive. In 2022, France alone represented around 1.5 million new vehicles sold. For the whole of the European Union (EU), the number of new vehicles reached 11.2 million, or about 17 % of world car production.

Assuming that the total vehicle park in France remains constant at its level of 2021 (37.9 million), while thermal vehicles in circulation arrive at the end of life, the share of electricity should reach around 45 % in 2035 and 95 % in 2050, the year referred to by the EU to reach carbon neutrality.


The rate of evolution of CO2 emissions would decrease in parallel fairly regularly, starting from 139 g/CO2/km in 2023 to half in 2035, to reach more slowly 5 g/CO2/km in 2050, with few thermal automobiles still in circulation.


By the end of 2034, from the point of view of the economist, it is the relative cost of electric vehicles compared to thermal which will base the decision to opt for one or the other. This cost includes two elements: that of its acquisition and the annual cost of use (energy recharging and maintenance). Our calculations put forward a significant margin of progression to fill for electric vehicles which still seem to be not very competitive today.

Electric unattractive in non -urban areas

The acquisition cost incorporates what we will pay to acquire the vehicle, its net price of any grant plus registration fees. It will be brought to the number of years of use and will deduce its resale value. There is for each specific expenses to be added: for a thermal vehicle, it will be necessary to add any penalty to CO2 emissions; For an electric, the cost of purchasing and the installation of a home charger.

Operating costs include energy (petrol, diesel or electricity), maintenance and insurance. For an electric vehicle, it will also be necessary to count any subscription costs to an out -of -home charger.

In order to make a comparison, we have collected data on a representative sample of vehicles of each type manufactured by Peugeot, Renault, Dacia and Mercedes-AMG from which we have drawn averages depending on the market share. The costs were then calculated according to the methodology used by the EU, which involves driving only in town or not and the annual distance traveled.

On average, the cost of acquiring an average electric vehicle is higher than that of a thermal car. Its operating cost remains lower, however. We then calculate that in 100 % urban use, it remains in total less if it performs more than 9,000 km per year.


This threshold is nevertheless 27,000 km per year for combined use, a rather high figure since the French average is 12,000 km per year.

If the break point is much higher for combined use than for the urban, it is because thermal vehicles operate more effectively. With a smaller number of stops and departure, the energy recovery to braking, one of the advantages of electric vehicles, is becoming more rare. Currently, an electric vehicle is therefore not a more attractive economic choice for a very urban driving.

The consumer lacking alternatives

The average results of the previous figures do not provide a universal image of the park, but they only hide relatively marginal exceptions. The “sports” segment for which the electric car is cheaper over all distances because the thermal car is strongly penalized due to its strong CO2 emissions. We also find the “luxury” segment in its fuel economical versions for which the electric car is more expensive, because it is equipped with a large capacity battery, therefore costly.

The comparison of costs does not take into account, either, deviations from convenience and driving comfort that result from their differences in acceleration, autonomy or time required to refuel or recharge the vehicle. It is also based on current vehicle data, whether in terms of technology, purchase price of vehicles and chargers, grant levels, registration costs, penalties on CO2 emissions or vehicle depreciation rate. Each of these parameters is likely to evolve over time.

These results nevertheless bring grain to grind to the debate as to the issues raised by the European directive which are of various orders. Major logistical and financial challenges are installed in the automotive industry, including building or redeveloping factories to manufacture batteries and electronic systems, reclassify a number of manufacturing factories or sales and maintenance sectors of cars and cars and maintenance sectors of cars and cars and maintenance sectors Ensure the supply of rare metals and other raw materials. Due to supply constraints, electrical models equivalent to thermals may not be available for a certain time, which harms competition.

The directive also involves medium -term costs for consumers because electric vehicles, despite favorable subsidies and taxations, remain much less competitive outside the cities. In addition, who cannot or does not want to pay for a new electric will have few cheaper alternatives until a second -hand vehicle market develops sufficiently.

Retrofits as solutions ?

