Opinion La Poste Mobile: Summary of the opinions of customers La Poste Mobile, Reviews La Poste Mobile 2023: What are the packages without commitment?

Reviews La Poste Mobile 2023: What do customers think of mobile plans

7 months at La Poste Mobile

Reviews La Poste Mobile: Summary of customers’ opinions La Poste Mobile

Impossible to obtain any information in post office, HS application for a month without reaction from the operator. HS application of the same. Unmissable operator change. Too bad, before the foreseeable accident it was not too bad.

4 people found this opinion useful
Mrs Bacquaert Isabelle

I am the victim of an error of the post office, which did not presented to my bank the notice of payment of the February, I did not see the reminders by SMS that I do not know how to read, formal notice to pay J, ai ai almost 94 years old and my line was cut. Impossible to reach the mobile post with a cut line, this message is written by my daughter ,

2 people found this opinion useful
Only verified customers

Abusive billing and I’m still waiting for the explanation ! My children were both billed in off -package. More than 3 weeks that we are expecting supporting documents. Impossible to reach customer service by phone: when we finally get there, if we do not hang on the nose. We are told that we are kept informed ! By email: no answer.

Mobile post under the goose its lines. 20 years that I have the same number, 2 months that I am unreachable because 1 SFR disc informed my correspondents that Mol number is no longer assigned. Response from mobile post, there is no problem, we can’t do anything for you. Department terminated from my bank and I change operator. TO FLEE

Do not respond to email I am abroad my sim card is blocked I sent an email no answer

On the same place: not network for me with the mobile post, my partner has network with sfr

And I stayed for four months at the Mobile Post with a plan at € 9.90 I always paid 14 or15 € minimum there I am asked 25 € because I put the 5G option for three days they have me Billed the whole month and I forgot to disconnect the 5G option. They did me again when I did not even have a 5G phone I was billed 25 €, I left them immediately because they were very desagréable on the phone and did not want to give me a commercial gesture on the five euros of 5G All the calls received is issued to the Europe area are billed in addition to the package when it was indicated that you had calls in the euro zone.

I never had to do such incompetent customer service, before solving a problem you need a large number of contact, the advances not being really noted in your file, moreover the answers are very often different, Last problem it took me more than a month and a good ten blows of threads, they even allowed themselves to increase the price without warning me, frankly go to Prixtel, they seem to have Interesting packages with more gigas and an automatic passage system with the upper package in the event of an overtaking, for 9.99 euros, you have 100 GB, already not bad, the Mobile Post 10.99 for 60 GB

Note the mobile post

To give your opinion on La Poste Mobile you must be or have been a customer of this supplier

Note the mobile post

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The Mobile Post is a MVNO (Virtual Mobile Network Operator) 51% owned by La Poste and 49% by SFR. The operator thus borrows the SFR mobile network and offers mobile offers without obligation, packages with telephone and prepaid cards. Discover in this article customer reviews La Poste Mobile.

  • The essential :
  • The mobile post has more than 2 million subscribers in 2023 and proposed 3 non -binding packages And 3 Packages + Mobile.
  • The mobile post is a MVNO that uses the network SFR.
  • The operator obtains an average of 1.3/5 (Figures collected in September 2023) on the Trustpilot review website.
  • The majority of negative opinions focus on the customer service mobile post and overcharging problems.

Positive and negative mobile post reviews

Created in 2011, La Poste Mobile is the Second MVNO of the market With 7,900 points of sale, 30,000 counters, 2 million subscribers in 2022 and € 294,306,400 turnover in 2020. The operator therefore has many customers, but are they all satisfied ? If we believe the operator’s average on internet opinion sites, the answer is no.

On the Trustpilot Reviews site, the mobile post has a Small average of only 1.3/5 (figures collected in September 2023). It’s little, but it is important to put this result into perspective. Indeed, operators mostly have enough average on the internet, because dissatisfied customers are more likely to post opinions on the Internet to let off steam than satisfied customers. To help you see more clearly, find below a summary of positive and negative opinions on mobile post.

Positive opinions on mobile post

On the Trustpilot Reviews site, the mobile post accounts 6% positive opinion (figures collected in September 2023). It is a fairly low figure, but the positive opinions posted by customers tend to be rave which lightens the weight of this poor average.

Satisfied customers talk about Low prices for packages which are very interesting and without commitment. The post mobile notices concerning the SFR network are also positive thanks to a large coverage of the territory.


