Mobile and Internet box packages | CIC, contact Bouygues Telecom customer service

Contact Bouygues Télécom customer service

It is advisable to proceed with a search for the question in order to save time. All the subjects covered are classified in categories.

Solutions for the whole family

In terms of mobile telephony and internet, we want to make you benefit from complete and always more innovative solutions adapted to the uses of your whole family. This is why we have chosen to market Bouygues Telecom offers. Thus, you continue to enjoy near you, in your agency or remote 1, advice and support for your bank advisor in the choice of your mobile package and your internet box.

Until October 8, 2023
Mobile package without obligation
Offer offered to CIC customers

150 GB

Unlimited calls / SMS / MMS
Bouygues Telecom packages

Discover a selection of € 1 smartphones with our new Bouygues Telecom* packages*
Go to fiber with BOX BOX TELECOM offers
2 months offered ** 2
3 for any subscription of a prompto -commitment package and a BBox offer.

Mobile and Internet box packages

Prompto packages

Take advantage of the freedom of without commitment with 4 g or 5 g packages offered to CIC 3 customers .

Bouygues Telecom packages

Benefit from a state -of -the -art smartphone at a reduced price with the new Bouygues Telecom 4 packages .

Bbox fiber

An optimal connection for the whole family, with the internet box and fiber TV from Bouygues Telecom 5 .

Why trust Bouygues Telecom ?

Network quality

In town or in the countryside, at the beach or in the mountains. The Bouygues Telecom network covers 99% of the population in 4 g .

With guaranteed Internet, no cuts

The operator lends you a 4 G key to make your equipment (smartphone computer, tablet) remain connected while waiting for the fiber installation.

Innovations to facilitate your daily life
Discover the latest generation wifi, the advantages of having a voice assistant.

Need help ?

An advisor is by your side to accompany you.

Network 5 g: progressive deployment of the 5 G network (3.5 GHz and 2.1 GHz) with offer and mobile compatible 5 g . Mobile cover accessible on Bouyguestelecom.Fr.

1 As part of your online banking service. The subscription to remote banking services, accessible via the Internet, does not include the subscription to the Internet service provider.

2 Commitment 12 months. Bbox special series.

3 Prompto is an offer from Bouygues Telecom Business – Distribution. Offers reserved for holders of a CIC bank account (for Crédit Mutuel Mobile and Bouygues Telecom customers subject to subscribing a new line without number storage). Offer subject to conditions, see tariff guide

4 24 -month commitment. Metropolitan France.

5 subject to eligibility and fiber connection to home. 12 -month commitment.

* 24 -month commitment. See Conditions on the Bouygues Telecom site
DAS: iPhone XR Head: 0.99 W / KG TRUM: 0.99 W / KG members: 2.38 W / KG

** Request valid until October 8, 2023, to be made via the Internet or by mail (all the details on the coupon).

Find all the conditions of the Bbox offers and Bouygues Telecom package on the Bouygues Telecom site.

CIC distributes the offers of Bouygues Telecom and Bouygues Telecom Business – Distribution. Bouygues Telecom Business – Distribution 6, Place Abel Gance – 92 100 Boulogne Billancourt, France, SAS with capital of 175.€ 715 – RCS Nanterre 421 713 892.
CIC agency – RCS Strasbourg B 588 505 354.
Offers available in CIC agencies offering this service.

  • Agencies and distributors
  • Assistance
  • Accessibility
  • Contacts
  • Newsletter
  • Social networks
  • Fraud and banking security
  • Individuals
  • Professionals
  • Companies
  • Corporate
  • Associations
  • Android
  • iphone

Contact Bouygues Télécom customer service

Contact Bouygues Télécom customer service

Bouygues Telecom is one of the main internet and mobile operators in the French telecommunications market. It offers several internet offers and several mobile plans to adapt to the digital needs of consumers. In the case of a subscription or termination, it is possible to contact Bouygues Telecom via Several means depending on the need.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom ?

Phone Dial 1064 or +33 6 60 61 46 14 internationally
E-mail From the client area of ​​the website
Forum Consult the answers to the questions or ask your own question on the forum
Social networks Go to the Twitter account (@Bouyguestelecom) and the Bouygues Telecom Facebook page
Shop Enjoy one of the 500 Bouygues Telecom stores in France

What are the different ways to contact Bouygues Telecom ?

