Paris, which electric breeze with self -service rent?, End of self -service scooters in Paris on 31 – City of Paris

City of Paris

Sunday, April 2, the Parisians registered on the electoral lists were invited to vote “for or against self-service scooters” in one of the 203 polling stations deployed for the occasion, before the city of Paris Do not make his decision.

Paris, which electric breeze with self -service rent ?

There electric scooter is a very practical mobility device and not at all bulky. This equipment is trendy and you can use it for temporary needs. It will allow you to make your trips, the distance of which is between 25 and 30 kilometers. Also, it can be much more advantageous to rent it than to buy it. Several providers therefore put their models of this electric tool for rent. It is advisable to make your scooter choice according to the specificities it presents. Here is all the information about this acquisition method and the essential to remember to find the scooter adapted to your needs !

Where and when to rent its filetr ?

You can rent your LIME TROTTINETTE In the premises of the brands located in the heart of the city of Paris. These stores offer you the self -service electric scooter. Also, the Lime brand scooter is much more widespread in the first and in the sixth arrondissement of the capital city. You will not fail to find full -time rental vehicles there.

Subscription or simple use, what price for a lime scooter ?

Your Lime Triver Price will vary depending on the option you choose. For a simple use, you will have to pay 0.25 euros per minute. As part of a subscription, you will have to pay 12.99 euros for a daily package. The monthly packages are quantified at 8.99 euros. In addition, it is advisable to make your reservation at least 30 minutes in advance.

Where and when to rent your tier electric scooter ?

You can also find the Tier scooter Rental in the heart of the Parisian town. You will find it precisely in the Halles district and near the city museums. The rental is offered for 24 hours a day, including weekends. Tier providers offer you to make your reservation from their website.

Why self-service is an advantage ?

The rental of self-service electric scooters is advantageous because you can rent the machine and leave it wherever you want. Also, this option will save you money. Clearly, the tenant will not need to pay money to maintain the electric vehicle.

In addition, the electric scooter is followed by your self-service provider. The latter can take care of unlocking the vehicle remotely. You will therefore not need to have the mobile application. This will allow you to drive the vehicle more easily.

Comparison of the models offered by Lime and Tier

Lime and Tier brands are increasingly cited as the best manufacturers of the electric scooter.

The models of electric scooters offered by Lime

Lime electric scooters are the first ones that existed on the Parisian market. Lime models were deployed for the first time in the Light City in June 2018. The device is more comfortable and offers very easy use. The prototypes of this means of displacement are titled Ninebot Segway ES1 modified.

Lime is a very easy to handle scooter, because it offers intuitive driving. The vehicle has a quality brake lever that you will need to hold to be easily guided while you are on the go. However, the handful of these models of electric scooters often hurts your hand.

With the machine, you will be entitled to a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour. During the handling, you will benefit from good stability thanks to the widst footrest in the equipment. However, this stability can be disrupted when you drive on the cobblestones.

You can quickly locate this scooter everywhere in Paris, through its mobile application. The latter will also allow you to unlock the vehicle. You just have to use it to scan the barcode or QR code located at the handlebars of the scooter. You can also manually enter the 6 digits mentioned below the QR code.

The models of electric scooters offered by Tier

Unlike Lime, tier scooters are difficult to find in Paris. The rental places are very separated from each other. In addition, the application that will allow you to better locate the mobility equipment is slower and unaccoming. Vehicle models are called Ninebot segway es4.

Fortunately, once you find it, the tier scooter is easy to handle. On the other hand, it weighs too heavy and is therefore difficult to handle. Its brake is integrated into a button and it makes it less fluid. It is then more prudent to use the braking system on foot placed at the back of the vehicle. The road speed of this scooter model is also 20 km/h. When you run on a slope, the machine will advance with it. Nevertheless, it emits less vibrations on the cobblestones.

In addition, the rental services for Tier scooters are available through the brand’s mobile application. So you can also scan the QR code using the application to unlock the machine. To start driving, you will need to set foot in the handle of the device. Then use your second foot to instill the speed of the scooter. For better speed quality, you can press the acceleration lever. The lever you will find on your left and the brake on foot will allow you to slow down if necessary.

The number of self-service scooters in Paris

The municipality of the city of Paris authorized only three brands which offer electric self-service scooters. These are Lime, Tier and Dott. Each of these operators offers precise numbers of the self-service two-wheeler.

