How to properly adjust its electric radiators?, How to program your electric heating?

How to program your electric heating

“Last but not least” program your heating will help you are always hot and spend less ! We will now see how to do.

How to properly adjust its electric radiators ?

A Good adjustment of electric radiators is essential to heat the house while limiting its consumption. How to adjust its electric radiators to achieve the balance between comfort and savings ? At what temperature adjust the thermostat ? How to optimize heat diffusion ? Answer in this signed article Izi by EDF.

Configure the temperature of the thermostat part by part

Unless you live in a studio, or a T1, the parts of a accommodation do not all have the same functions, nor the same occupancy rate during the day. If it is necessary to heat a living room permanently occupied, it is less so for a partially occupied bathroom, in the morning or in the evening when you shower. Adjusting its electric radiator is therefore first Take into account the type of part (living room, bedroom, office, bathroom).

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Each part then corresponds to an ideal temperature:

��️ for Living pieces (living room, living room, dining room, kitchen), the ideal setting of an electric radiator is the Comfort mode (Sun pictogram) corresponding to a temperature at 19 ° C.

However, use the eco mode (symbolized by a moon) at 17 ° C as soon as you leave your accommodation (to go to work for a day for example).

Turn off 100 % heating as soon as you leave a room where the house is strongly not recommended. The temperature may fall quickly. In reinforcement, your electric radiators may spend a lot of energy to reach the desired temperature when you return.

��️ for the rooms and the office occupied during the day, same idea, the Comfort mode is recommended (and eco mode in case of absence). At night, you can also adjust the electric radiator by eco mode (moon).

16 to 17 ° C is enough for a restorative sleep and an alarm clock without migraine. If you are equipped with a centralized thermostat (pilot wire, multizones), program the start of your heating device 1 to 2 hours before lifting it, for a gentle awakening !

��For The bathroom, If your towel dryer allows it, adjust your radiator to 17 ° C when it is unoccupied, Between two close passages in the bathroom. On the other hand, occupied must be able to be Heated to 22 See 23 ° C in a few minutes. It is best to program your towel cup on the morning/evening fashion or using a smartphone application by time slot (if your toweliness is connected).

Unlike certain received ideas, it is not Not useful to leave a continuously lit. The bathroom is a passage room; Not to mention that a towel dryer, especially with blower, is likely to consume a lot of energy.

Young man Teletravaille at home

In summary, adjust your main thermostat on 19 ° C/Comfort mode (or adjustment of the wheel) the day when you are present. The night and during your absences, go into eco/17 ° C mode. Above all, adapt the temperature as a function of the part to the thermal regulatory thermostat present on each electric radiator.

Promote heat diffusion to improve thermal comfort

Certain radiator settings make it possible to gain thermal comfort, to improve diffusion and the conservation of heat. Here are some precious tips:

�� Remove the front of electric radiators (no furniture or sofa glued to the radiator that would block the circulation of hot air);

�� Clean your electric heating devices At the start of the winter season (remove the dust from the ventilation grids);

�� Etemate your electric radiators while you are the part ;

�� Close the shutters at night and pull the curtains (choose a certain thickness preferably) to keep the maximum heat.

If the cold persists in particular in terms of the opening (windows, doors), remember to replace them for more comfort or Insolate your opening While waiting to be able to change them (joints to be replaced, overlap to be installed, etc.)). Generally, Being cold inside is synonymous with poor insulation housing. Indeed, you can heat your home as much as possible, if the insulation is lacking, you will be still cold and your energy bill may explode.

Also, consult the Notice instructions of the manufacturer of your heating device. If the instructions are lost, type on the internet the reference of the model of your electric radiator associated with the name of the brand. Some manufacturer’s sites provide all the notices of their products online.

Adjust your electric radiator to save energy

The good heating attitude is to adopt so-called eco-responsible settings. In addition to doing your wallet good, you limit your impact on the environment. Here are some tips:

�� Determine Scenarios according to your lifestyle. You can for example define the desired temperatures according to the parts per hour and per day and program your thermostat.

�� Reduce the temperature by 1 ° C from your room, your office or your living room saves 7 % on your electricity bill according to ADEME. It is notably advisable to adjust its electric radiator to 19 ° C, rather than 20 ° C and to cover yourself properly in winter.

�� No need to fully put all your electric radiators When you return home, cold days. You will consume more electricity and your accommodation will not heat faster !

�� Do not completely cut the heating During the day, even in your absence, but put the radiator in eco/moon mode (or the out -of -gel/flocon mode in the event of prolonged absence, more than three days).

�� Invest in smart and connected solutions. Intelligent radiators are able to cut themselves temporarily and automatically in the event of absence (presence detector) and open window. In addition, connected radiators allow remote control (ignition, temperature and modes adjustment, time slots).

Heating expenses can weigh up to 70% on the energy budget of housing ! If you are not careful and you do not comply with certain usage tips, your bill will quickly go to the red. Therefore a good setting of your electric radiators allows reasoned management of the temperature of your accommodation without unjustifying your expenses.

THE operation of an electric radiator depends on on -board technology. An inertia radiator (fluid or dry) diffuses a gentle and progressive heat throughout the room, when a radiant panel releases instant but unilateral heat (in one direction, by radiation). The convector aspires fresh air from below and heats it thanks to its internal electrical resistance. It usually provides dry, fast, and not homogeneous heat.

Change its electric radiators for more performance

If your old radiator is too old Or out of order, Even with the best settings in the world, you will find it difficult to reach the subtle balance between permanent comfort and limited energy consumption.

Your radiators are dilapidated ? Replace them with Izi by EDF !

