Install the fiber optics in a building: what should I do?, PBO (Optical connection point).

PBO (Optical connection point)

On the other hand, in the event that your building is not yet connected to the fiber, it is necessary to perform a connection request.

How to have fiber optics installed in my building ?

The connection of your fiber building is a necessary step before benefiting from very high speed in your apartment. This decision must be taken by co -owners and the installation can sometimes take some time depending on the buildings due to the many steps to be taken. Follow our guide to better understand how the connection of a fiber optic building is going.

  • The essential
  • Before requesting the connection of your fiber building, Check if your residential area is well covered by this technology.
  • Perform the request for connection to trustee, who cannot oppose the installation of optical fiber in the building thanks to the right to fiber.
  • The connection of an optical fiber building is free and requires 1 to 3 days of intervention.
  • When the fiber is deployed in your building, you only have to Connect your apartment and subscribe to a fiber offer at the operator of your choice.

Install the fiber in a building: first steps

Despite the rapid deployment of optical fiber on French territory with already more than 33.1 million eligible households At the beginning of 2023, millions of dwellings have not yet access. If this is your case, we explain you step by step the different stages of the fiber connection of your building.

I check the deployment of fiber in my residential area

Before you think of installing fiber optics in your apartment, it is imperative to check if you live in a residential area in which the fiber has been deployed. To do this, you can go to the website of the France very high speed observatory and indicate your address in the search bar. The site will then tell you if you have access to a 100% fiber connection (or FTTH offer for fiber to the home, or “fiber to the house” in English). If you do not have access to the fiber, the only thing to do will be to wait for it to be deployed in your area. On the other hand, if the fiber is already available in your neighborhood, the last step is to make the connection of your fiber building.

If you live in a condominium building, First check if your building is not already connected to the fiber optics Before starting other steps. There are several ways to make sure:

  • Observe the common areas : in most cases, you can find a small sign indicating that an operator has equipped your building well.
  • Ask your neighbors, of your owner (if you are a tenant) or the trustee.
  • Carry out an eligibility test : it will allow you to know in a few seconds what technology is available in your home and which internet offers you can claim.

Test your eligibility for optical fiber to

If the building is connected to the fiber but not your apartment, all you have to do is have the fiber installed in your accommodation by subscribing to a fiber optic with the operator of your choice: the installation will be free.

Fiber is available in my city: I ask for the connection of my fiber optic building

On the other hand, in the event that your building is not yet connected to the fiber, it is necessary to perform a connection request.

  • If you are the owner, you can apply to the trustee via a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, so that the subject is mentioned at the next general meeting of co -owners. The trustee will not be able to oppose your request.
  • If you are a tenant, turn to your landlord who will make the requests follow the parties concerned.

The trustee then presents to the co -owners different proposals for internet access providers (ISP) for the work, and the assembly selects an operator. A deployment agreement is signed between the operator and the syndicate of co -owners, in which the installation and maintenance conditions are indicated as well as the installation times. The ISP has 6 months to install the optical fiber for free within your building. This installation will serve as the basis for all other operators. He is also responsible for maintenance and he is the owner (generally for a period of 25 years). In the event of delay in the work, financial penalties may apply and the condominium may decide to change the Internet access provider.

It is important to distinguish, on the one hand, the Internet access provider (ISP) which installs optical fiber throughout the building, and on the other hand, commercial operators, which only allow occupants of Subscribe to a fiber subscription. If the building operator is a unique choice of co -owners, the commercial operator is chosen freely by the occupier, even a tenant. The Internet access provider can sell fiber packages to occupants by highlighting its own network, but you have no obligation to take out at home.

How will the fiber be installed in my building ?

When the connection request has been accepted by the condominium and an internet access provider has been selected, all you have to do is proceed to the connection.

What is the point of pooling ?

