How to use the SFR box plus?, Box Plus SFR: Installation and characteristics of the SFR Box Plus

Box Plus SFR: Installation and characteristics of the SFR Box Plus

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How to use the SFR box plus ?

If you subscribe to an SFR Power 7 or SFR Premium offer, in ADSL or FTTH fiber, you will receive the box more SFR. That the SFR BOX PLUS contains ? How to install the Box Plus SFR ? In this article, find all the information necessary to fully benefit from all your SFR services thanks to your box plus.

You wish to take out an SFR offer with the box plus ?

You wish to take out an SFR offer with the box plus ?

  • The essential :
  • There Box more sfr is included for any subscription of an offer SFR ADSL POWER 7, SFR ADSL Premium, SFR Fiber Power 7 And SFR Premium fiber.
  • It is possible to connect to the wifi of your Plus SFR box thanks to the Ssid (network name) or WPS function.
  • You can Configure your Box Plus SFR From the administration interface. To access it, type in the search bar of your web browser the address “ “.

Sfr box plus: what is it ?

The Box More SFR You are provided, with the more SFR decoder (on request), when you subscribe to the following SFR Box offers:

  • SFR ADSL Premium
  • SFR Fiber Power (FTTH)
  • SFR Premium fiber (FTTH)

Once connected, it allows you tointernet and to all The services included in your SFR Box offer, among which are always understood:

  • ADSL2+ and ADSL or FTTH SFR fiber according to your offer.
  • Fixed telephony unlimited via the internet.
  • SFR digital television (thanks to the TV decoder).
  • EPS and Activeille remote monitoring services.

You are interested in an SFR Box Power 7 offer with the box plus ? Click the button below.

How to install the box more sfr ?

Check the contents of the SFR Box Plus pack

The first to do before plug your box plus sfr is to check the content of your SFR Box Plus Pack. This must contain:

  • The Box More SFR
  • A sector adapter
  • An ADSL filter
  • A DSL RJ11 cable (white with gray tips)
  • An RJ45 Ethernet cable (white with yellow tips)

If you have all the material necessary for the connection of Your SFR BOX PLUS, you can proceed to its connection.

How to plug the box plus SFR ?

There Following walking to connect your SFR plus box is the same as you subscribe to an ADSL or SFR Fiber (FTTH) offer. Indeed, in the case of an SFR Fiber offer, the only connections specific to the use of the optical fiber are carried out by a technician. On your side, the installation procedures are the same as with an ADSL SFR offer.

In ADSL or in FTTH fiber, you have so 5 steps to follow To install your SFR BOX PLUS.

  1. Connect the supply of the box more sfr : Start by connecting your PLUS SFR box to the sector outlet closest to your telephone socket. Remember to keep the Power button on your box on the position off as long as the connections are not finished. Please note, if you want to use A CPL adapter (Online carrier current) and a multi -admission, the connection order must be as follows: the CPL on your wall outlet, then your multiprise on your CPL. If you plug in your multi -pitch between your wall outlet and your CPL, the quality of your TV signal can be disturbed.
  2. Connect the Box More SFR to the Murale telephone socket : After connecting your PLUS SFR box to the sector, you must connect it to the telephone socket. To do this :
    • Connect the RJ11 telephone cable (gray tips) to the DSL port of your box plus.
    • Connect your DSL cable to the ADSL filter.
    • Connect everything to your wall plug.
  3. Connect your fixed phone to the box more sfr : Bring the telephone cable supplied with your landline phone and connect your landline phone to Port Tel of your Box Plus SFR. Please note, the telephone cable that allows you to connect your landline phone to your SFR plus box is not provided In your SFR Box Plus pack. The landlines either.
  4. Connect your computer to the Box More SFR : use the Ethernet cable (yellow tips) provided in your SFR Box Plus pack to connect your computer and your box more.
  5. Turn on the box more sfr : it’s time to switch on your Plus SFR box. To do this, position the “Power” button on “ON”.

