Position of the feet on the pedals in the car, car pedals: accelerator brake clutch – | supercode

Car pedals: accelerator brake clutch

The left foot is strictly reserved for the use of the clutch pedal. The right foot is mobile. The heel is anchored on the ground in front of the brake pedal, it pivots to activate two pedals: the brake and the accelerator.

What is the position of the feet on the pedals in the car ?

Knowing the right position of the foot on the accelerator, clutch or brake pedal is essential, since the use of the pedals greatly contributes to the fluidity of your driving as well as your safety behind the wheel. Speeds, manual and automatic boxes, accelerator … by car Simone tells you everything you need to know about the position of the foot on the pedals, to allow you to be comfortable and to better control your driving ! ��

  • Adapt the position of the feet according to the pedals
  • How to properly position your feet on the pedals by car ?
  • Use pedals: Practical case

Adapt the position of the feet according to the pedals

Discover an elementary notion from the theme of theInstallation at the driving station. Manual gearbox cars are equipped with Three pedals, Knowing their role as well as the position of the feet on the different pedals is essential:


The clutch pedal

The clutch allows both to to start up, of stop and of change your diet. The use of the clutch pedal, Located at the left end of the crankset, East Strictly reserved for the left foot !

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  • disengage means to press in the clutch pedal;
  • embrace, Conversely, implies raise The clutch pedal.

The use of the clutch pedal is also closely linked to the concept of skating point ; To reach it, the driver must use sweetness and gently raise his foot of the pedal until you feel a slight vibration.

Automatic boxes are not equipped with a clutch pedal.

The brake pedal

The brake pedal makes it possible to slow down or stop the vehicle. Positioned in the middle of the crankset on a manual box car and at left for an automatic transmission car, it is activated by the right foot and implies a smooth movement (apart from emergency situations, of course).

The accelerator pedal

The accelerator pedal increases the motor force of the vehicle and vary its appearance. Positioned at the right end of the crankset On all types of cars, it is also activated by the right foot. Like the use of the brake pedal, the action of the accelerator pedal requires a flexible and delicate movement.

How to properly position your feet on the pedals by car ?

The position of the feet on the pedals is one of the first practical subjects discussed during driving lessons. Some basic rules allow you to prepare yourself at this time.

L’Installation at the driving station is a capital step. All the settings related to the seat, driving or even the position of the feet on the pedals make it possible to prepare a serene and safe journey. Your feet must be placed near the pedals, neither too far, nor too close. A test Allows you to check their good position: Put the clutch pedal as much as possible, your foot must remain in contact with the floor and your leg must be slightly bent. Once well installed, Gauge the resistance (respondent) different pedals by exercising some pressures on each of them.

THE left foot East Reserved for clutch while the right foot is mobile, versatile. He pivots and activates the brake or accelerator pedal in accordance with the driving situation.

Always keep your Straight heel on the ground, in the axis of the brake pedal, Even when you accelerate ! This will allow you to brake more easily in an emergency (faster and with more power).


What differences between the manual gearbox and the automatic transmission ?

Manual and automatic gearbox cars have a fundamental difference:

  • Auto box cars only have two pedals: brake and accelerator;
  • Manual box cars are also provided with a clutch pedal.

The left foot being strictly reserved for the action of the clutch, car drivers with automatic transmission never use this foot.


Use pedals: Practical case

How to brake without stalling and accelerating smoothly ? By car Simone tells you everything ! ��

Brake pedal: how to brake without stalling ?

Braking without stalling requires a good position of the feet on the brake pedal. To slow down the vehicle’s look, Press gently brake and Avoid any sudden gesture. To stop it completely, Operate the clutch pedal just before braking car: this gesture avoids stalling suddenly.

Acceleration pedal: how to accelerate smoothly ?

A Fluid acceleration implies a Flexible and coordinated action gearbox, clutch pedal as well as accelerator pedal. You are in a standstill: switch on the first speed by pushing the clutch to the maximum. Lift the left foot delicately and request gradually The accelerator pedal using your right foot.


