How to terminate your box or SFR package in 2023?, How to terminate SFR Mobile and Red by SFR?
The termination of a SFR and RED mobile subscription of SFR
SFR provides you with a tool for calculating costs in the event of early termination. This tool is accessible from the customer area. The estimate of the costs of terminating a mobile subscription is framed by the Chatel law. In force since 2012, the latter aims to protect consumers.
SFR resilization: how to terminate your box or its SFR package in 2023 ?
If your commitment period is over, you can terminate your SFR offer at no cost when you wish. But how to do it ? To which address send your SFR termination letter ? In the event of termination fees, what is their amount ? All the answers to your questions about SFR termination are in this article.
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☎️ You want to change operator ?
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- The essential :
- In case of SFR termination before the end of your commitment period, You have to pay Termination Fee. You can calculate them In advance on the SFR website.
- You can exilled at no cost Your SFR offer in the event of a legitimate reason.
- To terminate your SFR offer, send a letter of termination to theSFR address.
- It is not necessary to terminate your subscription in the event of a change of SFR offer.
- Do not terminate your SFR Mobile subscription if You want to keep your number. It is your new operator who will take care of your termination for you.
How to terminate SFR ?
SFR boxes of Box termination
There Termination of your SFR Box subscription is done in 4 steps.
- Check the conditions for terminating your SFR box : Before starting the approaches to terminate your SFR Box offer, find out about the possible Termination Fee that you will have to pay if your commitment period is not over. Also make sure you are up to date in paying your invoices.
- Contact SFR customer service : Bring your contract number and call SFR by dialing 1023 to prepare your termination.
- Send your SFR termination letter : You must then send your termination request by post, preferably by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. You can access SFR termination letter models on our site. Your termination request is effective within 10 days after receipt of your letter. SFR termination letter models
- Restore your SFR equipment : Once your termination is confirmed by SFR, you receive a return voucher by e-mail as well as the procedure to return your SFR box to the operator. The return of your equipment is free. If you do not return them, you will have to pay additional costs corresponding to the value of your equipment.
Once your SFR subscription is terminated, you Keep access to your customer account and all your SFR invoices for a year. Be careful however, you must connect at least once to your SFR customer area before requesting your termination to keep this access.
To know In the event of SFR termination with legitimate reason, Think of Support your termination letter with a certificate justifying your legitimate reason. You will avoid paying termination fees if you close your SFR line before your commitment period.
SFR mobile termination stages
There Termination of your SFR Mobile subscription is done in 3 steps.
- Check the conditions for terminating your SFR Mobile subscription : In the event of SFR termination before the end of your commitment period, remember to find out about the termination costs that you will have to pay. Also check that you have paid all your invoices waiting.
- Contact SFR customer service : note your SFR customer number, as well as your mobile line number and call an SFR advisor by phone at 1023. It will tell you if you have special steps to take for your SFR termination.
- Send your request for termination by post : write an SFR termination letter and send it to the operator, preferably by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
Your SFR Mobile termination is effective in a period of 10 days After receiving your letter by SFR. When your termination is confirmed by SFR, you receive an email that tells you to take into account your request.
Be careful when You resilled your SFR mobile offer, You lose automatically Your mobile phone number.
What is the SFR termination address ?
If you decide to terminate your SFR contract, you must send a letter of termination at the following address ::
SFR termination
TSA 30103
69947 Lyon Cedex 09
It is essential to ensure that all relevant information, such as your contract number, your contact details and the Reason for termination, are clearly indicated in your letter. By using this address dedicated to termination, you can make sure that your request will be processed correctly and within the time limits.
do not forget to paint a copy of your letter as well as the proof of sending, In case you need to justify your approach later.
Note to be sure to get the right termination address and confirm your termination, it is more prudent to contact SFR customer service at 1023.
How to go to another operator after its SFR termination ?
Remove your SFR box and change internet operator
If you wish to terminate your SFR Box subscription to subscribe to another Internet access provider (ISP), it is recommended to Contact your future FAI before terminating your SFR offer. If you are waiting for your SFR subscription to be terminated to take out your new offer, you may find yourself Several days without internet connection and TV. The average deadline for installing a new Internet line is equivalent to the average termination time, namely 15 days.
Also note that there are offers allowing you to Have your SFR termination costs refund by your new FAI. Do not hesitate to contact the operator’s customer service that interests you to find out about it.
