How to open an account to the postal bank?, How to open an account to the online postal bank?

Postal Bank account opening – How to do

Thus, it does not exist only one bank offer for adults at the postal bank : the account formula. For people who regularly have financial difficulties, It is possible to subscribe to the simplified account formula offer: however it is necessary contact an advisor either in agency or by phone to find out if you are eligible for the offer.

How to open an account to the postal bank ?

It is possible to open an account to the postal bank by going to an agency or using the online subscription form. In both cases, bank account opening conditions apply, and supporting documents are to be provided. We detail the account opening process to the Postal Bank.

Which can open an account to the postal bank ?

To open an account to the postal bank, it is notably necessary to be a natural person. Minors can subscribe from the age of 16 provided they are accompanied by a legal representative or to be emancipated.

In addition, for any subscription, the consumer must present a certain number of additional documents.

The supporting documents to provide to open an account to the postal bank ::

  • Proof of identity (identity card, passport)
  • Of domicile (electricity, telephone bills, rent receipt)
  • Income (last salary slip, tax notice, employer’s certificate, CAF, etc.)

Open an agency account

Open an account to the postal bank

Nothing could be easier to open an account to the postal bank than to go to the nearest agency from home and during opening hours. Most often, it is not compulsory to make an appointment, unless the consumer wishes a particular offer or a joint account. The best is to call your agency to get a clean heart and not move unnecessarily.

Once at the agency, the customer simply must present your supporting documents, communicate personal information (name, address …) and choose the offer he wishes to obtain (bank card, bank pack …). All that remains is to wait for the bank to give its agreement, then the customer will receive its means of payment And all the necessary documents directly at home.


The main advantage of opening an account to the online postal bank is to avoid moving. The customer can open his account from his living room if he wishes. In addition, it can do it at any time of the day because the process is fully computerized. The system is not as efficient as to open an online account in an online bank but it has the merit of existing.

Attention : To open an account to the postal bank online, it is necessary:

  • Be a natural and major person
  • Have a bank account and a checkbook in a bank in a Member State of the European Union
  • Be tax and physically domiciled in France
  • Do not have American nationality

If one of these conditions is not fulfilled, then it will be necessary to open an account to the postal bank directly in agency.

1- Inform your personal information

The first step to open an account at the online postal bank is to Go to the subscription form page. There, the customer will be able to fill all his personal informations.

Open an account to the postal bank

2- Choose your banking offer

The consumer has several choices. He can open an individual account or an joint account, opt for different types of bank cards (visa, first visa, etc.), or not to take out means of payment insurance … He may also decide whether or not to activate contact without contact or even to receive your account statement in paper or electronic format.

Postal banking prices are among the lowest among traditional banks.

Banque Postale account opening

3- Confirm the form

Last step to open an account at the Postal Bank, the form displays a summary of the information provided by the consumer. If he changes his mind, or realizes that he was wrong somewhere, it’s time to make the latest modifications. If all goes well, it can validate.

4- return the file with the supporting documents

Postal bank has not yet given the possibility to download its supporting documents. The customer must therefore Print the finalized file as well as its supporting documents and return the file by post. Without that, the account opening will not be effective. The shipment is however completely free, the consumer will simply have to provide the envelope.

5- Wait for the bank’s confirmation and receive its means of payments

The last step is in the hands of the postal bank. After having received the file and having studied it, Which can take a few days, she will contact the customer to confirm, or not, the good opening of his account. He will then receive all his secret codes as well as his means of payment with him.

Open a joint account

It is quite possible to open an account at the postal Bank Joint. The principle is exactly the same as in the case of an individual account. The customer has the choice between agency or opening an account to the online postal bank. All holders must however provide their own proof (or common proof if the two names appear on the document).

Consumers do not need to be married or even PACS to open an online joint account. They can simply be the same in the same family, or friends.

