Meetic Opinion: Is it as well as we say? Our assessment, serious dating site to find the meetic love

Meetic: Find love on our dating site

It is possible to temporarily suspend A Meetic profile, to keep the subscription active and all the contacts, by taking a momentary break.

Meetic Opinion: Is it as well as we say ? Our evaluation

Meetic Opinion: Is it as well as

Contents provided by our partner

Reading time: 20 min

Audio reading reserved for subscribers

M Eetic is a must -see online meeting and surely the best known serious dating site of all. Present for more than 20 years, it has enabled tens of thousands of couples to train, after facilitating their connection via an effective platform. Since its beginnings, it has evolved well and This Meetic opinion should help you answer this question: is it still dating site n ° 1 to find love in 2023 ? Via its features, user feedback and various options available, we present this famous site to you.

Our Meetic opinion in short

Meetic has not lost its most effective serious dating site status and it is always, in 2023, the most interesting for those who seek a serious relationship. Between quality profiles, invested members, good moderation, choice and affordable prices, he should seduce singles without difficulty who want to find love as soon as possible.

Note that although Meetic offers a paid offer, It is possible to register for free on Meetic And start meeting without taking out your credit card. Ideal for testing the site and having your own opinion on Meetic before subscribing to a subscription. With free registration on Meetic you can in particular:

  • Create your profile
  • Dialogue free of charge with premium members
  • Search for singles in your region
  • Participate in Meetic events and evenings

Meetic is what ?

Meetic is a general meeting site born in 2001 following the love setbacks encountered by friends of its creator, Marc Simoncini. He realized that he was Very difficult to make new romantic encounters, in an ever more connected company and within a busy daily life.

He therefore created this dating site, which soon became The absolute reference For the serious meeting online. On the platform, you can find figures to make the competition pale, such as:

  • Each month, 1,000,000 conversations are launched on Meetic
  • The platform would have helped more than 8000000 couples to form
  • The site claims more than 250,000 weddings Meetic
  • We would count at the very least 60,000 babies Meetic born following a union via the site
  • About, about 250,000 singles would create a profile on the site
  • 1 in 3 French would know people who met on Meetic
  • 1 out of 4 meeting made on the internet would be via Meetic

Results that are obtained via the many features offered (free of charge or via paid options), which go from simple cat live in search of profiles by filters, through daily profile suggestions with your expectations, Themed conversation salons, or the organization of events in real life, for Funs IRL meetings.

The meeting process is simple, on Meetic. After a complete profile creation, we consult the detailed profiles to find those that correspond the most to our ideal partner. You can sort out by age, by city/region, by profile with photo, depending on the desire for a child, the level of study or certain physical criteria. Among the original filters, the one that allows you to receive messages only the share of members you would have liked, For a much simpler contact, when you know you already like.

Then there are several contact methods: the most shy will send a like to mention their interest, when those who are a little more comfortable will write A nice message To break the ice and explain the reasons for this contact. In the event of a positive response, the discussion can begin and it can quickly take an interesting turn, thanks to the presence of reactive and educated members.

We feel that Meetic has refined its interface and that the platform has taken into account the experience feedback from its users, to offer a experience as pleasant as possible in terms of romantic encounters. The site is therefore a real reference to find love online and as we will see in this Meetic opinion, it has reinvented itself over the years to never be exceeded. It is a modern platform, at the functional interface, which has given itself a simple goal: to do everything to help singles find their soul mate.

Registration at Meetic being free, You can test the site yourself by creating a profile and chatting with Premium members. This is the best way to try the site before subscribing to a subscription.

Is Meetic a reliable site ?

Meetic can be considered as A reliable and serious site, Due to rare longevity in the online meeting sector, proven know-how and many confidentiality and moderation tools set up.

Profiles are verified In order to combat fraud, accounts are protected to keep anonymity and payment for subscriptions is secure. In addition, it is possible to opt for special options, such as incognito mode (which allows you to visit pages of profiles without the person knowing it) or Zen mode (to receive contacts only members that match your research criteria). Everyone can therefore personalize their Meetic experience, to adapt it to time and the involvement to devote to this quest for online love.

