Orange fiber: deployment and eligibility, deployment card for orange fiber coverage | September 2023
Orange fiber coverage deployment card | September 2023
To change your fixed subscription and take advantage of its fiber network at home, you must terminate your current box. This step is very easy and quick to make, as long as you rely on the advice of our experts.
The first thing to take into account to start the termination of your box is the duration of engagement.
Indeed, if you were engaged for 12 or 24 months, check if you have reached the end of your commitment. If this is not the case, you will be forced to pay termination fees. Is your current box ?
If this is the case, then you can terminate it now by avoiding any termination fees. You will then have to write a letter of termination to send by mail in registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, to your current telephone supplier, as well as the equipment.
Orange fiber: deployment and eligibility
You now know that your address is eligible for orange fiber, it’s time to compare livebox offers.
Testing your Orange fiber eligibility
Do the Orange fiber eligibility test and access the list of liveboxes available at home.
Orange fiber housing rate
Are you eligible for orange fiber ?
Orange fiber deployment and coverage
Rate of eligible dwellings according to orange flow in France
95% housing
> 3 Mbits/s
78% of French accommodation has access to the Orange THD and can therefore benefit from flows greater than 30 Mbit/s. 73% of dwellings have access to very rapid flows greater than 1 Gbit/s.
Conversely, 5% of French homes have difficulty accessing the Internet via its network with flows below 3 Mbit/s.
Eligibility rate of housing by technology at Orange
In France, 73% of French homes have access to orange optical fiber and 99% at the DSL (ADSL and VDSL).
What is the orange fiber cover in your city ?
What is the average orange fiber flow ?
407.83 Mb/s Download
323.04 Mb/s upload
Orange fiber flow in France in 2022
And you, what is your flow ? Do the orange fiber flow test. Debit
On their site, operators display theoretical flows. But what is the real speed of your connection ? Discover it from our orange fiber flow test.
Orange fiber breakdowns: is the network stable ?
You take advantage of its fiber network and you sometimes encounter connection difficulties ? A breakdown may be held. Go to our Pannes tool to find out.
152 ADSL Fixed network breakdowns 220 Fixed fiber network breakdowns
An internet breakdown near you ?
Orange fiber: FAQ
- What is the best orange fiber offer right now ?
- Why is the orange fiber card the best in France ?
- How does the Fiber Orange installation take place ?
- What is the price of an orange fiber connection ?
- How to go to Orange fiber during its move ?
- Our opinion on orange fiber boxes
- What is the price of orange fiber boxes ?
- How to terminate your box to subscribe to an Orange fiber package ?
What is the best orange fiber offer right now ?
Each month, our experts present the best fiber orange boxes in terms of value for money in order to help you choose your future fixed subscription.
You are looking for the best Livebox FTTH to take advantage of an optimal connection at home while having access to TV by Internet and/ or by benefiting from unlimited calls to mobiles ? Whatever your needs, our page devoted to this subject will help you make your choice.
Why is the orange fiber card the best in France ?
If Orange is today a leader in FTTH coverage in France, according to the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts), this is explained in particular by the fact that he is the historic operator of telecoms.
Indeed, before opening up to competition to Internet suppliers in 1998, he was for ten years, the only operator to deploy the telephone network in France. He is also the only owner of the local loop. In other words, Orange has exclusive rights on French telephone lines.
This implies its competitors SFR, Free and Bouygues Telecom to go through the latter to deploy their very high speed network. Our guide dedicated to the deployment of Orange optical fiber allows you to know more.
How does the Fiber Orange installation take place ?
To connect your home to FTTH, you must, at first, contact the historic operator to plan the intervention of a technician at your home. Then, the intervention in itself takes place in three stages.
The first is the intervention of the technician at home to connect your home to the NRO (optical connection node) located in your street if you live in a house.
For more information, see our page dedicated to the installation of fiber in an individual home. To connect an apartment to this technology, it must be connected to the NRO located at the bottom of the building. In this case, do not forget to recover the keys to the technical room of your building so that the technician can intervene in the best possible conditions. Again, find all the details on the connection of an apartment with fiber.
Then, and with the help of the technician, you must define where to install the socket so that it is adapted at the disposal of your interior and your needs. All you have to do is connect your equipment (TV decoder, Livebox, etc.)).
You can make this last step yourself if you wish. However, if this task is the responsibility, opt for the expert installation (optional option for € 89) offered by the operator so that the technician realizes it for you. Count on average between two and four hours of intervention so that your home is connected to FTTH.
