Mobile networks: what is 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, etc?, 5G, 4G and 3G coverage – Mobile network card in the United States – NPERF.

3G / 4G / 5G coverage card, United States

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Mobile networks: what is 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, etc ?

3G 4G 5G

2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. Since the appearance of mobile telephony, the networks used have continued to evolve to offer an ever greater quality of service. Discover the operation of a mobile network, the main characteristics of technologies today deployed and future projects. With, as a common thread, the problem of the user experience.

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What is a mobile telephone network ?

A mobile phone network is a network allowing simultaneous use of a large number of mobile phones or connected, mobile or static terminals, even in case of high speed movement.

There radio technology used aims to share a hertzian spectrum between multiple users, themselves distributed in different radio cells Depending on their spatial situation. Thus, to communicate from a mobile phone, you must be within reach of a cell tower invested by its mobile operator to receive a sufficiently powerful radio signal.

There signal quality is represented by small bars generally located at the top right on the mobile screen. The latter are accompanied by a sign corresponding to the technology received by the phone on the section of the territory where it is used (H+, Edge, 3G, 4G. )).

When a call is issued from a mobile phone, he searches for a closest operator to establish a reporter in order to establish a radio link. The process is identical when receiving a call, with the difference that it is the relay antenna and no longer the mobile that takes the initiative of the link. To do this, the operator needs to know in which network of the network is the recipient of the call. To this end, mobile phones “Stand” permanently to the network.

The appearance of mobile networks for the masses was a major upheaval in communication systems since it allowed to phone and move at the same time. However, the more the user moves from the nearest antenna, the more the Transmission quality suffered. In order to remedy this inconvenience, the mobile continuously assesses the quality of the signals being nearby. Below a certain threshold, it can then switch the connection to another operator antenna, closer or less overloaded. This process is called a intercellular transfer.

Mobile technologies and frequencies

Most of them are employed 4 technologies based on the cellular networks of antennas, namely:

  • THE GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), also called 2G (second generation): it uses frequency bands between 900 MHz and 1800 MHz. In its most successful form (Edge) its flow is limited to 200kb/s.
  • L’Umts (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), also called 3G (third generation): more efficient than the GSM in signal processing, the UMTS can provide flows up to 40mbits/s with the H+ which is the most version recent. UMTS uses frequency bands between 900 MHz and 2100 MHz.
  • THE Lte (Long Term Evolution), also called 4G (fourth generation): this technology, the most modern currently marketed, offers flows up to 6 times higher than H+ in its most modern declination (4G+). It uses the frequencies 2600 MHz, 1800 MHz, 700 MHz and 800 MHz. The latter was previously used by analog television, now disappeared for the benefit of TNT.
  • There 5g, which has been developed for a few years and whose first packages were launched at the end of 2020. This technology represents the biggest investments of Telecom operators. The main 5G frequency band is band 3.5 GHz, but 700 MHz and 2100 MHz bands can also be used. 5G speeds can, in theory, exceed 1 Gbit/s.

Details of mobile networks by generation

Network 1G

This is the very first generation of mobile network, deployed in France in 1986. Named Radiocom 2000, The network was the work and the property of France Telecom. The 1G was accessible through transportable analog phones, mainly integrated into cars. Before it keeps used, the Radiocom 2000 network brought together around 60,000 customers.

The 2G network

The 2G network, deployed in 1982 and still active, is currently The most extensive network in France with more than 99% territorial coverage on all operators. It represents the transition from analog to digital.

2G is sufficient to call and send SMS or even light MMS. The 2G network is also a pioneer in the Data transfer by packets. The flows generally observed in 2G are 9.6kbits/s, far from modern standards.

The GPRS network

The GPRS network (General Packet Radio Service), also called 2.5g, offers a significant improvement in flow compared to 2G (171.2kbits/s theoretical, 40kbits/s generally in practice). GPRS standard is Precursor on mobile Internet.

It also makes it possible to invoice the user to the volume exchanged rather than the connection duration, to remain connected without additional cost. GPRS and 2G are broadcast on frequency bands 900 MHz and 1800 MHz.

The Edge network

Evolution of the GPRS, the network Edge Use frequency bands between 876 MHz and 915 MHz, compared to 921 MHz and 960 MHz in reception. The Edge network, also called 2.75g, allowed the Transition between 2G and 3G Via flows of up to 384kbits/s in theory and 100kbits/s in practice.

