How to recharge to maintain the battery of your electric car?, On a trip: how to recharge the battery of my electric car?

On a trip: how to recharge the battery of my electric car

Like all the batteries and rechargeable batteries that we use on a daily basis, the performance of the batteries of electric cars can decrease over time, as much on the maximum power power as on the maximum amount of energy that it can contain.

How to recharge to maintain the battery of your electric car ?

The battery of an electric car is the Mistress Part of the vehicle, it determines autonomy maximum and represents an important part of the purchase price. The greatest fear of the owners of electric vehicles is the degradation of the battery over the years, which would lower vehicle performance and its resale price.

What are the battery degradation factors electric car ? Does recharge have an impact on the battery life ? Should we favor the rapid recharge or the slow recharge ?

5 aging factors of an electric car battery

Like all the batteries and rechargeable batteries that we use on a daily basis, the performance of the batteries of electric cars can decrease over time, as much on the maximum power power as on the maximum amount of energy that it can contain.

The most important for an electric car is the energy it can contain, as it has a direct impact on driving autonomy. This data can be measured and is called the state of battery health, State of Health or Soh in English.

This is mainly due to 5 main factors for degrading the performance of lithium-ion batteries present in electric cars:

  1. The weather : As with everything, the battery modules degrade with the passing time. Each passing year generates an average of a loss of 2% of battery performance. (source)
  2. THEhigh temperatures : temperature rise with recharging or exposure to high external temperatures contribute to the aging of the battery.
  3. A use of the battery close to its minimum and its maximum : It is recommended to use your electric car between 20% and 80% recharge as much as possible.
  4. High electric currents: The higher the current of the current, the more it can tire the battery and reduce its performance.
  5. Cycles of use: each discharge and recharge cycle causes a slight wear of the battery. It is minimal for lithium-ion batteries, but can be observed after several thousand charging cycles.

Impact of recharge on the battery of the electric car

Is fast recharging harmful to the battery ?

Continuous current recharge, more commonly known as rapid recharge, is radically different from recharge by alternating current, also called normal recharge. Quick recharging starts at a power of 22 kW, and normal recharging is included from 3.7 kW to 22 kW.

Rapid recharging reaches greater powers than normal recharge, it thus causes a a climb in temperature more important than normal recharge.

When you compare electric vehicles that are never recharged with rapid continuous current chargers and others that can be observed that those who are recharged in rapid recharge has a greater aging of their battery.

However, it is not established that this is only due to rapid recharging, this may also be due to other factors related to the use of vehicles. Vehicles that are recharged on fast chargers are probably more asked for longer and faster journeys than those only recharged on normal charging stations.

It is not No need to forbid fast recharging To preserve the battery of your electric car, but it is recommended not to use it as the only means of recharge.

Recharge less quickly to limit the wear of the battery of your electric car ?

The data collected on thousands of electric vehicles show, however, that recharging with low powers with level 1 recharge (120V, in the United States for example), does not save its battery compared to a level recharge 2, which corresponds to the recharging on the terminals by alternating current.

So do not deprive yourself of Recharge on normal charging stations !

Extend the life of the battery of your electric car

From previous observations, the following advice can be applied to preserve the battery of your electric vehicle:

  • Do not let your vehicle park with a battery close to 0% or 100%. It is best to keep the battery as much as possible between 20% and 80%.
  • Limit the use of fast load and favor normal recharging. This is more than enough if you can recharge your electric car at home at night or at your workplace during the day.
  • Avoid exposing the car to high temperatures, for example by guarantor rather in the shade in summer.
  • Use your electric vehicle as much as possible ! The battery of his vehicle contains many rare materials, they are more useful if they are used to drive than by staying in the parking lot.

Follow and measure the battery health of an electric vehicle

The question of battery health arises mainly at the time of the sale or purchase of a used electric vehicle. How Certify the good condition of the battery ?

A first solution is to base oneself on elements displayed by the dashboard of the vehicle. Beware, however, of the autonomy announced, because it is based on the driving practiced during the last trips. It can be undervalued if the last journeys were made with sporting driving or on the highway, or overvalued if the last journeys were very careful.

The best solution is therefore to call on a certification tool battery health. The beautiful battery thus offers a battery certification kit of your electric car. This allows you to have a reliable health measurement electric car you want to buy or sell.

You want to install a charging station at home or at your workplace ? Do not hesitate to ask for a free quote dependent !

On a trip: how to recharge the battery of my electric car ?

If we note that today many users decide to equip themselves with a home terminal to recharge their electric car at home, we also note that many charging stations are installed everywhere in cities. While you have to know before hitting the road with your electric car ? What are the different roaming recharges on the market, how the charging cards work ? We take stock with you.

Recharge your electric car in homeless or at home, what are the differences ?

If you have an electric car or if you are thinking about it, may have already wondered how to recharge your vehicle. Know that you have several charging possibilities, including: Home recharge and roaming recharge.


Finding an available charging station and in good condition when you plan to make a slightly long journey can be very complicated. We can however find terminals open to the public. There are everywhere in France, but also abroad and especially in Europe, terminal networks that allow you to recharge your electric car easily. The trick is then to bring a badge or a card, which gives access to the charging in roaming. Very practical when you cannot go home or if you do not yet have a home charging station, roaming recharging allows you to find an available and usable location quickly. For people who drive a lot and who need to optimize the management of their time on the go. The roaming charging card is very convenient to complete your main charging system.

Home recharge

Recharging at home is especially very practical and allows you to control your budget and save money. You have the possibility to recharge your car when you want, independently with regard to public charging stations. Depending on the electricity offer of your home, you can save money. Indeed, some energy suppliers offer offers adapted to recharge your electric car. If you also want to limit your carbon footprint, you can consider green electricity offers !

Know that if you want to install a charging station at your home, you can benefit from financial aid under certain conditions. Tax credit, reduced rate VAT, aid from local authorities or Funding program Advent, ask beforehand beforehand.

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