Opinion NordVPN in 2023: our full opinion on the most popular VPN of the moment, NordVPN opinion (September 2023): he deserves its reputation as a leader?

NordVPN review: full test on this VPN supplier (September 2023)

If you happen to download P2P torrents, then do not fear: the supplier is also compatible with these activities thanks to its P2P servers.

NordVPN: our full opinion on the most popular VPN in 2023

NordVPN is by far the most popular VPN service on the market, notably thanks to its communication strategy (sometimes even invasive) to boast its performance and its quality. However, is it really the safe bet that he tries to sell us ? Answer in our opinion, is it necessary to specify it, 100% objective.

The characteristics of NordVPN

CURRENT OFFER € 3.08/month
Possible reimbursement Within 30 days
Server More than 5000
Supports PC/ Mac/ Linux/ Android/ iOS/ Android TV/ Firetv/ Routeurs
Simultaneous connection number 6
Access to Netflix Us Yes
P2P mode Yes
Data storage Read the Political Policy Party “

Northern ?

If you are used to watching your favorite youtubers on the platform of the same name, then you are probably not unrelated to NordVPN. It must be said that the service launched in 2012 by four cybersecurity enthusiasts has been the package in recent years in terms of communication. Great good took him, because the VPN today established in Panama recorded in the world no less than 14 million customers identified in 2019 and certainly even more today. He is currently the great leader in a very competitive market yet.

NordVPN has always bet on its simplicity, its performance and its privacy policy. This did not however prevent him from undergoing hacking in 2018 having led to a massive data leak, certainly without consequences for customers, but having tainted the reputation of the service. In 2020, NordVPN launched its own connection protocol to its servers, called Nordlynx and having considerably improved performance while excluding the very promising Wireguard for security reasons.

NordVPN: UDo not interface simple and unified

This is the great force of NordVPN: its interface is as simple as complete. As soon as the application is launched, a world card appears. Just walk around and click on the icon of a country to connect. To go a little further, a banner on the left of the application also allows you to choose the country from which to sail on the internet. But above all, it is from this banner and the three small points located next to each country that one can choose a particular server, even the location of a city. The choice of the city is not available for all countries, however, only for larger ones like the United States or Canada. In France, 2 cities are accessible: Paris and Marseille.

In all cases, the VPN systematically offers the most optimal server adapted to its geographic location if you want protection that limits only the connection.

We also appreciate the connection speed. If some VPNs take long seconds to connect to a server, even close to their locality, NordVPN is surprisingly reactive and a Jump server is done in just over three seconds each time. Going from New York to Tokyo has never been so fast. We have carried out tests with the same account on three different devices with the same account connected simultaneously to ensure that the service is usable. Our tests concerning the price changes from one country to another were also conclusive.

On the other hand, we would have liked to have a minimum of information concerning statistics when connecting to a server or the network protocol used, in any case concerning the application desktop. On the latter, it is also impossible to choose a protocol preference where this is the case on the mobile application, which is very strange.

NordVPN also does not offer servers dedicated to streaming (to access the American catalog of Netflix, for example). On the other hand, it has several tabs to connect to servers peer to peer (for downloading of torrent), to servers specific to the Tor network. Other very practical options enhance everything, such as the Kill Switch for safety or Split Tunneling To define security on specific applications. The VPN also includes a function called Cybersec blocking the display of advertising and malicious sites.

Advanced parameters are also not full of features. Nevertheless, we appreciate the fact that it is possible to define a specific DNS or even hide your computer on the local network while having access to connected devices, such as a printer for example. In any case, the interface does everything to be User-friendly and is fully translated into French.

On the mobile application (Android), we find the same world card with the same servers. It also seems much more provided in functionalities while remaining little intrusive. The first concerns the choice of protocol which, if it is not directly selectable via the chosen server, can be done by preferences in the options. The other very practical function concerns the display of alert notifications against applications that can add a superposition of screens and on the potential of an exposure of your email address in case of hacking. For the latter, we would have liked to be able to do it with an address other than that of the account.

