How to unlock my SIM card? Red Caribbean Assistance, Puk Red by SFR / SFR code: L Get and unlock your SIM card

Puk Red by SFR / SFR code: L Get and unlock your SIM card

Even if the use of the PUK code is rare, it is still necessary to have it nearby. Indeed, everyone can potentially forget their PIN code. In the event that too many attempts are unsuccessful, The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code is essential To be able to use the mobile phone again. Fortunately, it is quite easy to get it, in particular by referring to the original support of the SIM card, or by connecting to its online customer area.

How to unlock my SIM card ?

You have entered 3 erroneous pine codes and your mobile displays “blocked sim card” or “enter code puk” ? Your SIM card has blocked for safety.

To unlock it, you must enter a series of 8 digits called “Puk code” ? Be quiet, it will be quickly resolved.

Unlock your SIM with your PUK code

You have three possibilities to recover your PUK code:

  • It is registered on the support of your SIM card,
  • It is informed in your online customer area, section “My mobile”,
  • It is informed in your Red Caribbean Mobile Application “My Account”, section “My mobile”.

Once the PUK code has entered and your mobile unlocked, we recommend that you choose a new PIN code and confirm it.

After 10 bad PUK codes, the SIM card will be definitively blocked. You will then need to order a new one via your online customer area.


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Puk Red by SFR / SFR code: get it and unlock your SIM card

Find Puk Red by SFR code

The PUK code presents itself as a series of figures which ensures even more the security of the data present on a smartphone. Indeed, The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code intervenes when users have introduced the bad PIN code of their SIM card 3 times. When this situation arrives, the SIM card is automatically blocked and users must introduce their PUK code in order to unlock it.

In the event of a forgotten PIN code, the PUK code will be necessary to unlock its phone and its Red by SFR SIM card or SFR. To obtain it, SFR or Red by SFR customers have different means, although the easiest way is to find the support of the SIM card. In the event of a problem, other solutions fortunately make it possible to get hold of the PUK SFR or Red by SFR code.

To do this, several solutions exist:

  • The PUK code is necessary to unlock a SFR or Red by SFR SFR card locked.
  • It is possible to find its PUK Red by SFR / SFR code on the initial support of the SIM card.
  • Otherwise, you have to go to your customer area.
  • Finally, a hotline is available for SFR as for Red by SFR, allowing you to find your PUK code by phone.
  • Where to find the PUK code for a SFR / RED SIM card ?
  • The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code to find on the support of the SIM card
  • Access the SFR or Red by SFR customer area to find the PUK code
  • How to find the PUK SFR or Red by SFR code by phone ?
  • How to unlock your SIM or Red by SFR SIM card with the PUK code ?
  • What is the PUK code and what is it for its SIM and RED SIM card ?

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 02/23/2022

Where to find the PUK code for a SFR / RED SIM card ?

In case of forgetting or loss of the PUK code of its Red by SFR SIM card or SFR, there are fortunately solutions to find it. The latter will allow you to unlock the phone and configure a new PIN code.

PUK SFR - Red by SFR

In the event of blocking its SIM card because of a pine error, the PUK code of its SFR or Red by SFR line will be necessary.

The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code to find on the support of the SIM card

The first solution To obtain the PUK SFR or Red by SFR code, And certainly the simplest, is to find the plastic support of the SIM card. When users take out a new offer from the operator with a red square, a SIM card is obviously delivered to them. The SIM card is attached to a plastic support in a blue card format. The PUK code is indicated, as well as the default PIN code.

SFR or Red by SFR subscribers only have to bring the plastic support in question and copy the suite of corresponding figures In the Puk code on their phone. Once the number of numbers is introduced, the SIM card automatically unlocks. This therefore allows users to be able to configure a new PIN code and normally reuse their mobile phone.

On the other hand, even if this option is simple, not all consumers keep the original plastic support. Moves, successive or other spring households can lead to the loss of it. In this case, it only remains to contact the SFR or Red by SFR customer service To try to obtain their PUK code.

Why configure a PIN code ?

PIN code is widely used by most users. Unlike the PUK code, this password is generally made up of 4 digits and protects access to mobile phone when it has been turned off. To avoid blocking the SIM card and having to communicate the PUK code, it is therefore necessary to configure an easily memorizable PIN code, such as a birthday.