Who says sales stop does not say that vehicles in circulation will not continue to issue CO2 (and other pollutants) for many years after the 2035 deadline. The environmental advantages of the world level directive will also be compromised if the sales volumes of thermal vehicles (new or used) move from Europe to regions which do not have similar environmental legislation.

A solution of solution could be to transform thermal vehicles into electricity. This requires removing the engine, the gearbox and the vehicle electronic control system to install a small electric motor, a battery and an adequate control system. We call this operation “Retfit”.

It would cost approximately between 10,000 and 15,000 euros, depending on the battery capacity: it is less than the price of a new electric car. With factories dimensioned at 150,000 retrofits/year, there would be a way to accelerate the transition to a fully electric vehicle park, to offer consumers a greater choice, to speed up emissions and reduce the risk export of used thermal outside Europe. It is also a way to reclassify part of the current workforce.

An environmental success ?

The mutation of the car fleet will also considerably reduce CO2 emissions from private vehicles only that electricity is produced from clean energy sources. In Europe, emissions vary considerably from one country to another, from 28 g/CO2/kWh in the center of Sweden, 72g/CO2/kWh in France, at 469 g/CO2/kWh in Germany and until at 826 g/CO2/kWh in Poland.

In France, due to the use of nuclear power and other carbon -free energy sources, emissions related to electric vehicles are thus largely lower than those of thermal. Nevertheless, for the popular segment of small cars, the purchase subsidy, the electricity tax lower than that of petrol or diesel and higher CO2 emissions produced by the manufacture of batteries lead to a cost Final of € 300/t of CO2 emissions won compared to an equivalent heat engine. This amount is much higher than the social cost of carbon per tonne recommended officially in the Quinet report. It no longer takes into account the evolution of pollutants other than CO2 produced by the manufacture of batteries, construction of the vehicle and by recycling their components at the end of life.

In Poland, on the other hand, CO2 emissions from an electric vehicle are currently similar to those of a comparable thermal vehicle, without even taking into account emissions related to the manufacture and recycling of batteries.

By André de Palma, professor emeritus in economics, Cy Cergy Paris University; Robin Lindsey, CN Chair in Transportation and International Logistics, University of British Columbia and Yannik Riou, associate researcher in Economy, University of Strasbourg


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Not the solution to write on 04/09/2023 at 21:00

Here is I do not understand why people who persist in wanting to make changes used for examples of countries that have nothing to do with example: us Quebec and who do not seem to have dreamers who train us . Here is I do not understand why people who care to want to make changes used for examples of countries that have nothing to do with example: us Quebec and who do not seem to have dreamers who train in IFLUTES Example the electric car: the infrastructure is not even in place but the damage that this will not lead to important and in addition to pollution what pollution what pollution the new thermal autos hello even the director of the environment to mention: electric car: no changes significant on the environment but we will pay dear such a turning point which as we know will immerse us in a dramatic economic situation which in addition the infrastructures are not ready .. We had such a beautiful province what a disaster .. I wonder who writes this type of article surely commercial interest .. Give you care and take the time to think have it is not in China here .. The air is far from being harmful here in Quebec, people have been locked for two years Covid so cars .. pollution what drama for nothing

Touloutte wrote on 04/09/2023 at 3:38 PM

The article confirms what common sense suggested: the electric is suitable for the city, but at this stage not yet for long distances. Long -term visibility is still missing: 1) What will be the price of electricity in 1. The article confirms what common sense suggested: the electric is suitable for the city, but at this stage not yet for long distances. It still lacks visibility in the long term: 1) What will be the price of electricity in 10 or 20 without, knowing: a) that it will be impossible for the State not to pass the drop in its tax revenue (TIPP /Ticpe) on the price of electricity, and b) that the construction costs of new EPRs and the dismantling of power plants must be incorporated into the prices of electricity. And 2) What will be the price of a change of batteries on an electric car ?