Overall, even if mobile and PC ecosystems seem complementary, there are still a few advanced options, but above all convergence. The whole being, however, highlighted by the possibility of connecting up to six aircraft with the same account.

North Security is a brand, not just a VPN

Wishing to vary its activities beyond the simple VPN, North Security has developed other suites: Nordpass, Nordlocker, in addition to integrated antivirus protection in NordVPN, the whole thing completes its security offer.

Nordpass, a very effective password manager

First of all with Nordpass, there is a password manager modeled on the operation of a dashlane or a 1Password. This is an application detached from the VPN and operating independently. Its operation could not be simpler: this is a digital safe saving all the passwords you want to store there, your favorite e-commerce site, your Google password, Apple Apple , Steam or Microsoft through your bank card or health insurance numbers. As soon as you browse a site, the Nordpass application, via its browser plugin, will enter the identifiers automatically to connect without your having nothing to do.

Fortunately it is possible to import passwords already saved on your browser or another password management application. The other good point concerns the creation of passwords, Nordpass can generate an almost inviolable one thanks to complex character combinations.

Nordpass also includes a vulnerability scanner. Concretely, this program will draw from a email database, password or banking identifiers that have been leaks via hacking on the net. If this data is considered vulnerable by the program, it will invite you to take steps to get out of it.

The Nordpass subscription is different from that of NordVPN. With a 2 -year plan to 26.16 euros. No free version, however, as is the case with other managers of the same type. We can also opt for an ultimate subscription bringing together all Nordsecurity solutions in a single subscription.

Nordlocker, the secure cloud

North Security did not stop there and developed its own system of cloud 100 % secure. This one is called Nordlocker and is similar to what Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive can offer. The whole is compatible PC, Mac, Linux and mobile platforms. Note all the same that the latter does not work optimally yet.

On PC and Mac, the operation could not be simpler with a principle of Drag and drop and allowing any type of file. Nordlocker is based on two state-of-the-art encryption algorithms: AES-256 and 4096-Bit RSA, military level safety standards that are still standard at other platforms.

The file sharing function between users is also present, but still requests the creation of an account on both sides in addition to necessarily having to use the application. Also, the interface is entirely and exclusively in English for the moment.

There is a free version of Nordlocker limited to 3 GB. Paid versions range from 500 GB to 2 to storage for 2.79 and 7.09 euros per month respectively. As with Nordpass, access to Nordlocker (from 1 TB) is also included in the ultimate subscription to NordVPN.

NordVPN: very solid performance

We said above, NordVPN does not offer dedicated servers for each type of use. This does not mean that the service does not have an important global park of more than 5000 servers distributed in 60 countries. It is certainly less than a certain cyberghost, but that absolutely does not mean that it is less efficient. Here are the results obtained after various tests carried out with a fiber, wired and Parisian connection from the NPERF site.

This is really one of the strengths of the VPN, its edges offered are very good and regularly exceed 200 Mb/s in download on servers even several thousand kilometers. In addition, the ping (in ms) is quite contained, even if it is not necessary to count on a first -rate responsiveness from the American servers for example, the online game under these conditions therefore remains almost impossible.

For streaming, however, we are perfectly in the nails. All market platforms and their foreign catalogs are accessible (Netflix, Video Prime, Disney +, OCS, Apple TV +, etc.)). However, to take full advantage of it, it is still necessary to have a strong connection to avoid having to wait a buffering too long. We have also noticed that servers can be blocked by certain services, in these specific cases, just connect to another random server until you get around the geoblocting.

Regarding the connection protocols used, NordVPN offers two: Open VPN (in TCP and UDP mode) and its owner solution called Nordlynx. If the first is a classic protocol found by default on most services, Nordlynx is exclusive to NordVPN since developed internally and derived from Wireguard. If the latter aspires to replace the aging Open VPN in the long term, it is not necessarily to the taste of NordVPN which considers it ” uncomfortable »». The interested party declares that:

This protocol does not attribute an IP address dynamically to each internet user connected to a server. It is therefore necessary to store certain personal data on this network.