Depending on the type of building in which you live, the installation work of the optical fiber may differ because it will depend on the location of the pooling point: this is the place where the fiber network leaves optical. For example, if you live in a large building comprising more than 12 dwellings, the pooling point will generally be at the foot of the building. On the other hand, for smaller buildings, of less than 12 dwellings, it will often be installed in the street, serving several other homes. A point of mutualisation is equipment resembling a wardrobe, allowing all operators to connect on it and thus provide fiber subscriptions to occupants.

Installation of fiber optics in your building

Once the pooling point is located, the optical fiber is first installed in the rising column of the building, from bottom to top, using ducts already containing cables when possible. If necessary, they use new ones. Then, for each landing, the technicians of the FAI install an optical connection point (PBO). It is a fiber optic case that will be placed on each floor of the building. With regard to the common parts, the installation period is generally 1 to 3 days.

Finally, each accommodation can be connected to the fiber optics thanks to these PBOs, by extending the fiber from the PBO to the optical end point of the various households. You are free to connect your accommodation when the work takes place in your building, or to do it later with a different operator during a subscription to a fiber optic box.

Compare the fiber offers of operators to

What is the cost of connecting my building with optical fiber ?

The connection of your fiber optic building is a free service, whatever the operator. It is therefore unnecessary to choose an Internet access provider according to the prices of the subscriptions he offers. In order to choose the adequate ISP for your building, you can take into account the following criteria:

  • The installments of installation of the fiber, the operator having to engage over a given period
  • The quality of the work: operator experience, quality of the material used
  • Installation conditions: access to the common areas, working hours, noise pollution, cleaning of any rubble, elements of the building that will be modified, etc.

The fiber network being within your building is called the vertical network (because it goes up all along the building), as opposed to the horizontal network installed in the street, depending on the traffic lanes). The vertical network installed by the building operator can be monofiber, that is to say that it allows only one fiber connection at a time, or multifibre, which allows to have up to 4 ports simultaneous connection.

What is the right to fiber ?

Since 2009, there has been a right to fiber which guarantees equal access to very high speed connection. You can therefore benefit from the installation of the fiber as soon as you are eligible. Indeed, depending on the law, when you make a request for connection, the owner of the building cannot oppose the installation of the fiber optics:

The owner of a building cannot, notwithstanding any contrary convention, even previously concluded, to oppose without serious and legitimate reason for the connection to a network of very high speed electronic communications in fiber optic open to the public as well as to the Installation, maintenance, or replacing the necessary equipment, at the expense of one or more tenants or occupants in good faith

The opposition can only be valid in the event of a legitimate reason, that is to say if the connection has already been planned or, in the case of an apartment, if your accommodation is already connected to it. It is also important to note that the owner of an accommodation has the obligation to send the request to connect the building to the condominium as soon as his tenant requires it.

Likewise, new buildings must be connected to fiber. In the case of old buildings, the latter are also affected by this obligation as soon as they are the subject of rehabilitation work requiring the deposit of a building permit.

PBO (Optical connection point)

THE PBO (Optical connection point) is a housing placed at the upstream end of the end customer wiring where we will connect the optical sockets of customers to the vertical fiber optic network.

The equipment is located at the end of the wiring downstream of the PM and just before the final customer wiring (CCF) which allows the Pbo at PTO inside the accommodation.

Different types of PBO

PBOI – Inner optical connection point

Pboi (Floor box) – Credits:

We find this type of PBO in the buildings: these boxes are installed on each remedy (or both the two floors).

THE Pboi also called Be (Floor box) or Bdp (Level housing) will connect each accommodation to the network point
vertical of the building.

PBOE – Outdoor optical connection point

PboeCredits: Lafibre.Info (Airflyer59)

THE Pboe is used to connect individual houses.

It is located in a wardrobe, on the facade of a building or on air support.

