NRJ Mobile review: Packages, Coverage, Customer Service, NRJ Mobile 2023 reviews: network, WOOT package, customer service

NRJ Mobile 2023 reviews: network, Woot package, customer service

Good to know : Terminate a line with a 12 -month commitment before the end of the contract indeed engages the consumer to settle all the sums remaining until the 12th month of subscription.

Mobile NRJ reviews: Packages, Coverage, Customer Service

No one they count on the output rates and they cut the line the same day of the payment request.

3 people found this opinion useful

On vacation in Thailand, my phone has no connection.NRJ response: only customers over 3 months old are entitled to an international connection. So neither informed in case of serious thing nor sms nothing .No more

1 person found this opinion useful
Only verified customers

Do not receive verification sms. Forced to see that the advertisement made by NRJ Mobile is false since there is no customer service. (The only Telephonic Service that is available gives us on the Internet and on the Internet not the slightest trace of technicians to help us. Only disillusioned users express their anger and their despair). Does not work+false advertising+takes people for 6 -week rabbits = never an operator tired me so quickly. I do not intend to exempt myself from this operator, as soon as I found how to do it, I flee.

Sim card not received..SIM card activated without me asking it …

Not subscribed if you often move in Europe/Switzerland. Signals cut each time when you are entering a new country.

When everything is computerized and everything is going well no problem. On the other hand, it becomes horror as soon as you have a question. No that hang up on the nose or manage with the FAQ or the forum. As soon as I can go.

It’s no service, impossible to contact. Flee

Zero . Impossible to attach customer service by phone except for very specific cases, it is impossible to resolve a billing problem on the application or the customer area of ​​the website, result € 10 billed with each direct debit problem (therefore each month) for A 2 € package . And of course no way to make a complaint except by post which will certainly remain a dead letter. To run away absolutely !

Note NRJ Mobile

To give your opinion on NRJ Mobile you must be or have been a customer of this supplier

Note NRJ Mobile

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How are the opinions collected ?

Customers who have passed through Selectra to take out their contract receive, a few weeks after their subscription, an email offering them to leave an opinion on their supplier. In addition, any user can at any time submit an opinion by clicking on “Publish my opinion”.
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How are the opinions verified ?

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Each opinion submitted is then reread by Selectra is published only after this verification. Any notice that does not respect our moderation charter or from an unlikely email address will not be published.
When a customer has taken out a contract with a supplier via selectra and leaves an opinion on this supplier with the same email address as that used to subscribe to the contract, selectra adds the notice checked alongside the notice. Otherwise, no mention appears alongside the opinion because we are then unable to guarantee that the customer is indeed or has been a customer of the supplier.
None of the data collected by Selectra as part of the publication of reviews will be used for commercial purposes.

How are the opinions classified ?

The two opinions having collected the most positive votes on the part of the users are put forward. Among all the opinions having collected positive votes, opinions from verified customers have priority on other opinions.
The following opinions are classified by default from the most recent to the oldest, but it is possible to classify them in order of increasing or decreasing rating. When a supplier has received reviews from verified customers, then only the checked customer reviews are displayed by default. It is possible to display all reviews by deactivating the option “only verified customers”.

How is the note calculated ?

The note corresponds to the weighted average of all the grades received for the supplier. We have chosen to give more weight to notes from verified customers and recent notes. Consequently, for a given notice, the weighting factor P is equal to X * Y Or X is equal to 2 if the opinion comes from a verified customer or to 1 if the opinion comes from an unaccompanied customer; and or Y is equal to 1 for a notice of less than 2 years, 0.75 for an opinion between 2 and 3 years, 0.5 for an opinion between 3 and 4 years, or 0.25 for opinion of more than 4 years.

NRJ Mobile is an MVNO (Virtual Mobile Network Operator) which has been markets mobile packages since 2005 with the Bouygues network and a 4G box since 2018. NRJ Mobile offers are at mini prices, the goal being to seduce young people in particular. Does this strategy work ? What are the reviews of NRJ mobile customers on the operator ? Discover it in this article.


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  • The essential :
  • NRJ Mobile offers mobile offers and an 4G box With the 4G network of Bouygues Telecom.
  • NRJ Mobile customers are very mixed, in particular concerning the operator network which does not work at everyone.
  • NRJ mobile has an average of 1.5/5 (Figures collected in September 2023) on the Trustpilot review website.

