Instant transfer, phone payment, online check … | Boursorama Banque, First Transfer Boursorama: amounts, deadline & tutorial!

First Boursorama payment: understand everything

We also advise customers to copy/paste the numbers of the new Boursorama account to avoid any error when entering data.

International transfers and other means of payment

Offer reserved for adults and capable, and valid for any first effective opening of an individual stock market banking account (excluding Boursorama Banque professional account, excluding specific supply, see tariff brochure) with concomitant bank card request made from 08/01/2023.

The account opening request is reserved for any new customer beneficiary of the “BRS100” commercial offer code.

A bonus of € 20 for the opening of a Boursorama Banque bank account. The sum of € 20 will be credited to the bank account on the day of its effective opening.

A premium 80 € for ordering a WELCOME or Ultim bank card: € 80 of premium for any order of WELCOME or Ultim bank card carried out concomitantly at the request for a bank account opening, and accepted by Boursorama Banque. The sum of € 80 will be credited to the bank account on the day of its effective opening subject to acceptance of the bank card application file by Boursorama Banque.
Free of the first 8 contributions for the subscription of the Metal offer: you benefit, in accordance with the price brochure, from the free eight first contributions for the subscription of the concomitant metal offer at the request of opening a first Banking account (tariff in force on 08/01/2023, subject to change of pricing policy by Boursorama), subject to acceptance of your file by Boursorama. A payment of 80 cents will be paid on the same bank account in the 8th month.

In the event of subscription via the route in the application (eligible for Welcome, ultimous cards with systematic authorization only): the file must be complete and comply with the opening of the bank account via the application. Any incomplete file after 5 working days will have to be redone since the first stage of the subscription route. The first payment must reach Boursorama Banque once the electronic signature of the contract is made and the request for a bank card accepted by Boursorama Banque, to open the right to the payment of the commercial premium.

In case of subscription without the application (eligible for Welcome cards, ultimous with systematic authorization only): the file must be complete and conform within two months of the initial request: all supporting documents (outside the first payment, unless the latter is made by check in the event of paper subscription) must be attached before this date. The first payment will have to reach Boursorama Banque no later than 5 working days after receipt of the email which will indicate to the new customer that it can proceed to this first payment to open the right to the payment premium.

Offer limited to a single offer per person and not combined with any other Boursorama Banque offer.

In the event of closing of the customer’s account, either on the initiative of the customer himself, or on the initiative of Boursorama Banque in the event of seriously reprehensible behavior of the customer, during the 24 months following their effective opening, Boursorama Banque reserves the right to deire the amount corresponding to the premium or welcome premiums from which he benefited within the framework of this commercial offer.

First Boursorama payment: understand everything !

You want to know more about the First Boursorama transfer ? You are in the right place �� !

A first payment is compulsory to open a Boursorama account. Its amount depends on the bank card chosen during the subscription. In this file, discover everything you need to know about the first transfer to make on your Boursorama account.

Before starting and in order to see more clearly, here is what to remember about the first payment of Boursorama: ��

First Boursorama transfer:
In summary

What is the amount of the first transfer to Boursorama ?

The amount of the first transfer to Boursorama is € 50 on behalf of Welcome and € 300 for Ultim and Metal accounts. This first payment is compulsory to activate the Boursorama bank account. This payment is to be made by transfer using the RIB of the new Boursorama account. Funds must be fired from the bank account communicated during the subscription route. These are not costs, because the first payment is credited as soon as the bank account is finalized.

�� Good to know : The first payment at Boursorama is to be made by transfer, checks and species are not authorized as a power supply of the current account

�� Activating the Boursorama account with a first transfer is a compulsory condition To become a customer of the online bank. This is a guarantee for Boursorama that the new bank account will be used by the subscriber. This condition is completely classic online banks, because the Boursorama competitors all impose a first transfer to the opening of a bank account.

1st Boursorama transfer: FAQ !

You are wondering how to make a first Boursorama Banque transfer ? To no longer hesitate to open a bank account and know everything about the stages, conditions and deadlines related to the first Boursorama payment, we invite you to consult this FAQ.

�� How to make the first transfer to Boursorama ?