I have been at Laposte Mobile for several years, and I am satisfied. I have never had any problems, the possibility of managing the package options via the app is relatively well done. I was also able to change the package easily via the website when a better offer at the same price was offered by Laposte Mobile.

Trustpilot review signed M – May 2022

Very good experience.

Very good experience with mobile post. The packages are very competitive, even better than some who promise to be discount. Telephone support seems to be outsourced but completely up to par and the only calls from the operator are loyalty discounts and not canvassing to finally pay more as is often the case with other operators. In addition there is always the possibility of going to an agency to request information. I have the 4 lines of the family easily manageable on the website and this comes up to me at 36 euros in total for 4 large packages.

Trustpilot review signed Lemoy – September 2021

Negative opinions on mobile post

Mobile post accounts for many negative opinions. On the Trustpilot opinion site, the operator has 91% negative opinion (figures collected in September 2023). That makes a lot of dissatisfied customers.

However, it should be noted that most negative opinions focus on One and the same point: customer service operator and problems Piratages that occurred in July 2022 which have caused surcharging problems.

To flee

Unreachable customer service, after several calls and 41 minutes of waiting the online person is incomprehensible in their explanations. € 60 out of package when it is mentioned a maximum of € 30. I change operator as soon as possible.
Trustpilot review signed SNO – August 2022


Flee, the operators are really incompetent, I waited for 2 hours for a gigas problem, and in the end, not resolved because loss of patience. 2 hours waiting for nothing. To flee.

Trustpilot review signed Elio C – August 2022

Reviews La Poste Mobile: What do customers think of their package ?

La Poste Mobile offers 3 mobile offers at a low price and without obligation And 3 mobile offers + smartphone. The services included are varied and correspond to the services offered by most operators. Customers La Poste Mobile are they satisfied with it ? Overall, the answer is yes.

Most Customers La Poste Mobile are satisfied with their mobile offer. They welcome prices and network. Some are however disappointed with services abroad, too expensive.

Very positive experience

I am apparently one of the few people here to have a great experience of the mobile post. After testing orange, then SFR, then Telecom budget then red. I went to LaPoste because they were the cheapest with the same network as SFR. For several months I have been delighted and my bill never exceeds 10 euros while I am always on my phone to work.

Trustpilot review signed Betty – March 2021

Please note, excluding calls to Europe

Hello, I was a client at La Poste Mobile for a very long time, I went to Andorra I was billed for two months more than 80 euros because I was there the week of invoicing. I did not use my laptop, I would have had to turn it off, it did not make me commercial gesture because I had already benefited in 2019 (error on their part which was rectified after complaint) [. .

Trustpilot review signed Mag S – August 2022

What are the customer reviews of the mobile post on prices ?

La Poste Mobile offers low -cost mobile offers. The prices vary between € 4.99/month for the entry -level package and € 14.99/month for the highest -end package.

Customer opinions La Poste Mobile on these prices are very positive. A large majority of customers are pleased with their offer to mini price. However, some customers point out that the prices of the post mobile post office are not not so different from those of competition. If you want to subscribe to the operator, remember to use our comparator to find the cheapest offer.

Much cheaper than Red

Bleed with the mobile post, then reconciled, I subscribed to a package at € 18.99, but with the Red by SFR Internet box (still at home, I found no less expensive elsewhere), I have the right to One reduction per month. In the end, I only pay € 10 per month.

Trustpilot reviews signed Oops! – January 2021

No problem

Subscriber La Poste Mobile, no problem. The application for monitoring is useful and effective. On the other hand, monthly rate level, they are not at all competitive.

Trustpilot review signed Jonathan – September 2020

La Poste Mobile network: are customers satisfied with the coverage and the flows ?

Mobile Post is a MVNO (Virtual Mobile Network Operator). This means that the operator does not have its own network. To allow its customers to access mobile services, La Poste Mobile must therefore rent the network of another operator, and SFR is the lucky one.

This is good news for the mobile post. Indeed, the SFR network benefits from very good network coverage with more than 5,721 sites in 5G in June 2022, 99% of the population covered in 4G and 96% of the population in 3G. Very good figures that are felt on customer reviews the mobile post office.

Most customers are, in fact, very network satisfied with their mobile post offer. Be careful however, several customers are disappointed with flows Offered by the Post Mobile Packages.