What is the price of an orange fiber connection ?
Unlike other Internet suppliers, connection to orange fiber from NRO to your home (apartment or house) is included in the subscription of one of its packages. This applies to all types of installation (air or underground). In other words, no additional costs will be asked if your home has not yet been connected.
However, for reasons of security and aesthetics, an underground telephone supply may be necessary if you live in new individual housing.
This adduction allows the installation of subsequent cables from the optical connection point (PBO) located outside your home, up to the optical termination point (PTO), located inside your home. These underground adduction works remain the responsibility of the customer.
How to go to Orange fiber during its move ?
If you move soon and want to take advantage of this moment to switch to orange fiber, you will need to perform several steps. The first thing to do is to test the eligibility of your new address.
Then, you will need to estimate the costs of connecting your new home. To do this, refer to our guide dedicated to fiber connection during a move.
Our opinion on orange fiber boxes
The historic telephone supplier markets several boxes of this type. This multiplicity of subscriptions allows you to find the one that really meets your needs, especially if you are looking for a box with the TV option or conversely, the Internet alone.
Subscribe to an orange fixed package is to be sure to take advantage of a high -performance connection at home. You will be able to teleworking, playing online or watching your favorite series and movies without any interruption.
On the other hand, its fixed packages are more expensive than the subscriptions of its competitors. They can therefore represent a real cost for you, consumers.
Also, a 12 -month commitment duration is imposed on you, regardless of the fixed package you wish to subscribe. This can cause potential termination fees for you, if you want to terminate your subscription before the end of your duration of commitment. Discover without further delay all the characteristics of the orange fiber box.
What is the price of orange fiber boxes ?
Compared to the fixed packages offered by its competitors, the historic operator currently markets the most expensive offers on the French market. This is explained in particular by the fact that by subscribing to this telephone supplier, you are sure to take advantage of an excellent connection in your town.
The price of livebox also vary depending on the options and services included in the subscription. Indeed, an orange box with the TV option and/ or the unlimited calls option to fixed and mobiles will be offered at a higher price than an internet livebox alone and/ or with unlimited calls to fixes only. On average, count between € 20 and € 60 per month of fixed telephone bill.
How to terminate your box to subscribe to an Orange fiber package ?
To change your fixed subscription and take advantage of its fiber network at home, you must terminate your current box. This step is very easy and quick to make, as long as you rely on the advice of our experts.
The first thing to take into account to start the termination of your box is the duration of engagement.
Indeed, if you were engaged for 12 or 24 months, check if you have reached the end of your commitment. If this is not the case, you will be forced to pay termination fees. Is your current box ?
If this is the case, then you can terminate it now by avoiding any termination fees. You will then have to write a letter of termination to send by mail in registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, to your current telephone supplier, as well as the equipment.
Discover the fiber coverage of other operators
Access the detail of the Orange, Free, SFR and Bouygues Telecom Optic Optical Cover below. Orange is the one that offers the best fiber coverage on French territory in the 1st quarter 2023. Conversely Bouygues Telecom has the lowest coverage. Having a fiber eligibility test allows you to know which is the best fiber operator at your address.
Orange fiber coverage deployment card | September 2023
You want to know if your city is covered by orange fiber or you want to know in detail the orange fiber card ? Discover in this article everything you need to know about the orange fiber coverage: the orange network deployment card, covered areas, white areas, fiber offers available to subscription.
Compare orange fiber offers by phone
Compare Orange Fiber online fiber
What are the areas covered on the orange fiber card ?
The orange fiber card above (direct access by clicking on the image) indicates the labeled municipalities 100% FTTH By Orange: Metz, Lille, Paris, Caen, Brest, Lyon, Toulouse, Montpellier, Nice and Bayonne. Orange is also present in more than 1500 other municipalities, For example Strasbourg, Nancy, Orléans, Cannes, Bourges, Limoges, Toulouse, Perpignan, Besançon, Nîmes, Grenoble, Dijon or Marseille. Meeting on The test below To confirm your eligibility observed on the orange fiber card.
We find mainly two Dynamics for the deployment of orange optical fiber, according to the typology of the town to connect. In very dense zone (the most densely populated municipalities), Orange deploys on its equity and has an already well installed network. In the less dense areas, the operator has undertaken to deploy the FTTH network of more than 80% AMII zones and also engages on public initiative networks (RIP).
Orange fiber deployment card: where are we ?
