Look for a non -surcharged number to contact a customer service or deaf and hard of hearing access, internet failures and network problems today in France
Internet breakdowns and network problems reported today
Being covered in fiber is not enough to avoid network problems at home. It is also essential to choose a subscription that will meet all your needs (price, TV option, without obligation, etc.)). From the fiber box comparator, sort the offers and find the best box.
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Internet breakdowns and network problems reported today
290 mobile breakdowns and 2307 fixed breakdowns have been reported today at Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues.
Find the breakdowns around you
Click to load the card
Being covered in fiber is not enough to avoid network problems at home. It is also essential to choose a subscription that will meet all your needs (price, TV option, without obligation, etc.)). From the fiber box comparator, sort the offers and find the best box.
Bouygues Special series Bbox Fiber
Internet breakdowns and network problems
In the past 24 hours, 2597 breakdowns have been reported in France, all operators combined (Orange, Bouygues, SFR and Free). 290 are mobile failures and concern calls and SMS or mobile internet. 2307 are fixed failures and affect the fiber or adsl network of operators.
Internet breakdowns by operator
Free Mobile is the operator who has the most breakdowns, fixed and mobile combined, today in France (2059). Conversely, Orange has the least breakdowns (75). You currently encounter connection problems on the fixed and/ or mobile network of your operator ? Click the button below to report a breakdown.
213 breakdowns
on the mobile network
1846 breakdowns
on the fixed network
31 breakdowns
on the mobile network
275 breakdowns
on the fixed network
27 breakdowns
on the mobile network
130 breakdowns
on the fixed network
19 breakdowns
on the mobile network
56 breakdowns
on the fixed network
Discover mobile and fixed network failures in your city
Mobile network problems
Current mobile breakdowns
There are currently 290 mobile breakdowns throughout France, all operators combined.
290 breakdowns
Mobile breakdowns over the last 15 days
Follow the evolution of in breakdowns over the last 15 days for each operator.
How to boost your 4G or 5G mobile rate in the event of a breakdown ?
You are currently having network problems from your smartphone ? It must most certainly alter your mobile connection speed. Carrying out a mobile flow test allows you to check it. We will also give you advice to improve your Internet debit.
82.44 Mb/s Download
15.76 Mb/s upload
Mobile flow in France in 2022
And you, what is your flow ? Make the mobile flow test. Debit
Which operator best covers your address ?
If you are often faced with connection problems, It is recommended to change operator. To be sure to take advantage of good Download and Upload performance from your phone, take a mobile network test to find out who to SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Orange or Free Mobile covers your 4G and 5G address best.
92% mobile coverage in France
Who is the best mobile operator at home ?
Check the 4G and 5G mobile coverage in your locality
Be aware that mobile network failures are not the one and only cause of connection problems. This may simply be due to the fact that your current operator does not have a good enough mobile coverage at your place. From our 4G and 5G coverage card, discover the details of the mobile coverage in your city.
What is the mobile coverage in your city ?
Change your package to avoid network problems
If this is not the first time that you have been undergoing mobile network, it’s time for it to stop. We recommend that you change your plan for another mobile operator. Find our package comparator and find the one that best meets your needs (cheap, without duration, blocked package, etc.)).
Lyca Mobile 5G 80 GB
The 120 GB mobile post
Free Mobile 120 GB series
How to know if a breakdown on the mobile network has been reported today ?
Thanks to our page dedicated to the mobile breakdowns reported today by operators, you are informed in real time of all breakdowns that affect the mobile network in France. All operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, Free Mobile) are included in our tool. No breakdown will escape. You just have to enter the address of your choice and press the “see breakdowns” button to launch the search. You can view the list of touched mobile relay antennas on our interactive antennas, see history, access the distribution of breakdowns by category (Internet, Calls, SMS).
My phone no longer captures the mobile network, what to do ?
You regularly or occasionally encounter mobile network problems from your phone, whether to go on the internet, make calls or send SMS ? To solve this connection problem, several elements are to be verified. Thanks to our guide dedicated to solutions to solve mobile network problems, you will know what to do. Many points are to be taken into account: check if your operator has reported a breakdown near you, test the mobile coverage at the address, configure your phone, make sure that your SIM card works, etc.
What are the mobile network breakdowns ?
Mobile network breakdowns can be due to a national incident that simultaneously affects all operators, Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile, such as strong bad weather that would have damaged network antennas, rain, a snow storm or still hot weather. Acts of vandalism such as cable cuts or theft of equipment, can also explain the existence of mobile network breakdowns. Finally, it happens that work is carried out in municipalities, which can unfortunately cause temporary network failures in the sector.
In the event of a prolonged mobile network failure, can I receive compensation ?
If you are the victim of an internet network, calls or SMS, extended, your operator will undoubtedly offer you compensation or compensation. To find out more, we advise you to reach the customer service of your mobile operator and to exchange with him on the subject. The amount of compensation as well as the operator’s action period depends on each of them. According to article L 121-20-3 of the Consumer Code, “operators have an obligation of result and must then have to compensate for their subscribers for the damage that the failure caused them.”Operators generally set up a complaint on their site on their site.
ADSL and fiber Internet incidents
Fiber and ADSL breakdowns in progress
There are currently 2307 internet breakdowns throughout France, all operators combined.