  • Lime scooters Lime Limited in Paris:

In June 2018, around 7.500 lime scooters were self-service in Paris. From the end of 2019, Lime reduced the number of its scooters to 5.000. The objective is to comply with the regulations that the Parisian town hall imposes on trottinetous rental companies. So, to date, there are a maximum of 5. 000 models of this motorized two-wheeler in Paris.

  • Tier scooters self-service in Paris:

This German scooter manufacturer had arrived in Paris at the end of 2018 with less than 5.000 scooters. When the regulatory provision of the Parisian municipality has been made, Tier has completed the number of his scooters in two months.

  • Dott scooters self-service in Paris:

Dott scooters are manufactured in France in March 2019. A few months after the manufacture of these motorized two-wheelers, 5.000 models have been dumped on the Paris market.

In summary, 15.000 LIF-SERVICE Rental scooters are available in the city of Paris. The cost of this service varies depending on the rental option you choose. However, this service is less expensive than several others. On search engines, you can find several other information related to electric scooters. It can be details on:

  • the purchase electric scooter;
  • The advantages of electric scooters.

You can rent these devices when you wish, to meet your travel needs. The self-service electric scooter is another means of transport and a sustainable alternative. There are also many other companies to offer scooters as well as self-service bikes. You can even see in the metropolis of specialized parking lots to park your EDPM or your VAE. Parking spaces are also planned on certain sidewalks. Finally, we observe that the Paris town hall offers many possibilities to its residents in terms of transport, activity and others. The city of Montpellier is also making efforts.

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End of self-service scooters in Paris on August 31

Last April, the Parisians registered on the electoral lists voted, as part of a citizen consultation, against the self-service scooters. The public domain occupation agreement with operators ends this Thursday, August 31, 2023.

Following the vote last April, for which the Parisians expressed themselves in a referendum on the end of the self-service electric scooters in intramural Paris, the three operators offering until then this sweet mobility service (Dott , Lime and Tier Mobility), therefore now have until August 31, 2023 at midnight, to remove streets from the capital the 5,000 electric scooters who are there.

Almost all of the fleet present in the Parisian public space has been removed. The locations dedicated to the parking of the scooters will be – for the large part – transformed into parking lots for bikes.

Sunday, April 2, the Parisians registered on the electoral lists were invited to vote “for or against self-service scooters” in one of the 203 polling stations deployed for the occasion, before the city of Paris Do not make his decision.

At the end of this unprecedented voting day, the control commission, an independent collegiate body aimed at guaranteeing the smooth running of the ballot, proclaimed the results, through its president, Yves Charpenel.

103,084 Parisians expressed themselves and 89.03 % of them voted for the end of self-service scooters in Paris.

Following the proclamation of the results, Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, said: “I want to warmly thank all of the Parisians who responded by going to the polls throughout the day. Thanks to their mobilization, this first vote is a great democratic success for our city and I am delighted. Once again Paris innovates. I also want to salute all the municipal agents who have ensured the smooth running of operations in the 203 polling stations as well as the members of the control committee. Tonight, the Parisians who expressed themselves expressed themselves very massively convinced against the self-service scooters. Their very clear message now becomes our roadmap. With my team, we will follow up on their decision as I was committed. »»

Voting results

Of the 1,382,322 people registered on the Parisian electoral lists, 103,084 voters took part in election.

Bulletin “For self-service scooters”: 11,256 voters or 10.97% of the votes cast

Bulletin “against self-service scooters”: 91 385 voters be 89.03% Solds expressed

Number of white and draw ballots: 443

Results by arrondissement

Rounding expressed For against
Paris Center 7267 1034 (14.23%) 6233 (85.77%)
5th 3616 436 (12.06%) 3180 (87.94%)
6th 3089 346 (11.20%) 2743 (88.80%)
7th 3284 373 (11.36%) 2911 (88.64%)
8th 2678 302 (11.28%) 2376 (88.72%)
9th 3608 449 (12.44%) 3159 (87.56%)
10th 4377 553 (12.63%) 3824 (87.37%)
11th 6211 725 (11.67%) 5486 (88.33%)
12th 7414 797 (10.75%) 6617 (89.25%)
13th 7530 753 (10%) 6777 (90%)
14th 7170 839 (11.70%) 6331 (88.30%)
15th 11407 1054 (9.24%) 10353 (90.76%)
16th 6576 541 (8.23%) 6035 (91.77%)
17th 6775 807 (11.91%) 5968 (88.09%)
18th 7588 846 (11.15%) 6742 (88.85%)
19th 6485 670 (10.33%) 5815 (89.67%)
20th 7566 731 (9.66%) 6835 (90.34%)
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