NEW: The Netflix offer with pub at € 5.99/month arrives on freebox, Freebox subscribers: Netflix prices are increasing, how to go to a cheaper formula?
Freebox subscribers: Netflix prices are increasing, how to go to a cheaper formula
To take advantage of it, just go to the Freebox subscriber space, in the television section, then Netflix. Among the subscriptions offered, the advertising formula is now available, a single click and voila. Another possibility, subscribe directly from the TV interface. Free confirmed it, the formula is not available on the Freebox Delta, which already includes the Netflix Subscription Essential.
NEW: The Netflix offer with pub at € 5.99/month arrives on freebox
For small budgets at a time when account sharing has become prohibited, Netflix’s “standard with ad” arrives on Freebox Pop, Revolution and Mini 4K 4K. This May 26, an advertising banner appeared on the free web portal leaving no part in doubt: “New, Netflix optional from € 5.99”, can be read, that’s indeed The price of the latest offer from the SVOD mastodon.
To take advantage of it, just go to the Freebox subscriber space, in the television section, then Netflix. Among the subscriptions offered, the advertising formula is now available, a single click and voila. Another possibility, subscribe directly from the TV interface. Free confirmed it, the formula is not available on the Freebox Delta, which already includes the Netflix Subscription Essential.
Launched last November in France, the “essential with ad” offer, renamed “Standard with pub” recently, allows access to a large part of the Netflix catalog at a more affordable rate in exchange for viewing advertising advertising. Its availability on various market devices is still limited, although the Apple TV 4K has recently been made compatible. On the operators’ side, SFR is the first to have launched this offer on its boxes in April while offering it 6 to 9 months to certain subscribers.
Last month, Netflix also enriched its offer, still at the same price. Subscribers can benefit from films and series of the platform in 1080p against 720p before, and even watch content while a loved one views another on a different device.
Freebox subscribers: Netflix prices are increasing, how to go to a cheaper formula ?
For a value for money that suits you. The SVOD giant revised upwards the price of its three offers. As a reminder, the so-called essential offer (one screen both and no high define) thus goes from 7.99 to 8.99 euros per month. The standard offer (two simultaneous screens and high define) sees its price evolve from 11.99 to 13.49 euros, an increase of 1.50 euros per month. Finally, the premium offer, which gives the right to four simultaneous screens and ultra-high definition programs, will now cost 17.99 euros per month, against 15.99 euros before.
For Freebox Delta and One subscribers, the essential offer remains included for no additional cost, but in the case of a subscription to a higher offer (standard or premium), the price increase will be effective on October 1. Faced with this increase, some may be tempted to modify their offer to avoid an increase on their invoice. Univers Freebox offers you the different solutions for this.
How to modify your Netflix option ?
Netflix is indeed available as an option for all Freebox subscribers, and you can change your formula at any time. If you want to modify your offer, everything is done from your Freebox subscriber space, in the “Television” section.
Click on “Netflix” to get all information about this subscription. You can modify your subscription according to your needs. Note that at present, the prices have not yet been updated, since the increase will not be effective until October 1.
You can also find information about your account such as password or Netflix identifier. If when activating the subscription, you were unable to carry it out, you will also be offered to resume activation easily.
From the subscriber space for Freebox Pop, Revolution and Mini 4K subscribers with whom Netflix is not included, there is also a button to terminate your option, if even the price of the essential offer is considered too expensive.
If I haven’t taken the Netflix option for Freebox, what to do ?
However, some of you may have subscribed to Netflix directly and not via the option offered by Free. Thus, if you want to change your package after your registration, everything is done from your Netflix subscriber space (from the mobile application or the website), once connected, go to “account”.
Then click on “Change package” in the “Package details” section.
You will be able to choose which options you want to take advantage of the American streaming platform.
At a time when we write these lines, the price of the offer to which you subscribe remains that before the increase
You can confirm the change after choosing your new offer. Remember to restart the application in your Freebox or even the box for the new package to be taken into account.