How to contact Bouygues Telecom ? The Internet service provider offers several contact means to allow all consumers to Contact its various services. There are several means of contact according to the needs of the customer, their availability and their preferences.

It is possible to contact Bouygues Telecom by phone or electronic lane depending on preferences and needs. Regardless of the means of contact used, Bouygues Telecom advisers are committed to satisfy consumers as soon as possible.

How to reach a Bouygues Telecom advisor by phone ?

The phone represents the most used means of communication to Contact Bouygues Telecom customer service the fastest. In order to optimize the processing of various requests, the Internet service provider has set up several telephone numbers to allow consumers to Contact the corresponding service more quickly at their request.

It is important to compose the telephone number corresponding to the request for benefit from rapid treatment.

�� Telephone numbers to contact Bouygues Telecom advisers (September 2023):

  • 1064 : the unique number of customer service from Bouygues Telecom, available Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., for individuals and professionals
  • 3106 : the subscription service is dedicated to consumers who have not yet subscribed to one of the Bouygues Telecom offers

From a mobile phone with a Bouygues Telecom mobile package, the call price corresponds to that ofA local call. Nevertheless, the waiting time is not deducted from the package, that is to say that the call is free until an advisor will win.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom electronically ?

Since the explosion of the Internet bubble, most consumers prefer dematerializing their approaches to allow faster treatment. Most companies have been forced to Adapt to new consumer needs. Today, most administrative procedures can be carried out electronically.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom via the customer area ?

It is necessary that Subscribe an internet or mobile offer with the operator to contact Bouygues Telecom from his customer area.

The creation of a Bouygues Telecom customer area is inherent in the subscription of an internet or mobile offer: all subscribers from the Internet access provider can Access their customer area From the operator’s website or mobile application. It is a personal space to allow subscribers to Manage their contract (s) easier.

  • Subscribe a new contract
  • Terminate an internet or mobile offer
  • Ask The renewal of the SIM card
  • To consult his invoices
  • To modify Options relating to his contract (Internet or Mobile)
  • Get information concerning its samples, etc.

It is possible to connect to your customer area from The identification portal de Bouygues Telecom, available on the operator’s website. Simply inform your username and password To quickly access his personal space. provided for this purpose, then identify yourself.

The identifier is – most of the time – Mobile number Or The email address Associated with the Bbox offer in Bouygues Telecom. Regardless of the type of contract subscribed, the identifier is indicated on the invoices.

When creating a new customer area, Bouygues Telecom automatically generates a password to all subscribers. It is possible (and strongly advised) of change password During the first connection to assign a personalized password.

In the case of forgetting, it is possible to recover your password via The associate email address.

Beyond the “classic management” actions available from the customer area, it is also possible to Contact a Bouygues Telecom advisor via Instant messaging of the customer area. Bouygues Telecom undertakes to provide a satisfactory response to all requests as soon as possible.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom by email ?

It is not possible to contact Bouygues Telecom from an email address since the Internet service provider offers no email address in the section Contact website.

Subscribers using the contact form may Receive an email from Bouygues Telecom in the reception box of the entered email address.

It is advisable toUse instant messaging Available in the customer area to quickly contact the Internet access provider.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom with online chat ?

Bouygues Telecom has developed a chat available from its website to allow its subscribers to contact an advisor in the simplest and fastest way. Just enter your phone number and indicate your civil identity to to start up an online conversation With a Bouygues Telecom advisor.

This is a alternative totally adapted to the most pressed Internet users who wish A simple and fast answer.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom from social networks ?

Today, social networks have an important place for consumers and businesses that regularly use social networks for opinion Or challenge the business. Social networks participate in the creation of a brand image and become more and more important in brands marketing strategy.

Like other Internet access providers, Bouygues Telecom also has several social networks to allow its subscribers to Contact an advisor more easily.

  1. Facebook : Bouygues Telecom
  2. Instagram : @Bouygues Telecom
  3. Twitter : @Bouygues Telecom

Social networks allow Internet access providers to announce their new features And their promotions.

It is possible to Contact a Bouygues Telecom advisor From social networks to ask a question, for example. This is a completely free and rather responsive contact point.