Written by Claire Krust – Updated on 03/14/2023

46 responses to “how to open an account to the postal bank ?»
by El Heit – July 25, 2022 Reply

Good morning,
Esque with a CAF recording certificate is enough to open a current account,
Of course with proof of address and the identity document

by Captain Banque – July 25, 2022 Reply

Good morning,
To open a current account at the postal bank, it will take an identity document, proof of recent domicile as well as the latest income supporting documents.
Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Alya – March 13, 2022 Reply

Good morning,
I just had my residence permit, I wanted to open my very first CCP to La Banque Postale. I can provide proof of address. But no income. I came back but my husband if . I wanted to know if I can open a CCP anyway without income for me

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – March 14, 2022 Reply

Regarding traditional banks, it can refuse you the opening account according to your profile. However, you can redirect to an online bank. Some of them offer suitable offers according to your profile such as Hello Bank, or Fortuneo. You can continue your project with Hello Bank by clicking here, or with Fortuneo by clicking here.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Khanem – January 23, 2022 Reply

I am a student at university, and I apply for an online account opening on January 12. To date I still have no answer, I do not know if I still have to wait for an confirmation email or go directly to an agency and make a second account opening with an advisor. I have problems with my current bank which is Bred, and I need a new RIB as soon as possible since I have to renew my purse.

What should I do ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – January 24, 2022 Reply

Have you tried to contact your advisor? If not, we advise you to start with this step. Indeed, by making a second request for an account opening, you may face the same problem.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Lilia Taib – January 9, 2022 Reply

Good morning
I have just resided in France I am a spouse of French and I have a receipt and I have no income are what the documents I have to provide in my case

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – January 10, 2022 Reply

Good morning,
To open an account in your situation, it will be necessary to provide proof of identity, therefore a French identity card if you have one or a passport. You will also be asked for proof of address. If you do not have one, your spouse will already reside in France must give you a certificate on the honor of accommodation to be joined with an invoice in his name with the address indicated.
Regarding income, it will be necessary to see directly with the postal bank if this is not a blocking point when opening a bank account
Sincerely, the Captain Banque team

by Perez – November 27, 2021 Reply

Hello, it is necessary to put a dumping for reaping of the account and if so it is necessary to put how much ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – November 29, 2021 Reply

Good morning,
A priori must be made a first payment to validate the opening account whatever the bank. Regarding the postal bank, we unfortunately do not have any information on this sum. We advise you to get closer to the postal bank for more information
Sincerely, the Captain Banque team

by Jennifer – November 24, 2021 Reply

I opened a current account at La Poste online I would like to know if the first transfer must be done with an account in our name or that is not obliged thank you for your answer

by Captain Banque – November 26, 2021 Reply

Good morning,
According to our information, we must make the first transfer with an account in your name. However, we recommend customer service to request confirmation.
Sincerely, the Captain Banking Team.

by Pierre – October 31, 2021 Reply

I am unemployed now, but I should pass a pastry training. Suddenly I would like to know to open an account in Labanquepostale, they make it have what supporting documents knowing that I am major and I live with my parents.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – November 3, 2021 Reply

Hello, To open an account to the postal bank, you will need your identity card, proof of address (+ a accommodation certificate signed by your parents if no invoice is in your name) and your last two files wage. It is therefore not possible for you, for the moment, to open an account at the Postal Bank. We advise you to turn to online banks, such as Monabank, which could be adapted to your situation. You can indeed, in this bank, use your Pôle Emploi certificate to justify your income
Sincerely, the Captain Banque team

By Right – October 13, 2021 Reply

hello I am a Strangere Student has a luniversity of Creteil and I want to open an account at home but until H ‘today I do not have proof at home I am hosted in Roubaix when I have to do now ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – October 15, 2021 Reply

We are Captain Banque, an online comparator and not the postal bank. In principle, when you are hosted, you must provide a signed accommodation certificate from your host as well as a photocopy of their identity document.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Salah – September 24, 2021 Reply

I hold an account at the Postal Bank; A booklet; I am currently outside France and in 2020 I use my postal banking application to make transfers and now I couldn’t do it anymore. Can I open an online CCP account by fueling it from my booklet A account (Premeir Payment) in fact I do not have a bank account or checkbook and I need to make transfers from my booklet A.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – September 27, 2021 Reply