After a few minutes of waiting, your plus box has finished updating. You can then Connect your wifi devices to your SFR plus box.

How to connect to the wifi of the plus SFR box ?

For Connect one of your equipment to the WiFi network of your SFR BOX PLUS, You must first activate the wifi of your box. To do this, go to the top of the latter and press the wifi button.

Once the WiFi light of your box is on, You can connect one of your equipment to your private network. You have the choice between two connection methods.

  1. Via the WiFi safety key : you can connect to your private WiFi network thanks to the WiFi safety key registered on the back of your Box Plus SFR. To do this, activate WiFi on your equipment and go to the available WiFi list. Click on the name of your WiFi network (SSID) and register the WiFi safety key of your Box Plus SFR.
  2. Via WPS function : It is also possible to connect your devices to your wifi network via the WPS function of your box. To do this, you must first have activated the WPS function of your SFR BOX Plus via your web management interface. Go to the “WiFi” section, then “Security” and “WPS activation”. Make sure the “WPS button” is selected. Then activate the WPS function of your equipment by going to the WiFi settings and press the “padlock” button on your box. Your equipment then automatically connects to the WiFi network of your SFR BOX PLUS.

SFR Box Plus: Configure access to the administration interface

Box Plus SFR

You can Configure your Box Plus SFR Since his Administration interface. To do this, you have 3 steps to follow.

  1. Go to the management interface : Start by opening your usual web browser and type in the search bar the “ ”.
  2. Unlock access to the administration interface : To modify the settings of your Plus SFR box, you must unlock access. Go to the “Maintenance” section, then “Administration”. Access to the administration is doubly protected. You have to :
    • Press the service button on your box plus.
    • Return the wifi safety key of your box to the management interface.
  3. Choose the protection mode of your administration interface : Once you have unlocked access to your management interface, you can choose its protection mode. You have the choice between three authentication methods:
    • By service button
    • Password
    • By service button and password

Once your protection mode has been chosen, you just have to Click on “Validate”. You can then configure your box plus as you see fit from your administration interface.

For Restore the factory settings of your SFR BOX PLUS, Go to the “Maintenance” tab, then “System” and “Configuration Settings”. Then click on the “Restore the default settings” button “.

Please note it is strongly advised not to deactivate the protection of your administration interface. This service allows you to be protected against possible hackers attacks and prevents malicious people from using your network without your consent.

How to understand the light lights of the box more sfr ?

THE 4 light lights at the front of your Plus SFR box have the following meaning (from top to bottom):

  1. There “Telephone diode” helps you know if Your telephone service is active. If it is extinguished, you do not have a telephone service. If it flashes, you have a current call or a missed call.
  2. There “Diode @” tell you about Your Internet connection. When it is on, your connection is established. When turned off, you have no adsl or fiber connection.
  3. There “Diode s” tell you if Your plus box is synchronized. In case of current synchronization, the diode flashes.
  4. There “Diode Power” tell you if Your SFR plus box is on. When it flashes, this means that your more box is being started.

A l ’rear of your Box Plus SFR, you find two other light signals With the following meaning:

  1. There “Wifi diode” tell you if The WiFi signal of your SFR BOX PLUS is activated.
  2. There “WPS diode” tell you if A pairing is underway on your SFR plus box. When it flashes, it means that someone connects to your wifi. The flashing only stops once the device is connected to your network or after a few minutes if there is no association.

The light lights of your Plus SFR box can also form combinations In order to alert you. Two combinations are possible.

  1. The voltage alarm with :
    • The telephone diode and the diode @ which flash quickly.
    • The diode s and the power diode which flash slowly.

In the event of a voltage alarm, check the connections of your Box Plus, especially the Sector outlet.

  • The telephone diode and the diode @ which flash slowly.
  • The Diode S and the Power diode which flashes quickly.

In the event of a temperature alarm, make sure that your SFR plus box is not covered by an object or a garment and that its ventilation space is clear.