On the side of moderation, A dedicated service shows responsiveness when it comes to controlling/blocking a profile after a report, which allows you to navigate more serenely. It should be remembered that serious dating sites remain a hunting ground appreciated by crooks with feelings, which do not hesitate to create false profiles to achieve their ends.

For a long time, it was A real online scourge, who contributed to the poor reputation of dating sites. If the problem is not yet 100 %resolved, platforms like Meetic make sure Reduce risks as much as possible For their users, for a pleasant experience and no unpleasant surprises. Let’s go after our Meetic opinion.

Who is addressing meetic ?

Meetic is aimed at all singles From 30 to 55 years old (because the seniors will prefer him let’s say tomorrow, from the same brand), with an average age located around 35/40 year olds. The members only want seriousness and there is no question of making ephemeral meetings on Meetic.

One of the Meetic’s forces is to bring together serious singles that do not all have the same conception of love, which offers A very varied choice : There are the disappointed real meetings who come to try their luck online, in a hurry who do not have time to forge new links in real life, curious people who come to see what the site can offer them, or even Very invested singles spending several hours a day looking for the right person on the site.

No matter the box in which you enter, you should be at ease On this general platform. The discussions are made, deep, we take the time to know each other and to discover ourselves little by little, all by showing respect and courtesy. It may seem obvious but this is unfortunately not the case on all dating sites. It is still too frequent to receive displaced, vulgar or aggressive messages on bad sites, and it is a pitfall that Meetic manages to avoid, which satisfies the users anxious to meet beautiful people.

It is therefore the ideal platform for those who still believe in love, and who will get involved in each of the meetings, far from the frenzy of the applications in Swipe. Meetic seems to have found the right balance between modernity (for its interface and its features) and the side old -fashioned meeting (for detailed exchanges and complete profiles), making it a tool acclaimed by those over 30.

Meetic ?

As mentioned above, Meetic users are thirties, quadra or 50 -year -old singles, who are looking for a partner to share their daily life.

This is a generalist site with members from various horizons and mixed social classes.

Each person has A different love life experience and Meetic very well reflects this multiplicity of profiles. Young singles who recover from a difficult break to divorced and widowed, former Don Juan who want to fit quadras who have still not found the partner who suits them, including users from more isolated regions who struggle to meet new people, there is everything on the site and it is a major advantage.

With A little open -mindedness, We realize that the possibilities are immense and that sometimes a beautiful story can be initiated in the company of a partner with which we would not necessarily have attempt the adventure during a real meeting. This is also the strength of the serious meeting online, when you turn to a quality site such as Meetic.

The man/woman ratio is very balanced (51 %/49 %) which prevents them from feeling overwhelmed by requests; And we almost only meet respectful people, capable of writing properly and expressing themselves without aggressiveness, which becomes a rare commodity on many current sites.

The Meetic community is therefore quite exhaustive and singles who are ready to discover a world with multiple possibilities should find their account on the site. And with free registration, you can Try the site without paying And even speak with premium members to meet free people.

Is it easy to flirt on Meetic ?

Draw online-on Meetic or elsewhere-asks for a little know-how. You have to know how to conduct a conversation, write properly, be a little humor or the listening necessary to get to know your interlocutor. It is learned and the advantage of Meetic, it is to support its users To facilitate their task, throughout this flirting process.

Already, the profiles are well -filled, which allows to have as much information as possible to resume during a discussion. It is easy to grab, at a glance, the essential data (age, city, centers of interest, etc.) and it only takes a click to send a like (as a sign of interest), a love note (a priority message), or to apply for a cat written, by webcam or by phone.

A set of very engaging contact options, which are added to several original features, specific to Meetic. It is believed in events (IRL or on the site, on specific dates), like the Blind Date where you chat without seeing the other or live discussion salons, On a specific theme: by region, travel to 2, geek, animal friends, etc. It is as practical as it is effective to meet around common interests and thus engage the conversation faster.