7 months at La Poste Mobile

It’s been 7 months that I am at the mobile post and frankly, the network is great. I have 4G and 4G+ everywhere and in the villages where there is no 4G, I still have 3G/3G+. I have nothing to complain about. (. ))

Trustpilot review signed Huawei0236 – February 2021

Strung mobile internet speed

Internet speed is restrained and not made to see videos. Same for audio streaming (Deezer, Spotify, etc.), it gets stuck and it slowly loads. Catastrophic !

Trustpilot review signed Comsat – June 2020

Mobile Post Opinion: What do customer service think ?

Customer Service La Poste Mobile

La Poste Mobile offers several solutions to answer questions from its customers. You can contact an advisor:

  • By phone, from a fixed position, by composing the 0 970 808 660.
  • By phone, from your mobile post mobile line, by making up the 904.
  • By internet, since your Client area.
  • By Internet, from social networks Twitter and Facebook.
  • By mail At the address “La Poste Mobile Service Customer, TSA 16759, 95905 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex 9”.

Even if La Poste Mobile offers many solutions, Customer Service La Poste Mobile divides clearly operator subscribers. There are, in fact, many to complain and regret a customer service that Do not respond to their request. Some customers still wanted to point out that customer service had solved their problem, but they are rare.

Good network but impossible.

Good network but impossible to contact customer service, physical customer service who refuses to give me my rio to change operator, impossible to terminate because the site does not work to change the package, the number does not work either, in short bad service and suddenly I didn’t terminate before the price increases. In short, I do not recommend.

Trustpilot review signed Adrien – December 2021

A joke !

No customer service, emails remain unanswered, advisers can not respond to anything other than what can be read on their forum. Withdrawal after a few days, really disappointed with this experience.

Ah and. La Poste Mobile is still in the mail for a lot of simple steps, letters that take more than 10 days to reach. Astonishing in 2021 ! Go your way, you just have to read a few comments here and everything is clear ! A disaster.

Trustpilot review signed Brazileiro – March 2021

It all works well

I have been at the mobile post for 5 years and I had a problem with my mobile still under warranty (he no longer loaded). I went to a post office to send it to the after -sales service, it was a Friday. The phone came back to me the following Thursday with the list of changed parts. It all works well. In addition, they had lent me a new mobile while waiting.

Trustpilot review signed Ms. Sailleau – October 2020

The positioning of the mobile post compared to the competition

The mobile post position is positioned as a low -cost mobile operator which borrows the SFR mobile network. To differentiate itself from the competition, La Poste Mobile highlights several commitments.

  1. Freedom : all offers La Poste Mobile are without obligation. So you can terminate them when you wish.
  2. A cheap package : The Post Mobile Packages are at low prices and allow their customers to save.
  3. A quality network : La Poste Mobile uses the SFR network and is proud of it. The operator prides itself with a flow rate of up to 115 mbits/s.
  4. Exclusive services : With its mobile packages, La Poste Mobile offers you exclusive advantages like a new cheap laptop every 22 months, a smartphone loan in the event of loss or flight, etc.
  5. A physical network : You can find 30,000 customer advisers in nearly 10,000 post offices to make you help in your mobile steps. This argument is high while it is rare to have access to shops at low -cost operators.

Please note the mobile post marketed Box offers For several years, but this has not been the case since the end of 2020. From the site or a mobile post stand, you can however subscribe to an SFR box offer and take advantage of a reduction on your mobile offer.

Reviews La Poste Mobile 2023: What do customers think of mobile plans ?

Before choosing your La Poste Mobile Package and to get an idea of ​​the quality of the services offered by this operator, it is very useful to consult the reviews on the Mobile Post. What are user experience feedback in 2023 ? Jechange tells you more in this article !

  • Customer Note La Poste Mobile: 4.5/5 (570 reviews)
  • Low prices for good service
  • Quality 4G and 5G networks
  • Simplified command and easy activation

What are the opinions on the Post Mobile Packages ?

Customer reviews are multiplying on the MVNO La Poste Mobile and its package. Based on the SFR network, the operator has been offering since 2011 since 2011 Packages with or without commitment at attractive prices by standing as the supplier to the most accessible physical network on the market thanks to its 7,900 post offices. Before becoming customer La Poste Mobile, to find out more about the available mobile offers and the quality of the services offered by this operator, you can compare subscriptions via our mobile package comparator but also inquire about this MVNO by consulting the post reviews mobile left by customers and/or former operator customers.