EDGE has been developed in order to optimize the radio part of the mobile network in terms of data and improve download flows.

Mobile networks

The 3G network

The 3G network, which works on frequency bands 900 MHz and 2100 MHz, is one of the most used mobile networks in France. In 2023, it presented territorial coverage ranging from 92% to 96% according to operators. With a flow of 1.9mbits/s, 3G has democratized the use of themobile internet (web browsing and social networks, sending email, photo exchange. )).

Its implementation in the late 2000s coincides with the advent of smartphones, which offer better navigation comfort and have better ergonomics than conventional mobile phones of the time.

The 3G+, H+ and H+ Dual Carrier network

3G has experienced three successive improvements with the 3G+ (also called HSPA), the H+ (HSPA+) and the H+ Dual Carrier (DC-HSPA+). These are UMTS changes to benefit from better speeds: 3.6mbits/s for 3G+, 5mbits/s for H+ and 10Mbits/s for H+ Dual Carrier. These advances made it possible to go further in Internet uses, with the possibility of watching videos instantly, without waiting for loading time.

The 4G network

With a theoretical flow of 150mbits/s and a practical flow of 40mbits/s, 4G or LTE (Long Term Evolution) gives users the opportunity to Surfing at a very high speed. The use of frequency bands depends on the operator: all use the 2600 MHz while only Bouygues Telecom uses the frequency 1800 MHz. The 800 MHz is used by all operators except Free, which employs the 700 MHz.

In France, the launch of 4G started in 2013. During its first years, 4G was a sale argument for operators. Today, all operators offer 4G packages. Its coverage is also very complete and similar to 3G. 4G allows you to transfer heavy files, watch HD videos, “Live-Streamer”, etc.

The 4G network+

Like the GSM and the UMTS, the LTE standard has experienced developments that led to the development of 4G+. This offers flows that can reach 1gbit/s at the stop and 100mbits/s in motion. It is Bouygues Telecom who took the lead by launching into 4G+ in June 2014, before Orange followed him a month later. At SFR, the opening to 4G+ had to wait until October 2014. The deployment of 4G+ followed at Free. Today, all urban areas of France are well covered by 4G+

The 5G network

5G arrived in the territory between 2018 and 2020, to start being operated by First compatible packages at the end of 2020. It is today, in 2023, the generation of network to which all the spotlights are carried out.

Its theoretical flows could reach 20 gbit/s on the most performance frequency bands (band 24-27 GHz, Although it is not used by mobile networks). We count approximately 31,000 5G branches Puts into service in France at present (September 2023)

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The allocation of frequencies

In France, radios frequencies represent a public good. It is the role of the state to decide their assignment for each use (mobile telephony, TNT, etc.) and for each actor over a limited period. The competent organization in the matter is theArcep (Regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts). He is in charge of regulating the telecoms sector and proceeds to Calls for candidates during frequency bands openings.

These are auctioned by the arcep in the form of a lots of 5 MHz duplex (5 MHz for the program and 5 MHz for the reception) The 4 French network operators, which are Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free , must then make offers to acquire them.

Mobile coverage of operators

The 2G being available almost everywhere on the territory, we will focus on 3G and 4G coverage of operators as well as on the upcoming deployment projects.

There 4G and 5G coverage card next is very simple to use and allows you to know which operator offers the Best mobile network in the place that interests you. Indeed, you just have to Click on the geolocation button To see which operator you can claim in your town. To view the mobile network of an operator, simply click on its logo, above the card.

3G and 4G mobile coverage card


The 4G mobile network coverage

  • Orange: more than 99%
  • SFR: more than 99%
  • Bouygues Telecom: more than 99%
  • Free: 99%

The mobile network coverage in 5G

In 2023, Free is the leader on 5G coverage With 16,930 active branch sites (including 4873 on 3.5 GHz bands) against 10,950 for Bouygues, 9598 for SFR, and finally 7060 for Orange.

In terms of metropolitan population covered in 5G, the coverage rate differs according to the operators:

  • Free: 89%
  • Bouygues Telecom: more than 75%
  • SFR: more than 61%
  • Orange: 38%

Deployment projects

In order to benefit from the fourth generation network to the greatest number, the ARCEP has summoned operators to develop their infrastructure in Priority areas, corresponding to Not very dense areas.

