Optical fiber: how to know if I’m eligible? Which operator to choose? The answers to the questions you ask yourself., How do I know if I have fiber at home?

How to know if I have fiber at home

You have carried out the eligibility test and you have connected to the fiber of an operator: this means that you can Subscribe a fiber offer with it. However, you will not be able to benefit from a fiber offer at the moment at one of the other three operators. Indeed, only the operator you are eligible for fiber has come to pass the fiber in your street. To benefit from the very high speed of other operators, you will have to wait for their deployment on your street.

Optical fiber: how to know if I’m eligible ? Which operator to choose ? The answers to the questions you ask yourself

  • The government promised fiber for all French people in 2025

The essential how to make you connect ? Which internet access provider to favor ? You are thinking of installing the fiber but you are still asking yourself a lot of questions ? Do not panic, the Midi dispatch responds to it !

The deployment of optical fiber progresses everywhere in France. To date, according to ARCEP, the telecoms regulator, 15.5 million households have already swapped their adsl subscription for fiber. And since the State is targeting its deployment throughout the territory by 2025, here are all the answers to the questions you ask about this technology.

What is the advantage of fiber compared to the ADSL ?

Optical fiber has several advantages. It first allows you to have a flow higher than that of the ADSL. According to the telecommunications mediator, the independent organization that contrasts disputes between operators and their customers, data transfer can be up to 100 times higher. Fiber also makes multiple data consumption more flexible (when, for example, a person watches television while another uses their computer). Finally, it allows you to benefit from a more stable connection.

How to know if I am eligible for fiber ?

To find out if your accommodation is “connectable”, it is recommended to consult the card posted by arcep at this address. By entering the name of your municipality, you will be able to know the state of the deployment of the network in your area. To find out if you are eligible, another operation is to take a test with the various access providers (SFR, Orange, Bouygues, Free. ) by entering your fixed phone number or address.

How to get fiber ?

The installation of the fiber optic cannot be done yourself: it requires the intervention of a mandated operator. Once the subscription to an offer is made, your operator must contact you to agree on an appointment date. On average, the installation of the fiber lasts between 2 and 4 hours. Its cost varies according to your subscription, the extent of the necessary work and the prices of your operator.

Which fiber offer to choose ?

To find the right fiber subscription, you must first define your budget. If SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Orange or even Free are the big “leaders” in the sector and offer attractive prices, there are a plethora of “small” operators able to provide you with a reasonable price and quality. Useful info: According to the Ariase barometer, the average price of a fiber box package is in 2023 to 29.17 euros per month.

Also try to take into account the region in which you live, since some still have delays in terms of deployment. Finally, take the time to properly define your use: if your use requires for example to be connected to the internet permanently, favor a high speed subscription.

How to know if I have fiber at home ?

You do not know where the deployment of fiber optic is deployed in your street and you want to know if you have fiber at home ? We give you all the keys to answer this question.

Since the start of its deployment on French territory, fiber optics has continued to seduce users. Faster, more stable and above all more efficient, it gradually replaces the ADSL. However, even today, several million households do not yet have access to very high speed. If you have already asked yourself the following question: “How to know if I’m eligible for fiber ? »» You are in the right place.

Going from ADSL to fiber is the wish of many French people. But you still have to be eligible for fiber … In this file, we give you all the keys to find out if you have access to the fiber and if not, when it is available at your address.

What is fiber optics ?

Optical fiber is a technology that allows a large number of data to be transported in a very fast period of time. All this data transit via a finer glass or plastic wire than a hair. If we compare the fiber optics to the ADSL, you can easily see its speed: 300 Mb/s at 8 Gbit/s for fiber against 15 to 50 Mbit/s for ADSL. First deployed in major cities and metropolises, it is growing more and more in rural areas.

But what are the real advantages of fiber optics ? Speed, stability, multi-uses … We go around (many) qualities:

  • A much faster speed: Optical fiber connection speed is greater than 300 Mbit/s. Six times faster than the ADSL so. Because unlike ADSL, optical fiber is transported by light, which is much less sensitive to electromagnetic waves.
  • A more stable connection: Multi-uses are not a problem for optical fiber. It easily supports multiple connections and simultaneous uses.
  • Reduced download times: Fiber optical flow allows you to quickly download very large files. Ideal for teleworking.

How to know if you are eligible for fiber ?

Do a fiber eligibility test

It may happen that operators communicate in areas where the deployment of fiber is being made. Advertising panels, leaflets in mailboxes … Despite everything, many French people are eligible for fiber without knowing it. So how do you know if you have fiber in your new accommodation ? First by doing an eligibility test. It is indeed A quick, free and efficient solution To find out if your home is connected to fiber optics. The eligibility test will also allow you to know if you are eligible for the fiber of all operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free) or only to one of them. To carry out the eligibility test, nothing could be simpler: you enter your phone number or address in the form.

You are eligible for the fiber of a single operator

You have carried out the eligibility test and you have connected to the fiber of an operator: this means that you can Subscribe a fiber offer with it. However, you will not be able to benefit from a fiber offer at the moment at one of the other three operators. Indeed, only the operator you are eligible for fiber has come to pass the fiber in your street. To benefit from the very high speed of other operators, you will have to wait for their deployment on your street.

You are eligible for the fiber of all operators

Banco ! Your home is eligible for the fiber of all operators. You therefore have the choice of the king concerning your next internet box. We advise you to Compare the various flows, prices and services offered by the different operators to be sure to find the offer most suited to your needs. Be careful however, all fiber offers do not offer the same speed. Certain equipment is indeed more efficient than others. This is particularly the case for mid -range boxes, which generally deliver a much higher flow than entry -level boxes. Again, the flow depends on your uses and your needs. This is why it is important to determine them to know which speed you need.

You are not eligible for optical fiber

If the eligibility test tells you that you do not have access to fiber optics at your home, this means that for the moment, no operator has come to deploy very high speed on your street. Nothing irreversible, however, you will just have to be patient while waiting for the arrival of the fiber at home. The deployment of fiber can be very fast and make eligible, overnight, several dozen housing in the same residential area. But when will very high speed be available at home ?

In short :

  • The best way to find out if you have fiber at your address is the eligibility test. It’s simple, fast and above all a sure way of knowing what technology is available at your address.
  • You have done an eligibility test and it tells you that fiber is not yet available at home. Your turn has not yet come. But be aware that every day, around 15,000 new premises are fiber. A little more patience so.
  • You have not (yet) eligible for fiber and you want to know when it will arrive at home ? We give you some keys in our file dedicated to the theme “When will I have the fiber ?””

To find out more about the same theme:

  • Why is eligibility different from one address to another ?
  • How is the fiber optical connection going ?
  • What are the public initiative networks that deploy fiber in rural areas ?
  • How to have the Internet in a new accommodation ?

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