In the event of a problem not requiring the intervention of a technician or the after-sales service of Bouygues Telecom, it is advisable toUse instant messaging different social networks in order to obtain a quick response. Some subscribers also use social networks to “shake up” Bouygues Telecom during a complaint in order toget the case faster. Indeed, social networks participate in the brand image of the Internet service provider and it will tend to quickly settle a dispute if it is exposed on social networks.

Why go to Bouygues Telecom store ?

Subscribers who do not want to contact Bouygues Telecom by phone or electronic track can go to a boutique in Bouygues Telecom: all operator stores offer all the services available with several advisers available to customers.

Bouygues Telecom has Over 500 shops through French territory. It is possible to find the closest shop since this link.

Bouygues Telecom’s advisers present in the operator’s physical stores remain able to meet all customer needs. Consumers can exchange directly with a Bouygues Telecom advisor to quickly find an appropriate solution at their request.

  • THE administrative procedures To take out or terminate a contract
  • A Technical problem with one of the equipment
  • A claim concerning one of the offers subscribed
  • A incomprehension Compared to invoices, for example
  • A question Regarding an internet or mobile offer

All Bouygues Telecom advisers will be available to reply to all requests. The answer provided will be fully suited to the consumer according to the elements provided.

The main advantage of Bouygues Telecom’s physical stores is the possibility of take advantage of the after-sales service directly with an advisor.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom from abroad ?

Bouygues Telecom is a French operator but it offers international options for its mobile subscribers. Therefore, the Internet service provider was forced to offer phone numbers specifically dedicated to subscribers abroad.

�� Telephone numbers to contact the various services of Bouygues Telecom from abroad (September 2023):

  • Client service : 00 33 6 60 614 614
  • The answering machine: 00 33 660 660 001
  • The information server: 00 33 6 60 623 623
  • Consumption monitoring: 00 33 6 60 680 680
  • In case of loss or theft of the mobile: 00 33 800 29 10 00

Bouygues Telecom remains available for his subscribers located abroad in order to meet their needs In case of problem.

Is it possible to be contacted by a Bouygues Telecom advisor ?

It is possible tobe contacted by a Bouygues Telecom advisor from a phone number provided on the contact form made available to subscribers on the operator’s website. This online contact form represents a good alternative to subscribers who wish to contact Bouygues Telecom for free.

In the case of a reminder, the cost of communication is covered by the operator.

The contact form is available on the Bouygues Telecom website. It allows subscribers to enter an email address or telephone number and explain their problem (s) for Get a quick and personalized response.

Do not hesitate to contact a Boutique-Box-Internet to subscribe to an offer from Bouygues Telecom !

Subscribe an offer from Bouygues Telecom

What means of contact Bouygues Telecom favor according to your need ?

Bouygues Telecom has made several telephone numbers available to subscribers and future customers to allow various consumers of Quickly contact the service concerned Depending on demand. It is important to contact the service adapted to your needs to allow rapid resolution demand.

How to contact Bouygues when you are a customer ?

All Bouygues Telecom customers must not necessarily deal with the same number to respond to their various requests. Indeed, the Internet service provider has made available to its subscribers Several phone numbers.

How to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service ?

The number 614 does not exist anymore. To contact the Bouygues Telecom technical service, contact the unique number 1064

All subscribers to an internet or mobile offer from Bouygues Telecom can contact customer service for answer their questions Or settle their technical concerns. You can for example contact him in the event of a connection problem with the Bouygues Telecom network. This service is reserved for individuals or professionals already customers and having a BBOX or a mobile package at Bouygues Telecom.

1064 : The unique customer service number, for individuals and professionals already customers Bouygues Telecom.

It’s important to Distinguish customer service and technical service. The technical service is reserved for customers who encounter technical difficulties with their equipment. Conversely, customer service is available for all subscribers who have problems with their contracts or wish to ask a question.

How to contact B & You customer service ?

B & You: What is it ?

Upon the arrival of Free, the main operators created a low-cost subsidiary for Marketing internet and mobile offers. All low-cost operators have de-materialized their customer service for allow a drop in prices. B & You was the Low-Cost subsidiary of Bouygues Telecom but the subsidiary disappeared November 17, 2014 And all B & You customers have merged with Bouygues Telecom customers.