Photo73 wrote on 04/09/2023 at 12:54

“What is the real cost” and broken down, battery too discharged, since no troubleshooting can be done on site you have to transport the vehicle, it costs. It will be less critical when we find charging stations, compatible, everywhere. . “What is the real cost” and broken down, battery too discharged, since no troubleshooting can be done on site you have to transport the vehicle, it costs. It will be less critical when we find charging stations, compatible, everywhere. I had read that it was necessary to roll 15,000km to compensate for the surplus of CO2 of the manufacturing (all inclusive), then it was all good, except with carbonal current. I make my 208EHDI last at 3.99L/100 (I will soon arrive at 4.00l, I drive too much in town). A report showed once (unique case ?) A taxi that made passengers pay less, electricity having lowered its operating costs vs diesel.

Asimon wrote on 09/03/2023 at 11:20

Not enough to roll on the ground: what matters, if you want to save the planet, is the proportion of electric cars in circulation. And, hay of nut debate, the VE is above all a very good deal for the manufacturers, the manufacturers. Not enough to roll on the ground: what matters, if you want to save the planet, is the proportion of electric cars in circulation. And, hay of nut debate, the VE is above all a very good deal for manufacturers, manufacturers of Chinese batteries, and the rich: the VE is a super fiscal niche, since the purchase is subsidized, even for Cars imported from China (again them !), and fuel is not 90% taxed like petrol or diesel. And, in addition, it gives good conscience: intellectual comfort is clearly not for the poor. La Tesla: Tartuffe car ?

Response from ex-Moscovite on 04/09/2023 at 2:50

@Asimon:> the VE is above all a very good deal for manufacturers (no, for the majority of manufacturers this represent colossal investments to make), the manufacturers of Chinese battery (yes), and the rich: the 5 sup. @Asimon:> the VE is above all a very good deal for manufacturers (no, for the majority of manufacturers this represent colossal investments to make), the manufacturers of Chinese battery (yes), and the rich: the 5 Super fiscal niche, since the purchase is grave subsidized (no, from € 47 k – More bonuses and the limit of this threshold is accessible to the upper middle classes, not to mention the cheaper. I went to the FE by being classified on an average lower, or even less). > And the fuel is not taxed at 90 % like petrol (not really, look at electricity taxes, it’s less, but comparable, about 33 and 50 % of taxes in the price). > It is obviously not for the poor. (Not for the poor, but for the lower middle classes it goes. How 200 €/month for a PEUGEOT E-208 LLD (of course, that 6000 km/year) is inaccessible, knowing that the fuel economy is 50 €/month.

st.-Ex. wrote on 09/03/2023 at 10:49 am

The electric car? Monstrously polluting batteries to make and destroy ! Electricity -based electrical recharges from nuclear or coal power plants ! Aluminum body, polluting metal to produce ! Make it believe that it. The electric car? Monstrously polluting batteries to make and destroy ! Electricity -based electrical recharges from nuclear or coal power plants ! Aluminum body, polluting metal to produce ! To make believe that it is ecological is a marketing illusion of auto manufacturers who fear for their survival and adopted by individuals hanging on the car ! Those who buy an electric car are those that bought diesels; opportunists who believe they are saving money.

PAFO response on 09/03/2023 at 18:11

Especially since if we really wanted to do ecology, we would remove all the electronic gadgets from which these vehicles are stuffed, and that many will not use daily. This would reduce the carbon footprint, as well as the price of. Especially since if we really wanted to do ecology, we would remove all the electronic gadgets from which these vehicles are stuffed, and that many will not use daily. This would reduce the carbon footprint, as well as the price of the vehicle which would then become affordable.

Cassanco wrote on 09/03/2023 at 6:27

I used electric cars for 11 years (C0, Nissan Leaf then BMW X3), still on urban journeys (Paris-Banlieue) and I have just returned to thermal (Dacia GPL). The electric is nice for the city but terribly stress. I used electric cars for 11 years (C0, Nissan Leaf then BMW X3), still on urban journeys (Paris-Banlieue) and I have just returned to thermal (Dacia GPL). The electric is nice for the city but terribly stressful and malcommode for the road. The LPG allows you to ride not much more expensive than the electric (you learn to have a light foot with the electric), with almost 1,300 km of autonomy and without supply problem (all the highway stations offer it )). In any case, we will never replace 38 million thermal cars by as many electrics. The real issue for the future is the transport of goods and electric travelers.

