How to migrate a sensation package to a B & You package?, Easily change your Bouygues package.

How to change the Bouygues package

For those who hold a SMARTS SMARTPHONE Sensation Package And want to change their Bouygues package, the conditions are as follows depending on the case:

How to migrate a sensation package to a B & You package ?

Today, the change of package is becoming more and more easily, to the point of requiring only a few clicks. Here is what you need to know before starting the steps.

Go to “without obligation” at Bouygues Telecom

All mobile operators have formulas with and without commitment. In the case of a mobile package with commitment, you must wait until the end of the period that binds you to the operator (12 or 24 months as a rule). It is possible to put an end to such a subscription before the scheduled date, but it will cost you sometimes significant termination costs.

This rule is also valid at Bouygues Telecom where some customers choose to go from a sensation package to a B & You package. Sensation packages being formulas that engage you, it is not possible to go to a B & YOU offer (without commitment) if the duration of your subscription determined in your contract is completed. In addition, a change of package is only possible if you are up to date in the payment of your monthly payments.

Of course, the opposite operation (going from a B & YOU to sensation) is also possible. In this case, your subscription must have three months of seniority at least.

How to change the Bouygues package ?

For all those who are not satisfied with their Bouygues mobile plan, it is always possible to terminate or take out a new package with the operator. Discover in our guide how to change your Bouygues package, before or after the end of the engagement period, but also how to go from a sensation package to a B & YOU package and vice versa and under what conditions.

You want to change your Bouygues package for free ?

  • The essential
  • Most Bouygues package changes are possible From the first month of seniority.
  • Bouygues package changes can be made directly since Customer area online operator or from the mobile application.
  • Fees can occur for Change Bouygues package before the end of the commitment or when passing a sensation package to another lower package in the same range.

What are the conditions for changing the Bouygues package ?

Change of contract

For Change Bouygues package, The conditions vary according to the type of subscription subscribed and the duration of engagement. Bouygues, however, implemented practical online procedures for Change its package simply and quickly.

The conditions for changing the Bouygues package depend on the type of proclaimed package and the type of Bouygues mobile package Désiré. The change of a B & YOU package to another package of the same range is for example possible at any time and does not lead to costs, the B & YOU range offering only Bouygues packages without.

It is sometimes more complicated to change a Bouygues Sensation package, these being subject to a commitment period of 12 to 24 months depending on whether the package is accompanied by a smartphone or not.

How to negotiate your change of package ? If you are sure you want to change your plan, it is always possible to negotiate with your operator in the case of too restrictive conditions. A simple mention of change of operator to your supplier can sometimes make it possible to obtain more advantageous conditions.

How to change the Bouygues package before the end of commitment ?

It is always possible to Change Bouygues package before the end of the commitment period If certain conditions are respected. Changing Bouygues package before the end of the commitment period can also lead to Termination Fee or force to extend this period again. Note that in all cases, it is imperative to be up to date In terms of payments of his invoices Before you can change offers. If unpaids are still due, then it will be Unable to change Bouygues package.

Several cases are thus presented in the case of a change in sensation package before the end of the commitment period:

  1. For Change sensation package to a B & You package, It is necessary to have completed your commitment period. If this is not the case, it is then necessary to terminate the package by paying termination fees. The termination fees consist in all of the remaining monthly payments of the first year and a quarter of the total amount of the remaining monthly payments of the second year. For example, for the sensation package at € 31.99/month (then € 49.99/month in the second year) subject to a 24 -month commitment, termination after 8 months will result in payment of € 127.96 ( € 31.99 x 4 months) + € 149.97 (€ 49.99 x 12 months / 4) or a total of € 277.93.
  2. For Change sensation package to another feeling package, It is not necessary to terminate but the conditions vary according to the type of subscription sensation held. As a general rule, those who wish to change for a higher sensation package should not re -engage when this will be the case for a change in Bouygues package to a lower sensation package.

Changing a Bouygues mobile plan is generally possible From the 1st month of seniority. Most of the changes between the different Bouygues packages can be made from the Bouygues Customer area.

You want to change your Bouygues offer quickly ?

Bouygues Change its package: the sensation package

Change for another sensation package

Man with smartphone

As we mentioned earlier, it is possible to change the feeling package for another package in the same range. Many cases exist, however and the conditions are not the same according to these.

The sensation package being themselves divided into two categories: the Sent Sim Sens Packages Only sold without phone and subject to a 12 -month commitment and the Sensation packages with smartphone sold with a reduced price phone and subject to a 24 -month commitment

For those who hold a SMARTS SMARTPHONE Sensation Package And want to change their Bouygues package, the conditions are as follows depending on the case:

  • To switch to another Lower Smartphone Benefit Package, change is possible but leads to a 12 -month re -engagement. If this change occurs before 18 months of seniority, costs of € 300 apply however.
  • To pass to a SEMBLY SIM SEPLY, it is necessary to no longer be under engagement and the change involves a re -engagement for 12 months.