Difficult to verify the veracity of this information as it is. The fact remains that Nordlynx has been developed in order to better guarantee user confidentiality while providing increased performance. Simple marketing pirouette or real advance, it must still be recognized that Nordlynx does the job. If we compare, for example, performance with Cyberghost under Wireguard, the result carried out from a Parisian server is unequivocal.

The trend on other foreign servers is also confirmed: Nordlynx is ahead of the performance. The latter is still called to evolve in this sense as Open VPN in its time. Finally, concerning the availability of servers located in the authoritarian area, NordVPN Botte in touch. For example, it is currently impossible to connect to a Chinese, Saudi, Iranian or even Egyptian server.

NordVPN: a serious privacy policy

This is the other point on which NordVPN is enormously put to perfect its legitimacy and which is also highly highlighted from the main page of the site. Like other VPNs, NordVPN ensures that its service does not keep any register of user activity: a ” No Logs Policy »». Concretely, this means that NordVPN says you do not know when you connect to the Internet, or know the sites you visit, or the content you download.

To confirm its statements, NordVPN called on four independent audit companies. The reports can be consulted by NordVPN users, directly from the customer area. It is a guarantee of fairly strong trust, especially since the service often renews its audits in order to show white leg. Difficult under these conditions to take it in the absence.

This does not necessarily mean that NordVPN does not know or keeps absolutely nothing. Some elements are kept, such as the user’s email address (compulsory to open an account). Other data is also kept, whether it be exchanges with customer service or temporary time time for connections, to avoid excessive sharing of the same.

NordVPN was also the victim of a hacking on one of its Finnish servers in early 2018. The result led to the leak of an SSL key allowing a third party to recover this information and to pass through NordVPN. On the other hand, this incident has generated any user data leaks or any hostile intrusion. NordVPN also details the post mortem of this incident in a blog post.

NordVPN customer service

NordVPN provides customer service entirely in French that can be contacted by an online cat directly from the contact section of the site. It is however surprising that the application returns directly to the English site while the application is configured in French. During the request, an option allows you to select the French language and therefore have an interlocutor mastering our language perfectly. It is a very good point and NordVPN is today one of the only ones to offer this quality of service. In addition, it is accessible in just a few minutes and responds very quickly to the questions.

NordVPN prices

North Security recently revised its offer entirely to include products other than NordVPN in its various levels. We are therefore entitled to 3 formulas:

Essential Advance Ultimate
Prices € 3.29 /month (€ 88.83 for the first 2 years) € 4.49/month (€ 121.23 for the first 2 years) € 5.99/month (€ 161.73 for the first 2 years)
Options included NordVPN ✅
Anti-virus protection ✅
Advertising blocker ✅
NordVPN ✅
Anti-virus protection ✅
Advertising blocker ✅
NordVPN ✅
Anti-virus protection ✅
Advertising blocker ✅
Refund Yes, within 30 days and on request Yes, within 30 days and on request Yes, within 30 days and on request

Overall, we see higher rates than at Cyberghost or Surfshark to name a few, but we stay below an ExpressVPN especially when we know that the VPN does not necessarily come alone. NordVPN offers 30 days of trial during which a total reimbursement is possible.

NordVPN review: full test on this VPN supplier (September 2023)

In 2023, it is complex to sail on the internet or watch TV and YouTube without hearing about NordVPN. This supplier is a lot talking about him in France, and elsewhere in the world. Nordvpn does he deserve this notoriety ? Is the product offered by the company up ? Can you really trust this VPN to protect your Internet connections ? This is what we will see in this opinion on NordVPN !

NordVPN opinion

What is NordVPN ? How to install it ?

NordVPN is a VPN supplier that has established itself over the years as A reference on the market. It allows you, among other things, to Hide your IP address, navigate anonymously, go around geo-restrictions and much more.

If it is of course at the start linked to the quality of its virtual private network, media investments (YouTube, TV advertisements and even a partnership with the Liverpool football club) made by the company were very substantial and necessarily have played in the renowned of the company. We have notably seen a lot of partnerships forging themselves with influencers from the gaming world, but not only. In France, its notoriety is very strong, far ahead of other suppliers of similar quality.