Among the little extra, to know, we will cite The Meetic Dating Spot card in the main cities, to meet between singles using the platform, or the possibility of passing a personality test To increase his chances of finding the right person.

Once the partner (s) you like, you can start talking, with people who usually take the time to answer. It is very pleasant, and even the most reserved should be able to flirt in a relaxed way on Meetic.

We will also note the support offered by Meetic, via sessions of Virtual coaching (or live coaching). During these interactive sessions, from 60 minutes to 90 minutes, you can listen to the advice provided by Seduction experts And ask all the questions that come to mind, with a view to obtaining the best results. It is a highly appreciated feature, available for all Meetic members.

Meetic strengths

To establish a Meetic opinion as relevant as possible, it is advisable to be interested in the forces of the site, which can be detailed in several points.

A large community

There are many registrants on Meetic and present profiles almost everywhere on European territory. We thus avoid the pitfall of certain platforms, with their members concentrated in large cities only. Every day, new singles are created a profile and the possibilities are thus constantly renewed.

Whether in terms of diversity in profiles as much as in terms of online presence at any time, there is something meet with each connection, to obtain results as quickly as possible.


Meetic all the same 22 years of experience in terms of serious romantic encounters, which is not negligible. The site has had time to refine its offer, its features and its options, in order to offer its members an experience as effective as possible.

Today, the platform acts as reference and many other serious dating sites are inspired by its features, of his interface and his ideas for their own platform. But the pioneer remains Meetic !

Members involved in romantic research

Not only is the community vast on Meetic, but users are people who really seek to initiate A real love story. The fact that it is necessary to pay, as a man or a woman, makes it possible to sort and to avoid the presence of individuals who would stroll out of goal, which can be quite common on free dating sites. What not to waste your time when you contact someone.

Dredge aid

Meetic makes sure to provide communication, research and effective connections tools. Furthermore, A virtual coaching space Facked with advice makes it possible to improve continuously, for an ever more refined online flirt, which should help each person find their soul mate as quickly as possible.

Options for all

We have not mentioned it in our Meetic opinion, but the site proposes to The meeting for all, For maximum inclusiveness. Men can meet men, women can meet women, with micro-platforms dedicated to each preference.

In addition, the site organizes events in real life for those who prefer to meet in person (speed dating evening, hike, manual activities, etc.), and it has a functional application for users who prefer to do their dating online on smartphone, when they are on the move. This allows everyone to personalize their experience, as they see fit.

Meetic weak points

No platform can be perfect and the site also suffers from small faults, which we will detail in our Meetic opinion.

Mainly a thirty -something site and quadra

The youngest and seniors may not be in line with Meetic’s proposal. Indeed, singles who use it are mainly 30/40 years, active and aware of what they are looking for. The most frivolous and those who do not really want to fit could be lost and face frequent refusals.

You have to pay to contact all members

We talked about it above in our Meetic opinion, but even if it is possible to register for free and create a profile on Meetic without paying, you must subscribe to a subscription To converse with all other users and benefit from all the features and research criteria.

Logical, to finance the work behind, and even if we appreciate being able to speak without paying with all the premium members of the site, as a man it’s quite difficult to meet this way.

Many notifications

If you do not deactivate them, the Meetic notifications can quickly become intrusive, whether it is by email or directly on Your mobile devices. Practical not to miss anything online, because you will be aware of the slightest like/message received and new profiles in line with what you are looking for, but stressful at times.

What is Meetic’s price ?

Let us continue this Meetic opinion by speaking of the price of its subscriptions. Because even if the free Meetic trial offer allows you to fill your profile, to carry out your first research and even to speak with premium members, you will still be limited in your use.

To go further and take advantage of all features From Meetic, you will have to subscribe to one of the two subscriptions:

Essential Meetic Price

  • Essential 1 month: € 19.99
  • Essential 6 months: € 9.99/month

The Meetic essential subscription allows you toExchange without limit with whoever you want, to access your Like and Visist lists as well as advanced research filters. You will also have the option to choose who can contact you.

