How to unsubscribe or terminate your Amazon Prime and Prime Video subscription?, How to terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription?

Amazon Prime Video: how to terminate his subscription in a few clicks

Amazon Prime is free from any commitment. You can therefore terminate it at any time and without justification. Just go to the platform, to your customer account and click on the “Prime” insert, at the top right of the screen. The page then displays all the information relating to your subscription, including the price you pay (monthly or annually) and the date of renewal. To unsubscribe, We must click on “Manage my subscription”, on “put an end to the subscription and the advantages”, then on “continue to cancel” and “Cancel my subscription now”. During the last stage, Amazon offers you the possibility of changing your mind by clicking on “keep my subscription” or decide later by clicking on “send me a reminder later”.

How to unsubscribe or terminate your Amazon Prime and Prime Video subscription ?

Our guide explains how to quickly terminate your Amazon Prime and/or Account Prime Video.

Amazon is a name that evokes something in everyone’s ear. This online sales site, launched in Seattle in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, is today one of the most powerful companies in the world. The tech giant is indeed present on all fronts and does not hesitate to extend its activities. He is notably on the initiative of Amazon Prime, a loyalty program with multiple advantages and which had 200 million subscribers in 2021. Amazon has also launched its own “streaming” platform (Video on demand in French): Video premium, direct competitor of Netflix, OCS and Disney+. Available for free for members of the Amazon Prime loyalty program, Prime Video continuously enriches its offer of films, series and documentaries, and lists several original or exclusive productions. It also allows you to watch the Ligue 1 matches, for an additional subscription. You want to unsubscribe or terminate your Amazon Prime and/or Prime Video subscription ? We explain any step by step.

Amazon Prime: the subscription which contains prime video, but not only !

Amazon Prime subscribers pay € 69.90 per year (or € 6.99 per month) to take advantage of all the advantages of the loyalty program. As a member Amazon Prime, you can take advantage of Prime Video and watch all the programs (films, series …), all without additional costs and from any device. However, this is not the only advantage. By becoming a Amazon Prime member, you enjoy the Free day delivery in mainland France, in Monaco and Belgium on many articles. Other advantages relating to delivery are also specific to subscribers (specific discounts on planned delivery, delivery the same evening, etc.). You also benefit from the following services:

  • Photos premium: to save your photos on secure servers;
  • Prime Gaming: to access games for free every month;
  • Amazon Music: to listen to millions of songs without advertising;
  • Prime Reading: to access hundreds of books;
  • The “Try before buying” service: on clothes, shoes, watches and accessories;
  • A free month on audible;
  • Discounts on several categories of products;
  • Priority access to flash sales (30 minutes before).

Video premium: a catalog of films and series that competes with Netflix

In the line of its competitors Netflix, Disney+ or OCS, Video Prime allows you to watch A wide choice of films, series and documentaries including original productions. While Amazon was born in 1994, it was not until 2006 that the streaming service of the American group was born in the United States and until 2016 to be available in Europe.

The contents are ordered by popularity, by recommendation, by style and by recent addition. By flying over them with the computer mouse, it is possible to know more about the series, the film or the documentary in question. At the top of the page, the contents are stored in different categories:

  • Home (everything, films, series, sport);
  • Categories (Comedy, Drama, Fantastic, Horror, Children, Romance, International …).

A shop also allows access to exclusive content (to buy or rent), such as Avatar, Harry Potter, Asterix & Obélix, Fast & Furious…

How to unsubscribe from Amazon prime and terminate his subscription ?

Amazon Prime is free from any commitment. You can therefore terminate it at any time and without justification. Just go to the platform, to your customer account and click on the “Prime” insert, at the top right of the screen. The page then displays all the information relating to your subscription, including the price you pay (monthly or annually) and the date of renewal. To unsubscribe, We must click on “Manage my subscription”, on “put an end to the subscription and the advantages”, then on “continue to cancel” and “Cancel my subscription now”. During the last stage, Amazon offers you the possibility of changing your mind by clicking on “keep my subscription” or decide later by clicking on “send me a reminder later”.

Why unsubscribe from premium and terminate its Amazon subscription ?

Several reasons can push you to unsubscribe from Amazon Prime. If you judge the unnecessary subscription or you do not use its advantages at their fair value, you may have an interest in unsubscribing. In addition, by terminating the formula, you will make substantial economies (€ 69.90 per year or € 6.99 per month). The approach only takes a few seconds. The European Commission had indeed asked for the procedure in question, deemed “voluntarily complex”, is simplified. This is now the case !

You want to cancel the Amazon Prime Video subscription only ? follow the leader !

It is possible to cancel your Amazon Prime Video without unsubscribing from Amazon Prime, for example If you cannot find programs adapted to your tastes in the catalog. Just access your Prime Video account, the “Account and Settings” section and select the “Your account” tab. For a Prime Video subscription only, click on “End the subscription”. Note that if your subscription was created through a third party, such as a provider of mobile services, it is necessary to contact the service provider in question.