NRJ Mobile: What are customer reviews on the operator in general ?

In more than 15 years, NRJ Mobile has convinced many subscribers. The operator reached a million active customers in 2011 and today has more 1.5 million subscribers. Are they all satisfied ? According to the opinions posted by customers on the Internet, the answer is no.

On the Trustpilot opinion site, NRJ Mobile has indeed an average of 1.5/5 (figures collected in September 2023). It’s a very small average, but it is important to put it into perspective. Unhappy customers are very easily postponed on the Internet than satisfied customers who are content to just take advantage of their offer.

Below, we have gathered for you the most representative positive and negative opinion On Mobile NRJ.

Summary of positive opinions on NRJ Mobile

On the Trustpilot site, NRJ Mobile accounts 9% positive opinion (figures collected in September 2023). It’s not much, but it’s more than many operators. The latter rarely have positive opinions on the Internet.

Satisfied customers welcome in particular:

  • The costs rather attractive.
  • Of customer service that they find reactive and effective.
  • Of the flows apparently high.

At home since.

Reluctant to leave a historic operator, following the last increase I decided to try NRJ Mobile. Some criticisms made me hesitate but I started. The good surprise A SIM card that arrives quickly, I was able on time, to use my old number on my new line. For 4G connection, I have not seen a difference. The mobile app is simple and functional. to see over time.

Trustpilot reviews signed Pascal – March 2023


Honestly, I don’t understand negative opinions ��. I capture very well, it is not expensive, I have a package at 6.99 euros for everything unlimited and 20 GB of internet, it’s impeccable. Always at a maximum of 5 bars, at home in the city center of Montpellier, where no one usually captures in the thick buildings, narrow alleys. Impeccable, reactive, kind customer service, very easy, simple consumption follow -up, via mobile application, telephone and SMS. Impeccable, from A to Z.

Trustpilot review signed Paul – March 2023

Always surprised such negative opinions.

Always surprised such negative opinions. Nrj made me a loyalty offer I stayed there. They always question themselves, always ready to draw to retain, not bad anyway for so little.

Trustpilot review signed Anne Valentina – July 2023

Summary of negative opinions on NRJ Mobile

It is very easy to find negative opinions on NRJ Mobile. On the Trustpilot review site, the operator has no less than 89% negative opinion (figures collected in September 2023 2023). Many other operators have a similar quantity of negative opinion, but in general, negative opinions focus on customer service. Here, this is not the case.

Discardy NRJ customers are in fact, mostly one and the same point: the network. This would be too unstable and many customers would not capture at all with their mobile NRJ package. Some customers still criticize customer service after a disagreement that has not been settled with the operator and offers apparently difficult to understand.

Abusive samples

I have been taken since last month for a game subscription to which I have not subscribed, and no gesture on their part despite my telephone complaints. It’s totally abusive. I change operator.

Trustpilot review signed Carole D – August 2022

I used very quickly.

I used my 4G very quickly abroad, I ended up with exorbitant, very exaggerated sums, I don’t even know how they justify it. I was abroad, so I could not ask them for accounts, I just returned and I realize that they have increased the sums requested, it is anything this operator who does not work correctly, to flee at all costs.

Trustpilot review signed vice – August 2022

Catastrophic network

Catastrophic network Catastrophic customer service for unresolved astronomical costs of € 9.99 we drop to 21.99 euros.

Trustpilot review signed Magnolia – July 2023

What is the opinion of NRJ Mobile customers on their package and the services included ?

NRJ Mobile offers clearly divide the operator’s customers. Some are satisfied, and do not necessarily know about the Internet, and others are unhappy.

Some offers would be difficult to understand and this would lead to bad surprises on the bill. Many unhappy customers cite an error in understanding and paid services or options when they thought they were free.

I just went to NRJ.

I just went to NRJ Mobile today even. Very bad 4G reception, but that’s a reception problem with me. On the other hand, when I manage to obtain from the network (2/5), it’s so slow that the Internet hardly works at all.

Trustpilot review signed Grospierrot- July 2023

Inexpensive package but a lot of hidden fees

Functional package, but there was a problem during direct debit, twice, and I had to pay by CB manually. I then discover on my invoice that there are two costs of € 10, for refusal of direct debit. Excluding I never blocked NRJ Mobile.

