IOS 14: how to fully customize the interface of your iPhone?, Customize your iPhone | Blog

How to customize your iPhone

You can then choose the format and type of information displayed, but also their color, background color, transparency, police, etc. Once these preferences have been changed, come back to the previous screen and save your widget by pressing Save.

iOS 14: how to fully customize the interface of your iPhone ?

The arrival of widgets within iOS 14 opens up new perspectives in terms of screen customization. Find out how to customize the interface of your iPhone.

If there is one thing to which iPhone users are not used to, it is to customize excessively the appearance of the home screen of their device, as possible on Android. But with iOS 14 and the arrival of widgets, new horizons open in terms of customization.

New applications, like Widgetsmith, have emerged on the App Store. They allow you to create fully personalized widgets from scratch, thus offering a more personal button to your home screen. And to push the interface customization a little further, you can use the Apple shortcut application to create shortcuts at the personalized icon, capable of avoiding your applications by opening them without pressing the original icon. All you have to do is hide them within the library so that you end up with a single iOS interface.

But before you throw yourself headlong into this long and tedious personalization process, start by downloading all the graphic elements (logo, icons, wallpapers, etc.), which you will need to develop your home screen. Do not hesitate to launch a request in a search engine to find possible icon packs.

To discover also on video:

1. Download Widgetsmith

Start by downloading the Widgetsmith application on the App Store. Offered for free, it allows you to create personalized widgets for your iPhone. In its free version, it offers clock and calendar widgets, but also offers to create photos of photos, photo albums, text, or simply empty widgets.

2. Create your personalized widgets

Open the Widgetsmith application. By default, three widgets of three different sizes are suggested. You can choose to enter these widgets to customize them, or press on Add Small/Medium/Large Widget to create a new one and customize it.

You can then choose the format and type of information displayed, but also their color, background color, transparency, police, etc. Once these preferences have been changed, come back to the previous screen and save your widget by pressing Save.

3. Add your personalized widgets to the home screen

To add your personalized widget to the home screen, keep your finger pressed on it to activate the edition mode. Then press the button +, Select your widgetsmith widget and press Add the widget To integrate it on your home screen.

If you have configured several widgets in several sizes in widgetsmith, hold your finger leaning on the widget and choose to modify the widget. You can then select the version of the widget to use.

4. Download shortcuts

For the rest of the customization of the screen, that is to say to modify the icons of your applications, you will need the Apple shortcut application. Download it to your device. It is thanks to her that you will be able to create shortcuts using a personalized icon, and which will be activated, will open the right application.

5. Create an application at the personalized icon

Open the shortcut app on your iPhone and press the button + top right to create a new shortcut. Then press Add an action, select Script and press Open the app.

Press on Choose, Select the application to open and press Following. Find out the name of the shortcut and validate by touching the button OK.

From the reception of shortcuts, where all the already existing shortcuts are displayed, press the options button represented by three small points, of the shortcut that you have just created. Press the option button again, and choose to add it On the home screen.

In the name and icon section of the home screen, press the icon then choose a photo or choose the file, depending on the location in which you have saved your icons. Validate your choice by pressing on Choose, then on Add. At this point, you should have your first personalized icon displayed on the iPhone home screen.

Repeat this step as many times as necessary for each application of which you want to replace the icon. When you press the personalized icon, this will open for a short time the shortcut application that will perform the script and launch the associated application.

6. Remove the original applications from the home screen

Now that you have created shortcuts to your favorite applications with personalized icons, all that remains is to hide the original applications by deleting them from the home screen. To do this, keep your finger pressed on an application to make disappear and choose to Delete the app.

You can then choose the Move to the Apps Library. The application will not be deleted from the device and will remain accessible from the IOS 14 library.

7. Personalize the iPhone wallpaper

Last step essential to offer the perfect look to your iPhone, the wallpaper, centerpiece of a successful interface. Open them Settings of iOS, enter the menu Wallpaper and press Choose a new wallpaper.

Then sail in your photos to select the image you want to add to the wallpaper, adjust and move the image if necessary and press Define. Then choose to apply it On the home screen To use it on the main iPhone screen.

The home screen of your iPhone is now completely personalized. If you lack inspiration, do not hesitate to go to Twitter and search for the hashtag #iOS14Homecreen to visualize the sometimes extremely well -licked creations of users from the whole world.

How to customize your iPhone ?

You have received your new iPhone and you want personalize ? Well, you are in the right place ! In this article, we will share some tips to help you put your personal touch on your device. Follow these simple steps and you will have a phone that reflects your style in no time !