Here’s how to make the first transfer to Boursorama, in a few simple steps ::

  1. Open a bank account
  2. Receive the Boursorama IBAN by email
  3. Add the Boursorama RIB as a beneficiary
  4. Make the transfer from your account

First Boursorama transfer

To make the first payment of Boursorama, the first step is to apply for a bank account opening. The subscription route has the advantage of being very simple, because it is enough to answer a few questions, choose your bank card and add your supporting documents (by download or taking pictures with your smartphone). The documents requested are an identity document, a RIB in its name and first name, a selfie and a signature on white sheet.

�� Good to know: The RIB provided to the subscription must be that of the bank account from which the first Boursorama transfer is made

�� After verifying data and signing the contract, the bank confirms the subscription with the sending of the RIB of the new bank account. It must then be added as a beneficiary from your bank account and make the first Boursorama payment for Welcome of 50 euros or for Ultim or Metal of 300 euros minimum.

�� When to make the first Boursorama transfer ?

The first Boursorama transfer must be made within 5 days after receiving confirmation of the account opening. The online bank transmits the new account RIB within 72 hours of the subscription request and customers then have 5 days to carry out the operation. After this period, the subscription process is automatically canceled.

�� To save time, we advise future customers to consult their messaging regularly And to add the RIB Boursorama as beneficiary upon receipt to make the first transfer. It then takes 48 hours to obtain confirmation of the subscription and receive your connection identifiers to its customer area.

�� Good to know : The transferred funds are automatically available upon receipt of the first transfer by Boursorama

�� What account to use to make the first Boursorama transfer ?

The account to be used to make the first Boursorama transfer must be a bank account domiciled in the EU associated with the RIB provided during the subscription. This bank account must be in the name and first name of the subscriber, it is therefore not possible to use the bank account of a third party. To make the first transfer to Boursorama, this account can also be domiciled in Switzerland, in the United Kingdom or in the overseas departments.

1st Boursorama payment

To prevent any problem during the first transfer for Boursorama Banque, it is recommended to ensure that the necessary funds are present on the bank account which will be deducted. The amounts required by Boursorama are € 50 for the Welcome card and € 300 for Ultim or Metal cards.

We also advise customers to copy/paste the numbers of the new Boursorama account to avoid any error when entering data.

�� If all the payment conditions are met, Boursorama receives the first transfer within 48 hours worked and notify the reception of the payment by e-mail and SMS. This last step validates the opening of the Boursorama bank account, customers also receive their identifiers to access the customer area of ​​the online bank.

�� What is the receipt of the first Boursorama transfer ?

The time to receive the first Boursorama transfer is 48 working hours. This is the regulatory period necessary to make a classic sepa transfer. After the addition of the beneficiary, the time to issue the SEPA transfer is 24 working hours on average, followed by a maximum of 48 working hours to be credited on the Boursorama account.

�� Good to know : It is not possible to make the 1st Boursorama payment by instant transfer

�� To the question “What happens after my first Boursorama transfer ?”, The answer is simple: the bank account is activated. Upon receipt, in principle 48 working hours after its issue, the online bank transmits the connection identifiers to the customer area. At the same time, online banking triggers the manufacture and sending the physical bank card. While waiting for its reception, customers take advantage of a virtual bank card compatible with Apple Pay and Google Pay.

�� Can we make a first check in check at Boursorama ?

It is not possible to make the first payment in check at Boursorama. The first deposit for activating the bank account must be made by SEPA transfer. To do this, after the validation of the subscription file and the signing of the contract, Boursorama provides an IBAN to be transmitted to the current bank. Thanks to this RIB, the new customer makes a transfer of € 50 for an order for a Welcome bank card or € 300 for Ultim or Metal cards.

�� Boursorama Banque is not an exception, many online banks do not accept checking a check as the first payment. It is common for these types of banks to demand a first deposit by bank transfer. On the other hand, after opening the account, it is possible to make checks of checks by post, with filling of an online check delivery slip.

�� Can we make a first instant transfer at Boursorama ?

It is impossible to make a first instant transfer at Boursorama. The reason is simple: an instant transfer can only be made to an already active account. However, this first deposit is that necessary to activate the Boursorama bank account. The time for a classic separate transfer is 48 working hours. The online bank will send a notification by email and by SMS indicating the good reception of the transfer and the activation of the bank account.

It is the same impossible to make the 1st transfer to the Boursorama check. As with the instant transfer, a checking out of check would require an already active bank account. Online bank therefore requires a transaction by separate transfer. Check and instant transfer will only be possible after the first Boursorama transfer, once the customer area has accessible, from the website or on the mobile application.

