Netflix puts an end to account sharing: the answers to the questions you ask yourself, how to continue to share your Netflix account with a loved one? Numerama

How to continue sharing your Netflix account with a loved one 

The sharing of account on Netflix is ​​over. How to continue authorizing your friends to use your subscription legally ? It’s not free, but handling is simple.

Netflix puts an end to the account sharing: the answers to the questions you ask yourself

The American streaming platform now prohibits its users from “lending” their accounts to relatives. Arousing their anger, but also many questions.

If Netflix has more than 230 million subscribers worldwide, 100 million people use the platform without paying, taking the account of a loved one. Or a third of regulars.

To put an end to this habit which causes a gigantic shortfall, Netflix has decided to rage. From now on, only users attached to the subscriber home can take advantage of the service. Here’s how it works.

• How Netflix defines where my home is?

To allow devices to use a Netflix account, the platform now requires them to connect “regularly” to the WiFi network linked to the main home TV.

In fact, Netflix identifies the IP address (a unique number that identifies an internet box, which is therefore linked to a single WiFi network), as well as all the devices that connect regularly. Once this information is in hand, Netflix associates the main home with this IP address, and therefore with the corresponding WiFi network.

Note that this procedure is done automatically: no action is required from the subscriber. In addition, to “validate” this connection to the home, it is imperative to open the Netflix application and to launch the reading of content.

• Can I change my Netflix home?

As the Netflix aid center explains, it is possible to configure or manually update your home. A simple manipulation in the settings – detailed here – will point out a long journey, or a move.

Note that this operation must necessarily be carried out from its television. All devices that will then connect to the same WiFi network as the TV will be automatically integrated into the home.

• What happens if I don’t have a TV?

On its site, Netflix specifies that users who do not have a TV do not need to configure a home. Under these conditions, the definition of the hearth is done again automatically, thanks to a detection of the WiFi network used the most regularly to connect to the platform.

In the event of a move, Netflix ensures Tech & Co be able to automatically recognize a change of households based on the activity of the device used (for example a regular connection to a new WiFi network).

• Can I always access Netflix during my vacation?

It all depends on the duration of your absence. Questioned by Tech & Co, Netflix France does not wish to communicate on the time before which you must reconnect to the WiFi of the main household to continue to take advantage of the service. However, according to previous communications from the platform, the latter oscillates around a month.

In other words, if you go less than a month, no problem, you can continue to access the contents.

• What to do if I be away longer?

For the time being, Netflix has not announced a solution adapted to this type of case for France. In other words: a subscriber on the move for a month and a half could lose its access to the platform for the last 15 days, before finding it by connecting to the WiFi network from his home, on his return.

• What to do if I move often?

With Tech & Co, Netflix France ensures that exceptions are provided, for example for users who have a second home, or as part of a shared guard.

Concretely, Netflix will be able to detect whether a user associated with the IP address of a home regularly uses another network. If this is the case, then this second network will be integrated into the home.

• What do I risk if I continue to share my account?

Netflix does not provide a penalty for customers who continue to share their password with relatives. The main sanction will therefore concern the beneficiaries of this free access, who will be disconnected from the platform after a month. Unless you go to the account of the account holder and connect to its WiFi network.

• Can I pay to continue sharing my Netflix account?

Netflix account sharing now becomes a paid option, billed 5.99 euros per month. A sum that the main holder of the account must pay so that a person outside the household can benefit from it.

Subscribers to the standard offer (13.49 euros per month) can pay for an additional subscriber, against two for subscribers to the premium offer (17.99 euros per month). The option is not available for subscribers to the standard offer with advertising (5.99 euros per month) and the essential offer (8.99 euros per month).

The price is identical to that of the offer with advertising, but the conditions are different: the additional subscriber will not be subject to these advertisements and will be able to access offline titles. On the other hand, it can only use one profile and access content only on one screen at a time.

Note that Netflix does not allow current or former holders of an additional subscriber account.

How to continue sharing your Netflix account with a loved one ?

Source: The Simpsons

The sharing of account on Netflix is ​​over. How to continue authorizing your friends to use your subscription legally ? It’s not free, but handling is simple.

Netflix announced it on May 23, 2023: after a test in several countries, account sharing is no longer possible for French subscribers. To leave a family member or a friend accessing your Netflix account, it is now necessary to point out if he does not live in the same place as the account holder. To be considered a member of a home, a device must regularly connect to the main Wi-Fi network, at the risk of automatically disconnected.

To continue accessing Netflix when you squat an account, there are three possibilities:

Subscribe to Netflix via iOS // Source: screenshot

  • do nothing, while waiting to know what are the consequences of the squat of an account.
  • Add a “sub-account”, for 5.99 euros per month, to continue the current sharing. This is the most economical method.
  • Transfer your profile and your favorites to another Netflix account, the cheapest subscription (without advertising) starts at 8.99 euros per month.

Our advice is as follows: do not rush too quickly to a paid option (or an extreme decision, like leaving Netflix). Even without paying, it is likely that Netflix remains easily accessible for people without account that belongs to them. The American company wishes to strengthen its profits by making people pay for it before, but has no interest in scareing its users. Netflix probably plays on the fear that some have to lose the service of SVOD of the day to win new additional subscribers. But it is unlikely that Netflix is ​​banish anyone.

How to add a sub-assignment to your account ?

The choice of serenity is that of the sub-account. In the settings, the holder of a subscription must click on “Buy an additional subscriber option”. (It is possible upstream to check which devices are connected to your account, in case thicks benefit). He must then accept the additional cost of 5.99 euros per month per subscriber, which is added to the price of the monthly subscription.

Netflix End of account sharing

Source: Capture Numerama

The rest takes the form of an invitation. We enter the name and email of the person we invite, who receives an invitation by email. She can then configure her own account, without accessing yours. This sub-account can only have a single profile and does not have the possibility of accessing the history of other accounts.

On its site, Netflix specifies some information on the operation of this new system:

  • The option must be activated from the country of origin of the account holder.
  • Additional subscribers cannot be integrated into offers that include Netflix in addition (channel, free, etc.)
  • The offer with advertising, billed 5.99 euros per month, and the essential offer, at 8.99 euros per month, do not allow additional subscribers to be added.
  • Only the premium account, at 17.99 euros per month, allows you to add two sub-accounts. The standard account, at 13.49 euros per month, is limited to a single sub-account.

Once the manipulation has been carried out, the new “sub-utilizer” can connect using its own identifiers and passwords on your account, on its already existing profile or a new one that it will be created. He will then benefit from a reduced price subscription, but limited to a single screen.

Source: Numerama assembly

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