If you want to keep your SFR fixed line number, even once subscribed to your new ISP, just Communicate the Rio SFR code From your fixed line to your future supplier. He will take the steps himself to allow you to keep your landline number.
☎️ You want to change operator ?
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☎️ You want to change operator ?
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Change mobile operator and keep your phone number
If you wish to leave SFR to subscribe to A new operator and that you want Keep your mobile phone number, Do not terminate your SFR Mobile offer yourself. If you have resilled your SFR Mobile subscription, you lose your phone number.
For Keep your mobile number, Just take out the offer that interests you and communicate your Rio SFR code to your new operator. He will be responsible for terminating your SFR Mobile offer and you can keep your mobile number.
As with fixed offers, there are many offers that can allow you to You have your termination fees reimbursed by your new operator in the event of a contract closed before the end of your commitment period. Ask the operator who interests you.
Do you have to terminate to change SFR offers ?
Please note, if you want to stop your SFR subscription for Subscribe to the place another SFR offer, it is not not necessary to terminate your contract.
To change your SFR offer, simply go to your SFR customer area or on your SFR & me application ::
- At the section “Offer and equipment” Then “Change your subscription” For SFR Box customers.
- At the section “Offer and mobile” Then “Change your subscription” For SFR Mobile customers.
You can also change the offer by telephone by composing the ☎️ 09 87 67 96 03.
No termination fees if you change for another SFR offer before the end of your commitment period, you pay No termination fees.
What to know about termination at SFR
What are the conditions for terminating its SFR contract ?
Before breaking your subscription with SFR, it is important to note The conditions for a successful SFR termination:
- If you resound before the end of your commitment, you pay termination fees : whatever time, if your SFR Box or SFR Mobile offer no longer suits you, you can terminate it. If your commitment period is over, SFR termination is free. Conversely, in the event of SFR termination before the end of your commitment period, you must pay termination fees. You can calculate them in advance by following the explanations mentioned below in this article.
- Your SFR termination is only effective once all your invoices paid : no SFR termination is possible as long as you have unpaid invoices. To confirm your closure of a contract with the operator, it is therefore essential that you are acquitted by all your SFR invoices.
- You have 10 days to change your mind : your SFR termination is effective 10 days after receipt of your termination letter by SFR. During this period, you can change your mind at any time. Once the 10 days have passed, your termination is effective and you will have to subscribe again if you wish to subscribe to SFR. You will then lose your seniority and your old advantages as a SFR customer.
What are the termination costs applied by SFR ?
Whether you are SFR Box or SFR Customer Customer Mobile, if you have your offer before the end of your commitment period, you will have to pay termination costs calculated according to the remaining monthly payments. THE SFR termination costs only depend on The duration of your commitment period and the number of months remaining.
For Calculate your SFR termination costs, You can go to the SFR site in the “termination” section, then “simulate your termination fees”. You can also calculate them yourself using our calculation tool:
To see more clearly, watch our video on the Application methods Termination costs within the framework of the Chatel law.
Can we terminate a SFR subscription at no cost ?
There are certain situations for which it is possible to Terminate without cost its SFR offer, Even before the end of his commitment period. These situations are called by SFR of “Legitimate motifs”. SFR counts 7:
- You move in an area not covered by SFR.
- You with a handicap or illness which prevents you from using the services subscribed.
- THE line holder died.
- You are in Overview or bankruptcy.
- You are at unemployment after an economic dismissal which you were not aware of when subscribing.
- You are put in prison For a minimum period of 3 months.
- You are facing A case of force majeure Defined by a French court.
If you are in one of these situations, you can terminate your SFR offer at no cost before the end of your commitment period. To do this, simply cite your legitimate reason in your termination letter and join supporting documents (medical certificate, court document, dismissal certificate, etc.)).
✅ Optimize your contract and save money ! Compare the box and mobile offers of several operators to find the most interesting offer.
The termination of a SFR and RED mobile subscription of SFR
This guide explains to you how to terminate an SFR or RED mobile package, whatever its formula (square, illimthics, starter, power or premium). You will discover when to terminate an SFR mobile package with commitment and the answers to your questions. What are the termination costs of SFR Mobile ? How to terminate SFR Mobile without paying the costs ? What is the SFR and RED termination notice ? When you have to terminate SFR or Red with a registered letter ? How to keep the number at the new mobile operator ?