Premium Meetic Price

  • Premium 1 month: € 19.99
  • Essential 6 months: € 9.99/month

The Premium Meetic subscription allows you to speak with all users, even those who do not pay. They can also contact you without having to pay. You will also have 5 more profile boosters per month. Meetic Premium lets you know when your messages are read and you will also have the Premium Green icon to stand out.

You will of course have access to all the advantages of the essential subscription.

The price of Meetic options

Meetic also offers paid options to increase your chances of meeting the right.

Love note:

  • 5 love notes: € 7.99
  • 15 love notes: € 19.99

A love note is a priority message which allows you to increase your chances of receiving an answer. To be used only on a real crush to attract your attention.


  • 1 Booster: € 1.99
  • 5 boosters: € 7.95

The Meetic Booster allows you to increase your chances of receiving messages and likes by increasing the visibility of your profile.

Incognito mode:

  • 24 hours: € 1.99
  • 1 month: € 9.99

The incognito mode allows you to become invisible when using Meetic. Your profile is no longer presented to other singles and you can consult the profiles without standing out. Activable and deactivable when you want.

Meetic customer reviews

Now let’s see users’ meetic reviews. What they love and what they like less, via notes and meetic reviews collected on rating platforms and specialized forums.

At a time when we write these lines, we see that users’ Meetic opinions gives it a note of 3.4/5 on Trustpilot (based on 8,858 reviews), which is a very good note. On the Play Store, the site receives the note of 3.7/5 (based on 123,464 votes), which testifies to a very positive appreciation on the part of those who use it.

Positive opinions

  • The extended community is praised by the majority of users, who believe that it is easy to find singles not too far from home
  • The clear and intuitive interface delights members, who generally find easy navigation and the different categories very well organized
  • Many users appreciate the quality of single men crossed on the site, who are described as respectful, courteous and gentleman
  • For many, contact features are well thought out and being able to be called and/or talk to yourself by CAM is a big advantage, to accelerate things
  • The quality of moderation and its reactivity are often highlighted, which reassures users
  • We note that the well -detailed descriptions and the pretty profiles appeal a lot on Meetic

Negative opinions

  • Some deplore the fact of not being able to send free messages, at least to break the ice, and the impossibility of reporting a profile as a free member
  • Despite the right moderation, some members report the punctual presence of false profiles

Is Meetic worth it ?

If we rely on the figures revealed by the site as well as to the post -positive metic opinion of the vast majority of users, Meetic seems to be A serious and effective dating site.

For singles who really want to give a boost to their love life, it could well be the best choice. It will be necessary to invest, by correctly fulfilling your profile, quickly responding to the various requests and by subscribing to the subscription which corresponds to you. In addition, the Meetic application allows you to continue to meet people even when you are not at home.

From then on, you will only have to consult the profiles, suggested by the site or letting chance, to find the person made for you. It can therefore be said without difficulty that Meetic is worth it for those who are tired of wandering site on site or chaining meetings without success: it could be a question of The final stage, To finally put an end to your love quest.

And if you want to try meetic by yourself, Registration at Meetic is free and allows you to chat without paying with the premium members of the site. This freemium model allows you to create a profile as well as participate in Meetic events and evenings ! So what are you waiting for ?

Is Meetic a scam ?

No, Meetic is absolutely not a scam. Why then do some users talk about scam or scam by evoking their experience on the site ?

Some have not read the general conditions of sale and are surprised to see their subscription automatically renewed after the period for which they are paid, which for them is not normal. However, everything is clearly specified when subscribing. Meetic favors this automatic renewal solution so that there is no interruption in the service, and it is enough to go to my account> my subscription to deactivate this option.

For others, this is the difference between Real expectations and results who push them to take offense. Very often, it is the mixture of disappointment and frustration that gives this result, but Meetic is not responsible for that. We recall that the profiles that seduce are the best filled and that we must be tact and respect to obtain extensive discussions: it is not magic.