Before entering the heart of our opinion on NordVPN, we will explain how to install the application to start using it and take advantage of its advantages.

His strengths :

  • Ease of use
  • Nordlynx ultra fast house protocol
  • Works with torrents
  • Quality customer support
  • Over 5,800 servers around the world
  • Present in 60 countries
  • Up to 6 simultaneous connections
  • Double VPN function

Its weaknesses:

  • Rather high price
  • Operating problems (rare) on Windows
  • Complex manual settings in censored countries (China, Russia, etc.)

How to install the application ?

If you want to install the application to make your own opinion on NordVPN, know that The whole process is very intuitive. You will quickly be able to take charge of this tool, whether you are an expert or novice in the matter.

In addition, whatever the device you want to install it, there is an appropriate version. NordVPN is indeed available on iOS, Mac, Windows, but also on Android for example. So be careful to download the version that corresponds to the device on which you want to install it. Note that NordVPN even offers an application on Smart TV to take advantage of the advantages of a VPN on your connected TV.

As for the configuration, you will only have to be guided by following the different steps. For this NordVPN test, no need to get into detail because everything is well indicated. This is already a good point because this is not the case for all its competitors ..

How to use VPN ?

Once the installation is done, you will be able to start the tool in hand and do your opinion on NordVPN.

NordVPN Windows Application

As you see above, The application interface is very simplified, which facilitates handling. The connection is very intuitive, but summarize the steps:

  1. Open the application
  2. Choose the server to which you want to connect depending on the country you want to access
  3. Press the connection button

And voila ! Your IP address and online activities are protected. If you do not have a very specific territory in mind, you can use the Quick Connect connection button. In this case, it is the NordVPN algorithm that will be responsible for finding the optimized server for you according to your geographic position and the load of the various servers nearby.

It’s that simple. In terms of application and interface ergonomics, our opinion on NordVPN is more than positive.

Speed ​​test

The speed is essential When we make our opinions on the main VPN suppliers. Indeed, many users want to protect their devices connected to the Internet without having to ignore the speed of connection since a poor quality flow prevents access to content quickly and efficiently. However, instantaneity is essential to navigate in 2023 .

So we did a NordVPN test to see what it is in terms of speed:

Test with disabled VPN (reference speed)

Nordvpn France Test Pas de VPN

This first image corresponds to the results of Connection test without any VPN protection. Our connection is rather very fast as you can see, which will allow us to see more easily any differences when the software is activated.

Test with VPN connected in France

NordVPN France test

This test was carried out by choosing A server in France. As you can see, the connection has dropped largely, but it remains completely honorable. With such a speed, you can completely look at streaming content or download files, for example.

Test with the VPN connected to the USA

NordVPN USA test

Finally, here is a new test carried out, this time with A server in the United States (in case you want to unlock American content for example). Once again there is a big drop in the quality of connection which is predictable in view of the geographic distance from the American server.

If we compare these results to the competitors, our Opinion on NordVPN is rather very good : even in the most distant locations, you will have a largely sufficient speed to do whatever you want ! A very good point therefore for the supplier who passes the test high the hand.

NordVPN test for streaming

More and more people use tools to optimize their streaming activities. This is why we could not make a full opinion on NordVPN without talking about the features that are offered in this context.

If you are a follower of streaming platforms And that you like to watch movies and series, you will be particularly interested in using a VPN. Indeed, this tool allows on the one hand to access all your content wherever you are in the world, but also to access all geo-blocked content. You will never run out of movies and series.

Nothing could be simpler with NordVPN’s VPN: you just have to select the country concerned, look for a server in this same country and connect.

During viewing, there is no interruption and the loading speeds are rather correct. Do not hesitate to take advantage of the trial period offered by the supplier to test and make your own opinion on NordVPN. You are not likely to be disappointed, whatever the type of activity you favor on the internet.

If you happen to download P2P torrents, then do not fear: the supplier is also compatible with these activities thanks to its P2P servers.

