How to sign or sign documents in 5 minutes?, Insert a signature – Microsoft support


2.5 billion. This is the number of PDFs circulating in the world. It is impossible to ignore the importance of this format in the reception and drafting of employment contracts, leases, quotes, withdrawal mandate, etc. If the PDF format has many advantages, the fact remains that in the case of contractual documents, the first reflex is to print the PDF document to sign it, digitize it, and return it to its sender. Beyond the obvious ecological hiccup that such practices generate, it also resides a problem of efficiency. In a world where every second counts, losing even a few minutes to sign contractual documents is a brake on productivity. The possibility of signing a PDF directly without having to go through all these intermediate steps is therefore crucial, but on the condition sine qua non that everything is done in a context with the very high security requirements. You will discover it very quickly, there is only a solution that includes all conditions: the electronic signature.

How to sign or sign documents in 5 minutes ?

You need to sign or have documents signed quickly ? You do not want your signatories to send you the document signed by Fax, Scan or La Poste ? You have heard of electronic signature and you wonder how it works ? We explain how to do in less than 5 minutes.

If you use Gmail, you know how easy it is to connect to your account and send emails in a few minutes. It is the same for the web version of Docusign.

Simply 5 steps to send a document for signature and of 3 steps when you receive a document to sign. It is not necessary to create a docusign account to simply sign.

I send a document for signature

STEP 1 : I access the Docusign platform and I create a new envelope

From the main menu of the interface I click on new and then send an envelope

Docusign Esignature Platform

2ND STEP : I select the document (s) to have signed

I load my PDF, Word, Excel or any other format documents from my computer or any file sharing service such as Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint…

Step 3: I parameter the signature workflow

I indicate the name and email address of the signatory (s) and other possible recipients (for consultation, validation, copy, etc.). I specify the order in which they must receive the document to be signed (in series or in parallel). I can make grouped shipments if I wish. I can also specify the type of signature required (simple, advanced or qualified), and if I want to add SMS authentication of the signatories.

Step 4: I parameter the document to sign

I place by simple drag and drop the Docusign tags to the place where I want people to sign, initiate or add other information such as the date for example.

How to sign or have documents sign in 5 minutes? Step 4

Step 5: I send my envelope

I click on send. Docusign sends an email to each recipient comprising a link on which they will have to click to access the document. Once signed by all parties, the document will be stored securely to be recovered more easily.

Steps 3 and 4 can be optional on the document is recognized as a model previously used on your Docusign account.

I receive a document to sign

STEP 1 : I receive an email that informs me that I was sent a document to sign

I click on the examination to examine the document and access the document. I can therefore start the electronic signature process of a

Simple click from any device connected to the Internet, without having a Docusign account beforehand or having to install any application to sign my document.

2ND STEP : I am the instructions of the Docusign platform

Tags and instructions guide me step by step through the signature process. Impossible to be wrong or find a way of making an electronic signature that is more ergonomic. Our tool is made to meet your digital needs and those of your businesses.

Step 3: I confirm and that’s it !

By clicking on finish, I just signed my document electronically securely, legal and recognized worldwide. My signature is guaranteed by an electronic certificate which was created on the fly by the Docusign platform, completely transparent for the signatory. Your electronic certificate is your digital warranty.

On your turn now: you can test the Docusign platform for a month – it’s free and without commitment !

The Docusign web interface is one of the three ways to access our electronic signature services. You can also use our more than 300 connectors with the most popular world solutions (Salesforce, SharePoint, Sap Success Factor, Workday, Google, Alfresco, etc.) or use Docusign APIS to add an electronic signature brick to all your applications.


How to sign a document with Docusign ?

I access the Docusign platform and create a new envelope. I select the document (s) to have signed. I indicate the name and email address of the signatory (s) and the type of signature required. I indicate the place in the document where I want people to sign and additional information if I wish, as the date. I click on “Send” and Docusign send an email to each recipient comprising a link on which they will have to click to access the document. Easy, no ?

How to try the electronic signature for free ?

Nothing could be simpler, we offer a 100% free trial here. No need for a bank card, just a few clicks and let’s go !

How long does it take to sign for the first time with Docusign ?