Generally, you must present yourself in an agency to be able to open a current account. However, since you are already a customer at La Banque Postale, we advise you to contact your advisor to find out more.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Hernandez – September 23, 2021 Reply

My son, a minor, 16, needs to open an account to receive the youth warranty.
While waiting for the CNI, maybe it will make it with the receipt of CNI’s request ?
Thanking you.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – September 23, 2021 Reply

Normally, the banks will only accept the identity document, a passport, or a residence permit.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Majo – June 3, 2021 Reply

Good morning
I just got 18 years old I spend my bac so I don’t work so no proof of income . Is it possible to open my account because in the list of parts to provide it requests it.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – June 3, 2021 Reply

A priori as a student you can subscribe to the special young offer from the postal bank. Also you have the possibility of subscribing directly online by going to their website.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team

by Gisèle – May 16, 2021 Reply

Hello, I have some questions regarding the creation of her account of La Banque Postale . I have been an adult 20 years since 2019 (obtaining my stockings) until today I am unemployed I would like to know if I can create an account with the postal bank knowing that I always live with my parents . If so, what are the papers I have to bring when creating my account ?
I would also like to know how much is to create your classic account at the postal bank ? Thank you in advance for your questions

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – May 17, 2021 Reply

To find out whether or not it is possible to open an account to the Postal Bank, we advise you to contact their customer service. Regarding prices, it depends on the offer and the options chosen.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Bruot – May 6, 2021 Reply

Sorry, I forgot to specify, my current bank is the postal bank, I want to change because as my account depends on the financial center of Lyon and that there are incompetent I wish to change and depend on the Clermont financial center because it is competent to be active .

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – May 6, 2021 Reply

In principle it is quite possible to open a bank account in a department other than that of your department of residence. For more information, we advise you to contact the agency that interests you.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Bruot – May 6, 2021 Reply

Hello, I am from 42 to day I am in a bank in the 42000 because I am from the city which corresponds to postal code, Pui ‘I open a CCP account in a postal bank (La Poste what) in the 63 please thanks in advance

by Florence – April 26, 2021 Reply

Good morning
I would like to open a current account to the postal bank … I am gone Banque de France for a loan of 780 euros.
Then I open a current account to the postal bank ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – April 26, 2021 Reply

To find out if it is possible to open an account to the postal bank by being banned, we advise you to contact their customer service who will be able to answer you perfectly.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Christine – March 6, 2021 Reply

However for the opening of a current account I need a residence permit that I do not have. It is therefore for this cause that I would like to open a booklet to which does not ask for the residence permit but it is really necessary to open a current account before opening a booklet a ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – March 6, 2021 Reply

The postal bank obliges the opening of a current account to be able to open a booklet A.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team

by Christine – March 3, 2021 Reply

Hello, I would like to open a book A to La Banque Postale, I am a student so I have no supporting documents, I live with my parents and I have a foreign passport. What are the parts to provide ? And the opening of the booklet has been weighed how long ?

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – March 3, 2021 Reply

According to the information indicated by the Postal Bank, if you do not have a current account at La Banque Postale, you will be asked to open it before subscribing to your booklet A. You can do a remote bank account opening by clicking here.
Regarding income documents, if you do not have any income then no proof will be asked.
You can completely open a bank account with your passport.
You must also provide proof of address, here since you are hosted by your mother, it will take a certificate of accommodation as well as proof to its name.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by El Maroufy – February 21, 2021 Reply

To constitute my social security opening file and to obtain my vital card. I was asked to provide a RIB to my name . Knowing that I have been a resident in France with my spouse since 2017 but I have never worked and I have no proof of address in my name everything is in the name of my spouse what are the supporting documents for the opening of a Postal account.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – February 22, 2021 Reply

To get the answer to your question, we advise you to contact the postal bank customer service in order to ask them.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

By mirror – February 11, 2021 Reply

Good morning
During a current account opening request to the postal bank, I was asked to pay € 50
L ,, ’opening did not take place and I have to wait to recover my argrantst this legal good
No information under the general conditions
thanks for answering