Lolo wrote on 02/09/2023 at 20:10

Hello another article of scholars so clad in diplomas that.They have lost contact with reality for a very long time. With the aids the VEs are at the price otherwise.cheaper than thermal. The usual cost is incommensurate . Hello another article of scholars so clad in diplomas that.They have lost contact with reality for a very long time. With the aids the VEs are at the price otherwise.cheaper than thermal. The cost of use is incommensurate to the advantage of the FE. I am not even talking about the hypotheses selected. and which must be particularly interesting. In short, a free item article. Never forget that the facts are stubborn and that we do not stop the wind.

Ex-Moscovite wrote on 02/09/2023 at 4:40 pm

For the rest, this study brings no grain to grind contrary to what these authors claim and seems to not stick with reality in other aspects than the doubtful comparison. First, the question of the European directive . For the rest, this study brings no grain to grind contrary to what these authors claim and seems to not stick with reality in other aspects than the doubtful comparison. First, the question of the European directive no longer matters and it is weird not to understand it. Suppose we repeal the directive and then? Tesla will release its model 2 in 1-2 years with a price of around 30 k € excluding bonus, therefore, comparable with thermal compacts. The Chinese arrive with a wave of electric car at low prices. We already have the MG 4 and Byd Dolphin (from € 29 k out of bonus), therefore, comparable with the thermal compacts already now, and they are not so bad for this price. It’s only a beginning. So, if European manufacturers do not invest very massively in the Ves including at the cost level, they will be words in the medium term with or without directive. Fortunately, they understood this, but not sure enough and a little too late. Regarding retrofit, at 10-15 k € it is a niche market. Soon, European manufacturers promise to get out of the correct Ves with a basic price of € 25 k (Ë-C3, VW ID.2, Renault R5). So, no interest in retrofit for this price, it is necessary to lower its cost to 5-8 K € to expand the market.

Ex-Moscovite wrote on 02/09/2023 at 16:22

A study with an unknown methodology that fits badly with reality. Let’s make it simple, compare a Tesla y propulsion (46 k € Catalog price without ecobonus) with, for example, a VW Tiguan R-Line 2.0 TDI 150 DSG7 (€ 51 k, catalog price, € 42K C. A study with an unknown methodology that fits badly with reality. Let’s make it simple, compare a Tesla y propulsion (46 k € Catalog price without ecobonus) with, for example, a VW Tiguan R-Line 2.0 TDI 150 DSG7 (€ 51 k, catalog price, € 42K at Mandataires). Even if we take the price of the agents, it is quite obvious that Tesla will compensate for the difference in 2-4 years on fuel regardless of the type of journeys and not to mention the lower maintenance cost. My comparison is correct? Of course not, but to the disadvantage of the Tesla, because the tiguan is smaller, less powerful, a little less well equipped and its price of the resale will be lower. You think Tesla is a separate case? OK, let’s take an Skoda Enyaq IV 80 Skoda inside the VW Group with correct autonomy (47 k €), it is always larger than the Tiguan.

Luciu wrote on 02/09/2023 at 15:33

That errors in this study which wants to dissuade the consumer from buying electric ! Depending on the annual km An electric saved on average 1,500 to 2000 € per year depending on the use (home or public load) the price difference with a. That errors in this study which wants to dissuade the consumer from buying electric ! Depending on the annual km An electric saved on average 1,500 to 2000 € per year depending on the use (home or public load) the price difference with an equivalent thermal is quickly filled. And I’m not talking about the environment aspect at least for vehicles made in Europe.