Bouygues Telecom continues to Market market for inexpensive mobile plans With its B & YOU range. This is a selection of non -binding mobile packages that display fairly basic options at the best price. Nevertheless, despite a merger of B & You and Bouygues Telecom customers, the operator has kept De-material customer service specific to low-cost subsidiaries.

Bouygues Telecom’s non -commissioned mobile packages allow the most undecided consumers to Test the quality of customer service And the quality of the mobile network Before migrating to another more expensive offer, for example.

B & YOU customer service can be reached from the website of the Internet service provider since it is a de-materialized customer service. Simply Connect to your customer area. However, it is also possible to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service at 1064 .

It is also possible to send a complaint to B & YOU customer service by post to the address below. It is advisable touse the post In the event of a dispute with the Internet access provider to keep a written trace of the exchanges.

Bouygues Telecom B & You
Customer service
60436 Noailles cedex

How to contact Bouygues Telecom for professionals ?

The old numbers 617 And 08 25 82 56 17 for professionals no longer exist. To contact Pro Bouygues Telecom customer service, contact the unique number 1064.

Bouygues Telecom is an Internet access provider that not only markets internet and mobile offers for individuals, but also for professionals and businesses. Therefore, there are also for professionals means to get in touch with your customer service in order to ask questions, make a complaint or in the event of a technical problem.

To contact Pro Bouygues customer service it is possible to:

  1. Contact him 1064 : if you are already an internet or mobile box customer
  2. Contact him 3100 : if you are not yet a customer but you want information or to take out an offer
  3. Go to the shop The closest: it is possible to make an appointment from the site to save time

How to contact Bouygues when you are the victim of a mobile flight ?

In the event of a mobile flight, you have to immediately Block access to the SIM card subscriber. Just contact Bouygues Telecom at 08 00 29 10 00 In order to carry out remote reports so that they can block the SIM card remotely.

Bouygues Telecom will also ask the subscriber concerned IMEI serial number (15 digits) indicated on the packaging box or the phone purchase bill. This issue will allow the Bouygues Telecom advisor to identify the mobile and block the use of the phone remotely.

During the exchange with the advisor to Bouygues Telecom, he will Program the return of a new SIM card. It will be returned by post as soon as possible. In the event that the proposal has not been made, it is possible to make your own request since its customer area in category Renewal of the SIM card.

How to contact Bouygues after terminating his offer ?

At the time of the termination of an internet or mobile offer, former Bouygues Telecom subscribers may wish to contact the former operator for to clarify the situation, obtain informations Or Carry out an administrative approach relating to the old subscription. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the Internet access provider to answer the latest questions from the user.

In this case, it is necessary to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service at 1064. Nevertheless, it is not always easy to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service, especially in the case of a terminated line.

In the event that the customer service number is not reachable – regardless of the reason – it is important to contact a Bouygues Telecom advisor in another way for receive an answer to your question.

  • Publish His request on the Woobees forum of Bouygues Télécom: Bouygues Telecom advisers are quite reactive and will take care of the file
  • Contact client service via social networks

How to contact Bouygues when you are not yet a customer ?

Bouygues Telecom offers several telephone numbers for his subscribers – individuals and professionals – but the operator has also set up telephone numbers specifically reserved consumers who are not yet subscribed Chez Bouygues Telecom.

To contact the Bouygues sales department:

  1. Are you an individual : 3106
  2. Are you a professional : 3100

Employees of the number standard of the number reserved for non-clients of Bouygues Telecom can helping consumers to subscribe to the internet or mobile offer most suited to their digital needs. They can also help consumers to compare the offers. They are also authorized to offer promotional offers for seduce potential new customers.

Why make an appointment in one of the Bouygues Telecom shops ?

The main advantage of making an online appointment is to save time after arrival in store.
For make an appointment, simply :

  1. Go to the Bouygues Telecom site and go to the “Our shops” tab at the top right
  2. Return your address to find the shops closest to you
  3. Choose your shop and click “Take an appointment”
  4. Select the reason for your visit, choose your niche and enter your contact details

And that’s all ! You will normally receive a confirmation of your appointment.

Use the help of a Boutique-Box-Internet to easily subscribe to an offer of Bouygues Telecom !