1. The registered letter to terminate an SFR mobile package
Two solutions to terminate an SFR mobile package
There are two cases of termination of your SFR mobile package. Either you leave SFR to subscribe to a new offer with another mobile operator, or you solve and do not keep the number.
- If you want to keep the mobile line number when you resilute SFR, use portability, which is explained below. In the event of number portability, you can either ask the new operator to terminate SFR, or do it yourself by mail. This second solution is essential, for example, if you resound your SFR mobile package and request a cost exemption;
- If you do not keep the line number, you will need to terminate your SFR mobile package by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. This procedure is to be favored if you want Stop your SFR subscription before departure abroad, for example, and in all situations where you do not plan to take up a new package.
How to terminate a SFR mobile package by mail ?
The SFR mobile package can be interrupted by sending a registered registered termination letter to the SFR customer service with acknowledgment of receipt. SFR must cut the line within 10 days of the request. But you can request in your letter that the breach of contract be done beyond this period, and impose your own date. This is one of the advantages of the termination sent to SFR by mail.
You can request portability and terminate by mail
Sending a registered letter will result in Total termination of your subscription, And therefore also your phone number if you do not take your precautions before posting your mail. Note however that SFR has the obligation to keep the number available for 40 days before being able to reassign it. In addition, you can absolutely terminate yourself and ask for portability. To do this, communicate the RIO (operator identity statement, which you will get by SMS by calling the 3179 from the SFR line) to the new operator, then send the letter of termination.
What is the termination address of SFR Mobile ?
The address to which you must send the registered letter to terminate the mobile package is:
SFR – TSA Customer Service 10101 – 69947 Lyon Cedex 20
The model of termination letter of an SFR mobile plan
Registered termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt
Purpose: termination of the SFR mobile package
I inform you today by this letter of termination sent by registered mail, that I would like to put an end to my SFR mobile package, for the customer number (indicate your customer number).
Faithful customer and my commitment period being completed, I note that your services no longer suit me, and I want to take advantage of the more attractive offer of another operator. I therefore announce my decision to terminate my SFR mobile subscription, and ask you to take adequate measures to end the contract that binds us.
My termination request must be taken into account by you within 10 days of receipt of this letter, in accordance with article L. 224-39 of the Consumer Code. Thank you for sending me back a letter confirming me the term of my contract.
Please accept, madam, sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.
2. How to terminate an SFR mobile package before the end of commitment ?
How to calculate SFR termination costs ?
The termination costs of a SFR mobile subscription are determined by the Châtel law. She specifies that in the case of a contract with a 12 -month commitment, The subscriber is liable for the sums corresponding to the remaining monthly payments if the end of the mobile subscription comes before the deadline for this period. If the commitment is two years, The costs are calculated in the same way from the first to the 12th month, and for the period between the 13th and the 24th month, the termination fees will be a quarter of the total amount remaining due.
To help you calculate the amount of Termination costs of your SFR mobile plan, Use our online calculator. It will allow you to know if it is more interesting for you to terminate SFR before the end of your commitment.
3. How to terminate SFR Mobile at no cost ?
It exists Several situations that can allow you to terminate your SFR package for free During the initial commitment period. These cases are detailed in the general conditions of sale:
- unemployment following the termination of an indefinite employment contract (CDI);
- Personal bankruptcy, recovery or compulsory liquidation;
- financial difficulties which followed up on notification of admissibility in committee for the over -indebtedness of individuals;
- move in an uncovered area or a departure abroad for a long time;
- hospitalization or sick leave of more than three months;
- imprisonment;
- death ;
- case of force majeure, in the sense of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation.
If you have repeatedly encountered a breakdown of the SFR mobile network, this will not allow you to terminate without paying. Insofar as the operator makes sure to solve the network coverage problem within hours of the observation of the breakdown, it cannot cause a break of contract without penalty. At best, SFR will offer you pricing compensation, or access to an additional service.
Send your supporting documents to terminate SFR Mobile at no cost
The exemption from the termination costs of SFR will only be taken into account if you send the supporting documents corresponding to your operator. But if you request your portability, the procedure excludes the possibility of getting in touch with your old supplier. It is therefore recommended to start by carrying your number, then sending a recommended with supporting documents to SFR. The letter must specify that a portability is underway and that you simply ask not to be subject to any termination fees.
