Paris, the adventure of the robot-pizza pazzi is finished | Actu Paris, Val d Europe. Pazzi is over: the pizzaïolo robot hangs up the apron | The Marne

Val d Europe. Pazzi is over: the pizzaïolo robot hangs up the apron

On the networks, the team Keep above all the best of its history: “Pazzi was placed in compulsory liquidation and the adventure ends today after 9 years of hard work,” explains the company without going into detail.

In Paris, the adventure of the robot-pizza pazzi is over

The Meaux Commercial Court (Seine-et-Marne) pronounced the compulsory liquidation of Pazzi. In Paris, the restaurant has definitely closed its doors.

At Pazzi, the pizzas were prepared by a robot. The restaurant in Paris closed

End clap for the robot-pizza of Pazzi. At the beginning of October 2022, the Commercial Court of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne) pronounced the compulsory liquidation of the company born in Montévrain. In the process, the restaurant of Paris, The second that the start-up opened, dropped the curtain.

A restaurant in Beaubourg

“Pazzi was placed in compulsory liquidation and the adventure ends today after 9 years of hard work,” the start-up on social networks announced. The company was created in 2013.

“In 2013, Cyril and Sébastien wanted to robust fast food to be able to eat good pizzas anytime, long before the Covid makes an urgent need for restaurateurs in the face of the staff shortage, “reports the company.

In July 2021, she opened a restaurant in Paris near Beaubourg. She then promised to be able to prepare 80 pizzas per hour thanks to her robot.

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Val d’Europe. Pazzi is over: the pizzaïolo robot hangs up the apron

Pazzi, the first robotic pizzeria closed on October 7 in the Val D shopping center

In the Val d’Europe shopping center, in Serris, the Pizzeria Pazzi closed on October 7, 2022 after 4 years of activity. However, she had something to intrigue with her “pizzaïobot”, a robot capable of making pizzas independently, up to 80 per hour !

Curtain for the Pazzi adventure, born in Seine-et-Marne on the premises of the Ekim company, based in Montévrain. It is therefore quite natural that the First robotic pizzeria had opened in November 2019, in the heart of the Val d’Europe shopping center. From now on, the curtain is lowered and a little word from the company thanks the customers who have come to taste pizzas entirely prepared by the famous robot pazzi.

In receivership, Pazzi closes its doors

On the networks, the team Keep above all the best of its history: “Pazzi was placed in compulsory liquidation and the adventure ends today after 9 years of hard work,” explains the company without going into detail.

We have a smile to our ears because we are super proud of the path traveled, and we think that the best is still to come.


She underlines the technical challenge, the creation of 130 jobs for two restaurants, that of Serris and the youngest in Paris and thanks her partners and investors. And of course its customers. “Hunger clap ! “Concludes the company.

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Robot pizza

Pizza picture

CRUST IllustrationBacon illustrationRocket IllustrationTomato Illustration

First a paste . Extra fresh, fine and soft as desired thanks to our local flour, made to measure by the Moulins Paul Dupuis.
Then recipes. So tasty ! AOP ingredients, IGP, and organic vegetables harvested in season in France and Italy.
All imagined by the triple world champion of pizza Thierry Graffagnino, and made with grace and precision by Pazzi, our devoted Pizzaïbot .

Pizza Illustration

Pizza picture

Fish illustration

from sustainable fishing

Mushroom Illustration

organic from Italy

Eggplant illustration

Cheese Illustration 2

Tomato Sauce Illustration

Italian tomato sauce

Olives illustration

numbers 10
In my pizz

numbers 10
In my pizz

“Suggest the
Best pizz,
crust than crust ”

All pizza lovers know this: the dough is the base. And since it is on solid foundations that we erect the most beautiful constructions (like the pizz tower), we reveal our secret recipe.

Learn more about the dough

Pizza Illustration

CRUST Illustration

Learn more about the dough

Pizza Illustration

Pazzi, the first
Pizzaïobot cook !

Bathed by the stories of their childhood, and the charismatic characters of Nono, R2D2 or Johnny 5, Cyrill & Sébastien quickly forge the conviction that it is up to them to invent the ideal companion for the culinary adventure of their life.

CRUST Illustration

Our pizz’n’love
from the moment

Thonton Pazzi

Thonton Pazzi

Tuna label msc ��, olives, mozza ��

Green Pazzi

Green Pazzi

Cream base, zucchini ��, eggplant��, goat, mozza ��

Pazzino menu

Pazzino menu

A Margharizza + a Volvic Kids + a Pom’Potes

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