How to program sending a message from an Android smartphone or iPhone? Digital, how to program an SMS on Android

How to program an SMS on Android

You can obviously change your mind and modify the message, its date or its sending schedule, or simply delete it. Just click on it in the conversation concerned and select the option ad hoc.

How to program sending a message from an Android smartphone or iPhone ?

To avoid oversights or simplify your life, it is possible to program sending messages (text or with multimedia content) from an Android smartphone or iPhone. Here are the steps to follow.

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You do not want to disturb your interlocutor, but are afraid to forget what you had to tell him if you do not send him this capital message at the very moment ? Rather than betraying your offbeat schedules, remember to simply program your messages. Just as it is possible to provide the sending of emails, it is possible to plan that of your sms from your smartphone, whether you use an iPhone or an Android model.

How to program sending a message from an Android smartphone ?

Nothing could be simpler on smartphones equipped with the Android operating system. The integration of the RCS protocol (to which we devoted a complete file) to the Google Messages App authorizes more options than conventional SMS. It is therefore possible to program a message very easily from any smartphone equipped with the application, whatever the version of Android at work, as long as it runs at least on Android 7. Note that what we indicate below is worth for all recent Android terminals, manufacturers now opt for the installation of default Google messages. This is particularly the case for Samsung, which previously offered his own app.

To program your message (with text, images or any attachment), just prepare your draft as if you were going to send it. But instead of clicking once on the shipment arrow as usual, make prolonged support on this same arrow. The application then offers you “default” shipping options (the next day at 8 am, for example), which you can customize. You will choose on a first panel the date of sending, then on the second, the time of shipment. Finally click on the shipment arrow (short support) to validate the programming. That’s all !

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You can obviously change your mind and modify the message, its date or its sending schedule, or simply delete it. Just click on it in the conversation concerned and select the option ad hoc.

How to program sending a message from an iPhone ?

The iPhone does not allow programming of sending messages from iMessage, at least not as easily as Google Messages. To get around the obstacle, you have to go through a native functionality of iOS since its version 13: shortcuts. It automates certain tasks and finding these actions in the iPhone app.

To program a message, manipulation is relatively simple. You have to go to the shortcut, then to the Automation tab and press the “+” located at the top right of the screen to create a new. The following panel will allow you to select the time to send the message, then its content and its recipient. Please note, this manipulation actually bypass an impossibility linked to Imessage, and consists of a recurring (daily) shipment. Once your message has been sent, remember to delete automation, under penalty that your interlocutor receives every day, at the same time, your “Happy birthday”Initially scheduled for D -Day !

And with WhatsApp ?

Certainly less in vogue with young generations, WhatsApp has no less of some 2 billion active users worldwide. And yet, the consumer version of the App does not allow programming of the sending of messages. You must call on your Business version, dedicated to businesses, to take advantage of the option, or go through third -party applications, of the SKEDIT SCHEDULING AP or WASAVI type: SCHEDULER AUTO. We have seen more practical … but WhatsApp multiplying the addition of features to its app since the beginning of 2023, whose eagerly awaited post of messages after sending, it is not excluded that an option dedicated to programming messages also appear.

How to program an SMS on Android

Find out how to program the sending of an SMS to your smartphone.

Estelle Raffin / Published on February 25, 2021 at 10:50 am


Google is deploying 6 new features including SMS sending for smartphones under Android 7 or more recent version. You can program an SMS directly in the Google messages application, no need to go through third -party applications.

Programing an SMS can be practical for people who communicate remotely on different time zones but also for people who wish to make sure to send a message at the right time, especially for important events: parties, birthdays ..

Plan the sending of an SMS to your Android smartphone

  1. Open the application Messages google,
  2. Write your message as you would normally,
  3. Make a long support on the shipment button. A window appears, offering you to choose the date and time of sending,
  4. Click on Select a date and hour, Choose the date first, then the time,
  5. A confirmation window appears, press Save To confirm the selected date and time,
  6. After confirmation, the date of your planning should be displayed above your message,
  7. Finally, press the shipment button again to validate planning. A mention Planned message Then appears under the SMS in question.

Note: your smartphone must be connected to the network or Wi-Fi so that sending the SMS is done at the expected time. If you are in plane mode for example, your SMS cannot be sent.

You will find below the explanation in video:

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