�� Good to know : At Boursorama, it is not possible to supply the bank account by cash

�� How to get the Iban to make the first Boursorama payment ?

To obtain the IBAN to make the first Boursorama payment, you just have to consult your emails, Because the online bank transmits the RIB of the new account upon validation of the request for subscription. To receive the RIB from the new account, the file must be complete with the following supporting documents: ID, RIB named an outdoor bank, selfie and handwritten signature on white sheet.

It is also necessary to comply with the general conditions of Boursorama to open an account: be a major, tax resident in France, not based on the Banque de France and have a French mobile phone number.

�� The transfer on the new stock market must be made from the bank account associated with the RIB communicated during the subscription route. The online bank requests that this bank account be held in a European Union bank, Switzerland or the United Kingdom. You must transmit the new RIB provided by Boursorama to this bank and make the transfer of 50 or 300 € depending on the bank card chosen.

�� Is the first payment compulsory at Boursorama ?

The first payment is compulsory at Boursorama. This first payment must be made by transfer, because the delivery of checks or the deposit of species is not authorized for a first deposit in the online bank. It is also necessary to comply with the minimum deposit imposed: € 50 for a subscription to Welcome and € 300 for a subscription to Ultim or Metal.

As a comparison, the amount requested on average by online banks is 150 to 300 €. The 1st Boursorama transfer is the step necessary to activate the new bank account. For the smooth running of the transaction, the funds requested must be present on the account used to make this first deposit.

�� Good to know : the funds of the first payment on the Boursorama account are not taken by the online bank, because the bank account is automatically credited with the amount deposited

�� Is it possible to make the first transfer of Boursorama from a foreign bank account ?

It is possible to make the first transfer of Boursorama from a foreign bank account provided that it is located in a country of the European Union, in the United Kingdom or in Switzerland. It is necessary to transmit the RIB of the foreign bank account during the subscription to Boursorama, otherwise the request for opening an account cannot succeed.

�� Customers holding a bank account in the United States, for example, cannot make the first transfer requested by Boursorama. Online bank requires a rib UE upon subscription. However, other banking establishments do not require this justifying document. This is the case, for example, of N26, Nickel, PCS or Sogexia.

�� How to know if the first transfer was received by Boursorama ?

To find out if the first transfer was received by Boursorama, you must consult your mailbox and check your SMS, Because the bank sends a notification. This alert attests to the good reception of the 1st Boursorama payment and the activation of the new bank account. Connection identifiers to the Boursorama customer area are sent upon activation of the account.

�� The deadline for the first Boursorama transfer is around 48 working hours. This is the regulatory deadline for conventional SEPA transfers, since it is not possible to activate an account by instant transfer. It is therefore necessary to wait approximately 2 working days before the funds are credited and to receive the notification of activation of the bank account.

�� What period of availability of funds following the first Boursorama transfer ?

The period of availability of funds following the first Boursorama transfer is instantaneous. Indeed, this first payment does not constitute a fee, it is immediately available. New customers can freely use their first deposit as soon as the subscription. The first payment is a way for Boursorama to ensure that the bank account will be used.

�� It is generally necessary to have a period of 48 hours worked between sending and receiving the separate transfer. Boursorama offers a welcome bonus when opening a new bank account. The amount of the bonus is paid at the time of activation of the bank account and immediately usable without restriction. The premium will however be retained by Boursorama Banque if the bank account is maintained for less than a year.

Boursorama First transfer: in conclusion !

To become a Balance Banking Customer, online banking requires a first deposit at the opening of the bank account. This first transfer for Boursorama comes at the end of the subscription route fully achievable online. The amount imposed depends on the card chosen: € 50 for Welcome and € 300 for Ultim or Metal. Upon receipt of the transfer, around 48 working hours after its issue, the bank sends a notification and activates the new bank account.

�� The need to make a first payment at Boursorama to open an account there involves holding a bank account in another bank. The RIB of this outdoor bank is transmitted at the same time as the other supporting documents. When the file is validated, Boursorama sends the new RIB necessary for the payment. The 1st Boursorama transfer must necessarily be made by classic separate transfer, the instant transfer and the delivery of a check not being authorized as long as the account is not activated.

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