Easily subscribe an offer of Bouygues Telecom !

How to get Bouygues Telecom online assistance ?

Bouygues Telecom has also made several assistance tools available to subscribers to allow its customers to Get as many answers as possible Without necessarily contacting an advisor. These tools available on the Internet allow subscribers to benefit from a certain autonomy in solving their problems.

In the event that the problem is not resolved thanks to the tools made available by the Internet access provider, it is advisable to contact an advisor by phone or go to the nearest physical shop.

Bouygues Telecom online assistance service

The Bouygues Telecom online assistance service allows you to find answers to your questions without necessarily needing to contact an advisor.
You will find there among others:

  • Assistance regarding your Internet box: WiFi diagnosis, installation advice ..
  • Mobile assistance: Regarding your SIM card, international prices, job methods ..
  • But also help regarding your customer area, your invoices, the various Bouygues services, your 4G key or other subjects

This online assistance allows you to have all the FAQ Bouygues in the same place (containing the most frequent questions), but also all the questions and answers provided to the forum.

It is advisable to proceed with a search for the question in order to save time. All the subjects covered are classified in categories.

Tutorial videos on the Bouygues Telecom YouTube channel

Bouygues Telecom also has a YouTube channel where the Internet service provider regularly publishes various and varied videos.

  • THE advertising
  • There presentation Internet and mobile offers
  • THE tutorials To install your equipment, etc.

https: //

The playlist Tutorials & Assistance is a category of useful videos to allow subscribers to benefit from the operator’s advice Without contacting a Bouygues Telecom advisor. This playlist contains More than thirty videos where it will be possible to find elements of answers to the most frequent procedures and questions.

A Boutique-Box-Internet Advisor.en help you choose an offer according to your needs, in a few minutes !

How to prepare before contacting Bouygues ?

There are some tips to follow to Contact a Bouygues Telecom advisor in the best conditions. It is advisable to prepare your request and all the information associated to optimize your processing. Whether it is a telephone or electronic route, it is necessary to present certain documents to allow the advisor toIdentify the internet or mobile line concerned.

Why prepare before contacting a Bouygues Telecom advisor ?

It is advisable toMake a preparation before the appointment With Bouygues Telecom advisor to optimize his waiting time and allow faster demand for demand. This prior preparation will allow subscribers to Choose the best contact way And define the best time To contact Bouygues Telecom.

This preparation will allow subscribers to avoid too much expectation in terms of resolution times.

It is also advised to Consult all online assistance tools Available at Bouygues Telecom customers to check if the problem has not already found a solution in the FAQ or the operator forum.

What are the documents to prepare before contacting customer service ?

Regardless of the request, it is necessary to Gather certain information Before contacting Bouygues Telecom. This information will vary depending on the request.

��️ The necessary documents according to the request (September 2023):

  • �� The contract number : this is a personal number indicated on the invoices that will allow the Bouygues Telecom advisor to determine the internet or mobile line associated with the subscription
  • �� The phone number : This is another way to determine the subscriber’s (fixed or mobile) telephone line
  • �� The IMEI serial number (15 digits): This is a number indicated on the packaging box or the phone purchase bill that will allow the Bouygues Telecom advisor to remotely block the use of the phone in the event of a flight

In any case, it is advisable to Note your questions On a piece of paper to avoid forgetting the said questions during the conversation with the advisor.

When to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service ?

Bouygues Telecom’s customer service is available all week (Monday to Saturday) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and despite fairly wide hours, subscribers cannot necessarily Easily contact a Bouygues Telecom advisor At all hours of the day. In order to avoid contacting Bouygues customer service at the time of strong crowds, it is advisable to favor some slots To contact Bouygues Telecom and Limit the waiting time Before care.

The schedules to be favored to contact customer service (September 2023):

Schedules Monday Tuesday Wednesday THURSDAY Friday SATURDAY
10: 00-13: 00 To avoid AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE Preferred AVERAGE
13: 00-14: 30 AVERAGE Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred
14: 30-16: 00 To avoid AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE Preferred Preferred
16: 00-20: 00 AVERAGE Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred

Did you know ?