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June 7, 2018 at 6:57 p.m
In the second photo, it is not a PBO but a copper PC
July 19, 2018 at 12 h 33 min
Thank you, modified image ��
April 19, 2019 at 2:37 p.m

Hello, I liked this explanation. I would also like to have some explanation on PMZ, PA, NRO and how it works.

August 30, 2019 at 2 p.m. 19 min

Good morning
I have a free technician who came to set up my fiber but he told me that the PBO was too far from my home 100 meters is true that it is not right to draw the optical cable to more than 100 meters of the PBO at my home
Thank you for your responses

November 1, 2019 at 2:30 p.m

Good morning,
I live between 2 PBOs. How to know which I will be connected ?
Work to my home will be more or less complex depending on the case.

November 3, 2019 at 6:37 p.m

I already know nothing about it … In short, I am eligible for fiber but my property is 250m from the connection point. Orange tells me not wanting to shoot a fiber up to me unless you pay … a blind. Compared to the obligation of completeness how to solve my problem at a lower forced to stay with my adsl?

November 12, 2019 at 3 p.m. 08 min
Hello, for info, illustration images are no longer available. Sincerely.
November 12, 2019 at 3:09 p.m

Well, false alert the images are well displayed, I don’t know what happened. You can delete this comment as well as my previous. Sincerely.

November 14, 2019 at 9:51 p.m

Good morning. In my street all the dwellings had a bpo installed except for my home. Can I still have the fiber?

May 23, 2020 at 11 h 09 min

Hello Mr and mrs can you give me your synthesis of information on fiber optics of connection cordially

October 10, 2020 at 9 h 13 min

Why I have a PBO in my remedy but I am not eligible for any fiber of operators when I do an eligibility test her tells me that I am not eligible thank you for answering me as soon as possible

November 8, 2020 at 10:08 p.m

Good morning,
In our residence, we have all been eligible for 1 year.
19 Passages of Bouygues, Orange, and SFR technicians.
None could connect us!
The reason, SFR which installs the fiber connected us to the neighboring building … At their discharge, 5 years ago, the building and we were at the same number of the same street. Result, today we are eligible but we will never have fiber with us and the technicians who come cannot make the modification. There is a PBO in an FT hatch but SFR prohibits technician from connecting to it. In the end, in the natural park and all around, everyone has fiber except us. SFR does not want to hear anything, the elected officials have so many complaints that they do not even receive any more. Thank you SFR engineers for this great implementation work.
For info, I have a box in the field of outsourcing. Not having fiber is a real handicap! All this to say that the massive deployment of fiber to achieve the goals is far from being flawless ��

November 10, 2020 at 12 h 39 min

Good morning,
There is a solution that is the mediator of the Telecom
https: // www.Mediation-Telecom.Org/
and arcep
https: // jalerte.arcep.Fr/
Which can also intervene.
After depending on the year of the building permit, there is a fiber connection obligation for building permits deposited from April 1, 2012.

December 2, 2020 at 5:20 p.m

Good morning,
I have two pboe for fiber in front of my house, how to know which is mine?
They are each at a different end of the terrain and I have to dig a trench but I do not know which no connection.

December 7, 2020 at 4 h 33 min

Hello, 3 operators who came on site nobody wants to install the pb fiber too far, only in housing in my building not profitable, being in 2020 in ADSL is horrible. How to oblige the work, the buildings around my accommodation are all fiber connects. THANKS

February 2, 2021 at 8 h 58 min
Hello how to know where is the bp to which I should be connected and where it is located? THANKS
April 23, 2021 at 7 h 51 min

Good morning,
Once the PBO is installed, is eligible for fiber or if not that it is the deadline for a connection ?

June 8, 2021 at 8:09 p.m
By the way I am passionate to know how the fiber optics of an NRO until onl
October 8, 2021 at 1:57 p.m

Good morning,
The PTO installer at home had to call Orange to change the assignment of my line in the PMZ.
Explanation: everything was full and some inhabitants were assigned to take the PMZ but was not subscribed.Can you tell me what it is about.
I finally had my connection ok, following a digital orange handling.

