Mayia – Medical and teleconsultation meetings – health professionals, 9 online appointment software for doctors or professionals

9 appointment software to make your customers make an appointment online

In short, software making an appointment by internet significantly increases customer satisfaction.

Meeting & teleconsultation with your health professionals

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9 appointment software to make your customers make an appointment online

Software background 9 appointment software to make your customers make an appointment online

You are looking for an online professional service to manage your making appointments ?

Whether you are a doctor, a hairdresser or even a mechanic, know that there are many software specifically designed for make an appointment.

But how do they work ?

On your side: simply ask your availability And manage your different parameters. All you have to do is wait for your agenda to be filled on your own.

Patient and customers side: make them enjoy a quality service by allowing them to consult your slots available and reserve in a few clicks the most appropriate.

However, if the advantages of online appointment are no longer proven, choosing the right platform is nonetheless complicated. Between specialized sites and more or less important range of features, how to make sure you use the right service ?

Opt for the best solution thanks to our comparison of appointment software, in the medical field then in the other sectors.

Advantages of online appointment

In the medical field

For you

  • Optimize the filling of your calendar by offering your patients the possibility of reserving their consultations or to proceed to a correction When they wish.
  • Anticipate more resources (call to colleagues, a replacement, etc.)).
  • Organize your activity as well as possible through monitoring of statistics (average time limits making appointments, percentage of new patients, etc.)).
  • Save your time secretariat : the time saved in relation to the management of meetings by telephone can be put to the benefit of missions with higher added value. The Doctolib platform, for example, promises to reduce the 65 % secretarial time.
  • Reduce the number of Non-honored appointment.

For the patient

  • He gains flexibility, because he accesses the doctor’s schedule and can reserve 24 hours a day And 7 J/7.
  • He does not forget his appointments, since he receives reminders by SMS or Email.
  • It benefits from many additional features. As an illustration, a medical appointment software often offers a directory to find a type of health professional In a specific location (search for a dermatologist in Montpellier, for example).

But what appointment software especially will make you and your patients benefit from the advantages listed above ?

In other sectors

For you

  • Since your agenda is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you no longer miss business opportunity. You stand out from your competitors and boost your turnover consequently.
  • You and your teams have no time receiving the phone calls and agree with a niche with your customers. You then devote yourself more to your core business.
  • Thanks to the SMS and/or email recall system, you see the number of no-show (meeting not honored) decrease and you limit financial loss.
  • Using a global vision of your schedule and statistical tools, you observe your activity peaks, your successful services, the number of new customers, etc. So to organize your activity in the most relevant way possible.
  • Finally, many platforms for Make an appointment online include additional features, developed in a dynamic of customer relationship. You can then use it to retain from the first benefit .

To the customer

  • Possibility of reserving when he wants, from where he wants,
  • mental discharge thanks to the recall of meetings,
  • communication of communication, etc.

In short, software making an appointment by internet significantly increases customer satisfaction.

Yes, but which one to choose ?

Doctolib: the essential actor

Doctolib The key actor in the taking of online medical appointments in France is undoubtedly.

To date, some 115,000 practitioners who use the platform, and 88 medical specialties are there.

Return of user experience of Doctolib ::

The meeting to make appointments with practitioners

Doctolib in a few words:

  • You strengthen your visibility On the Internet, particularly on Google, thanks to the referencing work set up by Doctolib. Potential patients looking for a healthcare professional in your field will more easily come across you.
  • You greatly reduce the risk of seeing empty time slots for lack of an unwanted appointment: beyond the automatic reminder Present on all platforms, Doctolib blocks, if you wish, patients who have missed their appointment three times. In parallel, in case of cancellation or displacement, the filling of slots is facilitated.
  • You optimally manage your waiting room: if you are delayed, your patients are alerted by SMS.
  • The tool is very customizable. You are doing your patients as well as possible by configuring the reasons for consultation and associating precise instructions in it. Example: for such a type of consultation, think of bringing back your vaccination book.
  • In their personal space, Patients find their consultation book. They thus access their appointments, but also to additional data as well as their medical documents.
  • Thanks to encryption, Doctolib guarantees patients, practitioners and secretaries to the property, and therefore confidentiality, of the Information collected on the platform. This is all the more important in a sector where the data security linked to medical confidentiality remains a point of attention.