Security and Privacy Policy

Security is the most important point that we have analyzed from different angles in order to be able to give a real opinion on NordVPN in 2023. Indeed, we must not lose sight of the fact that this parameter will mostly determine the quality or not of a virtual private network.

What can you expect with this supplier ?


To protect your data online, a VPN uses Several encryption methods When you go to the Internet. With NordVPN, this is the latest encryption of 256 bits.

Various protocols are also offered so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Latest, Nordlynx, The house protocol developed by NordVPN which has enormous potential. Based on the Wireguard protocol, it combines speed and safety for optimal performance. We also find the IKEV2/IPSEC protocol and the UDP/TCP openvpn.

Security is also guaranteed by anonymity. To do this, northern servers mask your IP address as soon as you activate it. Thus, none of the sites visited can go up to you or determine your physical location. But is your IP really well protected ? To be sure, we have made a number of tests concerning the potential network leaks.

IP without VPN

We then activated our VPN to ensure that the IP has changed well and that there is no DNS leakage. Here is the result then obtained:


As you can see in the image above, the IP address has been modified to appear in New York (which is logical because it is an American server that has been chosen). Also, no IP, DNS or webrtc leakage problem to identify since all the information is identical. This point is very reassuring; Otherwise there would be a big problem of protecting your data.

If you still have doubts about this notice on NordVPN, please note that the supplier has equipped its application of Kill Switch, an essential feature that acts as an emergency stop button. Explanations: S I Never your NordVPN connection were to hang, your traffic will be automatically cut in stride, even if the interruption lasts a few seconds. This guarantees you an absence of leakage of your data, be it your IP address or your activities on the Internet.

During our NordVPN test, we noted that his Kill Switch was a little capricious, that is to say that he struggled to reconnect automatically once the return to normal. Suddenly, you can continue your activities by thinking that the VPN protects you while this is not the case.

We also want to highlight the security flaw that the supplier met in 2018 following a hack of one of its Finnish datacenters. Even if the case has shown that the supplier had nothing to blame, it is understandable that some users were cautious about entrusting them with their web data.

Privacy policy

Good news for all the people who were wondering about the log of this supplier: they are not preserved. Our opinion on NordVPN could not have been so good otherwise. As I told you, security is essential. We cannot advise you to opt for a supplier who retains the login newspapers of its users because it would put your confidentiality in danger.

As proof of its reliability, NordVPN had its services audit by Deloitte. Result, the company was able to confirm that no log was registered on the supplier servers. Despite the Hack of the Finnish server of NordVPN a few years ago, there is no risk for your data since no trace is kept.

The bypass of censorship works ?

Many users have discovered the existence of VPNs when they have prepared their trip to go to a censored country. This is the case for example of China, Iran or Russia.

You read this opinion on NordVPN because you plan to go to China ? Know that you should not have a problem on site: Many Internet users use this VPN every day to access their favorite platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Gmail … You can unlock everything without any concern with this supplier thanks to its Obfuscated Servers optimized for regions restricting Internet access. Inevitably, this will reduce the number of servers available but it is the only way to access your usual content.

However, sometimes his servers are not enough to thwart censorship. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, the NordVPN connection is struggling to function properly. We then advise you rather ExpressVPN (in our list of the best VPNs) which works perfectly.

In this case, technical settings must be made to operate NordVPN. To do this, you will have to go to your help center and follow the indications. Tutorials are available on Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and Linux platforms. If you encounter connection concerns despite manipulation, do not hesitate to directly we have the company’s customer service. As you can see right after, it is very efficient. Advisers will be able to provide you with all the additional information.

The network of servers and the country coverage

With more than 5,800 servers distributed in 60 countries around the world, Our opinion on NordVPN could hardly be better. If you opt for this supplier, it is one of the widest networks on the market that will be offered to you. This quantity provides you with optimal flow by avoiding saturated servers in the event that the various customers have all gathered on a single server, for example. In addition, its international presence allows you to simulate various locations and access more content.