Download applications to customize the appearance of the home screen and icons

With Apple, Personalization of the home screen And icons has never been easier. The first thing to do to start improving the appearance of your iPhone is to Download Applications Specially designed to give style to your screen. These applications allow you to adjust preferences according to your taste, in terms of screens and icons funds. You can share your favorite images on icons and choose the pattern that suits you best. To be sure that your iPhone is always updated, which increases its level of customization, it is recommendable to perform a update Regularly from the App Store store. So take advantage of it and start putting your personal touch on your iPhone !

Change the screen and brightness parameters of the screen so that they correspond to your style

If you have an iPhone 13 Pro or an iPhone 14 Pro, you can transform your screen in a personal space in a very stylish way.

You can Customize widgets, icons and the wallpaper of the home screen, but have not yet taken into account the settings of color and brightness ? These two functions are essential if you want your iPhone to really reflect your style.

In a few simple steps:

  • Go to your control center To choose the orders included
  • Return to the menu
  • Enter your settings
  • Change color, brightness and general tone at your convenience

The options give a clear and clear vision for everything you want to do; While more subtle shades like color allow this platform to be developed more personally.

Modify the wallpaper using a personal photo or by downloading an image from the Internet


Customize your iPhone is one of the easiest ways to make your technology more personal. One of the best and most accessible average is to Modify the wallpaper Using a personal photo or by downloading an image from the Internet. With this function, your iPhone allows people to completely change their reception screens. To change your iPhone wallpaper, it’s very simple:

  • Access the control center of your iPhone
  • Select “Wallpapers»
  • Choose The photos provided by Apple
  • Or “Select a new photo“For a more personal wallpaper (which comes from your photos or your downloaded images).

Your iPhone will then become your own individual virtual wall paint with a nice new wallpaper !

Organize applications on the home screen according to your preferences and habits of use

Personalizing your iPhone is to indulge in a tetris game On the home screen of your smartphone. Applications and icons are led to move and evolve, allowing you toorganize features The most important for you at your convenience. Strategically editing your Pentagonal screen can greatly improve the user experience. Our connected world involves incessant updates, so make sure that your favorite tools are easily accessible and perfectly incorporate the new features that follow one another with the characteristic speed of current digital technologies.

The complete customization of your device – so both in terms of graphics and in terms of available options – is in your hands.

SO, organize The main thing on your home screen so that all the possibilities offered in a single interface can benefit your daily life from modern digital !

Use the different iPhone functions to add personal keys to your device, for example by modifying the ringtone or creating a shortcut to a website frequently consulted

IPhones offer users the possibility of making their devices unique in Personalizing the home screen, locking, and much more. Thanks to the iPhone, you can adjust your choices, add widgets to your home screen and modify the icons. You can even change your ringtone ! The iPhone control center acts as a central tool for personalizing your device. It is therefore enough for a few clicks for your iPhone to become unique in its kind. So when are you starting ?

How to concretely create personalized widgets for your iPhone ?


To create your Personalized widgets, We recommend the Widgetsmith application (you can find our selection of iPhone apps right here). This will offer you different sizes to Customize the screen of your iPhone. You can choose one of the models offered or click on “Add” to choose the size of your next widget.

To make your Home more to your image, You just have to choose the color, transparency or police.

For Save your preferences, You just have to click on “Save” on the previous screen.

For integrate it into your screen welcome, nothing could be simpler:

  • Select any of your applications
  • Click on “Modify the home screen»
  • Select the little cross top left of the screen.

Here you will have the possibility of changing any of your thumbnails, but above all to select Widgetsmith and press “Add the widget” To integrate it on your home screen.

Edit the icon of an application on your home screen

If you wonder how Customize the screen concretely, we explain to you how Change applications icons of your iPhone.

And if you don’t have the application yet Shortcut, Now is the time to download it. Once on the home screen, it’s very simple:

  • Click on the button +
  • Select “Add an action”
  • Then select “Script” And “Open the app».
  • Click on “Choose»
  • Select the application whose icon you wish to modify
  • Finally click on “Following»

We make a little return on reception of the shortcut application where your selection now appears at the top left.

  • Click on Three small points
  • Select “On the home screen”By clicking again on The option button up.
  • Press on the icon, you will have the possibility of choose a photo in your library.

You can thanks to this technique Modify all icons of all your applications, thus creating a completely redesigned space and personality.

To finish

Customize your iPhone may be a great way to make it more personal and make sure that The user experience is the best possible.

Whether in Downloading applications to improve its visual appearance, in Changing the parameters screen color and brightness, in Choosing the wallpaper that suits you best or in Organizing your applications On the home screen to your taste, you can easily adapt your iPhone to your tastes.

In addition, with the many features available on the iPhone and the regular updates that are provided there, you will not only get a beautiful device, but also a fun and enriching experience. So do not hesitate to personalize your iPhone so that it becomes it perfect reflection of your extraordinary personality !

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