Open an online bank account | Orange Bank, open a bank account: procedures | Orange Bank

Open a bank account: the essential procedures and supporting documents

Certain banks may pay costs during payments or withdrawals from their automatic distributors; They must in principle inform you by any means before the operation. These costs remain at your expense. Conversion to the Mastercard exchange rate, without additional commission from Orange Bank.

Our online bank accounts

Standard card issued after Orange Bank agreement. See conditions in contractual documentation.

Free payments and withdrawals abroad

Certain banks may pay costs during payments or withdrawals from their automatic distributors; They must in principle inform you by any means before the operation. These costs remain at your expense. Conversion to the Mastercard exchange rate, without additional commission from Orange Bank.

Premium insurance

Insurance subscribed to Mutuaide Assistance (its capital of 12,558,240 € entirely paid – 383 974 086 RCS Bobigny – 126 rue de la Piazza – CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand Cedex) and French Legal Protection Society (SA in Capital From 2,216,500 euros – 321 776 775 RCS Paris – 8-10 rue d’Astorg – 75008 Paris), companies governed by the insurance code, subject to the prudential control authority and resolution located 4, place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09. Guarantees within the limits and conditions of the information notice.

Assistance guarantee included in standard and premium cards

Insurance, included in the standard / premium card, subscribed to Mutuaide Assistance (its capital of 12,558,240 € fully paid – 383 974 086 RCS Bobigny – 126 rue de la Piazza – CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy Le Grand Cedex), company Régied by the insurance code, subject to the prudential control authority and resolution located 4, place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09. Guarantee within the limits and conditions of the information notice.

Purchasing protection insurance

Insurance included in the premium card subscribed to Mutuaide Assistance (SA in capital of 12,558,240 € fully paid – 383 974 086 RCS Bobigny – 126 rue de la Piazza – CS 20010 – 93196 Noisy le Grand Cedex) and Legal (SA with a capital of 2,216,500 euros – 321 776 775 RCS Paris – 8-10 rue d’Astorg – 75008 Paris), companies governed by the insurance code, subject to the prudential control authority and resolution located 4 , Place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09. Guarantees within the limits and conditions of the information notice.

Manufacturer’s warranty extension

Insurance subscribed to Mutuaide Assistance and the French Legal Protection Company (SFPJ). Guarantees within the limits and conditions of the information instructions.

Purchasing and invoices cashback

For purchases of orange equipment paid with your Premium Orange Bank card (mobile payment included) or, if you hold the Premium pack, with the Plus card or your child’s mobile payment (age condition): 5 % of TTC amount of these purchases reimbursed on the bank account debited, at the latest during the real debit of the purchase, up to € 100 / purchase made in stores or on Orange websites in mainland France and Reunion / Mayotte (telephone/internet subscriptions and excluded prepaid offers). Advantage valid from 02/02/23, susceptible to modifications. More info in operating methods on (cashback = refund).

If you hold the Premium Orange Bank card, 5% of the amount of orange invoices (Internet or Mobile) in France (except Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy) taken from your New Orange Bank Bank account are reimbursed in The limit of € 3 per month. Payment on your Orange Bank bank account during the real speed of the amount of orange invoices on your account. Advantage likely to modify, at any time, at the initiative of Orange Bank. More info in operating methods on Orangebank.Fr. (cashback = refund).

Premium card

Paid card issued after Orange Bank agreement. See conditions and prices in force in contractual documentation.

Premium Pack Offer

As of 02/02/2023, for any 1st subscription to the Premium pack, the subscription to the grouped offer of Premium Pack Services is € 7.99/month for the first 3 months instead of € 12.99/month. Unchanging advantage with any other advantage relating to the price of the premium pack. See prices on Orangebank.Fr.

Plus card

Subject to acceptance by Orange Bank. A card more per child per account used by the child, up to 5. See Conditions on Orangebank.Fr


Orange Bank application to download on the mobile, available only on Android and iOS, with compatible mobile equipment (Android 5 or higher with a version of the Orange Bank application greater than or equal to 3.3.0 and a Google, or iPhone 6 or higher account with iOS 10 or higher and an iCloud account).

Shared parental piloting

Shared piloting allows the premium pack holder and a close relative to manage the accounts and cards used by children as part of the premium pack. See conditions in contractual documentation.

Orange Bank, the simple and mobile online bank account for all

In France, the management of our money has radically changed with the advent of online bank accounts. Orange Bank, with its full and innovative online bank account offer, is positioned as an establishment of choice for individuals, professionals and businesses. Thanks to its innovative approach and focused on the customer, it has become a reference in terms of online banking.