Trustpilot review signed Louis Fontaine – July 2023

NRJ Mobile coverage: what customers think on the network ?

NRJ Mobile is a Mvno. The operator therefore does not have its own network and borrows that of Bouygues Telecom. Previously, NRJ Mobile, however, offered its customers to choose between the Bouygues, SFR and Orange networks and strangely it did not please everyone.

The network is indeed The subject that divides the most NRJ Mobile customers. Many unhappy customers complain about having not No network And not to be able to take advantage of their mobile service correctly. Some customers (little) specify, however, that after a request to customer service to Change operator for the network, Their problems were resolved. We can therefore wonder if the dissatisfied customers have tried this technique or not.

Zero assistance in the event of a mobile network failure

Mobile network breakdown since this morning: the Android application indicates in the event of a problem the number 0 969 360 200, in the end this number concerns only conventional situations, but no choice of the voice server on a breakdown or assistance.

Trustpilot reviews signed customers – June 2023

Lamentable network

Latable network, 5g ridiculous start tested in several places, when you are out of network or in plane mode or after starting the phone it takes at least 5 minutes to hang the network

Trustpilot review signed Ahmed – June 2023

What are the reviews of NRJ Mobile customers on the operator’s customer service ?

NRJ Mobile customer service

NRJ mobile customers can contact their operator via different means ::

  • By phone by making up the 675 200 (from a mobile) or the 09 69 36 02 00 (from a fixed position).
  • By Postal mail (NRJ Mobile – Customer Service, 53098 Laval Cedex 09).
  • Via social networks Facebook and Twitter.

Overall, customers are satisfied with NRJ Mobile customer service. They welcome the responsiveness of advisers, especially from social networks.

At NRJ Mobile for 3 months

(. ) I went several times through customer service via Facebook which is very responsive, which improves my note. (. ))

Trustpilot review signed Richy Reactive customer service, otherwise zero !

I put two stars only, because their customer service was very responsive for me regarding my problem, but otherwise I would have put 0. (. ))

Trustpilot review signed Julia

NRJ Mobile Notice: Customers are satisfied with prices ?

NRJ Mobile is located as a “low-cost” operator who offers offers without commitment to low prices. Prices vary Between € 9.99/month and € 19.99/month.

Depending on customers, opinions are negative and positive. The question of the price of mobile NRJ offers is little raised by customers and Speeches are very variable. Some customers think they can find cheaper and better elsewhere when others welcome competitive prices. It’s up to you to make your own opinion.

Almost impossible to.

Almost impossible to contact customer service. No call number dedicates to subscribers. Following a 10% increase in my package (so -called fixed price and blocked at the signature)

Trustpilot review signed Dufourq – May 2023 Very satisfied !

Hello I do not understand the negative opinions I have a package for my daughter who works very well and there I have just made another for my wife because of the increases in Bouygues and well the same it works very well �� after all depends where you live

Trustpilot review signed Francis – May 2023

What is the positioning of NRJ Mobile compared to other operators ?

Compared to competition, NRJ Mobile is positioned as a MVNO which offers low prices and offers without engagement. From his website, the operator highlights several commitments.

  1. Its large national network : as MVNO, NRJ Mobile does not have its own network. However, the operator is not to be outdone and offers its customers the Bouygues Telecom network which covers 99% of the population in 4G. The operator prides itself on being present in more than 20,000 villages, nearly 5,000 km from coastline and more than 150 ski resorts.
  2. A powerful 4G : all NRJ mobile mobile offers are guaranteed in 100% 4G.
  3. Simple and effective number portability : finally, NRJ Mobile undertakes to take all the steps to allow its new customers to keep their phone number. Note however that all operators take care of the portability of the number of their new customers.

Summary table of mobile NRJ offers

Find below a summary table Mobile NRJ offers.

NRJ Mobile 2023 reviews: network, Woot package, customer service

NRJ Mobile is a virtual mobile network operator (MVNO) which was born in 2005. If the operator is known for its attractive prices and regular promotions, it is also essential to find out about the quality of its customer service or its network coverage before launching. What are the customer reviews on NRJ Mobile ? Before subscribing to one of the packages offered by NRJ Mobile, discover the positive and negative opinions provided by consumers in 2023.