Orange continues to cover a large part of French territory Although some places are not. These areas are called them “Amii zones“(areas with an investment intention): indeed, according to ARCEP, the objective of Orange was to cover 100 % premises in the area on which he is committed by 2022.
Indeed, the deployment of orange fiber progresses in the territory. According to Arcep, it’s in very dense areas (the big cities such as Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux etc.) that the inhabitants are more likely to be eligible for orange fiber.
For the inhabitants of medium -sized cities say “moderately dense areas”, Some areas are covered by only one operator who is in charge of deployment. According to ARCEP, low dense areas represent 18 % of the population and 63 % of the territory. Mostly, these areas are covered by orange fiber: it is therefore very important to test your eligibility To find out the operator who corresponds to you the most. On the other hand, if you live in rural area, Know that with the France THD plan (very high speed) Fiber connection progresses. Indeed, in 2022 according to the arcep (the regulatory authority of telecoms) on 18 million inhabitants identified in the campaign, approximately 12 millions have access to fiber.
Today, Orange has been able to show its commitment in the deployment of optical fiber: indeed, Orange has invested more than 3 million euros in fiber. Currently, Orange is N ° 1 in connection with more than 15 million dwellings eligible for orange fiber.
Follow the deployment of orange fiber if you want to follow live The deployment of orange fiber, You can go directly to the Orange website: https: // card
How to test your eligibility with the orange fiber card ?
You want to take out a fiber offer at Orange but you don’t know if you are eligible for fiber. Test your eligibility with our test below:
- Come back your address, select it from the list and launch the test.
- Discover in a few seconds if your accommodation is well eligible for Orange fiber.
- Take advantage of it To compare orange offers to the offers of other operators available at home.
Selectra eligibility test – is a site of the Selectra group
Test your eligibility for orange fiber by phone 09 71 07 88 25
You want to test your eligibility for orange fiber ? Test
What are the orange fiber offers available following the Orange eligibility test ?
If your city is covered by orange fiber, you can Subscribe an Orange fiber offer and benefit from the advantages offered by the operator. Currently, for any new subscription to Orange fiber, benefit from paramount+ Included for 6 months then € 7.99/month.
It is possible to access the Orange fiber network without committing yourself by subscribing to the Sosh fiber box (Low Cost brand of Orange).
- Here is the list of other fiber cover cards according to operators:
- Free Fiber Card
- Bouygues fiber card
- SFR fiber card
You are looking for an orange fiber offer ?
Optical fiber card in France
Follow the deployment on a card: a need, but several possibilities, more or less relevant and precise.
On the one hand, public organizations are trying to set up open tools like France THD which publishes a very good tool: its THD observatory allows you to find on a very precise map the coverage available at your address with the different technologies available, and even with an indication of the eligible flow.
In the private sector, the communication policies of operators differ: if Orange is clearly the best student with a precise map of fiber eligibility, SFR mixes FTTH and FTTLA in its fiber cover cards, Bouygues Telecom offers a fairly coarse card And free just don’t offer it.
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January 14, 2019 at 10 h 32 min
Optical fiber card in France. 01/14/2019.
My street was “fiberly” by Orange more than 20 months ago apart from a few houses at the 2 ends. I am unfortunately one of the “forgotten”.
The estimation of the period for the connection of the fiber to the foot of my accommodation that my orange press release is widely exceeded and orange is unable to provide a new forecast.
How is it possible from the 1st French operator?
I tried the hot lines, websites and forums made available by Orange to have an answer: it is an insurmountable wall.
What levers are they available to bypass the organized Orange opacity?
April 10, 2019 at 8 h 34 min
Good morning ,
In the local press (the Parisian of 09.04.2019 Page 1 of regional information It is indicated ‘The arrival of Orange fiber in rural communities as well as the list of first 10 municipalities
It is mentioned in the article that 415 municipalities should soon be served .Being mayor of one of these 415 municipalities I would like to know the date of arrival of the fiber in the town of the Postal Code 77510 Code 77510.Looking forward to;
José Dervin
March 18, 2021 at 9:50 p.m
Good morning
To find out when you think you are putting fiber in town Beaucaire rue du Vieux Salin 30300 Beaucaire .
thanks in advance
August 19, 2021 at 9 h 06 min
August 1, 2022 at 2:27 p.m
We lived 6 km from Rabastens 81,800 the 1km edge fiber of us because it must be buried or the new posts
Eddy what there is a date for the commune place called La Rivière / Raust?