What to do in the event of a problem with the SFR Plus box ?

How to change your box sfr ?

Go to the Internet package comparator to sort all offers on the market according to your preferences.

Your WiFi signal is not stable and often stops ?

Your wifi channel is surely congested by your neighbors. To solve the problem, go to the administration interface of your Plus SFR box at the “WiFi” section, then “Configuration”. Then click on “WiFi congestion” and select the canal that has the lowest score.

The name of your WiFi network does not appear in your WiFi network lists ?

Your SFR Plus Box probably does not broadcast your SSID (WiFi network name). The solution is simple: go to the administration interface of your PLUS SFR box at the “WiFi” section. Make sure that the “SSID diffusion” field is activated. If this is not the case, activate it by clicking on “Configuration”, then on the switch “ON” next to “Diffusion of SSID”.

You cannot connect your Mac to the WiFi network of your SFR Box Plus ?

Go to the “WiFi” section of your web management interface and click on “Mac filter”. Slide the button next to “filter activation” so that it displays “off”.

You receive an error message when you try to connect your Windows computer to your WiFi network ?

The WPS function of your Plus SFR box must be activated and prevent the connection to the network by SSID. To deactivate the WPS function, once in the “WiFi” tab of your administration interface, go to the “Security” section. Then click on the switch to put myself in the off position.

You wish to contact the SFR customer service ?

If you have other problems related to your SFR BOX, do not hesitate to contact SFR customer service at 1023. An SFR advisor will launch a Diagnosis of your box more remote And, if applicable, will tell you the steps to be taken to change equipment.

You wish to take out an SFR Box offer ? Go to the SFR site to choose the offer most suited to your needs according to your eligibility:

Box Plus SFR: Installation and characteristics of the SFR Box Plus

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Arrival in 2016, the Plus SFR box has seduced many subscribers. You have subscribed to an SFR Box Plus offer or you want to do it ? You are looking for help to install, use or configure your box ? Find on this page everything there is to know about the Plus SFR box.

  • The essential
  • The SFR Plus Box offers a Maximum rate of 500MB/s fiber.
  • You have to Test your SFR ADSL or fiber eligibility Before subscription to a SFR BOX PLUS offer.
  • SFR markets offers Box Plus SFR as well as offers Box 8 And 8x box.

What are the characteristics of the Plus SFR box ?

The Box More SFR is a reference in the operator’s internet offers. Included with the offer SFR Box Starter Fiber, It benefits from WiFi 5 standard.

Discover the SFR Box Plus

The SFR box plus is an internet box that allows you to connect to the Internet fiber optic. It also includes television, with a more 4K decoder, and unlimited telephony.

The name of the device is Box Plus SFR. It is included in the offer SFR Premium Fiber box.

SFR Box Plus

Compared to previous generations of SFR boxes, the Box Plus SFR brings several innovations, in particular Double band Wi-Fi 2.4 and 5GHz. Not all devices are compatible with 5GHz: they will then connect automatically in 2.4GHz. The box is also compatible with EPS and Activeille EPS remote monitoring tools, alarm systems that can be directly connected to the box.

The SFR box plus is delivered with a power supply to connect it to a power outlet, a filter accompanied by a DSL RJ11 cable to connect the box plus, and an ethernet cable which is used during the fiber installation.

You can find the button Association (which allows you to connect your devices without entering the wi-fi key) and the button Wireless (which allows you to activate and deactivate the latter) on the top of the box plus. The Box Plus has 4 lights on his front. Here is the meaning of the different seers and their state:

SFR Plus Box LEDs

Indicator Seeing Alight Extinct Quick flashing
Phone First indicator Telephony works The phone is not operational Call in progress
Internet connection Second indicator Internet connection is established No internet connection Current connection
Internet synchronization Third seeing The box is synchronized The box is not synchronized Synchronization in progress
Power Fourth The box is connected and lit The box is not on

The Box Plus SFR interface

You want to configure your box ? You can access the SFR Box Plus Box interface with all Internet browsers: just use a Wi-Fi connected device to the Box Plus SFR. Take your browser URL : You will be asked to identify yourself, the login and password are by default on the label stuck to your SFR Plus box.