  • NRJ Mobile customer note: 3.8/5
  • Without commitment packages
  • International options and price competitiveness
  • Reactive and accessible customer service

What are the opinions on NRJ Mobile plans ?

Customers’ opinions flock concerning the MVNO Mobile and its packages. Building on the Bouygues Telecom network, the operator entered the market in 2005, offering non -binding packages at competitive prices, thus positioning itself as one of the most attractive operators on the market.

Before subscribing to NRJ Mobile, in order to learn more about the different mobile offers available and the quality of the services offered by this operator, we recommend that you compare subscriptions using our Mobile package comparator. You can also find out more about this MVNO by consulting the NRJ Mobile reviews left by the operator’s customers.

Summary of NRJ Mobile customer reviews:

  • Listening and reactive advisers
  • New -line ease of request
  • Good functioning of data
  • Non -binding packages for more flexibility.
  • General customer satisfaction of the Waot NRJ Mobile package.
  • Competitive prices with unlimited calls and SMS/MMS.
  • Good 5g offer, easy and quick subscription and portability
  • Diversity of packages to meet all needs.
  • Communication abroad appreciated by travelers.
  • Wide choice of options without commitment.
  • Accessible and efficient customer service, with direct assistance.
  • Site ease of use
  • Access to the customer area before activating the line
  • Absence of a mobile network specific to NRJ Mobile.
  • Random allocation of the mobile network to customers.
  • Debt sometimes deemed of poor quality despite access to the Orange, SFR or Bouygues Telecom networks.
  • Receipt of the SIM card deemed too long.
  • Negative experiences linked to the quality of the network.

Positive opinions on NRJ Mobile

Motic NRJ opinions are mostly positive. The first advantage lies in the fact that most NRJ mobile plans are Without a commitment of duration. It is therefore possible to terminate your subscription and leave your operator at any time, without the need to provide proof.

Indeed, the Woot NRJ Mobile package obtains favorable opinions overall:

I am quite satisfied with my Woot NRJ Mobile package. As it is without commitment it is really practical, it gives me flexibility to change my package when I want. – 02/22/23 by Denis.D

The Woot package is great, I have a good connection and it’s really cheap compared to other operators – 03/05/23 by Charlotte.NOT

If customers appreciate taking out a free commitment offer, it is mainly because they fear having to pay NRJ mobile termination fees.

Good to know : Terminate a line with a 12 -month commitment before the end of the contract indeed engages the consumer to settle all the sums remaining until the 12th month of subscription.

The second advantage reported in the NRJ mobile packages is their price. All WOOT Mobile Packages without commitment offer calls as well as unlimited SMS/MMS in Metropolitan and abroad (Europe/DOM) for a price varying Between € 6.99/month and € 24.99/month.

The price differs according to the number of gigas included in your Mobile NRJ package ::

  • Package WOOT 30GO mobile internet in France and from Europe and the French overseas departments€ 6.99/month instead of € 7.99)).
  • Package WOOT 10GO Internet in France including 10 Go /month from Europe and the DOM (€ 15.99/month)).
  • Package WOOT 100GO Internet Internet in France, including 19GB /month from Europe and the DOM (€ 24.99/month)).

I travel regularly for work and the communication option abroad offered by NRJ Mobile is top with unlimited calls. – Mobile NRJ Package Opinion left on 09/12/22 Sabine.R

Finally, the Mobile NRJ forums also mentions that NRJ mobile subscribers appreciate the many options, They too without commitment, proposed by the MVNO:

  • Refills if your data envelope is not enough for you;
  • international options (Europe, DOM and other countries);
  • or safety options for your phone;
  • but also blocking or double call options, etc.

One of the best things about NRJ Mobile plans is the variety of options offered. Whether it is data recharges, international options, or even security options for my phone, I really have the feeling of having a personalized package. This is what I like the most ! – NRJ Mobile Package Opinion left on 01/17/22 by Denis.D

On the other hand, NRJ Mobile benefits from favorable comments concerning customer service. The operator has an assistance reachable by phone at 09 69 36 02 00 for a fixed. From a mobile, you can contact customer service at 675 200, Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Operator’s customers seem rather satisfied with this telephone assistance service, They relate in particular to being directly in contact with an advisor and not with a vocal server by phone.