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – February 11, 2021 Reply

You need a certain deadline for the bank to reimburse you in the sense that it must cancel the request for an account opening and recredit the account with which you made your first payment.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Said – February 11, 2021 Reply

Hello, why the opening of an account is really hard for us future minor students in Mayotte. It’s been a month that I try but I still can’t have an appointment when we are told that we will not take us if we have no appointment

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – February 11, 2021 Reply

We are Captain Banque, online comparison. Unfortunately we have no answer to communicate to you concerning this difficulty in obtaining your appointment. However, you can apply for an account opening from other banks, advantageous for students, such as Société Générale or BNP Paribas.
To make an appointment with Société Générale, you can click here.
To make an appointment with the BNP Paribas, you can click here.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Beatrice – February 10, 2021 Reply

Bjr I just opened an account at the postal bank and I was asked 20 euros in cash for the opening and I see that this sum does not appear on my statement is it normal. THANKS. Cdlt

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – February 10, 2021 Reply

If you made the first payment on your account, it should appear on the balance from your customer area or on the bank statement of the month following your account opening.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Bernard Fahima – January 30, 2021 Reply

Hello, I have a receipt, I am waiting for the residence permit, I am Algerian Marrier with a Frenchman, I wanted to know what I have the right to open a postal bank account. THANKS

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – January 30, 2021 Reply

It will be a priori possible for you to apply for a bank account opening at the postal bank, you will simply have to have proof of income, domicile and identity and go to the agency closest to YOU.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Angela – January 29, 2021 Reply

I am 18 years old but I do not have French nationality or a residence permit, only a foreign passport and I live with my parents, I would like to know what to do to open a bank account for the first times.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – January 30, 2021 Reply

You will necessarily need an identity document, proof of address (here you will need a certificate of accommodation as well as the identity document of your parents) and income to request an opening of bank accounts at the Banque Postale. We invite you to get closer to the bank closest to you to make your account opening request.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

by Joellyne de Captain Banque – January 27, 2021 Reply

There will be no specific condition for opening a bank account at the Post Bank. You just have to go to an agency with your identity document, proof of income and proof of address.

Sincerely, the Captain Banque team.

Postal Bank account opening – How to do ?

Open a Banque Postal account

The postal bank allows you to open a bank account quickly online or directly in agency. You will need certain supporting documents for. Discover our guide, step by step, in order to open a bank account at La Banque Postale.

  • The various ways to open a postal bank account
    • Open an online postal bank account
    • Open a bank account in agency

    �� The various ways to open an account La Banque Postale

    With the postal bank, you can Open a bank account in several ways : go directly to agency to make your request from a bank advisor, make your online request on the Banque Postale website alone or you can open your account through the mobile application.

    So you have the choice ! The way of opening a bank account to the postal bank can thus depend on several factors. For example, if you are comfortable with online procedures or if you can/want to move to a bank branch.

    In addition, some people do not have the availability to make an appointment in an agency, because their work schedules do not coincide with the opening hours of the closest to their home agency. Other customers may also be unable to move. Thus, opening an online account to the postal bank or going through the bank application can be easier.

    �� Also discover our Banque Postal opinion

    �� How to open a postal bank account online ?

    If you do not want to move, it is possible to open an individual bank account or a joint account online. It could not be easier :

    1️⃣ Visit the Banque Postale website

    To access the opening form of a bank account at La Banque Postale, you just have to go to the Bank’s website via this link and to Click on the blue button at the top right with the annotation “I open an account”. Choose the option “Open an online account formula”.

    Open an account to the postal bank - Step 1

    2️⃣ Complete the form with your personal information

    Then you will automatically be redirected to the account opening form page. The only thing you have to do is Complete this form with your personal information. It will be a question of entering your name, first name, date of birth, etc.

    If you do not want to fill out the form in step 2, you can very well use the digital identity implemented by the Banque Postale. This tool allows Connect to many platforms (like health insurance or national tax service) thanks one and the same identifier. Indeed, the postal bank has Associated with FranceConnect To set up this device.

