My easy banking, my online bank | BNP Paribas Fortis, Manage your accounts online | BNP Paribas

Manage your accounts online

During my 3 years of study in business school, I worked as a holiday in a BNP Paribas agency. My diploma Business & Management In my pocket, I wanted to continue on this path and continue to take advantage of the working atmosphere that is both very professional and benevolent within the group. I have been an online banking advisor for 1 year now, a job at the heart of customer relations that requires a sense of service, a good knowledge of banking offers and major organizational skills.

BNP Online Bank

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Bank professions: online banking advisor

On the BNP Paribas customer relations platform in Lille, 4 teams of employees respond to calls from customers from all over France. In the services offered by the online bank, remote advisers have a key role: they are the privileged point of contact of thousands of customers. Caroline Desbarbieux tells us about this profession that fascinates her, a role with multiple facets in which the sense of service must rub shoulders.

Tell us about what you are doing at BNP Paribas.

Within a team of 10 advisers, I remotely welcome individual and professional customers who contact us to resolve a daily bank question: account opening, international transfer, checks of checks … We aim for their provide quality responses and their Advisor to relevant products and services If we identify new needs. We work on different channels (including cat and email) but the phone remains the privileged relationship channel by customers. Our key goal is always customer satisfaction, whether customers of the BNP Paribas online bank, agency or Hello Bank customers!

What is your daily life in the office ?

My day begins and always ends with a team brief in the presence of our team manager. This is a moment of exchange, during which the various missions are distributed between the advisers. It is also an opportunity to share our experiences and interactions with customers. During these team meetings, we also mention any particular case that requires specific care. The reception and treatment of calls of course occupy the vast majority of my days. The most frequent questions concern the use of a site functionality or a BNP Paribas application, the addition of an international transfer recipient, the increase in the payment ceiling of the bank card, the order of a check, consultation of the accounts or the opening of savings booklets. Relatively simple operations which may however require a little help.

The atmosphere on the set is both serious and relaxed and we work in open space. With the other 3 teams of advisers, we meet every month during a local animation meeting, during which our operational director gives a price to the one who will have won the Challenge of the month ! It can be, for example, the greatest number of subscriptions of an insurance contract, the best performance in terms of call flow management. A good way to make us progress !

The atmosphere on the set is both serious and relaxed and we work in open space.

What is the tool you use the most daily ?

The phone of course, but also the computer since we are led to consult the customer’s file. Moreover, an innovation is being tested on our platform: a sharing feature that allows us to have a view of the client’s screen remotely during the call. Practice in the event of technical concern, or when the customer needs to be guided in his navigation in real time.

What made you want to do this job ?

During my 3 years of study in business school, I worked as a holiday in a BNP Paribas agency. My diploma Business & Management In my pocket, I wanted to continue on this path and continue to take advantage of the working atmosphere that is both very professional and benevolent within the group. I have been an online banking advisor for 1 year now, a job at the heart of customer relations that requires a sense of service, a good knowledge of banking offers and major organizational skills.

What are the qualities required to do this job ?

Even if the interaction is not face to face, it is necessary Like contact with customers, have a sense of service and be With a strong interpersonal skills. Listening and understanding needs are essential, and pass among other things through a Excellent knowledge of the bank’s offer and the Mastery of new technologies. Finally, a certain commercial appetite Allows you to give a new dimension to the profession and take pleasure in everyday life.

Tell us a bit about online bank.

This new way of living the bank took off around 10 years ago. Availability of advisers on expanded schedules, simplicity and flexibility of use … Online bank meets new needs while offering the same commercial offer as a traditional bank.

Availability of advisers on expanded schedules, simplicity and flexibility of use … Online bank meets new needs

Online bank is essentially aimed at a rather young and active clientele, digital regulars who do not seek to frequently meet an advisor. Finally, this clientele is multi-banner and does not hesitate to have this flexibility play to take advantage of the best offers depending on the channels. Many online banking customers will also continue to go to an agency to materialize an important life project or even solve a practical daily bank problem. We regularly receive appointments to make appointments with an agency advisor !

“Trust the 6 -week training course that will be offered to you at the start of the post, because it is very enriching and constructive. Then do not doubt your talents: it is the diversity that makes the richness of a team. Be curious, involved, and do not hesitate to put all your “interpersonal skills” at the service of customer relations. Finally, keep in mind that integrating the Customer Relationship Center represents an excellent career opportunity. The profession of advisor will give you experience and legitimacy, solid assets to continue your professional career. “”

Online Banking Advisor

Your biggest challenge of the moment ?

As part of my additional missions, I participate in customer satisfaction projects, the aim of which is to transform ideas into a value -added solution. A complex process that requires a lot of inventiveness ! In addition, I accompany, alongside an animator, a team of 5 “seeds”, new entrants in our customer relations service. My role is to introduce them to the profession and guide them in their first appeals with customers.

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