Where NordVPN stands out is at the level of the functions of each server. The supplier is not satisfied by offering standard servers and offers others adapted to the needs of each users. Thus, we find:

  • Optimized servers P2P To secure the sharing of torrents
  • servers Obfuscated To avoid being blocked in imposing countries of strong online restrictions
  • servers Double VPN which multiply encryption by two for further protection
  • servers Dedicated IP For people who have paid for this optional service

If you are looking to access a particular country or you have a specific need, do not hesitate to go directly to the supplier’s website and the dedicated page. You will find precise information on the available servers and those to favor according to your online activity.

NordVPN customer support test

THE customer service is essential for a software supplier because it allows you to see if the company really takes into account the concerns of its customers. To give you a review on NordVPN as complete as possible, we have therefore put its assistance to the test by contacting technical support.

The simplest and most direct way to do it is to use live cats. To do this, it will be necessary to go to the official website of the service provider and click on the conversation bubble at the bottom right of the screen. A cat window will open and you can write your message. For our part, we then asked them a question concerning their 30 -day period satisfied or reimbursed. Here is a part of the discussion:

NordVPN customer support

As you can see, advisers are reactive and try to do the best to resolve your problem and respond to your request. However, the response time may vary depending on the period, which explains why the NordVPN customer assistance does not outdo that of ExpressVPN which we had already told you about and praised the merits.

If your request does not require an immediate response, know that you can also send an email to the NordVPN teams to the address [email protected].

Finally, it should be noted that these two options are not the only means to obtain information on NordVPN. Before contacting a real advisor, it is advisable to take a tour in your help center. He is continent:

  • Detailed installation tutorials with step -by -step screens catches for an uncompromising configuration
  • an intelligently designed FAQ that lists the various recurring questions of users
  • Many articles about the VPN service, invoicing or connectivity problems

There is nothing to say at the level NordVPN customer support which is very efficient. The brand does its best to support its customers at best in all circumstances. So this is a good point in this nordvpn review. Special mention for his responses in French, it is very rare. Well done !

Offers and prices

Impossible to complete this NordVPN opinion without mentioning its prices. The price is an element to take into account upstream in order to verify that the subscription enters your budget. Currently, the supplier offers three packages:

NordVPN Subscription Price

  • 1 month at 12.99 €
  • 1 year at € 4.99 / month
  • 2 years at € 3.35 / month (reduction at the moment of -59%)

It’s up to you to choose your offer according to the desired commitment period. Knowing of course that the longer the contractual period, the more advantageous the prices will be. Thus, we advise you toopt for the 2 -year solution If you are looking for a long -term virtual private network and want the best price.

The advantage with NordVPN is that all offers are eligible for a repayment guarantee valid for 30 days after subscription. If you are not satisfied, you can therefore be fully reimbursed without condition.

Note that when subscribing, you will also have the possibility of adding Nordlocker, a cloud based on a file encryption system, Or Nordpass, a managing password manager of technology, For a few additional euros. This is two software signed NordVPN aimed at strengthening the user safety system. There is a free version if you want to test these tools before you buy.

Our opinion on northern pricing is therefore rather positive – even if it is true that you can find cheaper in other competitors. As such, that the price is an important criterion, it is not necessary to take into account only this element to choose your protection on the Internet. Better to pay a few more euros and benefit from a quality service and optimal security as what NordVPN offers.

Finally, you might as well take the subscription immediately over 2 years: you will have a lower monthly cost and can still end your commitment if it never suits you after your 30 -day NordVPN test.

Further information

Many VPN providers offer Additional features To differentiate yourself and optimize your daily navigation. This is also the case with NordVPN. Let’s see what you can enjoy with a account at NordVPN.

The number of simultaneous connections

With a single subscription purchased on the NordVPN site, You can install and secure up to 6 devices at the same time. You will therefore easily be able to protect all of your devices – or even those in your family and close.

And in the event that the six simultaneous connections included in your account are not enough, know that it is possible to manually configure the VPN on your router to protect all the devices connected to Wi-Fi. The handling being quite technical, do not hesitate to refer to the NordVPN installation guide.

Multi-support compatibility

When you want to use VPN software, it is important that it is available on platforms frequently used. Otherwise, you might have paid your subscription for nothing. Fortunately, the NordVPN application covers the main operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux and Fire TV) as well as multiple supports since it is available on computer, tablet, smartphone, Android Smart TV and connected case.