For more security, it is recommended to modify your identifiers after the first connection.

You now have access to your Box Plus Administration Space. You can among others y Modify security options, Change WiFi channel To improve your Internet connection, or configure a VPN.

SFR BOX Plus or SFR BOX 8: What equipment to choose ?

More recently, SFR has also launched the SFR Box 8. It presents many technological innovations compared to the Box Plus:

  • Wi-Fi 6 : a new generation of Wi-Fi that offers better speed, up to 2GB/s fiber.
  • A 4K TV decoder, with a Dolby Atmos pregnant and a new personalized TV interface.
  • Several vocal assistants Integrated (OK SFR and Alexa).
  • A SFR APPLICATION TV 8 To read its contents on all supports.

The 8 SFR box (or its evolution The 8x box) are offered in higher -end offers (Power and Premium) due to more important technologies allowed.

Box 8 and 8x box offers are subject to a one -year commitment

This SFR Box 8 offers an internet and television experience at the cutting edge of technology. The more classic SFR box presents Completely satisfactory performance For more standard use.

You wish to take out an SFR offer ?

The installation of the Box Plus SFR

When subscribing to a fiber starter offer, You automatically make an appointment with an SFR technician. He will take care of the entire SFR fiber installation and will also support the Box plus SFR During his passage.

In rare cases, for example during a box change, SFR will send you the plus without technical intervention. In this situation, here is the method of installing the Box Plus SFR Fiber ::

  1. Make sure the box plus power button is on “off”.
  2. Use the power supply to connect the box to an electrical outlet.
  3. Connect the optical socket installed in your accommodation at the LAN/ETH port of the box using an RJ45 Ethernet cable.
  4. Connect your fixed phone to the Port Tel de la Box. The telephone cable is provided with the phone.
  5. Light the Box Plus.
  6. After internet and synchronization lights have stopped flashing, press the Wi-Fi button at the top of the box.
  7. Connect your devices to the Internet, Ethernet directly on the box plus or Wi-Fi, thanks to the password registered on the box.

If you already have an SFR box, it is important to use new cables supplied with box plus during installation. Old cables are not necessarily compatible with this box.

It is recommended to install the box plus in the center of your accommodation, generally in the living room, in order to benefit from optimal Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home. Do not hesitate to also refer to the SFR BOX PLUS BOX, for more details.

How to subscribe to an SFR Box Plus offer ?

First of all, it is necessary to test its ADSL eligibility or fiber eligibility to be able to subscribe to a SFR Box. To test your SFR eligibility, several solutions are available to you:

  • You can reach a Selectra advisor (free service) by telephone. He will accompany you to test your fiber and ADSL eligibility, and to choose the SFR offer that best suits you.
  • You can also maintain yourself with an SFR advisor in the shop closest to the operator.
  • An SFR eligibility test is available on the operator’s website.

You want to test your SFR eligibility ?

If you are eligible for SFR fiber, It is not possible to subscribe to a SFR BOX ADSL subscription : you are automatically directed to fiber offers.

Once the eligibility has been validated, you can take out an SFR offer with confirmed Internet technology for your accommodation. You can subscribe directly to the advisor who has tested your eligibility, by phone or in stores, or on the SFR website.

What are the offers with the Plus SFR box ?

SFR markets a fiber offer with the SFR Box Plus. Indeed, there is no SFR Plus boxes with ADSL technology.

This offer is subject to a one -year commitment period

Compared to other ADSL and fiber offers at similar prices on the market, this SFR Box Plus offer are distinguished by the quantity of chains included in the TV bouquet (between 160 and 200), as well as by the Connect TV decoder included.

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