4. Take the SFR package, keeping the mobile number
What is portability when terminating SFR ?
When you want to terminate SFR Mobile, you can use your RIO that can be recovered by composing for free 3179 on mobile. You will allow your new supplier to put an end to your old SFR mobile contract without you intervening. However, if you are still committed, you will pay a termination penalty. It is then interesting to use the termination letter sent to SFR by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, in order to have indisputable proof. You can communicate your rio to the new operator and terminate SFR yourself.
Portability does not prevent termination fees
SFR sends an SMS to confirm the interruption of the package and send you a final invoice, where will be added possible fees. Because asking for portability does not mean avoiding the termination costs that may be billed to you, if a commitment still runs on your contract for example.
5. What becomes of the advantages of SFR multi-packs ?
SFR has set up a multi-line advantage for its customers who are subscribed both to the SFR box and at least one and up to three mobile plans of the operator. This association association allows discounts on the fixed internet subscription from -5 € per month. However, if you come to terminate your phone package, this advantage will be lost. The termination of box offers is described in detail in our guide how to terminate an SFR internet subscription ?
6. How to terminate a Red by SFR mobile plan ?
Regarding the packages of the Low-Cost brand Red by SFR, Without commitment, the termination procedure can be done online, directly on the subscriber’s customer area on www.Red-By-Sfr.en or by asking an advisor on the cat’s cat on the operator. In certain situations, in particular the death of the subscriber, it is requested to send a registered letter with AR to customer service, which is the same as that of SFR.
All Red by SFR offers have the particularity of not being subject to a commitment. So, no charges is not to be expected when the Red by SFR mobile package contract.
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Send your termination letter by registered mail, without getting around
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- This model contains the formulations for all reasons, and theSFR termination address.
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Send your termination letter by registered post,
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Terminate an SFR mobile package: procedures, costs and deadlines
The essentials on the termination of an SFR mobile plan
For users not being satisfied with the operator’s customer service to the red square or having found a more interesting offer from a competitor, it is possible to terminate its SFR subscription. This explanatory guide gives some important indications to consider for consumers looking for information on the termination procedure specific to SFR.
In case of dissatisfaction, here is how to terminate its SFR package:
- Call an SFR advisor at 1023;
- Send your termination request for Mail LRAR;
- Terminate by changing operator via number portability;
The SFR mobile packages are now offered without obligation if there is no associated phone. The termination of a non -binding package can be done quite simply and will not cause termination costs to be paid, unlike the packages with commitment and telephone included, if the 24 -month commitment is not over.
The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 02/09/2022
How to terminate its SFR mobile package ?
Various solutions exist in order to terminate its SFR mobile subscription. The operator offers several mobile telephony subscription formulas with commitment, and even without a commitment of duration. The procedure to follow is therefore not the same according to the subscription type to which a user has subscribed. The procedure is also different depending on the date on which the subscription to the offer was carried out, in order to determine if it remains a current commitment period. So here is everything there is to know beforeStart a procedure for terminating a SFR mobile or internet subscription.
The steps to terminate its SFR mobile package.
A different situation depending on the commitment
Before taking an interest in termination, you have to know for what period is the commitment. The minimum duration of the contract thus varies according to more elements.
On the side of the operator with a red square, you should know that:
- SFR mobile subscriptions are without a commitment to duration;
- In the event of purchase of a mobile phone in addition, the minimum engagement period is 24 months.
Terminate its SFR mobile plan via the sending of a termination letter
SFR does not offer its customers to terminate their mobile subscription from their customer area. The termination of a mobile plan or an SFR internet box is carried out mainly by mail. It is nevertheless necessary first of all Contact customer service by phone, at 1023, in order to obtain the termination address to which to send the mail.
Send a termination letter to end its mobile or SFR subscription.
In this case, the SFR advisor must communicate this postal address:
SFR termination – TSA 30103 – 69947 Lyon Cedex 20
It is important toSend the termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In this letter, the reason for termination should appear, as well as the desired end of the contract of the contract. A tool is also available at the top of this page, to help users make a personalized termination letter.
In order not to forget the important elements to put in your letter of termination, MonpetitForfait offers a generation, personalization and sending service of your SFR termination request. To terminate your SFR mobile package as quickly as possible, we invite you to complete the information of your contract in the following module.