NordVPN compatible devices

NordVPN also offers extensions on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to optimize your use. Indeed, you will be able to better target the VPN connection by activating it only for your browser, for example.

Double VPN servers

The normal operation of a VPN means that your connection goes through an intermediate server connecting your device to the Internet. It is this server that directly modifies your IP address and allows you to be anonymous on the net. In Vec the double VPN servers offered by NordVPN, you can double this protection: instead of one, these are two servers which protect your IP address and quantify your information. This option is perfect for activities that require a higher level of security such as anonymous navigation in very censored countries.

This feature is not present in all competitors, it is important to note it – especially since it is a fundamental element for “risk” activities.

Be careful, with the double VPN, you can meet more or less important gear losses. Thus, this functionality should only be used in very specific cases or the need for anonymity and safety is very advanced.

Cybersec / anti-menaces

If you don’t like intrusive advertisements, you should please the cybersec. The latter allows you to block advertising and is very easily activated directly on the parameter of the NordVPN application.

Functionality is also supposed to protect you from malware and phishing attempts. That said, our experience having not been conclusive, cybersec does not replace an anti-virus.

As you can see on the screenshot that follows, you will find anti-menaces protection in the side menu of the NordVPN application.

Once rendered on the interface, you can either activate all protections (web + files), or one of them.

NordVPN anti-menaces protection

Note that NordVPN also gives the possibility of activating “Lite” anti-menaces protection. The latter operates only when you are connected to VPN.

About the “Lite” version, This is the only one you can use if you install the NordVPN application on iOS and/or Android. The advanced version of anti-menace protection is not yet available on these operating systems.

Dedicated IP

We quickly addressed the subject above in this northern opinion but we will come back on it.

First of all, what is a dedicated IP address ? Normally with a VPN, you will connect to a server in order to obtain an IP address. Except that you will share the latter with many other users (also connected to the same server as you).

Having a dedicated IP address will give you the opportunity to best secure your online payments, to escape black lists (some IP addresses belonging to VPN suppliers are on them because users have produced uncompromising activities), or even avoiding captchas by browsing the internet.

At NordVPN it is possible to order a dedicated IP address in the following countries: France, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.

The cost of this dedicated IP address will be € 91.53 for a 2 -year commitment. It’s up to you to see if such an investment is worth it. In any case, it is good to know that such a possibility exists because still very few VPN services offer dedicated IP.

Mesh network

Mesh network (or meshnet in English) is the last functionality added by NordVPN to its application.

What is this functionality ? She allows you to create a peer-to-peer network (P2P) between your devices, or with those of your friends. Although this is a relatively “niche” feature, our opinion concerning the Mesh network of NordVPN is good.

In a few clicks you can easily configure a secure P2P network in order to:

  • Share files
  • Transit the traffic of a device A through a B device (to use the IP address of the B device, which can be practical in the case of travel abroad).
  • Set up a LAN network with your friends to play locations locally, as if you were all in the same room.

Obviously, your friends must also have a subscription to NordVPN to set up a local network. And in general, the mesh network function must be activated on all the devices you want to use (whether to ride the activity, share files, etc.).

NordVPN Mesh network

What are the limitations related to this functionality ? After taking the time to chat with the NordVPN teams, it turns out that it is possible to link up to 60 different devices. Among these 60 devices, 10 can be yours and 50 those of your friends. It is also very easy to send invitations to your friends, and that directly from the NordVPN application.

Finally, know that unlike dedicated IPs, no additional cost is to be expected. The mesh network function is included in all subscriptions to VPN (regardless of your commitment duration).

Conclusion: our opinion on NordVPN

You would have understood it : Our opinion on NordVPN is very positive. Whether in terms of security, features or customer service, you will have access to a quality tool to help you protect all your daily devices.

It is therefore a big yes for this supplier who is definitively positioned among the largest on the market. Be careful not to rest on its laurels because some competitors like ExpressVPN today offer even more efficient solutions with very fast connection speeds at very attractive prices !