For those who have a Sim Sens Sensation package alone, The conditions for changing Bouygues package are:

  • Change to a Sim Sens Sens Package alone leads to a 12 -month re -engagement.
  • Change is free to a Sensation Package Advantages Smartphone.

The 18 months of seniority of the Sensation Package Advantages Smartphone Attention to this period of 18 months to avoid the costs of € 300 during a change in sensation Package Advantages Smartphone. The 18 -month period starts on the date of purchase or since the date of the last renewal of mobile terminal.

How to change Bouygues mobile plan from the customer area ?

For Change Bouygues mobile package, The easiest way is Connect to your Bouygues customer area and follow the steps below:

  1. Select “My package and my options” from the Bouygues Package in question.
  2. Go to the “Change package” section to see the mobile packages available according to its offer.
  3. Select the desired sensation package. Potentials change costs are indicated as well as any options and services not compatible with the new package.
  4. Then click on “Continue” to validate the change. The date of taking into account the change in feeling Bouygues is indicated.

An SMS and an email are then sent by the operator to confirm taking into account the change of Bouygues package.

Go from a sensation package to a B & YOU package

Go from a sensation package to B & You is simpler since it is enough to be free of commitment to its sensation package to make the transfer. All Low-Cost B & You offers are always without commitment.

For Go from a sensation package to a B & YOU package, The change is made from the Bouygues customer area:

  1. Go to the “My package and my options” section of the Sensation Package concerned.
  2. Select “Change package”. To see the B & YOU available offers, simply click on “B & YOU package” to find out the details of the B & YOU accessible packages.
  3. To choose the B & You package, click on “Select” and validate by clicking on “Continue” (the options and services incompatible with the new package are then indicated).
  4. Once the validation has been made, the date of the Bouygues package change is indicated.

Bouygues then sends an SMS and a summary email of the change to confirm the taking into account of it.

It is also possible to change the Bouygues package directly from the Bouygues customer area application. To do this, go to the “My lines” section, to discover the other packages “.

Bouygues Change package: the B & YOU package

Change for another B & You package

The change to go from a B & You package to another package in the same range is the simplest of Bouygues package changes. The B & YOU plans being without commitment, no specific conditions for the end of commitment to be respected, and above all No change costs.

For Go from a B & YOU package to another B & YOU package, Just connect to the customer area and follow the process below:

  1. Click on “My package and my options” of the B & You package in question.
  2. Select “Change Package” then choose the B & You Désiré package.
  3. Then click on “Select” and “Continue” to go to the validation stage. If necessary, the options and services not compatible with the new package are indicated.
  4. Before validating, Bouygues indicates the date of effective change to the new package.

Taking into account the change in B & You package is then confirmed by email and SMS.

You wish to take out a B & YOU package?

Go from a B & YOU to sensation package

Go from a B & YOU to sensation package is a simple mobile plan change. The only condition is to benefit from Three months of seniority To change the Bouygues package. The subscription to a sensation package without smartphone is subject to a 12 -month commitment while the subscription to a sensation package with phone included is subject to a 24 -month commitment.

THE Change of a B & YOU with sensation package is carried out from the customer area:

  • Click on the “My Package and My options” section of the B & You line concerned and click on “Change Package”.
  • In the “My current package” section Choosing “Change my mobile” and select the laptop of your choice for change to a Sensation Package Advantages Smartphone.
  • Then choose the desired sensation package.
  • Validate the basket and finalize the order.

As with any change in Bouygues package, the operator sends an SMS and a confirmation email.

Frequent questions

What are the termination costs at Bouygues ?

Bouygues Telecom has made a simulator available to its customers that calculate your termination fees. The simulator estimates the termination fees according to your package, your type of contract (with or without commitment), and the duration of your contract.

What are the conditions for being terminated costs?

  • If you move to an area that is not covered by the Bouygues Telecom network.
  • In case of disability or illness making you unfit for the use of Bouygues Telecom services.
  • Overview or bankruptcy.
  • Death of the line holder.
  • Unemployment caused by the dismissal of a permanent contract.
  • Detention in a penitentiary establishment for a minimum duration of 3 months.

When can you change your Bouygues package ?

It is possible to make your Bouygues package change at any time, on your Bouygues customer area.

Updated on 02/20/2023

Julien joined Selectra in May 2019 after winning his master’s degree in journalism. He takes care of telecom news and the editorial staff of Guides Bouygues and SFR.

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