December 10, 2021 at 10 a.m

Good morning,
There have been wild connection to the PBO assigned to me and for 17 months I have been patient after many mail complaints, favorable advice from the mediator … Do PBOs have a number and or find it because I plan to request an injunction from the judge.
thank you

October 5, 2022 at 10 h 49 min

Hello I would like to install a case (PBO) for the connection of several tenants but I do not find an interlocutor, such or email
Thank you for your help

December 28, 2022 at 11:00 a.m

Hello a bad allocation of the PBO was assigned to me how to change it? I have already contacted my operator Orange several times but he does nothing despite the counter made by their technicians who intervened at home … without success because bad PBO allocation. I have no interlocutor
Thanks for your help

December 29, 2022 at 4:20 p.m

Hello, 6 visits to SFR service provider technicians, and still not connected. The PBO closest to me is not the one to which my journey leaves (current coaxial connection cables). How to change PBO ?

February 6, 2023 at 11 h 29 min

In a residence we want to conform the PBO boxes installed by SFR, the work of which was sabotaged
Thanks for your help

March 30, 2023 at 4:48 p.m

Hello, I have to connect to the public domain by doing civil engineering work (trench, scabbard …) but I have 1 PBO box upstream and 1 downstream from my home, before starting the work, which can give me the case assigned to me? Thanking you.
Best regards.

June 7, 2023 at 4 h 55 min

PB0 case cover already breaks. For a long time reported my town hall manager does not obtain a response to reminders . How I do if I can’t call medical aid in an emergency. You will assume the consequences. It is not a big job just reinstate this lid in order to avoid that there are no more degates there

June 7, 2023 at 9 h 06 min

Hello Chantal, we advise you to contact the company directly which has installed the fiber in your municipality, or your operator who will redirect you to it if necessary. We are an information site on fiber and not an optical fiber installation company.

June 27, 2023 at 2:15 p.m

hello has all indeed the bpoe are boxes of which a union owns with the operator
which use them to connect their subscribers so far normal, but the problem is
that the facades belong to houses or immusables whose occupying them in its step necessarily the subscribers ! Here therefore a servitude of the operators is exercised on the owners to have the facades of the buildings avoiding making common points of more expensive connection
These uses are therefore subject to contract with the owners or union union where it is complicated being when an owner whose tenant wants the fiber and therefore must in principle receive the box on the house he occupies does not want Not having a large gray box on its facade with wires passing under the windows and large blue labels at the outlet of the case to identify the accounts by the operators . where it gets complicated is when contracts are subject by constraint on the one hand, especially on elderly persons by making them shift that it will have free fiber offered by the union governing
All this and especially that to the owners if the out of date has subscribers so the owners refused ! the installation of not telling the one who remains therefore ! Available in flavor almost for opera ! that the servitude of the facade of its property will be to the operators !
that the latter have no account to give the owner, only if the latter wants to do work
He will have at his expense and notice failing in court
Returning the case so as not to deprive the subscribers the operators have nothing planned for this purpose !
to the owners to break off !
If the owner wants to sell then remove
The case is no . only the new ones can and still on registered letter and or court and at their expense !
Note that now almost everyone is info its easements of these pretty boxes on the walls of a house putting the bazaar with the crane when a connection of a new customer or a change of operator is on a Subscribe this with cable draws often over a roof ! at risk of dropping a few slates !
no counter easements on the uses of the house of this fact where the case is
What more can I say about this !
It is up to the owner to take responsibility on behalf of the operator who was full
to have a person be stupid so or too much
confident ! To accept that a box is
his home . This is unfair because no counterpart would be the same as thanks
Because if this avoids drawing cables at over 100 m the owner of the nearest house facade is all the same, a rent also should be even modest for the inconveniences
Passage of wires under windows ugly box denaturing the facade, all the easements, because it is impossible to have the box removed for the slightest reason except the vital ! Emergencies (lol) Interventions under windows with a plunging view of the technician on your private life (lol) without any letter to the owner in notice also at this time the latter if he wants to be connected on the case on his house may Or will have to be installed one above the first or below according to nothing no offer for a fiber subscription in thanks for leaving its ownership facade to operator facade !
If he is tired of seeing this installation after 5 years at home he can do nothing !
Maybe the court ! And it has its costs that thinking of this modernity slavery
modern ! still good people and often elderly or too well attentive and friendly
This has a name abuse of commercial but must be proven in any case not normal on the conditions and return to the owners of the owners
As a compensation on the many inconvenient inconveniences
Go hi everyone and open the eye

