How to repair the screen of your phone?, Top 5 things to know before repairing my smartphone – Blog Sosav

Top 5 things to know before repairing my smartphone

But most current smartphones have an inseparable screen block:/

How to repair the screen of your phone ?

Your phone screen is broken ? It is not uncommon indeed that the windows of smartphones crack or break into a thousand pieces following a fall. Rather than throwing your mobile and buying a new one, you can replace your screen. Where to replace your screen ? What are the prices applied for this type of repair ? Discover our tips and steps to have your phone repaired.

How to repair the screen of your phone?

Yann Daoulas – modified on 03/06/2019 at 11:46 am

How to replace your phone screen ?

Having your phone repaired often comes back to you less than buying a new one, so in case of a broken or cracked screen, you can simply replace it ! Many repair points or shops propose to do so. There are also several websites that offer this type of service, for this you must send your phone and pay your screen repair online.

Everything you need to know before having your phone repaired

Before having your smartphone repaired in the event of a broken screen, here are some tips, don’t forget:

  • to find out about the repair price of a phone by a professional (Wefix, Allopsm, Save, Sosav. ) by asking for a quote for replacing the screen;
  • to make a backup of your data, often the repair procedure involves resetting mobiles;
  • to keep all the accessories of your phone (SIM card, SD card, etc.) before entrusting it to the repair service.

Have your phone repaired: how much it costs ?

To change the screen of your smartphone, it takes between 50 € and 311 € depending on the model of your phone. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover the screen breakage, remember to request a quote before making the repair of the latter.

You may have subscribed to an additional guarantee ? Some manufacturers, mobile operators or stores offer this type of additional insurance to cover the costs in the event of screen breakage.

Repair your phone yourself ?

For the most handy or to lower the price of the repair, you can make your own replacement. It is indeed possible to buy repair kits on the internet or in store and help you thanks to the online tutorials (on YouTube for example).

Please note, it is still a sensitive repair, in case of poor handling on your part, your smartphone can be out of service. Another downside, the warranty of your mobile phone will no longer work in the event of a problem if you have previously carried out repairs yourself. To keep your guarantees, you must orient yourself towards a repair center approved by your manufacturer.

Don’t forget to protect your phone !

In order to preserve your mobile phone from shocks, falls and even scratches, it is strongly advised to equip it with a shell and a protective window to apply on your screen. These smartphone protective accessories are less expensive than replacing your screen !

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Top 5 things to know before repairing my smartphone

broken smartphone

My precieuuuuuux … My precious smartphone is broken … Woe on all the land in the middle … or not … Difficult choice: Follow the steps of Sauron or repair my smartphone ? What, it’s a bit extreme as a choice ? Well, all that to say that you do not have to go on the dark side of the force (Yeah, I know that the references mix, it’s my geek side that comes out) since he is possible to repair your smartphone EASILY (I break down the number of syllables I want, yes, thank you). But before you embark on the adventure of smartphone repair, there are a few things to know to become the King or the Queen of Mordor !

Top 1: make the difference between an LCD screen and touch window

If most recent smartphones have assembled screens, that is to say that the LCD slab forms a block with the touch window, there are still a few models where the two can separate. This is particularly the case on many tablets (iPad or Galaxy Tab) or portable consoles too. Assembly screens require pointed tool and LCD separators not necessarily profitable for occasional handymen, to be dismantled (such as iPhone screens or the latest Samsung Galaxy). In this case, whether it is simply a problem of tactile reactivity or display, or even cracked screen, there is no other solution than replacing the full screen block.

VS screen screen

But on some devices (unfortunately increasingly rare), it is always possible to separate the screen from the window. It is therefore interesting to know how to identify the room you need to change according to the problems encountered. How Know if my LCD screen is broken ? If the display is of poor quality, if the colors are abnormal, if black spots or lines of colors appear, if the display is very dark / light or completely black while the device vibrates or sounds (is lit )). How to know if I owe only change my touch window ? If there is a shallow crack, if the touch is difficult to react on an area of ​​the screen or no longer works at all, if there are too many stripes that make the device unusable.

But most current smartphones have an inseparable screen block:/

Top 2: Identify the component to change

It may seem stupid, but wanting to repair your phone, tablet or console, it’s good. But you still have to know where exactly the problem comes from ! Often, this is a simple logical reasoning where to be eliminated. The first reflex to have and which can avoid repair is to update your bone and/or restore your device. There may be a software bug or an app that doesn’t turn round. Of course, you have to think about saving all your data before.