Negative opinions on mobile NRJ plans

As we have seen, NRJ Mobile is an operator of virtual mobile network. We are talking about MVNO because the operator does not have its own mobile network.

To put its Woot packages without commitment to its subscribers, NRJ Mobile therefore has a partnership. The latter is done with three of the major French operators: Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom.

If this partnership was to resolve the NRJ Mobile network problem, NRJ mobile coverage However, are not always positive. Customers deplore the random allocation of their line to the mobile network. We regularly read NRJ Mobile network reviews which share poor quality flow. And this, despite access to the Orange, SFR or Bouygues Telecom networks.

Others Opinion of mobile packages relate to deadlines, judged too long, before receiving his phone SIM card and thus be able to start using his package.

I have subscribed to a mobile NRJ package recently, but I am disappointed with the quality of the network. It is often slow, and sometimes I completely lose the connection. This is not what I expected when I chose this package. – NRJ Mobile Package Notice left on 12/19/2022 by David B.

NRJ Mobile 4G box reviews

Most users of the NRJ mobile 4G box appreciate the possibility of Connect simultaneously up to 32 boxes to the box. In addition, Wi-Fi coverage (up to 250 meters of radius) is also a appreciated point, allowing all members of a home to enjoy high speed Internet. On average, the 4G NRJ mobile box can reach a download rate of 100 Mb/s.

A notable point, however, is The obligation of a one year commitment to obtain the 4G NRJ mobile box. It is a constraint that many customers would prefer to avoid. Fortunately, NRJ Mobile compensates for this downside by offering a warranty “satisfied or refunded“30 days. Which gives the opportunity to test the product and to terminate in the event of dissatisfaction.

Here is an overview of all the positive and negative points of the 4G Box NRJ Mobile Internet Subscription offer.

  • Possibility to take advantage of an internet connection in a poorly connected area
  • Possibility of connecting simultaneously up to 32 aircraft at the terminal
  • Large wi-fi cover, up to 250 meters of radius
  • Relatively large flow, up to up to 100 Mb/s for download
  • Offer a 30 -day “satisfied or reimbursed” guarantee
  • One year commitment necessary to obtain the box

�� I compare the best mobile packages ! 01 82 88 25 22

The download speed with the NRJ Mobile 4G box is surprisingly fast. I can easily broadcast HD videos without any problem. – Positive opinion of the mobile NRJ box left by Tony.B

I had problems with the coverage of the mobile NRJ 4G box in some rooms in my house. I would have liked to have a better scope to take full advantage of the connection in all the rooms. – Negative opinion of the mobile NRJ box left by Pascal.V

What thinks of the mobile NRJ plans ?

Although NRJ Mobile has proposed many offers since 2005, including blocked packages or packages with commitment, the operator now markets 2 ranges of packages: the Woot without commitment and ULITMATE SPEED plans with 5G option.

Our opinion on NRJ Mobile joins that of consumers to say that it is one of the main assets of the operator, especially since he also offers his future subscribers to resell their old laptop in order to benefit from a New smartphone. It is one of the few operators to offer this service with non -binding packages.

Each of these NRJ mobile offers is without engagement as well as little price. You can therefore choose the package of your choice only according to your needs in mobile Internet in mainland France or from Europe and the DOM.

The only other criterion you have to worry about is your budget. But whatever the offer you choose, the NRJ Mobile prices remain more than affordable since no package exceeds € 25 /month.

Note from our Jechange expert: 3.5/5 OUR Mobile NRJ reviews is therefore rather positive. Nevertheless, the weakness of the operator is at the level of the network coverage. NRJ Mobile announces access to the best network among those of Orange, SFR or Bouygues Telecom according to your location. However, the numerous opinions on the NRJ Mobile network found can doubt the quality of the NRJ Mobile coverage. In our opinion, this is the only problem of the operator. In any case, the NRJ mobile offers remain complete packages, which offer substantial data envelopes, for a price that defies the competition !

Good to know : Mobile NRJ also offers many NRJ mobile promotions throughout the year. Visit the operator’s merchant site regularly to take advantage of it on your mobile line.

All about NRJ Mobile

  • Opinion on NRJ Mobile plans
  • Mobile NRJ 4G box
  • Promotions on mobile NRJ mobile packages
  • Terminate a mobile NRJ offer

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