How to place your foot on the pedals ?

The left foot is strictly reserved for the use of the clutch pedal. The right foot is mobile. The heel is anchored on the ground in front of the brake pedal, it pivots to activate two pedals: the brake and the accelerator.

What is the order of the pedals in a car ?

The clutch is located at the left end of the pedals of a manual gearbox car. Then come the brake pedal, in the middle, then the accelerator pedal, at the right end. The cars with an automatic transmission do not have a clutch pedal, it is the brake pedal which is located at the left end of the pedals.

More articles on settling in the driving position

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  • Hill start

Car pedals: accelerator brake clutch

Clutch, brake and accelerator make up the pedals of a manual vehicle. The use of the latter can quickly become a source of anxiety in people who pass their driving license. Where to support ? At what moment ? What foot to use ? How to brake without stalling ? So many questions we answer in this article.

car pedal

  • Operation of the pedals of a car
  • Brake pedal
  • Accelerator
  • Clutch pedal
  • Automatic cars pedals
  • How not to stall during braking
  • How not to give up when accelerating
  • How to succeed in a hill start
  • Accelerator pedal sensor

How the pedals of a car work ?

All manual gearbox cars are Equipped with three pedals ::

  • The pedal ofclutch, which is to the left of the crankset.
  • The pedal of brake, which is in the center of the crankset.
  • The pedal ofaccelerator, which is to the right of the crankset.

Thus, in order to provide fluidity and safety to your driving, you must use well car pedals. Here are some tips to help you:

The first thing to do, taking possession of a vehicle, is to Set your seat So that your legs are at an ideal distance from the pedal. You must both be installed comfortably, but also so as to have access to the pedals easily. Your right foot is mobile and it sails between the accelerator and the brake. As for your left foot, it is close to the clutch, ready to intervene if necessary. Anyway, your heels rest naturally in front of the pedals.

  • Adopt the right dosage in the pressures on the pedals

After you settle down, you will need Test the vehicle pedals, which is always different from one car to another. To do this, carry out some pressures on the brake and accelerator to determine their resistance.

Regarding the clutch, the pedal must be gently pressed, Until reaching the stop. When you drive, the pressures exerted on the pedals must constantly be soft and gradually be done, except for immediate danger cases.

What is the brake pedal ?

The brake pedal is generally associated with a notion of security, However, keeping in mind that braking does not necessarily mean pounding. Braking can become, in some cases, extremely dangerous and before making the decision to brake, you must make sure you have full control of your car. Indeed, the risks of a collision following too pronounced braking are important and the consequences can be dramatic, both in terms of material, in human level.

Even if the usefulness of this pedal is no longer to be demonstrated, it should be noted that the braking force depends on the pressure emitted on the pedal. Consequently, in order not to surprise other users, you must gently brake. The brake pedal is located in the middle of the pedal and it is used with the right foot, just like for the accelerator.

What is the accelerator pedal ?

The accelerator pedal, which is the most right on the pedals, allows you to generate driving force moving your vehicle. In addition, it also makes it possible to regulate the power of the engine, depending on the pressure you exert on it.

Like the brake pedal, the accelerator is to be handled with great precaution, in order to make no excess speed or other offenses determined by the highway code.

What is the clutch pedal ?

Considered by many as being The most complicated pedal to use, The clutch is the cause of multiple failures that make vehicles stall. Also, most drivers agree that the use of this pedal and relatively stressful, especially during the first hours of driving learning. However, after some time of practice, it seems extremely simple.

  • When we pushed the clutch pedal, you get out of.
  • When you release the clutch pedal, shot.

What are the pedals on automatic cars ?

Regarding Automatic cars, The crankset is different from that of a manual box vehicle. It contains only two pedals: the brake and the accelerator. Indeed, the speeds happening automatically, the clutch therefore has no use. Thus, behind the wheel of this type of automobile, only your right foot works.