Less than 5 minutes and 64% of documents are signed in less than an hour with the Docusign electronic signature ! Fast, simple and efficient, all you have to do is test by yourself !

Docusign, a 100% secure solution

To protect your contracts.


Your handwritten signature brings a personal touch to your document. You can scan your signature and store it as an image to insert it in the document.

You can also insert a signature line to indicate where the document must be signed.

Create and insert a handwritten signature

A scanner is required to carry out this procedure.

  1. Apose your signature on a sheet of paper.
  2. Analyze the page and save it on your computer in a common file format: .bmp, .JPG or .png. For information on using your scanner, see the manufacturer’s user manual or website.
  3. Open the image file in Word.
  4. Select the image and, under the tab Format of the image, click on Crop And use the handles to cut the image. ROGNER command of the format tab under Image tools
  5. Right -click on the image, then choose Image To save it in a separate file.
  6. To add the signature to a document, click on Insert >picture.The images command under the Insert tab

Include a tapped text in your reusable signature

If you want to add information such as your function, phone number or email address to your signature, save them with signature in the form of automatic insertion.

  1. Type the desired text under the inserted image.
  2. Select the Tapped Image and Text.
  3. Click on Insertion >Quickpart. Quickpart order under the Insert tab
  4. Click on Save the selection in the Quickpart component gallery. The dialog box Create a new construction block opens. Create a new construction block dialog
  5. In the zone Name, Type a name for your signature.
  6. In the zone Gallery, select Automatic insertion.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. When you want to use this signature, place the insertion point where you want to insert the signature block.
  9. Click on Insertion >Quickpart components >Automatic insertion, Then on the name of your signature.

Insert a signature line

Use the command Signing line To insert a signature line with an X opposite the line to indicate where to sign a document.

  1. Click where you want to insert the line.
  2. Click on Insertion >Signing line. The signature line command under the Insert tab
  3. Click on Microsoft Office signature line.
  4. In the dialog box Signature configuration, You can type a name in the area Signated signatory. You can also add a title to the area Signated signatory title.
  5. Click on OK. The signature line appears in your document. A signature line in Word, with an X to indicate the place where the signature must appear

Your handwritten signature brings a personal touch to your document. You can scan your signature, store it as an image, then insert it in Word documents.

Scan and insert an image of your handwritten signature

A scanner is required to carry out this procedure.

  1. Apose your signature on a sheet of paper.
  2. Blit the page and save it on your computer in a current file format: .Bmp, .Gif, .JPG or .Png.

Advice : For information on using your scanner, see the manufacturer’s user manual or website.

  • In the tab Insertion, click on Images >Image from a file. Strengthening file image under the insertion tab
  • Look for the image you want to insert, select it, then click on Insert.
  • Click on the image to display the tab Image format.
  • In the tab Image format, click on Crop, then cut the signature. Rogner in highlighting under the image format tab
  • Right -click on the image, then click on Image To save it as a separate file that you can reuse in other documents.
  • Include text in your reusable signature

    If you want to add information such as your function, phone number or email address to your signature, save them with signature in the form of automatic insertion.

    1. Type the desired text under the inserted image.
    2. Select the Tapped Image and Text.
    3. In the menu Insertion, click on Automatic insertion >New.
    4. The dialog box Create an automatic insertion opens. Create an automatic insertion dialog boxOpposite the area Name, Type a name for your signature block, then click on OK.
    5. When you want to use this signature, place the insertion point where you want to insert the signature block.
    6. In the menu Insertion, click on Automatic insertion >Automatic insertion, Then click on the name of your signature block.

    Sign a PDF without printing it ? It is possible thanks to the electronic signature !

    Thomas Choukroun

    2.5 billion. This is the number of PDFs circulating in the world. It is impossible to ignore the importance of this format in the reception and drafting of employment contracts, leases, quotes, withdrawal mandate, etc. If the PDF format has many advantages, the fact remains that in the case of contractual documents, the first reflex is to print the PDF document to sign it, digitize it, and return it to its sender. Beyond the obvious ecological hiccup that such practices generate, it also resides a problem of efficiency. In a world where every second counts, losing even a few minutes to sign contractual documents is a brake on productivity. The possibility of signing a PDF directly without having to go through all these intermediate steps is therefore crucial, but on the condition sine qua non that everything is done in a context with the very high security requirements. You will discover it very quickly, there is only a solution that includes all conditions: the electronic signature.