We talked about it above in this Meetic opinion, but the presence of false profiles, Few but unfortunately possible, can transform the use of meetic into bad experience for the least vigilant users. It will be recalled that at the slightest mention of a problem of money or dubious health problems, it is preferable to stop the conversation or to call on the moderation of Meetic which will check the profile in question.

Overall, Meetic remains One of the most serious and reliable platforms For beautiful online encounters.

Our final opinion on Meetic

Our final meetic opinion is therefore more than positive And we could summarize it as follows: this is the best serious dating site, for those who want to find love. Its 20 years of know-how are a significant asset and its fame attracts a huge community, which offers the maximum choice to users throughout European territory.

Without resting on his laurels, Meetic was able to evolve And is now in the form of a modern site (and a very good mobile application), with current features (swipe, webcam, vocal call, etc.) able to facilitate the connection. Regulars of dating sites will not be lost and neophytes will take their brands very quickly, with a User-friendly experience.

We will also note its freemium offer which includes 100 % free registration And the possibility of filling a profile sheet in its entirety, the quality of the profiles and the high response rate, which come to perfect an already brilliant table. What allow all singles to find the right person for them, in the best conditions.

If you are looking for love, he may well be on Meetic, who keeps its place of n ° 1 For the serious meeting online ! If you also want to find love, take advantage of the freemium version of the site and do not hesitate to register for free on Meetic !

Frequent questions about Meetic

Who can see my profile on Meetic ?

All Meetic users can see your profile, but it will not appear in Google searches or on another search engine. If you have consented to the sharing of your profile on other brand services (such as Affiny for the meeting by affinities), it will also be visible on some of these partner sites.

How to know if a person with a subscription on Meetic ?

Members subscribed to a premium offer are identified by a crown -shaped badge. You can contact them for free, which is a little tip always good to know to meet people without paying.

Why you have to pay on Meetic ?

Meetic is paid for several reasons: this ensures quality service, both in the operation of the platform and on the side of the moderation service. It is also a way of To sort, By avoiding the presence of bad profiles, as we find in the shovel on free sites.

Is the photo compulsory on Meetic ?

Meetic will ask you to put at least one photo on your profile. If it is not compulsory, it is highly recommended because without photo, you will not get any return. You can insert up to 8 on your profile page.

How to unsubscribe from Meetic ?

To unsubscribe from Meetic, it’s simple : Click on my account (top right of the screen)> Delete my profile> Follow the instructions and validate.

It is possible to temporarily suspend A Meetic profile, to keep the subscription active and all the contacts, by taking a momentary break.

How to contact Meetic Customer Service ?

You can contact Meetic Customer Service via the following methods: by telephone on 0806 600 002, Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m The contact form Available in the FAQ part of the Meetic site / on social networks Via Facebook, Twitter (@meeticgroup) and Instagram (@meetic)

Meetic: Find love on our dating site

Our members are looking for beautiful stories and we do everything to allow them to live them.

Discover our detailed profiles
It is not always easy to get a precise idea of ​​the personality of a member on a dating site. On Meetic, the profiles are very detailed. Find those that suit you with criteria search or let yourself be charmed by their small details.

Bye bye routine, hello surprise.

Come and meet singles in your region during our lively and relaxed Meetic evenings.

Share a tête-à-tête on video

Thanks to video calls on Meetic, discover for the first time his reactions, in all serenity.

8 million couples have already formed
on Meetic **; Be the next !

Start your own story !

Extended visibility of your profile

Meetic is not just limited to Meetic. Register with us, create the perfect profile to meet online and, to let any chance of finding the ideal person pass, if you wish and you are concerned, your profile can be visible to the members of our services for those over 50 or for single parents. This means that you will be more likely to be contacted !

For more information on the visibility of your profile, click here.

