Montvr, arcades of virtual reality, entertainment centers and much more!, Definition | Virtual reality – VR – Virtual Reality

Virtual reality: what is it

There are also virtual reality rooms in which the images are projected on the walls, the floor and the ceiling with a system for capturing movements which is used to adjust the perspective according to the movements.

Live virtual reality at home !

Learn more about our home rentals below.

Guaranteed pleasure!

Montvr offers you the ultimate activity against boredom at home. Get away with virtual reality in your own living room, crazy pleasure guaranteed. For an incredible activity that will distract you during confinement, book your virtual reality headsets now with the games included!

Rental available in all Montvr centers

Oculus Quest

Play freely, thanks to a complete virtual reality system in a single device. No computer is required.

The Oculus Quest is focused on video games. It allows you to play many popular titles of virtual reality.


Guarantee deposit: $ 200 (see the FAQ for details)

Several games offered for free

Oculus Quest rental include a game library provided by Montvr.

Games included: Arizona Sunshine (multiplayer!), Beat Saber (multiplayer!), Elven Assassin (multiplayer!), Job Simulator, Superhot, Netflix, YouTube, and dozens of other games and free experiences.

Reservation operation

– Make your reservation quickly on our website by following the steps

– Come and collect your helmet from one of our Montvr centers on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays

– Have fun like never alone or with the family!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rent for a lower duration?

It is not possible to rent for a different duration, ie 7 days. A period of one day is also necessary to prepare for the rental.

What is the minimum age required?

The minimum age for the use of our virtual reality rental devices is 8 years and over. At the bottom of this age, use and understanding are not possible. In addition, the breakage of equipment will be more frequent, we remind you that the breakage of equipment will be invoiced at the end of your rental.

Is there a multiplayer mode?

If you rent two helmets, multiplayer games like Arizona Sunshine, Elven Assassins and Beat Saber will allow you to play together. You can also play online against other people.

Are the games included?

Oculus Quest rental include a game library provided by Montvr.

  • Arizona Sunshine (multiplayer!))
  • Beat Saber (multiplayer!))
  • Elven Assassin (multiplayer!))
  • Job Simulator
  • Superhot
  • Netflix
  • Youtube
  • and dozens of other free games and experiences.

How does payment work?

We will take payment of the rental on your credit card at the reservation. A few minutes after your transaction, the security deposit will be deducted from your credit card. He will thus confirm your rental.

Is an identity document necessary?

An identity document will be necessary to rent. A copy of it will be taken when recovering the rental.

Will Montvr provide technical assistance?

Since we will not be on site with the equipment, it will not be possible for us to offer technical help. However, we will provide you with a help and resource document to facilitate your use. It is important to choose the right virtual reality system according to its technological skills.

Are our helmets disinfected?

Montvr standards have always been very high regarding the disinfection of the equipment in the center and that does not change for your order, all the equipment will be disinfected before the box.

Montvr in short

Montvr entertainment centers are designed and thought out in a way that your experience with virtual reality is as immersive as possible. Affordable, this is an activity that you can do alone, as a couple, with friends or family. Welcome to the new era of arcades!

With a wide range of games, everyone finds their account! No need to be an expert in video games to enjoy the experience. From the beginner to the most advanced player, everyone can find a game there according to their tastes. In addition, it is also possible for groups to play in multiplayer mode (some games allow you to play up to 10 people at the same time!))

If you have never experienced virtual reality, don’t worry! Our qualified staff will be there to guide you during your visit to our centers. We will explain everything you need to know before starting!

Our services also include rental of equipment for companies and individuals. Whether you want an evening with friends in the comfort of your home, or you need equipment for a bigger event, we can certainly advise you. Our team has everything you need to carry out your most ambitious projects!

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Have you visited our Frequently Questions? We update this page every week with the most requested questions, click here to consult it.

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Virtual reality: what is it ?

