How to put your forced water heater? Well at home, put your forced water heater | Ekwateur

Put the forced water heater: why and how

Finally, Save money is also choosing the right price for electricity. It is logical, the less you pay dear electricity, the more your invoices decrease.

How to put your forced water heater ?

You happen to have more significant occasional needs in hot water ? Here are some tips for putting on your forced water heater. And thus ensure all the desired comfort.

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A electric water heater is really economical when he is subject to the EDF pricing hollow / full hour. THE water heater then warms the water from the ball only at night when the electricity is the cheapest. If the capacity of the balloon corresponds to your daily needs, this operation meets your expectations. But sometimes we need more hot water.

Domestic hot water: Know how to respond to the unexpected

If you need more

You receive family or friends ? You have emptied the contents of your ball in the morning ? Unable to increase the capacity of the balloon. To avoid the cold shower, it is better to anticipate ! For that, you need Stop subjugation at off -peak hours the night.

It is at the level of your electrical panel that everything happens. The contactor of water heater, Also called fuse, should be different from others, and present three positions:

  • 0: off mode. The water heater supply is cut. This position is recommended for an absence of more than three days or when you tinker with the water heater.
  • Car :: Automatic start -up of cumulus in off -peak hours. Automatic cumulus extinction in full hours.
  • I: Forced start -up When you need more hot water in full hours. The contactor will get back on its own in automatic mode from the hollow time switching.

Think of your hot water consumption

There forced walk will allow youHave hot water available faster. Be aware that a ball takes about six hours to warm up all its capacity. Side power consumption, This will obviously be greater than usual since the water heater warms water when the price is less interesting. Do not panic ! Forced walk does not mean continuous electrical consumption. Remember that there is a thermostat in the cumulus. So when the desired temperature is reached, water heating stops.

But If you have the need to set your heater forced too regularly, it may be that his ability is not adapted to your lifestyle. Change it and opt for a smart water heater, capable of adapting to changes of situation. Some water heater know how to identify your needs (more people on weekends than during the week for example), and modify their operation to reduce your consumption. Like the Vizengo water heater in Atlantic.

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Put the forced water heater: why and how ?

Shower that works with forced water heater

Visit of friends or family, bath of your Pyrenees giant (the best dog in the world ��), etc. Sometimes the capacity of your balloon is not able to provide you with enough hot water. When you face these unforeseen needs, forced walking can be useful.

How to place the En forced water heater ? Ekwateur throws himself into the water to explain all this to you. ��

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How to put the forced water heater ?

The different positions of the water heater

Before taking an interest in forced march, it is advisable to take stock of the Different positions of the water heater. This can be placed:

  • in mode 0 or off. The ball is then turned off;
  • in Auto mode. The cumulus is triggered in off -peak hours, When the price of electricity is lower. So you save money;
  • in Mode I or we. The device is forced, it can produce continuous water.

Place the ball in forced walking position

To put the continuous water heater, it’s easy. Just look on the electrical panel and place the forced walking button in I or we. Your balloon then begins to heat the water directly.

Stop the forced march of the hot water tank: how to do ?

Once you no longer need to force operation, just Iron the ball in car mode or 0. Easy as pie ! ��

When to put the forced water heater ?

An important need for hot water

When you face a need for hot water greater than normal, you must position your balloon in forced.

Instead of producing only in off -peak hours, the Cumulus will generate continuous hot water. This will allow you to increase the capacity of your bathroom punctually. Everyone in the shower ! ��

Electric water heaters in off-peak hours: problem on the day night contactor

It is necessary to put your balloon forced when the Automatic position no longer works. In general, it is due to a concern on the day night contactor.

This one no longer receives the signal of off-peak hours from Enedis. Therefore, it no longer triggers the water heater in off-peak hours and the tank is no longer fills.

How long can you leave a forced water heater ?

You can leave the device in “on” mode as much time as desired. It is advisable to turn it off once you no longer need it to save money. Most of the time, thehe will re-loot on his own in “off-peak” position.

Why my water heater only works ?

If your water heater only works on the forced walking button, it is often that the Contactor is HS. It will therefore be necessary to replace it which requires a Handling on the electrical panel.

For troubleshooting, The best is to call on an electrician-ne. Indeed, without technical skill, we do not recommend playing with the electrical installation of your accommodation.

There pose will cost you between 35 € and 45 € HT. Added to this is the price of the system. We will have to count a around twenty euros.

Save water and energy

Check that my cumulus is set in off -peak hours

The operation of the forced water heater is energy-consuming. Instead of launching a few hours a day, it works in full hours. In doing so, we see the electricity bill climb.

To save energy, you have to start with Check that the water heater is well positioned in car mode.

Adjust the thermostat to the right temperature

The warmer the water, the more your device must call on resistance. Consequence: you consume more. To avoid overconsumption, adjust the temperature of the water heater to the right temperature.

As a reminder, the Thermostat of the water heater must be set between 55 ° C and 60 ° C. You will thus prevent burns and the risk of legionellosis.

Choosing the right hot water tank

If you regularly force the operation of your ball, it may be that the capacity of your equipment is not adapted to your consumption needs. Changing it is necessary.

To opt for an ecological and economical water heater, several are available to you:

  • THE Thermodynamic water heater : this is a cumulus on which a heat pump has been grafted. It therefore uses the outside air to heat the water from the tank. When the needs are felt, it can use electrical resistance to ensure the entire production of hot water;
  • THE Individual or “CESI” solar water heater. It is an electric balloon to which we have added solar thermal panels. Housing hot water production is ensured by the vast majority of solar energy ! To you sunbathing or rather sun showers ☀️

Replacing his cumulus can be a budget, we know. This is why we want to share with you a good plan. �� These two devices are eligible for the Ekwateur energy premium and Maprimerenov ‘, of the Thermal renovation aid. They will take care of a large part of the site. Not bad is not it ?

