My mobile network: which has the best mobile coverage in France?, My mobile network | Digital nièvre
My mobile network
It is up to him in particular to assign the frequency bands which constitute the mobile network. For this, the arcep launches Calls for candidates during new bands openings. These are then auctioned by blocks, and it comes back to the four main French network operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free) to make offers to obtain them.
My mobile network: which has the best mobile coverage in France ?
Know which operator has the best mobile coverage can be very useful before subscribing to a new package. Especially since all regions are not equal in terms of the quality of the mobile network. Thanks to, the arcep card, it is now possible to know the mobile coverage for each operator, whether in 2G, 3G or 4G.
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- The essential
- There signal quality depends on the proximity of the relay antennas, with which the mobiles establish a radio link.
- L’Arcep (Regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts) made “my mobile network”, a card allowing to follow the state of mobile coverage precisely in France
- The four main operators undertake to improve Mobile coverage of their respective networks.
Mobile coverage: how it works ?
To make and receive calls, you must be close to a relay antenna operated by its mobile operator in order to receive a fairly strong radio signal. In France, 4 operators have been authorized by ARCEP, to use frequency bands essential for the deployment of a mobile network via the branches-relay: Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free.
The radio signal received by the phone is based on a Mobile network technology (H+, Edge, 3G, 4G, 5G. ) which uses more or less large radio frequency bands (measured in Mega Hertz, from 800MHz to 2800mHz). When a call has made from a mobile, he is looking for the nearest operator in the nearest operator in order to connect them via a radio link.
You capture badly or not at all ? You may be too far from the nearest antenna. Indeed, in order to Limit network losses, The mobile phone constantly assesses the quality of the signals around. If you move away, it can switch to a new relay antenna to prevent the connection from deteriorating.
French radios frequencies are considered to be a public good: it is therefore up to the State to decide to who assign them according to use (mobile telephony, TNT, etc.) for a given period. But it’s theArcep (Regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts), an independent organization, which is in charge of control of the telecoms market.
It is up to him in particular to assign the frequency bands which constitute the mobile network. For this, the arcep launches Calls for candidates during new bands openings. These are then auctioned by blocks, and it comes back to the four main French network operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free) to make offers to obtain them.
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These auctions are crucial moments for operators. First because the acquisition of bands represents a significant cost on their part, which can reach Billions of Euro’s – As in 2011 at the time of the allocation of 800Hz bands, thanks to which 4G operate. But also because the number of blocks per operator (which can be limited by ARCEP) and their distribution on the frequency bands determine in the end the quality of the mobile operators coverage on the territory: the more they have them and the better they are placed, the better the mobile network.
What is the state of mobile coverage in France ?
In order to allow consumers to easily and precisely know the4G coverage state In France, and for the sake of transparency, ARCEP launched in September 2017 Monreseaumobile.Fr. This mobile coverage card, updated all semesters, uses four levels of network assessment: no coverage, limited coverage, good coverage, and very good coverage.
My mobile network, the arcep card
The data presented on Monreseaumobile.Fr are provided directly by operators, who also publish their own coverage cards. The latter, made from simulations, show the advancement of the deployment of relay antennas but can in no case serve as a reference to assess the quality of the service.
This is why ARCEP has chosen to make its own card, on the basis of this data which is then refined via a field verification protocol, to best stick to the feelings of users.
The screenshot of the my mobile network above has been carried out the September 25, 2023.
Every year, technicians thus travel the territory for several weeks, in order to carry out hundreds of thousands of tests. The latter are carried out in real conditions, in several areas (campaigns, peri-urban, urban), outside and in buildings, as well as on the main lines of transport. The objective: to allow users of Compare the services of four mobile operators, under all conditions of use.
So, who has the best mobile coverage ? According to arcep figures, in 2023, almost all of the population (more than 99%) is covered by 2G and 3G via the four operators. But not all of them cover the territory uniformly. In 3G, SFR wins the palm of the Best mobile coverage With 97%, followed by Bouygues Telecom (94%), Free (93%) and Orange (92%).
To date, the big challenge for operators remains the mobile coverage in 4G and 5G. Once again, SFR mobile coverage is the best, with a rate that exceeds 99% of the population and 94% of the territory. The historic operator is elbow with Bouygues (99% and 93%), and both are followed by Orange (99% and 93%). Free mobile coverage is 99% of the population covered in 4G and 91% of the territory.
Mobile coverage: classification by operator and region
Orange ranks on the First step of the podium In terms of mobile coverage: the historic operator can boast of an almost homogeneous mobile coverage when it comes to calls, with the exception of the Southern Alps, on the border with Italy.
These performances are explained by the fact that of the four French mobile operators, it is Orange which has the most relay antennas (18,686) according to the figures of the ANF. Regarding the Internet, Orange is slightly less well, especially in the Pyrenees, the Jura and the Vosges – the mountains being areas where it is notoriously complicated to install antennas.
- L’Anfer (National Frequency Agency) is a public body responsible for the management and assignment of bands since 1996. As of January 1, 2022, he was 58,797 authorized 4G sites, including 51,294 in service. The commissioning is distributed as follows:
- Orange (29,552 sites, +2 215 since 2022)
- SFR (25,688 sites, +2 951 since 2022)
- Bouygues Telecom (26,112 sites, +3,481 since 2022)
- Free Mobile (25,211 sites, +3,893 since 2022).
About the 5g, Here is the number of antennas of each operator on September 25, 2023:
- Orange (10,458 sites)
- SFR (12,572 sites)
- Bouygues Telecom (14 137 sites)
- Free Mobile (19 925 sites).
Mobile coverage: New Deal commitments
Pushed by this transparency, the four major operators make serious efforts in order toImprove mobile coverage in France, especially in rural areas. They also explicitly engaged with ARCEP as part of the New Mobile Deal signed in January 2018.
This agreement provides for a renewal of 2G/3G mobile licenses for SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Orange and Free: in exchange, they must generalize 4G on all mobile networks.
If the number of 4G relay antennas has not stopped increasing since 2012, operators are still far from the account. For this, they have committed to Build more than 5,000 sites To ensure the coverage of or poorly covered areas, called “white areas”.
The State has thus brought up a list of 485 Reduction-Relais sites to set up within 2 years, mainly concerning Burgundy-Franche Comté, Occitanie and Grand Est. In addition, 21 experimental 5G stations were also authorized by ANFR in January 2019: 10 for Bouygues Telecom, 9 for SFR and 2 for Orange.
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My mobile network
Launched in September 2017 by ARCEP, “my mobile network” allows, in the form of a cartographic tool, to compare the performance of the four main mobile operators in terms of coverage and quality of service.
Updated on 10/22/2021
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You want to know which operator provides the best coverage in your town ?
Visit the arcep https: // monreseaumobile to see the 2G 3G 4G 4G 4G 4G covers in your town for each operator (Orange, Free, Bouygues, SFR).
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