September 22, 2023 at 3:47 p.m

Hello, 3 years ago we made a letter to the town hall of Viry-Châtillon in Essonne, not understanding why we were one of the few houses in the neighborhood not to be connected to the fiber. The town hall did the necessary with the SFR operator who was in charge of the deployment of fiber in our town. A connection was carried out in a very arbitrary manner by SFR. Even though a France Telecom mouth is 2.5 meters from our house in our street. SFR preferred to connect us to the back of the house, taking the passage of the existing ADSL wiring.
They installed a PBO to which we were connected.
This PBO borrows the passage of a building located a street further. The problem that we currently encounter is that each passage from a technician in this building, our fiber is systematically cut considering that she does not eat the building. Reinstatement of the connection taking each time 15 days to 3 weeks. This situation being untenable we ended up giving up the fiber and returning to the ADSL. However since September 2, after having terminated our ADSL Free subscription to change operators, we learn to our surprise, that being eligible for fiber, we can no longer take an adsl subscription. We have again subscribed a fiber subscription to
de Bouygues and for which we meet the same issues again before we even established the first connection. Despite the passage of 4 technicians. The problem is always the same. Interrupted connection at the foot of the building. Problem of access to the building. No internet connection and no television. We are in the most total disarray because of this wobbly installation which forces us in passing by a building in which we do not reside and which is not accessible for technicians. What institution should be called upon for the infrastructure to be reviewed? Because SFR will not move his little finger to correct. Thank you for your reply

September 22, 2023 at 5:16 p.m

Hello Asma, sorry to learn this. You can enter the electronic communications mediator, inform Arcep or your town hall to find a relevant solution to your problem.

Connection to optical fiber in co -ownership: what are the steps to follow ?

You live in a condominium and wish to install the fiber optics in your accommodation ? The steps to follow will depend on your building. Discover step by step how to connect your apartment ..

Fiber connection co -ownership

Posted on 03/31/2021 | Updated on 07/29/2022 | by the team

How to connect accommodation in an unlisted building ?

You own an apartment located in a building that has not yet been fiber ? In this case, the installation of the fiber will take a little more time, because you have a series of steps to be carried out before you can connect your accommodation.

Step 1: Ask the trustee

Thus, for install optical fiber, You must first submit a request, by registered mail, to the trustee so that this is discussed at the next general meeting. This is when a vote will be made to validate or not the installation of the fiber in the building.

If at the end of the general assembly, the fiber connection is voted, the trustee must then choose a Internet access provider (ISP) who will be responsible for installing fiber in the building. When an operator is selected, a deployment agreement must be signed between the latter and the syndicate of co -owners. This document must in particular define the conditions of installation of the fiber and maintenance.

Once this agreement has been signed, The operator has six months to install the fiber optics in the building. He will first send a technician responsible for determining the work to be carried out. A diagnosis will then be given to the trustee who will have to validate it so that the deployment of the fiber can begin. A technician will then come and install a point of pooling in the common areas of the building so that other ISPs can connect. In some cases, a connection point can also be installed on each floor. Note that All these works are completely free. Any management or maintenance costs of installations in the building are the responsibility of the operator.