Hollow or base time option: Choosing the right electricity offer

Finally, Save money is also choosing the right price for electricity. It is logical, the less you pay dear electricity, the more your invoices decrease.

How to find the right offer ? The biggest experts in the galaxy have looked into the question. Here are their advice:

  • “”Little prices, you will look“”. We are not going to epilog. Electricity at low prices is a vector of savings;
  • “”A green electricity supplier, you will choose“”. Make a gesture for your wallet is good. Make a gesture for his wallet and for the planet is better. And for that, nothing like renewable energies. ��
  • “”Quality customer service, you will choose“”. To manage your electricity contract, you may need help. It is therefore better to be able to count on a nice customer/supplier relationship, you do not think ?

It is with these three criteria that Ekwateur launched its green electricity offer. The cream of electricity offers, it tempts you ? ��

Why put the forced water heater ?

Why put the forced water heater?

All the information to force the walking of your water heater outside the time slots !

When and why put a forced water heater ?

The water heaters are chosen so that you can cover the hot water needs of the home. Their volume and heating capacity are therefore generally adapted to the current daily uses of the house. However, in certain circumstances, it happens that it is necessary to operate the hot water tank “forced march”, that is to say outside its usual heating hours. Several questions then arise: how do you put a forced water heater ? How long can you leave a forced water heater ? Is it dangerous ?

Let’s take stock of the circumstances in which the operation of a forced walk heater can be required, on the procedure to follow and on everything you need to know when you pass a forced water heater.

What is forced walking for a water heater ?

To understand what the term forced walking designates for a water heater, you must first understand how a normal water heater works.

How normally a water heater works ?

A water heater, also called “hot water tank”, is a very widespread device for heating sanitary water. Its operating principle is very simple: it is a tank of a few tens to several hundred liters which fills with water from the network (unheated) by its lower part as soon as hot water is pulled in the circuit D ‘Sanitary water.

This water is heated inside the tank using an electrical resistance, then sent to the Circuit of Domain Domain Domain by the outlet located on the upper part of the balloon. The housing hot water circuit is still filled with water previously heated in the balloon.

Water heating is regulated by the presence of a thermostat, the centerpiece of the water heater. The temperature is adjusted on the thermostat to which the water we want to be heated, and the thermostat is responsible for triggering water heating as soon as this temperature is no longer reached.

Operating in off -peak / full hours

A water heater can be scheduled to heat the water only at certain times, in order to limit costs related to electricity consumption. This is the case in general when you hold an electricity contract which differentiates hollow hours and full hours: you then plan water heating during off-peak hours, that is to say to when electricity is the cheapest.

In this situation, it is at the level of the connection of the water heater to the electrical panel that the programming is defined. It is a special contactor, with three positions, which connects the water heater to the electrical circuit. In normal operation, the contactor is placed on the “auto” position (sometimes also symbolized by a small clock). In this case, if the thermostat detects during the period of off -peak hours that water inside the balloon is at a temperature below its set temperature (generally between 55 and 65 ° C, in any case never Less in order to limit bacteriological risks), the resistance start -up will be triggered on the electrical panel. Outside off -peak hours, there is no water heating, which remains hot inside the balloon.

When can it be necessary to switch a forced water heater ?

If you receive friends, and three daily showers you suddenly switch to seven, or you need to carry a multitude of washes of clothing / covers / pillows in hand, you may consume more hot water than your heating -Eau is not able to heat in the allotted time.

The problem if you have consumed all the capacity of your ball at 6 p.m., and the next heating cycle is only planned for the next off -peak hours from 1 a.m. , dishes and toilets of the day in cold water ! It is precisely to avoid these kinds of situations that you have the possibility to pass your water heater in forced.

How to get your water heater on forced ?

It is at the level of the electrical panel that you must act: you must switch the contactor, normally set on the “car” position or on the clock symbol, towards position I or on (be careful not to confuse with positions 0 or OFF, which would turn off the water heater).

Your water heater is now “forced march”, that is to say that it produces hot water at a time when it is normally programmed so as not to produce them.

Can we leave a forced water heater ?

It is quite possible to leave a water heater on forced. This does not run any risk to your water heater or your electrical installation, and allows you to be sure you never fall short of hot water. Note that when the thermostat detects that the control temperature is reached, heating is automatically interrupted, whether the water heater is forced or not.

On the other hand, be aware that when it is forced, your water heater consumes more electricity than in differentiated hours off-peak / full hours.

If you should very regularly put your forced water heater so as not to lack hot water, it is that your water heater is too small compared to your needs. You should consider changing it in favor of a model of a higher capacity.

How long Can we leave a forced water heater ?

There is no limit to the time during which one can leave a forced water heater: the question is only that of your consumption (and therefore your bill) of electricity.

For information, be aware that the most efficient water heaters have the capacity to heat the ball entirely in less than two hours: it is therefore not useful to leave them forced beyond this duration in the event of punctual overtaking of their capacity.

Most models of water heaters with a capacity greater than 200 liters need 6 to 8 hours to perform complete heating. It is therefore advisable to anticipate the increase in its consumption of hot water and to start it forced before drawing large amounts of water so as not to be caught up !

Beyond this duration of 6 to 8 hours, if your hot water needs have returned to their normal level, you can go back to auto mode.

Can we leave a forced water heater When the off -peak / full hour contactor is broken ?

The answer is simple: yes ! This is even the only solution for your water heater to continue to produce hot water, while waiting to replace the faulty contactor.
Here find how to remove the calacire from your water heater !

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