To give you an opinion on the packages without commitments La Poste Mobile, here is a small summary of the comments collected on the forums:

  • Appreciated prices
  • Advantageous cashback
  • Simplified and fast SIM card order
  • Correct network in certain areas (including in rural areas)
  • Functional and simple website
  • Some positive experiences with customer service
  • Difficulty reaching customer service
  • Problems with application
  • Lack of network for some users
  • Dissatisfaction with the SFR network
  • Difficulties in use abroad
  • Billing problems and incorrect samples
  • Internet connection concerns in rural areas and abroad

Good to know customer reviews can vary depending on several factors, such as geographic location, the type of package chosen, and the specific use of the service. This is why, by browsing the various forums La Poste Mobile and by analyzing the returns on the various mobile La Poste packages, we have tried to present an overview as complete as possible.

Opinion of the Post Mobile Post Packages: positive points

Regarding the range of Post Post Mobile The opinions are generally positive. Indeed, many customers express their satisfaction concerning The wide range of mobile offers adapted to different uses (Package range with 2 hours of calls or unlimited package with 100 MB to 60 GB of mobile internet with a 4G speed).

The value for money is undeniable with the services offered. I paid for this package at a preferential rate because I have the SFR box and I am very satisfied with the 120GB mobile post package.

Customers La Poste Mobile also underline in their feedback affordable prices Packages available at this operator. Many subscribers are rejoiced in particular of the multiple Promotional offers, accessible to this MVNO throughout the year. You can indeed enjoy a Promo code La Poste Mobile To subscribe to a cheap package : useful for saving even more !

Very happy with the mobile post office package, without breakdowns or problems, and in addition cheap !

Note that some subscribers can take advantage of an even cheaper mobile postage package thanks to the BOX customer advantage to benefit from a Monthly discount on the price of the mobile subscription By subscribing to a box offer at SFR.

Another observation, the mobile post notices concerning the services included in mobile packages are predominantly satisfactory and represent an asset for the operator. Several cheap packages La Poste Mobile integrate, for example, the “Unlimited Music” service with the Universal Music catalog.

The package with ‘unlimited music’ is not bad with the whole universal music catalog. In addition, to give you an opinion on 4G La Poste Mobile, I find the connection amazing for a small operator.

And finally, the favorable mobile post reviews highlight The quality of the mobile network coverage With a 4G speed at the appointment. Recall that the virtual operator La Poste Mobile uses the mobile network of the SFR operator to market its 4G / 4G+ mobile packages with or without commitment.

�� I compare the best mobile packages ! 01 82 88 25 22

Opinion of mobile La Poste packages: negative points

The operator La Poste Mobile still lists some weak points. The lack of responsiveness of customer service is first of all pointed out. Users highlight this in the event of a problem on a mobile line.

I found the customer service of the mobile post that is less reactive than expected, especially when it comes to solving problems related to my mobile line. An improvement on this point would be appreciable.

This problem related to customer service is also found with difficulties in obtaining a refund.

Several customers denounce the non-reimbursement or the difficulties in obtaining it when buying or renewing a phone. To attract new customers or to retain its customers, this mobile operator offers several reimbursement offers with Up to 200 euros reimbursed for the purchase of a new phone.

Unfortunately, my experience with mobile post was tarnished by billing and termination problems. It seems that this operator needs to improve their procedures to ensure a more fluid transition when terminating the packages.

Please note that to receive this care, you must meet the conditions mentioned on the coupon. You will have to return all the supporting documents requested from the operator.

And finally, some customers share their dissatisfaction with this operator in the context of a mobile post termination. Various billing problems and the non -termination account are notified.

Reviews on the € 9.99 Post Post Post Mobile

This package is praised for its excellent value for money. At a price of € 9.99 for boxes SFR boxes and (€ 10.99 for non-clients), it offers a quantity of mobile data from 60GB including 12GB in Europe and additional services like 5G at an affordable price. Nevertheless, the customer reviews of La Poste Mobile on this specific package are contrasting.

Some customers stressed that the network was pretty good, even in rural areas. Others mentioned their satisfaction at having been able to change their package to pay less while maintaining an offer adapted to their needs.

However, problems have also been raised, in particular concerning customer service to post mobile, problems with the customer area in maintenance, and some mentioned that the network was less good than with their former operator.