If ever after reading this NordVPN test you still have questions, that you would like to deepen a particular element or to write an opinion on one of its competitors, do not hesitate to make us Share of your request.

NordVPN (2021)

NordVPN (2021)

Based in Panama, NordVPN offers a very complete offer and is a benchmark in the field of VPN access providers with extensive global coverage.

Technical sheet / Characteristics

Headquarters Panama
Number of covered countries 59
Number of servers 5413
Streaming server No
Download server Yes
Number of simultaneous connections 6
Data quota No
Applications Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, router
Browser Chrome, Firefox
Recording of connection logs No
Payment Bank card, paypal, cryptocurrency
DNS Owner servers Yes
French assistance Yes
Protocol Openvpn, ikev2, wireguard

See more characteristics

Test summary

Notation history

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Writing note: 5 out of 5

Registered in Panama, NordVPN is an extremely popular VPN supplier with more than 14 million customers worldwide. The company highlights its speed and technical features. After several weeks of use, here are our conclusions.

Writing note

Writing note: 5 out of 5

User note (16)

Note: 4 out of 5

Writing note: 5 out of 5

Writing note: 5 out of 5

Writing note: 5 out of 5

Writing note: 3 out of 5

Writing note: 5 out of 5

Writing note: 4 out of 5

Writing note: 3 out of 5

Writing note: 4 out of 5

Writing note: 4 out of 5

User reviews (16)

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

All user reviews (16)

Note: 3 out of 5

Well but there are better

Was this opinion useful to you ?

Note: 2 out of 5

Very disappointed

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30 days of use
30 days of use

Note: 2 out of 5

Nordvpn certain well but complicated

On August 9, 2021 I installed Nord VPN a month ago and I just uninstall it because I regularly have connection problems with Chrome . This morning blocked this morning, identifier to restart etc, the software does not necessarily start ignition alone despite the parameters . In short for an overly complicated neophyte, for me, I know some rudiment, I had a mare ! So exit read the full review

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 3 out of 5

Was this opinion useful to you ?

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Very good performance

On June 23, 2021 the fiber having recently been installed at my home, it was time to repeat a VPN subscription. I turned north VPN after reading many speed comparisons. Pleasantly surprised by the low loss with the North Lynx protocol. The download and loading speed is absolutely not altered. It is very pleasant and I highly recommend this service for those who have not yet tested it. Read the full review

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Was this opinion useful to you ?

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 3 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

60 days of use
60 days of use

Note: 1 in 5

Do not work

April 5, 2021 I took this VPN to be able to connect from China to my Gooogle services. Impossible. It never works except on my smartphone. Even if the support tries to regeinate the problem, nothing works. So I wonder if there is a real user in China. On the other hand, other VPNs work very well. I just got her herns in my choice and Nordvpn doesn’t want to reimburse me. Bad experience. Read the full review

Note: 2 out of 5

Note: 1 in 5

Was this opinion useful to you ?

Note: 2 out of 5

Note: 1 in 5

180 days of use
180 days of use

Note: 4 out of 5

Very good VPN

July 9, 2020 quality VPN, unclogs streaming, reliable on torrent, efficient flow. Nevertheless I preferred him Express VPN which you can read a very complete test here https: // www.vpnmonde.com/ Expressvpn/ which in my opinion is superior to him. Read the full review

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 4 out of 5

Recommends 120 days of use
Recommends 120 days of use

Note: 4 out of 5

Very well even for internet novices

On June 26, 2020 Application recommended by my son to prevent me from coming to mesventures on the internet, I used to let my email hang around everywhere without paying attention but now it’s finished and I do not receive no more fraudulent letters or anything so I’m relieved. Although I am not a computer pro, my son showed me once how to use it and since then I manage, which shows how easy it is to use this kind of applications, even if c ‘is in English!! She is constantly connected to my phone and at least I am sure that there is no worries and that I fear nothing when I go out in town. Without my son I would have thought it was an application for Internet pro but not at all!! Read the full review

Note: 4 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

Note: 5 out of 5

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