    Just have a smartphone, a French phone number, an email address and your valid identity document. Thus, if you already have an account created with La Poste, you can use this system in order to open a bank account La Banque Postale, instead of filling out a new form.

    Open a postal banking account - Step 2

    3️⃣ Choose your bank card

    Then comes the Choice of bank card which will accompany your new bank account La Banque Postale. As you can see in the image below, you will have the choice between 3 bank cards: The Réalys, the Visa Classic and the first visa. This selection will allow you to choose the bank card that best suits your needs.

    Step 3

    4️⃣ Transmit the necessary supporting documents

    Once the first 3 steps are validated, you will have the possibility of Place your supporting documents Namely a valid identity document (national identity card, passport or residence permit) and proof of address (electricity, water or internet supplier bill).

    5️⃣ sign the contract and wait for the validation of the postal bank

    After doing these 4 steps, you just have to Electronically sign your contract and wait for the validation of your account opening request by the postal bank. Once your request is validated, you can make the first compulsory payment on your new account La Banque Postale.

    Arriving on a bank account on the postal bank, you will notice that Several offers are offered to you. You have the choice between a Account formula La Banque Postale or choose to open an account with Online bank my French Bank. This is the online sector of the postal bank, which is why these offers are advised to you.

    �� Also discover our opinion my French Bank

    Thus, it does not exist only one bank offer for adults at the postal bank : the account formula. For people who regularly have financial difficulties, It is possible to subscribe to the simplified account formula offer: however it is necessary contact an advisor either in agency or by phone to find out if you are eligible for the offer.

    The amount of the first payment is not indicated by the Postal Bank. The sum to be paid on your new bank account will certainly be specified to you when opening. These are not costs since Money will be on your bank account : So you can use it as you see fit. A first payment is not necessary if you open a bank account in agency La Banque Postale.

    �� Open a bank account in agency

    Open an agency account

    With a traditional bank, we tend to go directly to an agency to open a new bank account. This allows you to be guided by an advisor, which will allow us to choose the banking offer most suited to our personal needs.

    Postal bank is no exception to the rule. To open an account to the postal bank, You can go to the post office near you. Very often, it is not necessary to make an appointment.

    Nevertheless, To avoid too much waiting time and/or be sure to meet an advisor, However, we advise you to call the post office of your choice. This can avoid some inconveniences, especially to move for nothing.

    ��‍��‍�� which can open a Banking Postal bank account ?

    To open a bank account to the postal bank, it is necessary be a natural and major person. You must also be Tax resident in France. People with American citizenship cannot open a bank account at La Banque Postale.

    It is also necessary to Provide certain supporting documents ::

    • A valid identity document (Identity card, passport, etc.)
    • A proof of address of less than 3 months (electricity, water or internet supplier bill, for example)
    • Your last Revenue supporting documents

    For people who do not have French nationality, It is possible to provide other documents of identity such as a passport issued by an official authority of the country of origin, a resident card or even a residence permit. Other documents may be accepted: We advise you to contact your Banque Postale agency to confirm with them.

    ��️ Open a postal banking account – FAQ

    ➡️ Is it possible to open an account La Banque Postale directly on the mobile application ?

    Now when you go to thePostal Bank Mobile Application, Two options present to you. In the first case, you already have a current account at the postal bank and you log there using your identifiers and your password.

    In the second case, you do not yet have an account at La Banque Postale and it is therefore an opportunity for you to make your request to open an account 100% digital, including the mobile application of the Postal Bank.

    ➡️ Is it possible to open an account La Banque Postale online ?

    Yes, it is quite possible to open an account the postal bank online. To do this, simply go to the postal banking site and Click on the blue button at the top right With the annotation “I open a bank account”. You will then be asked to complete the registration form with your personal information. Then, you will be able to choose your bank card.

    Finally, you will have to Provide supporting documents and sign your online contract. It will be necessary to wait for the validation of your request for an account opening by the postal bank.

    Written by Noémie Verbaere – Updated on 07/28/2023

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