Otherwise, You have to ask yourself simple questions that involve simple answers. For example :

  • I can’t take selfies anymore ? My camera is HS. Yes but which ? I know I keep my phone from the front to see my head in selfie when taking the photo, so it is the front camera that is used. So I have to replace the front camera.
  • My smartphone does not emit no sound ? The speaker is in question. But which ? Do I have a sound when I phone ? Yes, so it’s not the internal / listening speaker that transmits the voice of my interlocutors. On the other hand, I no longer intend to ring or the music of my videos, so it is the external speaker problematic. Be careful, you will see that the sound comes from the bottom of the phone because this is where this speaker is located.
  • THE Power button remains pressed or no longer responds ? The button is physically broken ? No, so the button is not in question, but the tablecloth who manages it is at fault.
  • My phone Refuse to load ? This is a trap question because there are two possibilities. Either the battery is worn and you have to change it, either replace the load connector (the micro USB / USB-C / Lightning port). It can even happen to replace both. Your device was already lacking in autonomy and you have had it for over a year or two, it is a safe bet that the battery is tired. Your computer no longer recognizes your smartphone but the autonomy is not a problem ? It is likely that the charging connector is to be changed.
  • And so on.

You understand, to repair your smartphone, you often have to proceed by elimination. There are problems where the solution seems logical, but sometimes it is necessary to eliminate suspicious components in order to find the culprit ! Besides, our experts are there to help you in this breakdowns if you are a little lost, whether by email or on our forum ��

Top 3: act quickly when your smartphone falls into the water

A stupid accident but that comes to a lot (really a lot a lot) of people ! His smartphone that falls into the water, it’s a real moment of panic but you have to know the good gestures to save it from an imminent death. Even if many recent smartphones are “waterproof”, they are actually, not to be plunged into water. They can resist, more or less well, splashes or shallow immersion (under a tap for example). Anyway, it is not possible to go back (no ctrl z … sniff), SO Have the right reflexes and keep your cold !

The first thing to do: rinse it with water demineralize if it fell into “dirty” water. Yes it seems strange, but it will limit corrosion. Then you have to let dry at room temperature, especially not dry it with a hairdryer or on a radiator. The rice technique is not necessarily useful … the ideal is to Disassemble the maximum of components (especially the battery to avoid short-circuits) to let it dry. You should not survive it right away, wait for a good day before turning it back on. It can also be useful to Make a good deoxidation To eliminate traces of oxidation. It is only to have deoxidized your smartphone that it is possible to know if components have been damaged by immersion.

Top 4: have patience and use the right tools

We can never repeat it enough: to repair your smartphone, you have to be patient, especially if it is your first time ! But with the good advice, It’s a completely doable maneuver. And this, despite the urban legend, widely conveyed by smartphones / tablets manufacturers. To calmly embark on smartphone repair, you have to simply take your time and inquire not to throw yourself blind in something that we do not necessarily master. This is why our team of SOSAV technicians has achieved thousands of Repair tutorials To explain, step by step, how to repair your phone, tablet or console yourself and no longer depend on the manufacturer’s manufacturer.

Most mobiles can be repaired thanks to our Universal Tool Kit, But there are also essential tools which are indicated on each of our repair guides. You also have the option of equipping yourself with more pro equipment if you got a taste for phone repair ! You should know that the screws used within a phone are very small. Even the most handy among you, will probably not have a screwdriver suitable in their toolbox ! Especially for iPhone or iPad since Apple does not like to do like everyone else, and uses a proprietary screw format, the Pentalobe ..

Tools to repair your smartphone

Top 5: Do not hesitate to have your smartphone repaired by a pro

Sometimes the breakdown is much more complex than it seems and requires further skills. Maybe even micro-tear on motherboard. 80% of breakdowns are easily repairable, but can cause costs when you are not able to quickly identify the problem. And beyond that, there are concerns that require specific knowledge. Micro-soudure will be able to solve most of the problems. But it is better to entrust it to a professional at the risk of definitively damaging his device.

And there is the cases where we dare not get started... And it’s not so serious in the background ! The main thing is to make the process of wanting to repair your smartphone. Because it remains more economical than buying a new. It is also ecological since you do not unnecessarily throw a device in a market state. So no shame not to want to take the plunge, there are Professional smartphones repairerss, like our Captain Repair, who are there to revive and resuscitate all your devices ! Heroes of repair at hand, it would be silly to deprive you ��

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