People read more or less quickly depending on the support on which they read.
Did you know that not only do you click less your eyes when you are on a computer, but also reading on a screen slows you down.
On average, people read 10% more slowly on a screen than on paper.

Is Bouygues Telecom customer service qualitative ?

The quality of the services represents a commitment from Bouygues Telecom who wishes satisfy customers. The Internet access provider wishes to offer quality customer service to meet the expectations of its subscribers. This is a Bouygues Telecom strategy in order to Differential from other Internet access providers. This marketing strategy is a good way to retain customers.

Bouygues Telecom: a company labeled

NF Service label - Customer relations

Bouygues Telecom wishes to show his concern concerning The quality of the services offered to its customers and employees. Consequently, the company has taken the administrative procedures to get labels NF Service. Customer relationship And Social responsibility In order to recognize the efforts made.

Bouygues Telecom also has the label Diversity.

Customer service quality: Bouygues Telecom engagement

Despite a late appearance in the French telecommunications market, Bouygues Telecom quickly adapted to the demand of users. Today, Bouygues Telecom offers One of the best telephone customer services French market. Indeed, the Internet service provider is attached to the quality of contact with customers, Especially on the Internet.

Bouygues Telecom continues to offer innovations to allow its subscribers to benefit from the best possible service.

Bouygues Télécom news

Bouygues Télécom News

Bouygues Télécom: Let’s go for flash sales !


How to contact Bouygues Telecom for free ?

It is possible to contact Bouygues Telecom for free since:

  • The customer service number: 1064
  • The Bouygues Telecom customer area
  • Social networks
  • Electronic messaging

How to send an email to Bouygues Telecom ?

In order to contact the Internet and Mobile operator from the electronic route, it is necessary to have a customer area. From this personal space, just Fill in the contact form Available in the section Contact online space.

How to make a complaint with the operator Bouygues Telecom ?

It is possible to carry out your complaint from your customer area (electronic track) or send a letter to the operator’s customer service address.

Consumer service
Bouygues Telecom
60436 Noailles cedex

In the case of an unsatisfactory response, it is possible to Enter the mediator of electronic communications in order to settle the dispute peacefully. The use of justice represents the last step during a dispute.

Updated on Sep 20, 2023

Cancel the answer

To learn more about our policy of control, processing and publication of reviews click here.

old client: 1.45370584 Line: 0662548111 I terminated my contract with Bouygues 2 years ago and revoked debit authorization. By registered letter of funds are still levied from my account. Many letters addressed to the various services of the company remained unanswered. I always receive invoices. It’s a master stroke. Here, we call it a crime ! Is no one able to answer or clarify that ? I’m a bit addicted. I terminated my contract with Bouygues before 2 years and revoked the debit authorization. Funds are still levied from my account. Many letters addressed to the various services of the company remained unanswered. I always receive invoices. It’s a master stroke. Here, we call it a crime ! Is no one able to answer or clarify this point ? I am addicted.


Hello, Bouygues customer service is unreachable ? We invite you to contact them via their postal address: Consumer service – Bouygues Telecom – 60436 Noailles Cedex. Our advisers are also listening to you on 09 78 34 49 55 if you want them to take care of all of your steps. Good day to you.

Joao de Sousa Oliveira

cient at bouyues why we have been supporting problems with our fixed phone . 0148946571


Hello, it is unfortunate to encounter such difficulties. We invite you to reach Bouygues customer service at 1064. If no solution is found as a result of this exchange and you wish to change your supplier, do not hesitate to contact our advisers free of charge on 09 78 34 49 55. They will be happy to respond to your request ! we wish you a good day.

Joao de Sousa Oliveira Teleph; 0148946571

Bouygues customer why my fixed phone is broken almost every day


Hello, we understand your difficulties. If you cannot find a solution with your Bouygues supplier, you can call 09 78 34 49 55 in order to change supplier for free and effortlessly with our advisers.

Joao de Sousa Oliveira

Why my fixed phone is broken almost every day .


Hello, we understand your difficulties. If you cannot find a solution with your Bouygues supplier, you can call 09 78 34 49 55 in order to change supplier for free and effortlessly with our advisers.