    How to sign a PDF without printing it ?

    To ask this question is in itself already an awareness that the status quo Polyptych “I receive, I print, I sign, I scan, I refer” no longer finds thanks to your eyes. It is for this reason that there are other more practical, more ecological and above all more secure options to affix its signature on a document in PDF format.

    Electronic signature PDF CTA test Electronic signature PDF CTA test

    Can I sign a PDF ?

    Yes it’s possible. MacOS users are customary in this particularly effective technique which consists in using the computer trackpad to insert a “manuscript” signature. The signature is thus considered as a document in the image format, which should be resized in order to make it readable.

    What drawbacks are linked to such a signature ?

    The first drawback is that it is difficult at best, impossible at worst, to accurately reproduce its own signature, a fortiori On a limited trackpad and without tools capable of replying the accuracy of a pen.

    From a purely safe point of view, this kind of signature does not give the best guarantees: it is indeed difficult to ensure the authenticity of the signatory. A third party having had access to the PDF could completely affix their signature without the recipient of the PDF having known it. In addition, it is complicated to ensure the authenticity of the signature. If the signatory could be confirmed, his signature, however, perhaps falsified or poorly reproduced. More importantly, this type of signature has absolutely No legal value.

    What solution to sign PDF ?

    The only alternative to sign PDF is the electronic signature. It differs from the previous signature by many aspects and constitutes the only option to sign a document in PDF format.

    Why use the electronic signature to sign my PDF ?

    The electronic signature brings a large bouquet of significant advantages to sign your PDF documents safely. She is:

    • Secure: Confidence providers like Yousign guarantee the authenticity of the signature and the signatory, by sending an OTP (One-Time Password) code by SMS to the predefined number so that it confirms its identity and its decision to sign the document. Following this, an electronic certificate betting the integrity of the document is affixed to the document. It is partly thanks to this that electronic signature, even on a PDF, has a guaranteed legal value and is recognized by the European authorities. As a trusted third party, Yousign is regularly audited by external audit companies appointed by the European Commission. In France, the ANSSI (National Information Security Agency) is responsible for validating qualified providers by analyzing audit reports. All about the security visa issued by the ANSSI HERE.
    • Simple to use: You can sign your contracts online remotely, from your mobile phone or your computer, wherever you are.
    • Fast: The time saving offered by adopting an electronic signature solution is extremely important. Print, sign, digitize and return takes a certain time. Thanks to the electronic signature, you can sign your contracts in a few minutes and resume your essential tasks.
    • Economic: Posts posts, paper towels, ink cartridge, printers, envelopes … all this has a cost. The adoption of the electronic signature allows you to rationalize your expenses and make significant savings from the first use.
    • Ecological: The digital signature of Yousign offers a real dematerialization of your contractual documents. Their impression then becomes superfluous.

    Yousign electronic signature

    Safety code to validate the electronic signature

    How to sign a PDF with Yousign ?

    Nothing easier ! Here is the procedure to follow if you are signatory:

    1. Click on the “Access Documents” box in the email you have received and whose sender is Yousign.
    2. Read your document until the last line
    3. Click on “Last step”
    4. Find out the OTP code you received by SMS then validate
    5. Congratulations ! You have just signed your PDF with Yousign !

    Here is the procedure to follow if you ask for the signature:

    1. Inform the contact details of the signator (s)
    2. Load the document in the application
    3. Send the document
    4. Follow the advancement of signatures with automatic signatories live
    5. Congratulations ! You have just created your first document to sign with Yousign !

    What is the best alternative to sign PDF ?

    You will understand, the only alternative that offers security, simplicity, time and money is the electronic signature.

    The usual method which consists in printing a PDF document, signing it, digitizing and returning it is over. The electronic signature offers a much more substantial alternative which brings you not only the peace of mind having regard to its much more reliable character, but also the speed of execution and the satisfaction of knowing that you make an important gesture for the environment.

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