Virtual reality experienced a momentum from 2015 thanks to the arrival of more affordable helmets and the will of several major brands (Facebook, Google, Samsung, Sony, etc.) that decided to bet on this technology. © Sergey Nivens, Fotolia

Virtual reality definition : Virtual reality (in English, Virtual Reality or VR) is a technology that allows you to dive a person into an artificial world created numerically. It should not be confused with augmented reality (see in this regard our file on augmented reality and its applications).

It can be a real world reproduction or a completely imaginary universe universe. Experience is both visual, auditory and, in some cases, haptic haptic with the production of an effects. When the person is equipped with adequate interfaces, such as gloves or clothes, they can then experience certain sensations related to touch or certain actions (blow, impact. )).

Virtual reality headsets

This immersion is made by means of a virtual reality headset which places a stereoscopic 3D display system on the nose nose, in front of the eyes eyes . Some models are equipped with sensors sensors that detect the movements movements of the head to allow the user to look around him. The images are then recalculated in real time to synchronize with the direction of the gaze.

Virtual reality rooms

There are also virtual reality rooms in which the images are projected on the walls, the floor and the ceiling with a system for capturing movements which is used to adjust the perspective according to the movements.

Virtual reality and its applications: video games, simulators ..

Virtual reality for the general public experienced a boom from 2015 with the arrival of headsets that are both more efficient and affordable. Google Google played the democratization card by offering a cardboard model called Carboarding which is used with a smartphone as a display system.

Several manufacturers including Samsung (Gear VR), HTC (HTC Vive), Sony (PlayStation VR) and Oculus Oculus (Oculus Rift Oculus Rift) have released helmets equipped with movement sensors mainly intended for video games and recreational applications. More expensive, they are connected to a computer or a game console.

Virtual reality also has many other applications: training with simulators, treatment of phobias phobias, simulation of surgical acts, architecture, archeology with the reconstruction of sites, virtual museum visits, etc.

Virtual reality is what ?

The term virtual reality includes a series of computer technologies which aim to immerse one or more people in a virtual environment created by software software . An environment that more or less faithfully reproduces a real decor.

The user accesses virtual decor through a virtual reality headset . In order for immersion to be total, virtual reality does not only use the view of the environment recreated by software.

Other senses such as smell smell (broadcasting of odors), hearing (noise emission) and touch can be stimulated.

Virtual reality is sometimes called VR (Virtual Reality), Reality simulated by computer or immersive multimedia. It is sometimes wrongly confused with augmented reality, which is based on a real environment with the addition of virtual elements (hence the term augmented reality, which in a way corresponds to an improvement in reality).

What is virtual reality ?

For the general public, virtual reality is very often associated with video games. You adjust your helmet, you put yourself in the shoes of a soldier who must overcome obstacles and kill as many enemies as possible. Some 3D musical clips and films are also based on RV. But the ends of computer simulated by computer are not only fun.

In the military field, this advanced technology is used for example to train plane pilots and paratroopers.

In the health field, it helps surgeons before intervention and helps treat certain patients with uncontrollable fear such as agoraphobia (fear of crowds), arachnophobia arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or the acrophobia acrophobia (fear of vacuum). Commercial applications are also multiplying.

Certain transport companies and insurance companies use virtual reality for advertising purposes to catapult the customer within their vehicles or to raise awareness about real dangers such as accidents on road accidents. RV also has its place in education, especially as part of virtual videoconferences, and in architecture to visit buildings before their construction construction .

How virtual reality works ?

The virtual reality headset has the heavy task of sending you to a virtual environment by making you believe that the scenes that occur there are indeed real. How does this accessory exercise its power of persuasion ? Largely thanks to its stereoscopic screen.

Your two eyes see the same images, but not quite in the same angle in order to obtain a depth effect. The parallax parallax also contributes to the depth. This technique consists in setting in motion certain objects more slowly to accentuate the distance which separates them from the user.

The realism realism of the movements is obtained with several sensors: the gyroscope gyroscope for the angles, the accelerometer for 3D movements, and the magnetometer magnetometer to detect the position of the position of the helmet. These sensors are grouped under the name “Head-Traking”. Audio side, immersion is ensured by spatialized sound which reproduces noises from different angles depending on the user’s position.

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