The latest generations radiators offer best heating capacities for a Better controlled consumption. In addition, they have interesting features For a simple and easy adjustment:

  • Autoprogramming of the radiator modeled on your pace of life;
  • Presence detector ;
  • Open window detector;
  • Remote control in real time of your devices (from a smartphone application), etc.

Young woman consults her tablet

There heating power of the radiator must be carefully chosen, depending on the surface of the room and the volume to be heated. There is no need to invest in an overpowered radiator; and unlike uncomfortable to invest in an undersized radiator for your heating needs.

What setting for electric radiators ? What you must remember

Here is in summary how to adjust its electric radiator:

The right adjustment of electric radiators allows you to have a pleasant accommodation to live in any time, while mastering your invoices. Remember that an adjustment to the nearest 1 ° C can make a big difference.

craftsman izi by EDF goes home

Install intelligent and connected radiators with IZI by EDF !

Save savings and monitor your consumption with the installation of smart and connected radiators.

How to program your electric heating ?

Electric heating program

Electric heating is practical. We turn it on, we turn it off, according to its needs and the parts in which we are. But it’s also a bit of a roller coaster sometimes. Comfort level first: too hot, then too cold then hot re-gathered. Not to mention the invoice that goes with it and that always tends to heat, it �� So to know how to program its electric heating is here !

So as not to request your electric heating too much ..

We will see a little further how to program your electric heating so that you are never cold or have to break your piggy bank to pay your energy bill but, before that, it is useful to have in mind the uses that allow you to limit your heating expenses.

1. Well isolated accommodation, the basis for less heating spending !

If you live in a house, always start by isolate the roof-the main source of heat loss-then go to the lower floors to the ground floor.

Even in an apartment, hunt for air currents around windows and doors.

To avoid heat loss in your home sweet home, be sure to:

  • Caul up the windows
  • Place door cushions
  • Lay thick curtains
  • Shut the shutters at night

These few small gestures will allow you to keep the heat !

Read also:

2. know the ideal temperatures (before pushing the heating)

Yes, we know, it’s subjective. Some are always too hot when others shift. But precisely, when it is ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency) which says it, it makes everyone agree �� (and in passing, did you know that lowering the temperature 1 ° C allows you to achieve up to 7% savings ?))

Ademe recommends heating the living rooms (living room, kitchen, dining room) at 19 ° C during the day and heating at 17 ° C at night. To avoid waste, it is not necessary to heat the unoccupied parts (cellar, laundry room, garage, etc.).

And if you are away more than 24 hours, put your radiators in out of frost mode: 12 ° C at 14 ° C .

Read also:

3. Maintain your electric radiators, they will return it to you !

Like your car, your radiators need to be maintained regularly for optimal performance. Dirt and dust inside reduce their performance and increase their electric consumption. To clean your electric radiators, it’s so simple: use a vacuum cleaner to dust the visible parts and a feather to flush out the dust to the interstices. For the frequency: Provide cleaning on average twice a year.

4. And so, you can fully benefit from the programming of your electric heating

“Last but not least” program your heating will help you are always hot and spend less ! We will now see how to do.

How to program your electric heating

Many devices exist to limit heating spending and avoid unpleasant surprises when the bill arrives at the end of the month. Thank you home automation !

To be able to program your electric heating, you will have to complete it with a few devices.

In other words, add him enough to measure the room temperature and also a device to report to him when it is time to heat and when it’s time to stop.

It is you who determine the target temperature according to the moments of the day and the days of the week. You fix heating time slots according to your lifestyles (working hours, night, vacation, etc.). So you only heat up when it is really necessary. No more Gaspi !

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Check the heating periods

Thermostat/actuator, thermostatic valve, outdoor probe, … you are spoiled for choice to equip your heating in order to pilot it as closely as possible.

Whatever the option, to control your electric heating you will have to connect it to:

  • temperature sensors that will raise the room temperature of the room
  • an actuator (which will trigger heating only when it is essential)

And to go a little further, it is possible to opt for a connected heating. In this case you can pilot it via an app and/or a connected object (at SOWEE, we have both, an app and a connected station! )).

  • Go through an app to enter your heating programs according to your needs according to the moments of the day (eg a night program, an absence program, etc.) will be much easier in terms of use.
  • You will access remote functionalities. Practical when we forgot to cut the heating before leaving !

To be able to program your electric heating, you need a radiator that has a pilot wire. Do not panic, most of which have this wire which allows you to activate different heating modes.

Read also:

The installation requires some efforts – no real work but a little DIY and time – but then, to you the good life ! Your heating is in automatic piloting and you, always warm !

Not to mention the savings made �� With Sowee and its connected station for example, it is up to 25% savings on your energy consos. At any time you can consult your consumption history in the blink of an eye from your smartphone. And if you are away, in one click you activate the absence mode. The information is transmitted and the temperature drops automatically. A controlled heating is a lightened invoice !

The presence detector

Connected to a presence detector, radiators only heat up when there are people in the room. When you leave it, the temperature drops automatically. With this solution, you suddenly heat up as close as possible to your needs. An ideal solution for certain spaces such as the games room where children come and go. With this system, the objective is to heat the fairest according to your habits and your real needs.

The window opening detector

Every day, you are entirely your house by opening the windows, good reflex ! But take the time to cut your radiators every time your home takes the air ? Not really huh ? And if you opt for a window opening detector ? Once your devices have been linked, the latter transmits the information to the actuator of the radiator (s) which orders it to cut it when a window is open. Once it closed, the heating is restarted.

While waiting for you to get into the programmable and connected electric heating era ?

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