Internet box: the return of its BBOX Bouygues Telecom equipment, when and how to restore a Bbox Bouygues after termination?

How to restore a Bbox Bouygues Telecom after termination

The Bbox Bouygues Telecom is fragile, like all Internet equipment. So you have to pack it properly, don’t forget to check that you are resting all the accessories with your Bbox or Bouygues Telecom decoder. If you have other questions regarding the return of the Bouygues Telecom Internet box, we invite you to consult the article available on their site.

How to restore your Bbox to Bouygues Telecom ?

Need to return your Bbox equipment to Bouygues ? Discover the procedure to return the equipment to the operator. Whether for an exchange or following the termination of your Internet contract, our experts explain the procedures to be taken and the deadlines to meet. Also find the penalties incurred in the event of non -return of the Bbox of Bouygues Telecom.

Termination letter - Restore your Bbox to Bouygues Telecom

Discover our file to learn everything about the termination of Bouygues Telecom.

1. BBOX equipment from Bouygues: why return it ?

Bbox subscription: the equipment provided to customers

As part of a Bbox internet subscription, here is List of equipment and accessories Potentially supplied by Bouygues Telecom:

  • BBOX modem;
  • TV decoder;
  • the remote control ;
  • The WiFi repeater;
  • power cables;
  • ADSL cables;
  • Ethernet cables;
  • connection cables;
  • ADSL filters;
  • TV recording support (128 GB);
  • The installation kit.

For what reasons to restore its BBOX equipment ?

Some situations condition Return the equipment received with your BBox offer ::

  • the move of the subscriber;
  • termination of the Bbox subscription;
  • The change of offer to another Internet operator;
  • migration to a new Bbox offer;
  • faulty equipment or accessory to replace.

2. Methods to return equipment to Bouygues Telecom

The return of equipment to Bouygues Telecom in the event of withdrawal

You have decided to retract After subscribing a BBox offer ? You have 14 days To exercise this right. The equipment must also be returned to the 14 days following the request for withdrawal.

To do this, you must fill the return vouchers completed and available in the withdrawal form. It is necessary to send the equipment and all the accessories in the original packaging, to these postal coordinates:

Electronics cord
A6 building – West
Hub byt activity
11 rue du Nouette
Zi de Quévert
22103 Dinan

An example of a BBOX withdrawal letter

Here is a letter type of withdrawal from a Bbox:

BBOX retraction letter model

Registered termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt
Subject: Request for withdrawal from a Bbox

I inform you today by this letter of termination sent by registered mail, which I wish to withdraw the BBOX contract with remote, for the telephone line whose number is (indicate your line or subscriber number).

As provided for in article L121-21 of the Consumer Code, “the consumer has a period of fourteen days to exercise his right of withdrawal of a contract concluded remotely, following a canvassing or out establishment, without having to motivate your decision or to bear other costs.”Being again within this period of 14 days, I therefore invoke my right to retract, without the need to justify myself.

Following the receipt of this letter, please refund the royalties that I have already paid, within fourteen days, in accordance with article L 121-21-4 of the Consumer Code.

In the meantime, please accept, madam, sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

The return of equipment in Bouygues Telecom store

All of BBOX equipment and accessories can be deposited directly in a Bouygues Telecom store.

If you prefer, you can make an appointment upstream. This will allow you to avoid too long waiting on site.

Note: the deposit of the equipment in the agency is Billed 10 €. This sum will appear on your contract closing invoice or a dedicated invoice will be published.

The return of Bouygues Telecom equipment in relay point

All Bbox equipment is to be wrapped in a box. Remember to bring yourself restitution slip (the procedure to obtain it is indicated below) or the QR code.

The return of equipment in relay point is a free approach. It is the relay point which takes care, after the deposit, to return the package to Bouygues. Proof of deposit must be sent to you by the delivery service provider.

The return of Bouygtel equipment by post

In the case of a BBOX referral via a post Office, The restitution is At the expense of the subscription holder. The package is to be sent to Cordon Electronics in Dinan (Côtes d’Armor).

3. Equipment and Internet box: the restitution procedure in Bouygues

The BBOX equipment return slip

To send your equipment to Bouygues Telecom, you must obtain a return slip beforehand. This slip can be recovered from its Bouygues customer area, download.

It is also on the customer area that it is possible to select the relay point where the slip will be to present.

There is an alternative to the return voucher: the QR code. When validating your request, you are sent to you by email and sms. The code is simply to present at the chosen relay point.

Under what time to return the equipment to Bouygues ?

If the return context is linked to a termination of your internet offer, you have a period of 45 days to restore restitution, from taking into account the termination.

How to find your package relay ?

There List of nearby relay points is on the following link: https: // www.Relay Just indicate your postal code.

4. Non -return of the BBOX: the amount of penalties

THE Bouygues Telecom price guide specifies all the costs invoiced to customers, in the event of Non -return of complete equipment within 45 days mentioned or degradation observed.

The summary of the costs

Material Rate
Bbox 70 €
Bbox TV decoder 180 €
Module or case
optical termination
40 €
Recording support 60 €
CPL (Multi-TV subscribers) 110 €
WiFi repeater 80 €
Micro SD card 30 €
4G Box 75 €
Power cable, remote control 20 € per accessory
4G key 59 € 90

The return of equipment in Bouygues

5. Discover our other Bouygues termination guides

If you want to know when and how to stop a bouygues service, consult our guides.