Luciu wrote on 02/09/2023 at 15:33

That errors in this study which wants to dissuade the consumer from buying electric ! Depending on the annual km An electric saved on average 1,500 to 2000 € per year depending on the use (home or public load) the price difference with a. That errors in this study which wants to dissuade the consumer from buying electric ! Depending on the annual km An electric saved on average 1,500 to 2000 € per year depending on the use (home or public load) the price difference with an equivalent thermal is quickly filled. And I’m not talking about the environment aspect at least for vehicles made in Europe.

Charlie wrote on 02/09/2023 at 13:52

People who buy electric cars are the same as those that bought diesel cars in the 80s: obsessed with profitability, they end up with more costs, and a driving pleasure in withdrawal

Response from ex-Moscovite on 02/09/2023 at 15:58

@Charlie: You must never have driven an electric car to say that their driving pleasure is in retirement. Quite the contrary, driving an electric is much more pleasant – dynamic, silence, low gravity center, everything plays in its f. @Charlie: You must never have driven an electric car to say that their driving pleasure is in retirement. On the contrary, driving an electric is much more pleasant – dynamic, silence, low gravity center, everything plays in its favor. On the other hand, in terms of constraints, yes, it is not the same, especially previously. Now, with increasingly autonomous and infrastructure cars, constraints decrease. People prefer to rent electric vehicles, so, thanks to eco-bonus, they become very interesting. For my Hyundai Kona EV previous very well equipped, I paid € 210 by me with the first Rent covered not the bonus (damage, the prices have inflated since), the saving on Carburnat – 80 €/month. Tell me which thermal car is available for 130 €/month? A basic Dacia Sandero?

Response from @ex-moscovite on 02/09/2023 at 10:00:00 pm

I will be worth doing 80 euros in saving per month (my diesel budget does not exceed 500 euros per year). It is therefore that you are one of the drivers who roll more than 10,000 km per year (probably even more than 15,000 km since it is. I will be worth doing 80 euros in saving per month (my diesel budget does not exceed 500 euros per year). It is therefore that you are one of the drivers who roll more than 10,000 km per year (probably even more than 15,000 km since it is the difference between the VE and VT budgets). The study says only, to simplify, that the VE is done for “the French urban areas which drive a lot-and not the Poles, even the Germans” (the French rolling on average 12,000 km). And for rural people who roll “enormously”, the driving conditions in this case making the use of VT more effective. All this is well known. The VE for the moment is neither ecologically nor economically effective for small rollers, a fortiori for those who already have a car. The transition must relate to 67 million French people (including young people who will later want to have an automobile) and it is necessary to be able to take a general speech, not only for those who have the means today ‘Buying a new vehicle (references to VE or VT of 45,000 euros are not relevant to the mass of motorists and their first purchase criterion is not the approval of driving). We can still buy a very good used vt for 10,000 euros today (this is probably the value of my 11 -year -old space with 60,000 km!), ecologically amortized, with a residual lifespan of several years (the average age of the French park is 10 years). What will it be in the future in a VE park for which 10 years will be a limit age, even if electric motors can hold millions of km, given the battery life (of course We will make progress, but in the meantime. ))? We still know too little about how the second -hand market of the VEs will be organized and public aid is ephemeral. The buyers of VE Neufs make bets that most people cannot afford to take and the false nose of the LOA does not change anything. If the advent of the FE was revealed to be only a vast planned obsolescence operation (such as smartphones?), this would obviously not go in the sense of sustainable sustainability.