Access the SFR or Red by SFR customer area to find the PUK code

The other solution allowing subscribers to Find their PUK code is to connect to their SFR customer area or Red by SFR. Whether at the operator in the red square or at its subsidiary without obligation, the PUK code is actually available in the dedicated section of the customer area. To access it, users simply need their identifier as well as their password.

So, Here is how to access the Red by SFR customer area to find the PUK code ::

  • Go to the customer area connection page;
  • Introduce the identifier and password;
  • Go to the section dedicated to the PUK code;
  • Copy the following figures indicated on the smartphone to unlock the SIM.

With SFR, operation is significantly the same:

  • Go to the SFR customer area;
  • Select the “Assistance” section;
  • Click on “Emergencies & troubleshooting”;
  • Select the “Unlock your card” option.

THE PUK SFR code is indicated in the customer area and can therefore be copied on the mobile phone so that it can use it again.

How to find the PUK SFR or Red by SFR code by phone ?

In the event that access to online customer space is impossible, The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code can be obtained via a specific voice server. Subscribers can actually deal with two numbers, from a fixed line or a mobile phone, in order to get their hands on the SIM card unlocking key. The Red Square Operator provides two different numbers so that all consumers are able to recover their PUK code.

So, Here are the two numbers to reach to obtain the PUK SFR and Red by SFR code ::

  • 06 10 00 19 63 → only from a fixed line;
  • 963 → Only from a SFR or Red by SFR mobile phone.

The PUK code is communicated after consumers have provided certain information relating to their telephone line:

  • Indicate the line number concerned;
  • Follow the indications of the service.

Once that the PUK code is recovered, Users can introduce it directly into their mobile in order to unlock the SIM card. In order not to have to redo this approach once again, users can note the PUK code somewhere and keep it in a safe place.

What to do if I can’t get my hands on my PUK code ?

Normally, all the methods for obtaining the PUK code must operate. On the other hand, it may happen that subscribers do not manage to recover their PUK code, whatever happens. In this case, it is therefore necessary to contact customer service to deal with an SFR or Red by SFR advisor who will be able to provide the PUK code for the SIM card concerned by blocking.

How to unlock your SIM or Red by SFR SIM card with the PUK code ?

The procedure to unlock the SIM card of a mobile phone is relatively simple. Users must simply bring their PUK SFR or Red by SFR code In order to introduce it into the dedicated field. Once this is done, the SIM card is automatically unlocked and users can access their mobile again. The procedure must be followed properly, in particular by introducing the PUK code without errors. Indeed, users have only 6 to 10 attempts to introduce the right continuation of figures.

In the case where The PUK code is not properly informed, The SIM card is definitively blocked. Consumers must then contact Red by SFR or SFR customer service to buy a new SIM card, with a different phone number. Of course, this approach is chargeable since it is a question of getting your hands on a brand new SIM card.

To prevent these kinds of situations at all costs, The setting of the PIN code is an important step. Users must opt ​​for a series of figures for them, such as a birthday or an important date in their eyes. If this must be a problem, the PIN code can also be disabled. However, it should be kept in mind that this implies giving access to the data of the phone to any person who turns the device.

Forgotten Android unlock code

Also read forgotten Android locking code: how to reset it ?

What is the PUK code and what is it for its SIM and RED SIM card ?

The PUK code, for Pin Unlock Key in English, literally “Pin release key” allows, as its name suggests, to unlock the SIM card of a mobile. In other words, The PUK code of SFR and its subsidiary Red by SFR allows users who have blocked their SIM card to be able to use their smartphone. As a rule, the locking of the mobile phone occurs when users introduce three times a erroneous pine code. Their PUK code is at this time particularly useful, since it allows access to the mobile phone data again.

THE PUK code is unique and attributed to each new SIM card. Unlike its counterpart, the PIN code, this series of figures can in no case be modified by users. In other words, each SIM card has a single PUK code which allows you to unlock it if necessary. Therefore, the use of the PUK code is rare, while the PIN code must enter each new smartphone ignition.

Even if the use of the PUK code is rare, it is still necessary to have it nearby. Indeed, everyone can potentially forget their PIN code. In the event that too many attempts are unsuccessful, The PUK SFR or Red by SFR code is essential To be able to use the mobile phone again. Fortunately, it is quite easy to get it, in particular by referring to the original support of the SIM card, or by connecting to its online customer area.

Reset Pin Code

Read also PIN code of his forgotten phone (SIM): how to reset it ?

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