  • BOX Asso Bouygues termination
  • Bouygues Mobile termination
  • Bouygues mobile insurance termination
  • Bouygues mobile termination letter
  • Internet termination in 6 points
  • 4G bouygues key termination
  • Box + mobile bouygues termination
  • Termination of an internet package
  • Bouygues termination fees

Send your termination letter by registered mail, without getting around

  • In partnership with La Poste
  • Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • No more trips, you save time !

Take Bbox and return your Bouygtel equipment in 2 minutes

  • Take up our typical letter from termination with the Internet access provider name and theCustomer service address in Chantilly (Oise).
  • Fill your request by indicating your complete contact details, your Bouygues Telecom subscriber number and the reason for breaking the contract.
  • Make the payment and proceed to theSending registered mail with AR From your computer or smartphone. The letter is printed by post and handed over to the customer service of the telephone operator.

In partnership with

Send your termination letter by registered post,

without moving ! in 2min

How to restore a Bbox Bouygues Telecom after termination ?

The return of your Bbox after having terminated a Bouygues offer is a simple operation, but important. Indeed, you can receive a bonus from Bouygues if the Bbox is returned within the deadlines. This restitution premium is equivalent to the termination costs of the BBOX, take advantage of it ! From the termination of your BBOX to the reception of the restitution bonus, do not miss any step with our special guide.

Restore the Bbox in Bouygues -

1. Bbox Bouygues’ restitution request

When your Internet, Fixed Line and Bouygues Telecom TV offer is terminated, the operator sends you an email in which the information allowed you to return your Bbox Bouygues Telecom. This information can be found on your customer area, and then connected, you will have everything you need for the return of the Bbox in Bouygues:

  • The deadline to which you must have returned the Bbox.
  • The details of the equipment and Accessories accompanying the Bbox Bouygues Telecom which must be returned together and without any lack.
  • The amount of the penalties that Bouygues Telecom can charge you in the event of restitution of the late Bbox, or if you do not return it.
  • A right of return. This good must be downloaded, printed, and glued to the package containing the Bbox Bouygues Telecom.

Note the BBOX restitution time, and send it back as soon as possible.

2. What accessories to restore to Bouygues Telecom ?

The accessories accompanying the Bbox Bouygues Telecom during its restitution are: power supply, network cable (ETH RJ45 or coaxial), ADSL cable (RJ 11), RF Splitter (only Fiber box).

For a Box TV decoder: power supply, network cable (ETH RJ45 or Coaxial), HDMI video cable, scart video cable, remote control.

THE Non -return costs of the Bbox Bouygues Telecom may be billed after 45 days of your termination. They may also have been asked if you return a decoder or a BBOX Bouygues Telecom in poor condition or not in accordance with the one who had been entrusted to you.

In case of Not restitution of equipment at Bouygues Telecom, The applied penalties are as follows:

  • Bbox ADSL or Miami: 70 €
  • Bbox TV decoder with integrated modem (delivered with the Bbox Sensation): 320 €
  • Bbox TV decoder: 180 €
  • Optical termination housing: 40 €
  • Other accessory: 20 €

3. How to send the Bbox to Bouygues Telecom ?

The Bbox Bouygues Telecom is fragile, like all Internet equipment. So you have to pack it properly, don’t forget to check that you are resting all the accessories with your Bbox or Bouygues Telecom decoder. If you have other questions regarding the return of the Bouygues Telecom Internet box, we invite you to consult the article available on their site.

The free dismissal of his Bbox in Bouygues

Know that there is More shipping vouchers to print and stick to the cardboard. But it is obviously possible to restore your BBOX by postal sending, at its expense.

You must then send the box directly to the return address of Bouygues Telecom:

Electronics cord
A6 building – West
Hub byt activity 1 rue du Nouette
Zi de Quévert
22103 Dinan

If you decide to return your BBOX or other Bouygues Telecom equipment directly, send a follow -up to parcel, and ensure the value of non -restitution penalties.

Reference by QR code with relay package

You can also opt for a restitution of equipment by Relais Colis, partner of Bouygues Telecom.

Indeed, the operator offers a QR code system with parcel relay. This service allows Bouygtel users and customers to put the equipment in a cardboard (virgin of any barcode), close this box and bring it directly into one of the network relays of the network.

To facilitate your procedures related to the return of the Internet equipment, it is the parcel relay which is responsible for gluing the return label after having flashed the QR code.

4. And after the restitution of the Bbox ?

As soon as Bouygues Telecom recorded the return of your Bbox or decoder, the operator reimburses the security deposit, if you had paid a. Recall that for offers subscribed after March 23, 2015, there is no security deposit. The security deposit was able to be returned to you during a previous change, for example change of offer or move. Of course, Bouygues Telecom will not reimburse you a second time.

You can continue to consult on your Bouygues Telecom customer area your last 12 invoices, for one year.

You can continue to consult and receive emails on your main and secondary BBOX mailbox for 6 months. Be sure to configure the transfer of emails arriving on your Bbox address to another address. Any sending new email is impossible.

And your mobile plan ?

Calculate the termination costs of your mobile package thanks to the terminal, and find better for cheaper

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