Response from Ex-Moscovite on 03/09/2023 at 1:03

@ @ ex-moscovite: a). Regarding the economy and mileage, you are much below the average (~ 11.000 km), while I am there. So, for you maybe no, but my case is much more representative. B). The study says. @ @ ex-moscovite: a). Regarding the economy and mileage, you are much below the average (~ 11.000 km), while I am there. So, for you maybe no, but my case is much more representative. B). The study says everything and anything. First, no importance if it is urban or country, no importance (unless accessible to infrastructure), in the vast majority of cases Le VE is responsible for home with the price. So, the difference in fuel cost remains quite close, even if in town it is a little more blatant in favor of Ve. Second, the price of the VES in the medium-subsidian segments is already practically at the same level as that of the thermal, see my comment above on the comparison of a Tesla y (or Skoda enyaq) and a VW tiguan. In a few years, this will be the case for the lower segments, if we take Chinese Ves, it’s almost already. So, if the prices are close, obviously the difference in profitable mileage is ridiculous. Thus, the question of the methodology of this study which obtains fairly high values, arises seriously. VS). Regarding the ease of purchasing the VE. We spent in VE as 2nd (but in reality 1st) home car in 2015 when financially we were at the lower middle class, taking into account our certain additional and unusual expenses, even actually below. Just I discovered that with the bonus and the scrap bonus (from an old thermal that made the soul), an LLD zoé costs 160 €/month, therefore, around 100 €/month with the fuel economy. Given the repair/replacement expenses of parts on used cars according to my experience, and the lack of risk of expensive failure (warranty), this was worth the cost. It was the case. D). Regarding used cars, there is the maintenance/repair cost (according to my experience it takes 40-60 €/month in the long run (often it’s almost for a long time, but Once a breakdown +/- cost and we arrive at that) and the discount – even for fairly old cars, it’s a few hundred euros per year (except the special period in progress with the shortage, but which will pass). So, in reality we come back to almost the same price as a cheap VE in LLD. Just you have to add all -risk insurance. If the promise of a social leasing of VE of € 100/month will be held (even if it is € 130-150), we can consider that it is accessible almost for everyone. Used Ves for 5-6.000 euros, even with a correct mileage, it exists, just these are the models of the first generation, with a weak autonomy, even if sufficient for daily journeys. The batteries do not degrade so quickly (except some problem models). According to Tesla’s latest report, for their vehicles, battery wear is estimated by 12 % for 320.000 km. But there are other factors that play.

Churchill wrote on 02/09/2023 at 13:01

We will say that for the moment electricity does not include TIPP type taxes, and when it will be the case, it will cost 3 times more expensive by recharge, the calculation will be different. Note in passing that in order to save the planet of the Energ transition. We will say that for the moment electricity does not include TIPP type taxes, and when it will be the case, it will cost 3 times more expensive by recharge, the calculation will be different. Note in passing that in order to save the planet of the transition Energetqiue from Ukrainian warming, a txe and benevolent taxes will have to be stuck, which will therefore save the state budget to make social for all

Photo response73 on 02/09/2023 at 16:36

The TIPP has not existed for a long time, it has been replaced by the Ticpe, in anticipation of the future: PE = Energetic products (H2, electricity, frying oil, fermentation gas, etc.). The price of household current took 10% and 15% in 2023, that. The TIPP has not existed for a long time, it has been replaced by the Ticpe, in anticipation of the future: PE = Energetic products (H2, electricity, frying oil, fermentation gas, etc.). The price of the household current took 10% and 15% in 2023, it is therefore +26.5% (1.10 x 1.15) since January 1, and it is not finished. It should also be taken into account, in calculations, but Saudi Arabia wanting to raise the barrel of oil to $ 100, it also counts for electric/carbon comparisons. Private terminals have their indexed price on what ? Do they follow the price of the current or the damping of colossal costs are the majority ? It’s not 100,000 € per fast terminal ? The Swiss hope to have one day 2 million terminals, all inclusive (at home, private, public, etc.).

File 51 wrote on 02/09/2023 at 12:03

A brand new business generating good big, very juicy beneficiary margins first and above all the rest is only pretext. It is time and quickly to implement what has been planned for years in terms of development of. A brand new business generating good big, very juicy beneficiary margins first and above all the rest is only pretext. It is time and quickly to implement what has been planned for years in terms of regional planning, namely paths connecting all the municipalities of France reserved for non -motorized vehicles or with electric assistance, also with all these Dellingos which manages us it would be good to consider paths wide enough so that I can also quietly circulate with my horse.

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