Since the initial installation dated March 3, I am awaiting the finalization of the installation. After 7 I say 7 appointments that not have been honored, by minus clients of customers, (by reporting,) dozens of calls on the different platforms, without taking a position of a so -called Responsible despite my multiple requests, we agreed with a new appointment on May 17th. I hoped it will be the right one. I would like to know the opinion of a framework of this company on these unspeakable breaches. Sincerely


Hello, we are sorry to note that your current supplier does not suit you. We invite you to contact our advisers if you want to change operator effortlessly to the following number: 09 78 34 49 55. They will be able to guide you and take care of all the steps in a few minutes. Good day to you.

Good evening! I made a mistake by sending you your box I did not put my name but otherwise the name to the one I had sent on the spot will it pose a problem knowing that he told me that without the Box handing over they can take the money in the account


Hello, To obtain a refund of advanced costs or to advance for the return of Bouygues equipment, you must contact customer service at 1064.

I have just been very badly received by an advisor I asked for a commercial gesture. Indeed, Bouygues terminates my subscription can no longer provide its telephone service, television. in my sector. I choose a new operator asking me to pay the subscription fees. This not being my fact, it seems normal to obtain compensation for service not rendered. The only “favor” obtained from Bouygues is free termination ! And today, I am sent to walk on the roses ! Who are we laughing at ? Bouygues has no consideration for its customers. His advertisement is false.


Hello, if you want to get help to change the Internet supplier at a lower cost, do not hesitate to contact our Boutique-Box-Internet experts.en on 09 77 42 24 37 so that they take care of your procedures for free in a few minutes.

Hello, I am offered to go into fiber I accept by having 2 boxes so 1 in my living room and a miami box in my daughter’s bedroom. The fiber has been installed without problem . 2 hours rather late my daughter plus chain so I called the 1064 which we renounce,I go to the living room more chain I type once again renounced 1 hour more late it leaves more channel in my daughter’s room so I still remember 3 days later the 1064 tells me I think why you are every day every day Bother when I agree to fiber the person of the 1064 to have a single box so he told me it for his that you are bothered I answer these serious steps there nobody should have seen that my subscription had 2 boxes so he offered us to Return a miami box to the room because the serial number did not correspond anymore so after 15 days we received the case he asked me to return the old equipment unfortunately I worked a lot so I zapped to report the equipment so we taken 197 euros for non -return of the material all this would not have to produce if the person hadMade his work correctly with me a box instead of 2 box I restore the equipment and I have to wait 1 me to be reimbursed C unacceptable who made the error of the boxes certainly not me when we make a change the 1064 should look at the Subscriptions instead of being annoyed for about 2 months. While waiting for the person who offers to go into fiber she was not annoyed cordially Madame Caillaux sent from Yahoo Mail for Android

Hello, I haven’t been a customer at Bouygues Telecom for a month and it is impossible to contact customer service even on the “old customer” tab. I would like to ask the Bouygues service, a duplicate of the purchase bill for my Samsung S9 parliament phone purchased at the start of 2019. Thank you for transmitting it to me. Best regards. Patrice Bouchez Cordially


Hello, if you can no longer reach Bouygues customer service by phone, you can either contact them via the dedicated forum, social networks or go to the store to explain your request directly to an advisor.

Seraphin Mukalay Mwenze

You have badly starting on my bill and you have 10.96 euros more 26.83 euros after claiming me to ask me 73.13 euros C is the flight already


Hello Séraphin, I understand your situation. I suggest you call this number: 1064. A Bouygues expert will solve your problem. Hoping to have been of assistance.

Mukalay Mwenze Seraphin

Hello Madam Monsieur de Bouygues Telecom Customer Service I come to you to ask for information concerning the invoice of 73 13 euros that I cannot understand so far I do not have a debt with you each time you ask me 73.13 euros you had gone to take in my account 30.96 euros of times it is 61.92 euros plus 26.83 euros after you are claiming me another 73.13 euros that already is theft and it starts badly with you otherwise I will terminate my contract with you, besides you owe me a check for 100 euros as I have changed an operator plus three mobile numbers at home I would like to have the concrete answer on the levy you made in February thank you for you understanding my very distinguished greetings


Hello Séraphin, I understand your situation. I suggest you call this number: 1064. A Bouygues expert will solve your problem. Hoping to have been of assistance.