Exclusivity of the FAI which fiber the building

In 2018, the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts) was clear on this subject: the operator who installs fiber in a building does not benefit from exclusivity on subscriptions for six months. On the contrary, once the building has been connected, it must inform its competitors and wait a period of three months before offering its services, in order to leave the others ISP time to connect to the network.

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Step 2: Choose an ISP and connect your accommodation to fiber

Once your building is fiber, you just have to Choose an Internet access provider. You are free to take out a box with the operator of your choice. For example, if Orange is the FAI which installed the fiber in your building, you do not have to take out a livebox. You can, if you wish, subscribe to Free, Bouygues or SFR. If you do not know which one to choose, do not hesitate to contact our advisers at 09 74 59 39 34. They will guide you to the best offer of the moment.

Once you have subscribed to an internet subscription, you will have to make an appointment So that a technician comes to install fiber in your accommodation. When you come, you must be present, because it will need your permission to carry out small jobs. Before D-Day, make sure he can have access to the point of pooling without problem. If it is located in the cellar or in a room, ask the keys to the concierge.

The connection of your fiber accommodation lasts about Between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m and takes place as follows:

  1. The technician will connect your apartment to the fiber housing of your building. To do this, he will pass an optical cable using technical sheaths or by making a small hole in the entrance to your accommodation;
  2. The technician will then install the fiber optics in your apartment in the room of your choice. If there is already one in your accommodation, you can ask it to move it;
  3. Once the taking is placed, the technician will install your Internet equipment and put them into service.

Fiber is now installed in your apartment. You just have to take advantage of it !

How to install the fiber in a condominium already fiber ?

Fiber has already been installed in your building ? Good news: the steps to connect your accommodation will be fast and simple.

First of all, choose a hake if you don’t know which one to choose, Use our Internet box comparator in order to find the subscription that suits you best. Then follow the following steps to connect your accommodation:

  1. When subscribing to your internet offer, book an appointment so that a technician can come to your home. You must be present that day;
  2. Before his arrival, make sure he has access to the point of pooling. If you do not know where it is, ask the concierge or the trustee;
  3. The technician will then connect your accommodation to the fiber housing using an optical cable either by passing it in sheaths, or by piercing a small hole above your front door;
  4. The technician will install the optical socket within your accommodation. You choose where you want it to be placed. If there is already one in your apartment, but its location does not suit you, you can ask the technician to move it;
  5. Once the technical installations have been made, the technician will install your equipment and put it into service.

At the end of this intervention, your accommodation will be connected to the fiber and you can start enjoying it.

Free service

Are you sure you don’t pay your internet too expensive ?


What is the cost of fiber connection ?

The deployment of optical fiber in a building is the responsibility of the operator chosen by the trustee. When you connect your accommodation, you have no costs to be expected either. Fiber installation is done for free, unless you choose a special option. For example, Orange leaves the choice between free connection or expert installation at € 89 which includes optimization of WiFi coverage, tests and recommendations.

On the other hand, if you have a single house in condominiums, costs may be expected according to the operators.

Operator Underground connection Air connection
SFR Individual house or housing of less than 4 dwellings: € 149 home for more than 4 people: € 60 Individual house or housing of less than 4 dwellings: € 299 housing of more than 4 people: € 60
Orange Included
Free Included
Bouygues Telecom Included up to 100 m of cable

Note that all ISPs will charge you on commissioning costs of around € 50.

Other questions about this subject ?

  • As a tenant can I ask for a fiber optic connection ?
  • Is the fiber optical connection ?
  • What is an exclusive Internet supplier ?
  • Can we subscribe to another operator than the one who made the connection to the fiber optics ?
  • Which operator will connect the fiber optics to my accommodation ?
  • What are the steps to request a fiber optic connection ?
  • Will the transition to fiber optical lead to an interruption of service ?
  • Should you have a telephone line to take advantage of fiber optics services ?
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