  • Excellent value
  • Good amount of mobile data
  • Rather good network, even in rural areas
  • Possibility of changing the package to pay less while maintaining an offer adapted to the needs
  • Problems with customer service
  • Problems with the Customer Space in Maintenance
  • Network sometimes less good than with the old operator

Comparison with the offers of competitors

By comparing the € 9.99 plan of the mobile post with similar offers from competitors such as Coriolis, Cdiscount Mobile or YouPrice, we see that each operator has its strengths and weaknesses. For example, some users have indicated that the SFR network, used by the Mobile Post, is less efficient in the metro compared to other networks like Orange that of Orange.

An in -depth comparison of offers from different operators can help choose the package best suited to your specific needs:

Good to know: following a recent reorganization, the internet offers of La Poste Mobile were attached to SFR. Thus, the opinions concerning the Box La Poste Mobile are no longer available Because they no longer reflect the reality of the current offer.

La Poste Mobile Packages: the opinion of the expert JeChange

Overall, the mobile post is a mobile operator appreciated by users. In particular, there is a richness of its mobile offers and competitive prices. Other people welcome to be able to rest on the Post office network.

You can find in this operator of packages without inexpensive commitment with 2 hours of calls or unlimited calls, from 100 MB to 60 GB of mobile internet with a 4G speed, unlimited SMS and MMS, that from 4.99 euros per month.

If you want Buy a new smartphone At a preferential price, you can opt for a mobile post office package with phone with 3 hours of calls or unlimited calls in France, to the French overseas departments, or internationally, for the Data part of 200 MB at 60 GB of mobile internet with a 4G speed, this from 9.99 euros per month with a 12 or 24 month commitment.

In addition, some useful good plans and certain promotions La Poste Mobile Package are available only exclusively web.


Forces of the Mobile Post Offer:

  • This MVNO is based on the mobile network of the SFR operator, guaranteeing optimal quality of service.
  • SFR’s 5G mobile coverage is 98.7 % on June 22, 2023, guaranteeing excellent connectivity.
  • SFR claims a 4G network coverage in France of more than 99 % of the population, ensuring excellent connectivity even for those who do not opt ​​for the 5G option.
  • The packages with or without commitment the post mobile allow you to benefit from a quality 5G speed by subscribing to an option of € 5 additional.
  • To distinguish itself from competing offers, La Poste Mobile integrates into several of its non -commitment packages, and also in several mobile packages with commitment, the “unlimited music” advantage. This allows you to benefit unlimited from the Universal Music listening service.

Weaknesses of the post mobile post offer:

  • Despite the fact that its network includes more than 7,900 post offices throughout the territory, the limitation of access to dematerialized customer service is not adapted to all consumers.
  • Covering in campaign or abroad is not necessarily adapted to the Post Mobile Packages

Summary of key points

To summarize, La Poste Mobile is an operator who enjoys a solid reputation. We have examined customer opinions on the various aspects of the service, in particular mobile packages, customer service quality, network coverage and notices on the La Poste forums.

These opinions emerge from a rather positive but nuanced image of the mobile post. The operator is appreciated for its competitive prices, including its € 9.99 package, and for the ease of use of its services. However, some users have expressed concerns about network coverage in rural areas and abroad, as well as customer service quality.

Note from our Jechange expert: 4/5 If you are looking for an affordable mobile package with flexible options, the mobile post can be a good choice. However, if you live in a rural area or if you travel frequently abroad, you might want to deepen your search on the quality of the network

free call

Compare the best mobile packages

You are looking for a new mobile package that perfectly matches your budget ? Do not look anymore, Jechange is there to help you ! Our advisers are at your service to find the best package corresponding to your needs for free and easily. Compare the mobile plans with an expert via the number below:


What is the quality of the Mobile Post network ?

The quality of the network can vary depending on your location. Many users report good coverage in urban areas, but problems can occur in rural areas or abroad.

How is the customer service of the mobile post office ?

Customer service opinions are shared. Some customers praise the responsiveness and efficiency of the support team, while others have expressed frustrations relating to specific problem solving.

The € 9.99 package of the mobile post is worth a blow ?

According to customer reviews, the € 9.99 package is often considered a good deal for those looking for an affordable mobile package with a good internet envelope.

Everything about the mobile post

  • Mobile Post Packages
  • Reviews on the post mobile post offers
  • Terminate a mobile post offer

Call our advisers for your procedures (eligibility, change of operator. ))

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