The termination of your Amazon Prime Video subscription takes effect at different times depending on the type of subscription. As part of an annual subscription, the subscription stops a year after the subscription date. As part of a monthly subscription, the cancellation is effective on the next date of monthly account of the account. Finally, if you resilled during the trial period, the formula ends after 30 days, regardless of the moment you made your request for cancellation.

The writing of BFMTV did not participate in the realization of this content. BFMTV is likely to receive remuneration when one of our readers proceeds to a purchase via the links integrated in this article.

Amazon Prime Video: how to terminate his subscription in a few clicks ?

Amazon prime termination

  • The monthly subscription at € 5.99/month.
  • Annual subscription at € 49.99/month.

To terminate its Amazon Prime subscription it is necessary:

  • Terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription: how to do ?
  • Unsofot from Amazon Prime Video directly: the procedure to follow for most users
  • How to terminate Amazon Prime Video from its internet box ?
  • Amazon prime video termination: there are costs to take into account ?

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 05/05/2021

In terms of SVOD, Netflix is ​​no longer the only giant to win in the daily life of the French. It is indeed possible to find other platforms that are starting to make their way to consumers. This is the case, for example, of Amazon Prime Video, which is more and more followers.

This service, set up by the highly renowned e-commerce site, offersAccess many video content directly on the internet or on your television. However, not all users are satisfied with the service and, in some cases, the termination may be necessary. Mapetitebox is now up to all the information to know to terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription.

EXERIGAL Offer Amazon Prime

The Amazon Prime Video entertainment service involves respecting a certain procedure to obtain the termination.

Terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription: how to do ?

There are several reasons which can push a subscription to terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription. However, most of the time, it is because of not finding programs adapted to its tastes in the platform catalog. When we talk about terminate its Amazon Prime Video subscription, Two different cases must be taken into account. The procedure is not the same for those who subscribed via their SFR Internet box as for those passing directly through the Amazon website.

Unsofot from Amazon Prime Video directly: the procedure to follow for most users

The vast majority of Amazon Prime Video subscribers subscribe to the subscription directly on the firm’s website. We must therefore go to the latter, and more precisely to his customer area, to put an end to his subscription. In practice, just terminate its Amazon Prime subscription so that the video service is automatically canceled. However, it must be taken into account that this cancellation ends the membership of all premium programs on the e-commerce site.

Stop Amazon subscription

To put an end to its Amazon Prime Video offer, a few steps are to follow.

How to quickly terminate your Amazon Prime subscription ?

  • Go to your Amazon customer area.
  • Click on “Manage your Amazon Prime membership”.
  • For subscribers during trial period: Click on “Do not continue”.
  • For other subscribers: Click on “end of membership”.
  • Confirm the unsubscribe to the Amazon Prime service.

Amazon Prime: a one -month trial period available for new subscribers

All consumers wishing to test with the Amazon Prime Video service can benefit fromA free period of one month. However, it is necessary to be vigilant since, at the end of this first month, all subscribers are automatically tilted towards the annual paid registration, for a total amount of € 49.99/month.

How to terminate Amazon Prime Video from its internet box ?

With the growing success of Amazon Prime Video on French territory, some providers of Internet have taken the side of Offer the optional VOD service with the Internet box. It’s the case For example of SFR which offers all its subscribers the possibility of taking advantage of the service directly by adding it to the interface of their fiber optic box.

In this case, the procedure for terminating its Amazon Prime Video subscription is not the same. To put an end to your contract, you have to go directly to your SFR customer area. Once the termination is taken into account, The subscription will be automatically canceled On the next date of monthly renewal of the subscription.

Note that Amazon Prime Video is also included in Freebox Delta Delta offer. In this case, termination is not really possible since it is not an additional option, but indeed a proposal included for free in the internet offer of the provider of access.

TV bouquet for internet box

Also read what are the best internet boxes with TV bouquet ?

Amazon prime video termination: there are costs to take into account ?

In the same way as for any other subscription, termination generally results in questions about potential additional costs. Regarding Amazon Prime, you have to keep in mind that there is no commitment period strictly speaking. In practice, consumers choose between two types of subscription according to the methods that suit them best.

Amazon prime termination costs

When termination of Amazon Prime Video, no costs as such are really billed.

Thus, when subscribing to Amazon Prime, it is possible to opt for:

  • An annual subscription, set at € 49.99.
  • A monthly subscription, set at € 5.99.

This implies that subscribers who have subscribed to the annual subscription cannot be reimbursed if they resound before the end of the first year. However, they can end the direct debit which must occur during the next deadline. In all cases, When the termination is made, the subscription remains effective until the next deadline of payment.

Advice from mySmallBox

In order not to have unpleasant surprises, while enjoying the month of free Amazon Prime trial, it is possible to configure a reminder email three days before the end of the first month. To do this, you have to go to your Amazon customer area and click on “end of membership”.

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