Confidence and security

If you are looking to make a real romantic encounter, it is important to choose a serious dating site like Meetic on which you will have the opportunity to exchange with serious and committed singles, to ensure your peace of mind during your future conversations.

The priority of our customer service is your security and the protection of your personal data.

Cyberbullying leads to nothing. Even less to love.

Meetic begins against cyberbullying to ensure you a most secure experience.
If you receive insistent messages, or that make you uncomfortable, you can:

  • Report a profile To alert the moderation and safety service.
  • Lock a profile to no longer be contacted

Want more control ?

In terms of online meeting, you can control the course of your next meetings thanks to the incognito and zen modes. Visit profiles without the singles noticing or activating your preferences in order to receive only invitations from singles that meet your essential criteria, it’s up to you to decide.

Adopt the “incognito” mode

Visit the profiles discreetly and only appear in the profiles that interest you.

Go to “Zen” mode

You will be contacted only by the profiles that match your criteria.

At Meetic, we don’t do things halfway to help you find yours.

Every day, you will receive by email and via our push notifications of personalized selections of singles profiles. Discover our recommendations, wherever you are … because it would be a shame to miss a crush !

How to meet love ?

You are three stages of a real romantic encounter

Tell us who you are !

Talk about yourself. The secret ? Be natural, honest, and spontaneous (e). On a dating site, a few lines are enough to make an impression. Why not add a humor ?

Be precise : The more you meet your search criteria, the more you increase your chances of being contacted by singles on the same wavelength as you.

Share your photos. Create an album that reflects your personality.

Look for the person you need

Meet the person who really suits you thanks to the detailed research.

Discover our personalized selection detailed profiles.

Come and meet the singles to our Evenings and workshops Meetic !


You don’t know how to start the conversation?

Talking about the little detail that challenged you on your profile or your common points are good ways to break the ice.

Or share music, a gif. Be inventive!

Do not hesitate to consult our articles tips to maximize the attractiveness of your profile and learn to break the ice.

Meetic events: workshops and evenings for singles

Join the community !

Make room in your agendas ! Come to our evenings and activities dedicated to singles of your age near you.

Meet singles around a common passion during our various activities or around a drink during our free aperitif.

Not want to come alone ? Offer your friends to accompany you !

Discover here the next Meetic events near you

  • Single evenings in Paris
  • Meetic outings in Bordeaux
  • Single evenings in Lyon

Alexandre, Karine

Cyril, Amandine

Estelle, Tatiana

Olga, Tomas

Our real stories

Over 8 million stories started on Meetic **.

The stories that we prefer to read ? Without hesitation, yours !

Each meeting told with your own words is unique, funny, moving. They are proof that making online meetings between singles ready to engage in a real story, it does happen every day on Meetic.

Meetic meeting application

Because a nice meeting can happen at any time, the Meetic application follows you everywhere. Wherever you are, you can launch a search, discover the profiles, consult the visits, the likes and the hearts you have received, respond to your invitations or continue the thread of your conversations.

Start a real story

Commitment in the romantic encounter

The multiplication of online dating sites has led to an increase in occasional meetings, without a tomorrow and in the boring long.

At Meetic, we are convinced that engaging is the coolest thing that we can do in a relationship. This is why, singles who want to live a real story with a person who shares this same desire are part of the Meetic dating site.

Meetic profiles give way to photos as much as to the description and expression of everyone’s personality.e. Registration on Meetic is always free, however to start inspiring conversations with the singles that you like, you must choose a pass. Subscription is a commitment in itself and proof that singles registered on Meetic are really involved in their research.

Meetic is more than a simple serious dating site.

With 19 years of experience in dating, we offer real research tools to help you put the odds on your side to find the singles that suit you but also coaching and live streamings made with experts to help you to enhance your assets to approach your quest for a romantic encounter by trusting you and your qualities. Because believe our experience, the key to success to live a relationship with two is to believe first in you.

Meet singles near you

In Toulouse, Lille, Paris, Montpellier…
Wherever you are, meetings await you ! Not convinced ?
Register and see for yourself !