Price: € 129/month including tax per practitioner for medical offices¹.

CLICRDV: the modular solution

Clicrdv is a solution ofshared agenda and taking online appointment dedicated to all types of professionals (beauty and well-being, bank and insurance, health professionals, mechanics, etc.)).

The solution has also attracted many companies and organizations, like Autosur, Douglas perfumeries or BNP Paribas.

Online appointment

Clicrdv in a few words :

  • Clicrdv is modular : addition of features to your request, personalization, possibility of integration into your tools and your environment, etc., It adapts to your needs and your activity.
  • The software is easy to understand and ergonomic, in particular thanks to the actions of creation and deletion of appointments by simple “drag-posting”.
  • The “Take appointment” button is incentive. You can display it on your website, your Facebook page, but also on search engines and on your professional sheet yellow pages.
  • CLICRDV simplifies the management of your team and their agendas: sharing of schedules between employees, multi -site planning, etc.
  • Thanks to the online appointment on CLICRDV, create Customer sheets customizable, collecting all the data you need to qualify your new customers.

Price: € 29/month excl.

Keldoc: the best quality/price ratio

Customizable, ergonomic and constantly evolving, Keldoc promises to facilitate the activity of health professionals, all at an advantageous rate.

Online medical appointment software

Keldoc in a few words:

  • Keldoc is available for 40 € including tax per month, and also offers a free and non -binding trial.
  • The platform is constantly evolving. For example, thanks to customer feedback, the agenda gains new features every month.
  • The tool allows a Strong degree of personalization of your profile page. In this way, your patients and future patients benefit from information as useful as public transport serving your office, or the geographic location of the nearest parking lots.
  • The medical agenda available in Keldoc adapts to all cases: exercise in several firms, cabinet sharing with other doctors, punctual replacements, etc.
  • Cancel an appointment is simpler, for you and for the patient. In addition, a rapid recycling system of meetings avoids as much as possible the shortfall linked to cancellations.
  • Keldoc facilitates patient search. The platform has a successful filtering system, in particular at the level of the waiting period.

Price: 40 €/month TTC¹.

Ogustine Company: Software for service companies

You are in command of a Services Society to the person (child care, tutoring, home help, cleaning, animal care, home hairstyle, etc.)) ?

The Ogustine Entreprise software allows you to create an online service catalog, and to ensure the management of your activities.

Online management and booking for personal services

Selfservice ogustine

Ogustine Company in a few words:

  • You simply organize your agenda by programming and detailing (prices, specific options, etc.) the type of services you offer, as well as the geographical area of ​​intervention.
  • Ogustine Entreprise has developed a system starting from customer need, and not the availability of providers: you easily honor the See you online thanks to a facilitated management of your stakeholders, taking into account their availability and their intervention areas.
  • Your customers have the possibility of paying online, or obtaining quotes before making appointments, in a simple and intuitive way.
  • You become reactive in the face of customer requests thanks to a mobile app Available both on iOS and Android.

Price: € 49/month for the boost formula¹.

Meeting: the choice of your formula

Appointment, pioneer in its sector with a launch in 2007, offers real expertise.

With more than 10 million research per year and 500 covered cities, Corsica and Dom-Tom included, the platform promises a simplification of the management of your doctor’s office.

Visual of the mobile appointment for the patient:

Online medical appointment platform

Medical appointment

Meeting in a few lines:

The advantage of the platform lies in the fact that it provides three different offers:

  • Serenity pack,
  • Visibility pack,
  • Telesecretariat package.

This gives you the freedom to choose the solution that best suits your goals: do you just want to manage your office more efficiently, or you ambition to develop your patients via the internet ? Would you like to take advantage of the services of a telesecretariat ?

Price: € 59/month including tax for the serenity pack¹.

RDV360: taking online appointment thought by sector of activity

Used by many professionals, RDV360 supports sectors and activities as varied as beauty and well-being, driving schools or town halls and public services.

All-in-one business management software

Meeting in a few words :

  • Complete solution, the platform provides specific features to adapt to each profession. For example RDV360 Beauty, in addition to Request an appointment Online 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, deploys appropriate marketing tools in the sector to retain customers (SMS campaigns, scheduled automatic shipments, etc.)).
  • The interface allows a high degree of personalization. For example, a customer has the possibility of selecting the team member with whom he wishes to provide his service at the time of booking.
  • The service associated with most activity sectors is modular. You choose the formula you want and pay accordingly.
  • Also note that there is a free formula Completing the basic functions (online reservation from a dedicated page or your Facebook page, online agenda, customer file and free referencing on the RDV360 site).