SFR customer service availability
SFR customer service is accessible From Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 1023. Regarding billing methods:
- Call from a SFR mobile: free waiting time then price of a normal call in mainland France.
- Call from a fixed: price of a normal call in mainland France and free waiting time from a SFR line.
- From abroad, customer service can be reached at: +33 6 1000 1023.
Terminate its SFR package, keeping the same number
It is indeed possible to keep its SFR mobile number and transfer it to another operator. This procedure, called telephone number portability, does not require the sending of a letter of termination to SFR. To keep your phone number, just enter your Rio code to the new operator or FAI. From then on, it is he who is responsible for terminating the subscription to SFR.
In this way, the new operator can automatically transfer the line after registration with its services, without additional action from the user. Very easy to use, portability of mobile numbers is a less complicated option than manual termination of consumers. However, this approach requires subscription to an offer from a new operator, otherwise portability cannot be carried out. After subscribing to a competing offer, SFR sends the invoice to the pro rata of the past days.
Note that the Rio code is obtained by simple call at 3179. However, it is necessary to call from the line concerned by the portability of the number. The service is free, and available every day of the week, all time. Customers who wish to know the Rio code of their mobile line also receive an SMS. This also indicates the date of end of the contract of the contract.
To summarize, to terminate an SFR package by keeping its number, you have to:
- Call 3179 to get your Rio number;
- Subscribe to a mobile plan with another operator;
- Fill in the Rio code and its phone number when subscribing;
- Wait until receipt of the new SIM and activate it to keep your number.
Read also to know everything about the portability of the mobile phone number
What are the conditions for terminating its SFR mobile subscription ?
The subscription to a mobile subscription with engagement is a contract which links the user to his operator. As seen previously, the commitment period at SFR can be 24 months, depending on the offer to which the user is subscribed. The termination of a contract of this type before its term leads to costs, as wrapped in Chatel law.
Estimate the costs of terminating its SFR package with the Chatel law
SFR provides you with a tool for calculating costs in the event of early termination. This tool is accessible from the customer area. The estimate of the costs of terminating a mobile subscription is framed by the Chatel law. In force since 2012, the latter aims to protect consumers.
Estimate the termination costs of its SFR mobile or internet subscription.
- Terminate its SFR subscription before the end of the 24 months of engagement, after the 12th month
The SFR mobile packages subscribed as part of a subsidized contract involve a 24 -month commitment. By terminating the subscription after the twelfth month of subscription, there is then pay that the 20% of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the contract.
For example, for an SFR 90 GB SFR package at € 35/month with 6 remaining monthly payments, you only have to pay € 42.00 out of the 210.00 euros in remaining monthly payments in the event of early termination.
- Terminate his SFR contract before the end of his 24 months of engagement, before the 12th month
In the event that the termination of the 24 -month subscription contract comes before the end of the first year of engagement, it is necessary to pay the remaining monthly payments until the end of the 12th month. In addition to this, from the 13th month, 20% of the remaining monthly payments to reach 24 months of engagement are also due.
For example, for an SFR 90 GB Package at 35 €/month with 15 remaining monthly payments, you will have to pay 3 full months at 35 €, or 105 €, as well as 20% for the last 12 months, or 84 €. The total cost of termination will then be € 189.
The particular case of subsidized mobile subscriptions
In the event of purchase of a subsidized smartphone with ease of payment, all the remaining monthly payments are due. The Chatel law does not actually apply to this service.
Is it possible to terminate your SFR package at any time and at no cost ?
Despite the contract which binds the user to the operator, it is possible to terminate a SFR mobile subscription at any time. The only consideration to which the consumer must submit is the settlement of the remaining monthly payments. However, there are legitimate reasons allowing subscribers to terminate their mobile package before term at no cost.
The contract signed with SFR must normally indicate the reasons why the user has the possibility or not to terminate his subscription. Unless you are a very organized person, the average consumer does not necessarily in mind the conditions related to the signing of his subscription contract. MonpetitForfait therefore offers a little below an exhaustive list of the possibilities for which it is possible to require a lump termination at SFR at no cost.
What are the legitimate reasons for termination at no cost ?
Certain reasons can be invoked for justify a subscription termination, without any costs. However, it should be noted that supporting documents may be requested by mobile operators. We must therefore be careful not to invoke a total and irreversible inability following an accident if this summer cannot be justified for example.