Your online bank account directly from your mobile

The opening of an online account at Orange Bank is a simplified process that is done 100% in digital. With a few clicks and a minimum of supporting documents, you can create your account. And if you are an entrepreneur, or you represent a company you can also open an intelligent pro account simply thanks to Anytime, the subsidiary of Orange Bank dedicated to professionals. This ease of access makes Anytime a partner of choice for professionals and companies looking for banking solutions adapted to their activity.

Credit, savings, insurance, all the services of a real bank

Orange Bank’s offer is not limited to account management. The bank also offers credit, savings and insurance services, adapted to the specific needs of each customer. Whether it is insurance on purchases and travel, linked to its Mastercard Premium card, or personal loan adapted to each project, Orange Bank offers a range of products that meet the various needs of its customers. His risk -free savings book, allows you to make up capital more simply and for free at attractive rate.

Two Mastercard Cards to choose to pay as you want in complete safety

The bank offers two Mastercard cards to choose, the standard free card and the Premium card, paid. These cards offer all secure and practical means of payment, such as contactless payment, mobile payment. And as the safety of each client is at the heart of Orange Bank’s concerns, it has set up strong authentication for online payments so as to protect your banking identity in any case. Note that Orange Bank no longer offers delayed debit cards to date.

An innovative app to manage all your banking services

The online bank also allows you to manage your online bank account remotely, directly from your mobile thanks to its innovative app. So, whether you are at the office, on the move, or at home, you can access your account, consult your balance in time, make transfers, manage your savings or subscribe to a personal loan to simply finance all types of projects (financing financing of auto, new or used, renovation work, moment of life, etc.). The Orange Bank app also allows you to change your bank card code, copy and paste your card numbers directly and make transfers by SMS.

Expert and human customer service that answers you from France

Orange Bank is also distinguished by its customer service. Most of the questions are dealt with thanks to its online liability that answers you by cat 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If necessary, he puts you in touch with customer service advisers, who answer you from France, Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Whether you have a question about your bank card code, need help browsing the page of your account, or you need additional information on your subscription, Orange Bank customer service is ready to help you. Note that Premium customers have priority access to customer service by phone.

In short, Orange Bank is positioned as a banking establishment that meets everyone’s needs. It offers a wide range of financial services, ranging from account management to insurance subscription, including credit. With Orange Bank, the management of your money becomes simpler, safer, and more efficient.

Open a bank account: the essential procedures and supporting documents

You want to open a bank account but you do not know how to proceed ? What type of account to open, to whom to turn, and what are the papers to provide ? Zoom on the procedures and supporting documents necessary for the opening of a bank account with Orange Bank.

Couple research supporting documents to open an online bank account

What are the supporting documents to open a bank account ?

Banking establishments are held by law to request certain supporting documents for Opening a bank account. The documents to be provided are generally:

  • Pieces of identity official valid (two parts are necessary in the event of remote opening, against one for a “physical) opening and comprising a photograph
  • Proof of address : tax notice, energy bill, rent receipt
  • A signature deposit : You must deposit your signature which will be recorded by the bank (note that for a joint account, each of the account holders must deposit a signature specimen).

Open an account in an online bank

Many online banks exist, and the French have more and more recourse there. Are the procedures and supporting documents the same as for a classic bank ?

Supporting documents to open an online account

Conditions are the even that with historical banking establishments ::

  • Valid official identity documents
  • Proof of address
  • A signature deposit

Note that some online banks also require a RIB from another bank. Others may also require proof of income (pay sheets or tax notice).

Specific conditions for online banks

L’Opening of a bank account with an online bank is subject to certain administrative conditions:

  • Be domiciled in France
  • Have a valid phone phone number and email address
  • Do not be based on the National File of Reimbursement of credits to individuals (FICP)

Income conditions for certain online banks

Some online banks submit the opening of a bank account to a minimal income, Hence the income documents required when creating the online account. The minimum income required varies depending on the requested bank card. Another condition set by certain banking establishments: the payment of a minimum sum when opening your account, or a minimum monthly transfer.

How to open a bank account at Orange Bank ?

Opening an account at Orange Bank is very simple: only three supporting documents are necessary:
An identity document and proof of address will be requested to open your account.

  • 2 valid identity documents: passport, identity card, driving license, residence permit
  • 1 proof of address

You can also open your Orange Bank account by going to a Evil Orange store. An identity document and proof of address will be requested to open your account.

Orange Bank advises you and accompanies you ..

Because we are convinced that you are able to manage your money alone, Orange Bank promises you support in line with its time and putting confidence at the heart of the relationship.

If you are one of those who wish to revolutionize the bank, join Orange Bank !

Orange Bank – SA with capital of 898 775 712 € – 67 rue Robespierre – 93107 Montreuil Cedex – 572 043 800 RCS Bobigny – Orias n ° 07 006 369 (www.orias.Fr).

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