Price: € 29.90/month for the pro formula.

Simplybook.Me: 100 % customizable software

Simplybook.Me is online booking software designed to facilitate the making and management of appointments in all sectors and types of structures combined (VSE, SMEs and large companies).

Beauty salons, fitness centers, clinics or schools, Simplybook.adapts to all areas of activity, all in a 100 % customizable and intuitive platform.

Reservation system for service companies in a few words:

  • You can help yourself with a full range of Reservation sites models To create your online appointment interface ! Simplybook.offer me several 100 % customizable templates ; You can include images, your logo and all the necessary information on your providers !
  • You considerably increase your appointments and your traffic thanks to the’Integration of a” book now “button on all of your social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Google or Twitter). You will also appear on the Marketplace and attract even more customers !
  • YOU Improve your productivity and performance by having access to your information in real time ! By downloading the administrator application, you are notified for each new reservation. You can consult your diary As soon as you wish, access the customer information and modify or delete a reservation if necessary.
  • YOU Strengthen your brand image and the loyalty rate of your customers in Personalizing your interactions with them. Indeed, thanks to a customer list liable all of their reservations, you can send them Automatic notifications To encourage them to reservation, or to inform them of your latest offers ..

Price: 25 €/month for 50 users up to 500 reservations and 8 plugins for the “standard” formula. flexible software that adapts to everyone is full and ultra configurable online appointment management software. Flexible and intuitive thanks to its tailor -made agenda, its handling is almost immediate and its use is simple and quick whether for you or for your customers !

Designed for all sizes of companies and types of sectors combined, the platform already counts 50 million appointments of appointments. We find in particular among its customers: EDF, Paris police prefecture, Montpellier University, health professionals, town halls & administrations, SMEs.

Complete appointment of online meetings | Made in France

Visual Smartagenda in a few words:

  • Smart Agenda is the reservation tool for online appointments that combines a Very complete configuration and an Hyper fast handling. In a few minutes your online booking system is operational !
  • You can Integrate and synchronize the management of your appointments in your existing solutions If you wish (WordPress plugin, widget, Google Agenda, Outlook, iOS. ))
  • Improve the quality of your services and collecting the advice of your customers through 100% customizable satisfaction surveys. Collect the information you need upstream of the appointment and thus guarantee the success of your exchanges. Add colors, logos, fields and information as much as you wish !
  • Become more efficient thanks to The analytical aspect software that offers you Relevant kpi And allows you to follow your activity in real time. Number of meetings, volumes of hours, segmentation by grouping, absenteeism rate … and still.

Price: from 49 € HT / month for the “essential” offer.

Timify: the free platform

Present in 26 different countries, Timify software is used by more than 45,000 organizations around the world.

It is aimed at both small businesses, such as hairdressing salons, beauty institutes or consultant firms, and public organizations or large companies (retail, real estate, etc.)).

Timify online calendar overview:

Making appointments and planning management

Timfy calendar

Timid in a few words :

  • Timify has a free and unlimited version of its solution to Make an appointment by Internet, including many features.
  • You disseminate your visual identity by personalizing your personal space and your reservation course. Many elements are configurable, like the police, colors or reservation buttons.
  • The free version of Timify also includes the mini website, the Make an appointment from Facebook and the online payment.

☝️ Note, however, that the Reminder of an appointment, functionality highly appreciated by all professionals, is only accessible in the paid version.

Price: € 25.00/month for the premium formula¹.

Online appointment, a competitiveness factor

Offer it Free online booking to your patients or customers is today a major asset to maintain your competitiveness.

This stems from two main factors.

By offering a quality service adapted to the constraints of the modern world, you increase the satisfaction of your customers, And so your chances of seeing them pass the step of your office or your business.

In addition, your weeks are organized in a way optimal. The number of unwelcome meetings decreases and you remain concentrated on your real activity.

The modernization and efficiency of your appointment processes therefore go hand in hand with the use of everything that the Internet has to offer you. And, as we have seen, number of turnkey platforms have been developed online in this sense.

You just need to choose yours according to your activity area, of your budget and your functional needs

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