Meetings in Paris

You are single in Paris ? Register for free on Meetic and surf the thousands of profiles of other Parisian singles. Also meet in the capital during our events for singles.


Meetings in Lyon

You want to meet beautiful meetings in Lyon ? Register on Meetic and find the Lyonnais singles on our site, during an aperitif or a discovery workshop organized by Meetic.


Meetings in Bordeaux

You are single and want to meet a man or a woman in Bordeaux ? Meetic has many profiles of Bordeaux singles. Meet them on our site or during our workshops and evenings for singles in the Girondin capital.

Make your meetings an event.
Consult the program of outings, evenings and activities that we organize in cities everywhere in France.

You want to expand your dating horizons ?
Launch your search in the region of your choice, everywhere in France.

Language in the romantic encounter

Words of love and everyday

Do not be scarred by words ! The multiplication of dating sites has transformed the game of seduction into “overconsumption” of relationships.

Result ? Many singles are no longer found in this system and 57% of single women even consider dating as exhausting* ! Many singles are looking for a serious, deeper and authentic meeting: almost one in 2 French bachelor seeks above all a long -term relationship*.

And if this search for authenticity passed through words ? Yes, unlike a priori, the words count more than ever, even in the era of the meeting 2.0.

More information on meeting and gay and lesbian dating sites.

There are words to describe themselves … It is said that an image is better than a thousand words, however 84% of singles say that the description of the profile counts more for them than the photo*.

It is therefore important, even on a serious dating site, to take the time to take care of its written presentation, to reveal itself in all sincerity.

And the words to break the ice ! When we like a bachelor, it is always difficult to find the right way to approach it, and to find the message that will attract your attention, and which changes from the endless “hi that’s okay” … Again, the choice of the first words online exchanged can play a decisive role !

Finally, words say a lot during a first meeting following an online meeting !

It’s a fact, the physical is not everything, and in front of the person, we can no longer hide behind his screen … Rest assured, singles are 59% favoring humor in the physique during a first appointment And 56% to prefer an interesting shared conversation for the appearance of the person*. The main thing is to stay yourself and as natural as possible.

*Source: Love Connection Nov.2018 – Survey conducted by Kantar TNS for Meetic Europe with singles between 18 and 65 years old
** Internal study Meetic France carried out in June 2019 with 1013 members aged 18 to 49

Start meeting singles today ready to commit

About Meetic

Other Meetic Services

  • Meeting by affinities with Affiny
  • The beautiful stories
  • Events
  • Lesbian meeting on Meetic
  • Gay meeting on Meetic
  • Meetic advertising
  • Meeting for the 50th and over with Disdonsmain
  • Meeting for single parents

Follow us

© 2023 Meetic A Meetic Group site

Extended visibility of your profile : By creating your profile on Meetic, it is visible on the local variations of our service using the same platform under different brands. For more information on the extended visibility terms of your profile, click here.

*Love for real, vibrate for real.

** Estimation of the number of couples trained on the Meetic group’s sites in Europe. Figure obtained by the extrapolation of the results of a survey carried out by Dynata in April 2018, out of 59,931 people living in Europe (France, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Sweden) aged more than 18 years, to the total population of this age group (source Eurostat 2018). It follows from this study that 6% of those questioned said they were in a relationship with one person met on one of the Meetic group’s sites.

*** Survey carried out online on 1.300 brands from February 2 to 13, 2023 by the Institute of OpinionWay Studies for the favorite brand award of the French with a representative sample of 4.900 French respondents aged 18 and over.

**** Each description and profile photo is moderate

***** Internal data – average number of conversations (= 2 messages sent between 2 users) per month – January to March 2023.

****** According to an dynama study carried out for the company Meetic in July 2021, on a representative sample of 2006 French aged over 18 years. It follows from this study that 32% of those questioned declare that they know a couple who have formed on Meetic.

*Dating site category – BVA study – Viséo CI – For Meetic brands, Disonsdemain and Affiny – More info on ESCDA.Fr

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