Locate my Samsung Galaxy device | Samsung France, SmartThings Find function | Apps and services | Samsung Ca_fr
SmartThings Find function
Android 8 version
Locate my Samsung Galaxy device
You have lost your smartphone, tablet, connected watch or your headphones ?
Samsung offers several services allowing you to find your Galaxy devices:
Galaxy Watch connected watch
Android 8 version
Android 8 version
or later
Buds Plus models
Live Buds and Pro Buds
Mobile tracing
Noticed : SMARTTHINGS FIND also allows you to lock or unlock your device, save your data or delete it remotely. To find out in detail all the actions you can perform with SMARTTHINGS FIND, Consult our dedicated FAQ.
If you have lost one of your devices, don’t panic ! Open the SmartThings application and use SmartThings Find to locate it. Thus, all devices connected to your Samsung account will appear on a card so that you know precisely where they are.
Noticed : To use this service, you must allow the application to access your position.
Activate the Find SmartThings function
To do this, you must first install the SmartThings application and then start the SmartThings Find function. Once installed, open the application Smartthings and follow the steps below:
1. Select the tab Life.
2. Scroll down the screen and press the category Find In Other services.
3. Then press To start up.
4. Select the devices you want to locate and then press Finished.
5 Press Start again.
Once SmartThings Find is activated
A card is displayed. Scroll the list of devices that appear at the bottom of the screen to see their position.
- You have the option of ringing geolocated devices by pressing on To ring.
- Press the icon Menu In order to display the list of connected devices.
- By pressing the icon More The following options will appear:
- Look for : serves to scan the surroundings. If the device is detected, you will receive a notification.
- Navigate : Open Google Maps to help you find the fastest route to access your device.
- Share the device position : by activating this option you can share the position of your device with the member of your choice.
If you close and open the SmartTHings application again, the position of your devices will appear directly in the Find category of the Vie tab, as below.
To delete the card of the geolocation service of SmartTHings Find from the SmartTHings application, you just have to go to the life tab then press on More options (the three vertical points at the top right of the screen) and confirm by selecting delete. You can reinstall it again if you wish. Deleting this smartthing card does not uninstall the SmartThings Find function.
- If the lost device no longer has a battery or if the Bluetooth signal no longer works, it cannot be found via detection offline.
- If your Galaxy Buds are lost while they are inside their case, geolocation will not be confirmed.
- When no other Galaxy apparatus can help the location of that lost nearby, geolocation will not be confirmed.
- If you think your device has been stolen, do not go to the place indicated on the card. Contact the police.
SmartThings Find function
Find My Mobile is now part of SmartThings Find.
Did you lose something? Find your tablet, watch, galaxy phone and other devices thanks to SmartThings Find.
New features and improvements facilitate the search for your devices.
What to do if I lose my mobile?
Access the “SmartTHings Find” website and find or lock your device, and save the data.
Locate my phone
You can follow the location and the approximate route of your lost device.
If you have activated the option send the last position in the finding my mobile settings, its last known location will be sent to the server before it goes out.
* The availability of the service is likely to vary depending on the device and the operating system.
Lock my screen
On the lost device, you can lock the screen, the on button and Samsung Pay.
Ring my phone
If your phone is nearby, you can find it by letting yourself be guided by the ringtone that will resonate for 1 minute at full volume.
Save your data
You can save your data on Samsung Cloud.
* If your phone is not connected to any Wi-Fi network, it will connect to your mobile network; additional costs that can therefore be invoiced according to your package.
Unlock your screen even if you forgot your password
No need to worry if you forgot the screen locking code of your device
(For example, the screen can be locked by PIN code, password, diagram, fingerprints and iris).
You can reset the screen lock remotely from the SmartThings Find website.
Even offline devices
can be found
As soon as offline finding (offline search) is activated, your galaxy can be detected if it is on, even if the mobile data is disabled. Other Galaxy devices will participate in the search for your galaxy as “find nodes” (research nodes) transmit signals to the server that shares the location of your lost phone. So activate offline finding and become an assistant yourself now: you will be in good hands if your loss a device later.
Your other galaxy devices can help you
Find your Galaxy Smarttag, your watch or your Buds on the SmartThings Find website, and control these devices remotely. If you activate Offline Finding (offline search) to register your mobile or tablet as “find node” (search node), you can easily find your galaxy buds, smarttag and watch in case of disappearance.