The first objective, today achieved, was to cover 90% of these isolated territories for 2020. Each operator must also deploy 10,500 antennas 5g by here 2025. The goal is to cover 100% of the population by 2030.

Mobile networks: what impacts on users ?

The deployment of mobile networks has direct consequences on the experience of users but also on the choice of their mobile package and their mobile phone.

The choice of mobile package

Before choosing its mobile package, it is necessary to read the network coverage of the different operators in the geographic area where we plan to use your mobile most often. If the user wishes for example to benefit from 4G or 5G, he can consult the Deployment cards put online by the main operators on their website. It is also possible to contact us in order to obtain information about the quality of the networks. The use of 4G and 5G networks also requires having subscribed to a 4G or 5G package.

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It should also be known that:

  • All the Mvno (Virtual mobile network operators, English Mobile Virtual Network Operator) use the infrastructure of network operators (mainly SFR, Orange and Bouygues Telecom). If you decide to subscribe to a mobile subscription with a MVNO, you should therefore find out about the network of its host operator.
  • Mobile plans incorporate data, that is to say a limited internet mobile data envelope to use on the 4G/5G network.

The choice of phone

The choice of mobile phone

The use of 4G, and now 5G, makes it possible to fully enjoy the potential of the mobile internet (fluid navigation, fast downloads, streaming videos, videophony, cloud gaming, etc.)). To benefit from it, however, make sure to have a 4G or 5G compatible smartphone. Since 2013, most smartphones have been 4G compatible, and since 2019, the latest smartphones have also been compatible 5G.

To find out if your smartphone is 4G or 5G compatible, just consult its technical characteristics on the manufacturer’s site or on specialized sites.


The arrival of the Fifth generation of mobile network (5g) marks a new step in the evolution of mobile networks. The South Koreans launched the first on the adventure in 2018 during the Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games, by offering 5G to athletes and journalists present in Olympic Park.

In France, Arcep had given its approval to Orange to quickly carry out first experiments. The first 5G compatible smartphones were marketed in 2019, while network foundations were created the following year.

5G offers flows significantly higher than 4G+, which can in theory reach up to 20gbits/s. Enough to allow new uses: generalization of UHD (ultra high definition), autonomous cars, telemedicine. It will simultaneously connect a very large number of objects, which will in particular accelerate the development of the sector of the Automation.

3G / 4G / 5G coverage card, United States

This card represents the coverage of the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G mobile network coverage . See also: the Map of Mobile Reds and Coverage of T-Mobile Mobile Networks (INC. Sprint), Union Wireless, AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless, Carolina West Wireless, Cellular One, U.S. Cellular, At & T Firstnet, Boost Mobile.

The map

0 data collected from the area displayed on the screen.
Last update :

0 data collected from the area displayed on the screen.
Last update :

Select an operator !

Please select an operator from the drop-down menu above the card to display the data.

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How do NPERF cards work ?

Where the data comes from ?

The measures collected are carried out by users of the NPERF application. These are measures carried out in real conditions, directly in the field. If you want to participate too, just download the NPERF application to your smartphone. The more data there will be, the more complete the cards will be ! All tests are displayed on the card. Filtering rules are applied before performance calculations for publications.

How the updates are performed ?

Network cards are automatically updated by a robot every hour. The speed cards are updated every 15 minutes. The data is displayed for two years. After two years, the oldest data is removed from the cards, once a month.

What reliability, what clarification ?

The measurements are made on user terminals. The precision of geolocation depends on the quality of reception of the GPS signal at the time of the measurement. For coverage data, we keep that measures whose precision of geolocation is at a maximum of 50 meters. For flow data, this threshold rises to 200 meters.

How to get raw data ?

You want to obtain network coverage data or NPERF tests (flows, latency, navigation, video streaming) in CSV format in order to exploit them as you see fit ? No problem ! Contact us to get a quote.

A pro tool for visualization of the cover cards exist ?

Yes. This tool is mainly intended for mobile operators. It has been integrated into an existing cockpit already bringing together internet performance statistics from all operators in the country concerned as well as access to the results of debt tests and coverage data. These data can be visualized by applying filters by technology (no coverage, 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G, 5G), over a configurable period (only the last 2 months for example). It is a fabulous tool to follow the deployment of a new technology, monitor its competitors and detect white or gray areas.

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