The operator could, at best, take into account the termination request. At worst, the latter could take prosecution against his client for attempted fraud. Better to be honest.
The admissible conditions to terminate your subscription without cost:
- conviction to prison for at least 3 months;
- dismissal of a permanent position;
- over -indebtedness file validated by the competent committee;
- Illness or accident no longer to use a mobile phone;
- In case of force majeure;
- death of the subscriber;
- move to a home in an area not covered by SFR;
- move abroad for an important period;
- The operator does not comply with its contractual obligations or modifies the contract without agreement.
Advice from myLittlePackage
Good to know ! According to the general SFR sales conditions:
“The customer can, if he refuses an increase in prices applied to the main service, terminate his subscription during the four months following the entry into force of the new prices, even before the expiration of the minimum period of subscription. »»
The reasons to invoke for termination at no cost before 7 days
Everyone can happen to change their minds or immediately, not to be satisfied with their new operator. It is then possible to request a non -cost termination of its SFR mobile subscription within 7 days of subscription to the contract. Be careful however, it should be noted that theft or loss of the phone does not cause the termination of the contract. In the case of a loss, the use therefore continues to pay the monthly payments of its package.
Here are two configuration in which, within 7 days after a subscription, the termination can be done at no cost:
- Unable to transfer your mobile number to SFR;
- inaccessibility or big problems of the service from your home or in your workplace.
The alternatives to the termination of a SFR phone package
Radical, termination of a mobile plan can be avoided, especially if it saves often expensive fees. SFR thus offers its customers alternatives to termination.
Among these alternatives, it is possible such as:
- to change SFR package, for a more suitable offer;
- to suspend provisional its line;
- to opt for the sale of his subscription contract to a third party.
Change its current offer or migrate to a Red by SFR package
If you are no longer satisfied with your subscription, nothing prevents you from develop your offer at SFR By selecting a more suitable mobile plan. The packages are evolving and your contract is potentially exceeded. Therefore, it is necessary to update by looking at what the operator offers in order to change his offer for a more competitive offer without having to change operator.
Another possibility: migration to a Red by SFR offer. The two operators belonging to the same group, the procedures will be simpler in order to go from an SFR package to a Red by SFR offer. You will not have any fees to pay if you are no longer incurred, and you will also not need to change SIM card. The number transfer will be easily done without having to modify your SIM.
Also read how to go from an SFR package to a Red by SFR package ?
Suspend its SFR mobile line temporarily
The termination of the mobile line is not necessarily the most suitable solution. During a departure abroad, for example, it is possible to suspend her line, then find her on her return. It is then enough to request it from SFR customer service.
As a reminder, it can be reached at 1023, or even from the customer area. It is also possible to request your return to service by contacting customer service. This is then done within 2 hours.
To read also how to contact SFR customer service ?
Yield your SFR mobile subscription contract to a third party
Rather than terminating your mobile subscription, it is possible to give it up to a third party. The procedure is simple and is fully carried out online.
The procedure to give in to yield its line is relatively simple since it is necessary:
- Connect to your customer area, in order to fill in the pre-reproductive form sent by e-mail;
- fill out the form with the person to whom the subscription is sold;
- Provide the supporting documents requested in electronic format, according to the instructions received in the E-mail of SFR;
- Connect again to the customer area and transmit the form as well as the supporting documents in question.
Once all these steps have been carried out, the SFR services individually contact the holder and the buyer In order to finalize the change of holder.
However, there are specific conditions relating to this change of holder:
- The buyer must be major and the transfer of line must be free;
- The renewal of mobile (purchase or rental) cannot take place before a period of 3 months;
- In the event of a non-commercialized ceded offer, the buyer inherits an offer under default marketing, subsequently modifiable;
- Options and advantages are not renewed (multi -k or multisurf option), but can be added later.
Some cases also prevent the transfer, this is the case with a line:
- not activated;
- in default;
- with the renewal of recent mobile, the invoicing of which is pending;
- in liquidation or receivership;
- in the process of termination or portability.
14 days of withdrawal
The customer hasa 14 -day withdrawal period from the date of conclusion of the contract for Cancel His subscription request. To do this, the withdrawal form must be sent to SFR, or a letter clearly stating his desire to put an end to his contract.
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