How not to stall during braking ?

For Guarantee the safety of all road users, It is important to properly know how to use the brake pedal. To avoid stalling when you brake, in a situation where there is no emergency, you must respect the following points:

  • If you can, anticipate your braking by removing your foot from the accelerator.
  • Press, by low pressure, on the brake pedal, until reaching the skating point, which is recognized thanks to a light engine vibration.
  • Defery, lifting the foot of the clutch pedal, gently and slowly, and in parallel, retrograde your speed.
  • Repeat this process, until the immobilization of your car.
  • As long as the engine is not in neutral, keep your foot on the clutch pedal.

How not to feel jerk during acceleration ?

To get this fluidity in your acceleration, You must carry out both coordinated and flexible interventions on the clutch pedal, the accelerator pedal and at the gearbox.

  • Start your vehicle at first speed

When you are in a standstill, take the first speed, maintaining your well driven clutch. Then gently raise your foot from the pedal, while gradually pressing the accelerator. Your car then advances smoothly, likely to damage the mechanics.

Avoid the day of driving license examination : Defereing too quickly, your vehicle holds. However, this way of doing things is not elimination on D -Day.

  • Accelerate by passing the next speeds

Depending on the indications given by your tachometer or as soon as your engine is too heard, you must pass the second speed. Repeat these speed changes, during your acceleration, until you have reached a correct engine speed and the desired pace.

How to succeed in a hill start ?

THE Hill start, This is a maneuver that tends to frighten.

To remove all apprehensions, here is, step by step, The gestures that allow you to succeed in a hill start, without even soliciting your hand brake:

  1. When your car is stopped, go out with your left foot, pressing the clutch pedal thoroughly, and press the brake with your right foot.
  1. While the first speed is activated, while retaining the activated brake, your left foot must get up smoothly, so as to find the skating point.
  1. Let go of the brake pressure, then press the accelerator pedal to provide help to your car to start and finally, release your clutch to resume normal driving.

What is the accelerator pedal sensor ?

The pedal of a car

THE Accelerator pedal sensor is one of the electronic components, present on your vehicle, among the most important. It transmits information so that the fuel and air mixture is optimal.

In other words, depending on the pressure you exert on the accelerator, the sensor sends the information received to the calculator, so that the latter then determines the Good amount of fuel and air to inject.

THE Symptoms of a faulty accelerator pedal sensor are :

  • Your vehicle no longer reacts or reacts badly when you press the accelerator.
  • Your car goes into “degraded mode”: if this is the case, this could use the particle filter or the EGR valve of your car more quickly.
  • Your engine indicator lights up on your dashboard .
  • The operation of your engine is not ideal: you note it especially by monitoring your fuel consumption. If your sensor is faulty, this can cause overconsumption of fuel.

Change an accelerator pedal sensor:

If you have spotted one of the symptoms listed above, demonstrating the failure of your accelerator pedal sensor, you will probably have to make its change.

Here’s how to do, step by step ::

  1. Cut your engine and disconnect your battery by disconnecting the black cable present on the negative terminal.
  1. Locate where your sensor is, in general it is behind the accelerator pedal. Then disconnect the sensor connector, then loosen the fixing screws of your sensor to remove it safely.
  1. After disassembling the faulty accelerator pedal sensor, install the new part. Do not forget to check upstream if the two parts are very identical. Insert the new sensor into its location and tighten the screws to maintain it. Then reconnect the connector that you had disconnected during step 2.
  1. Finally, reconnect your battery and start your engine. Perform a few tests by pressing your accelerator several times and checking that its reaction is correct. If this is the case and everything works, you can hit the road.

The price of an accelerator pedal sensor:

An accelerator pedal sensor will cost you on average between 50 and 100 €. The price varies according to the model and the brand of the part you choose. If for the change, you ask for help from a mechanic, you will have to add to this price, the price of the cost of the workforce.

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