Hello dated 03/13/1921 We have canceled Tel Tel Mobile 06 62 86 25 43 You have addressed a confirmation email from 03/13/1921, mentioning that the letter of termination has been sent to RC this same day, but to date 03/22/2021 still nothing received is this normal such a difference between your shipment of 13/05 and today still nothing? Urgent response thank you ! We would like to finalize the cancellation of our cordially subscription


Hello, you can contact Bouygues customer service at 1064 for more information on monitoring your request.

It is a shame I do not advise anyone to subscribe to Bouygues were truants I solve my fixed line and mobile subscription in retraction delays .He reclaimed me71 72 euros then 9 05 Party in parts then 244,88 of impactful withdrawal to be Malges of Numer Considers of their agency of Lons Le Saunier and Aujoud’uii he sets me off again 59 90 euros? Follow my advice and see fucks


Hello, we thank you for sharing your opinion concerning the operator Bouygues Télécom.

bjr, I changed the offer from the adsl to the fiber but I want to retract and stay at the ADSL..My package is still at the relay point.what should I do.I called an advisor who took my request for withdrawal into account but I don’t know more.I can’t reach Bouygues

The 32 euros excluding package which had to put reimbursed as expected was not done. call to Tunisia that I did not do. Error on your part. I am waiting for an answer from you

I have subscribed to you for a lot of tempt for 9 months I have received any invoices from my account to by that of Paymans Impossible to have customer service

I am on the stranger and I can’t join you. I asked for a suspension of my lines on October 16. And I continue to discuss invoices. Please it’s a mistake that.

All this is a lie! Impossible to be heard by Bouygues I allow myself to exhibit on this forum my problem linked to a Bbox failure. My BBOX has broken down since the morning of November 19, and since that day, several times, I have contacted customer service in vain. By calling 1064, the answering machine asked me to contact the service via my customer area. Once connected to my customer area, the site asked me to phone 1064 … After having a message on the forum a bouygues advisor called me to say that I must call again at 1064 because the breakdowns do not No part of his work, or send a letter by post and Bouygues will answer 10 days after receipt of the mail . … In short, I can neither speak to a competent person, nor find a solution. My Bbox is lit red, I have neither the internet nor phone or television. The problem comes from the street because I saw a free technician to open a hatch to repair the cables and he explained to me that these under the hatch are broken, that it is necessary to repair by case, it advised to contact Bouygues to report this problem. But it is impossible for me to contact Bouygues. In the event that Bouygues cannot solve this problem, I would like to terminate my bbox subscription, at no cost that incommits me, because it is Bouygues who does not respect the contract, according to the law. About this contract, I asked for my subscription by phone and a Bouygues advisor offered me a Bbox subscription of € 22.99 per month for 12 months. But for the first invoice the costs are not those that the advisor offered me but much higher. Indeed I must pay an amount of € 29.99 per month and I do not understand why this error. If Bouygues receives this message please rectify this misunderstanding, and also clarify the steps to follow in the event of termination. Trank

Impossible to be heard by Bouygues I allow myself to exhibit on this forum my problem linked to a Bbox failure. My Bbox has broken down since the morning of November 19, and since that days, several times, I have contacted customer service in vain. By calling 1064, the answering machine asked me to contact the service via my customer area. Once connected to my customer area, the site asked me to telephone 1064 … In short, I can neither speak to a competent person, nor find a solution. My bbox is lit red, I have neither the internet nor phone or television. The problem comes from the street because I saw a free technician to open a hatch to repair the cables and he explained to me that these under the hatch are broken, that it is necessary to repair by case, it advised to contact Bouygues to report this problem. Please send a technician on site to repair cables. I really need the internet for work and for school where I have to attend several videoconferences. In the event that Bouygues cannot solve this problem, I would like to terminate my Bbox subscription, because it is Bouygues who does not respect the contract, according to French law. About this contract, I asked for my subscription by phone and an advisor offered me a Bbox subscription of € 22.99 per month for 12 months. But for the first invoice the costs are not those that your advisor offered me but much higher. Indeed I must pay an amount of € 29.99 per month and I do not understand why this error. Thank you Bouygues for rectifying this misunderstanding, and also clarifying the steps to follow in the event of termination.

This does not say or withdraw the form to be reimbursed when we change operator

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