How to make an Instagram story on PC?, 3 solutions to publish an Instagram story on PC – DoctoriLike

3 solutions to publish an Instagram story on PC

❌ Use of Instagram shopping

How to make an Instagram story on PC ?

If you often use Instagram Web from your computer, you already know that you cannot publish content either in stories or in your feeds.

There is a simple way to make an Instagram story on PC, finally just like ! The trick is to use the Instagram application as if it were a computer tool. In this article, we explain the different stages to you.

Learn to publish Instagram stories from your PC

To put Instagram stories online on PC, you need a Google Chrome web extension. There are many that allow you to share them, but in our case, we recommend one in particular.

This extension, which you can search in the Chrome Web Store, is called Instagram app. It is only used from this browser.

Before you even start creating your publications, remember to add it to your Chrome extensions.

How to publish stories from the extension ?

It is very simple because this tool perfectly imitates the mobile application. In other words, to put an Instagram story online on PC, you must follow the same steps as the ones you do from your smartphone.

For those who have short memory, we remind you of the steps.

1 Open the extension

When you click on the extension, a vertical window appears as if it were your mobile screen.

If you are connected to Instagram Web, your account opens automatically. To change user, close the current session and start a new. You can do this from the web page or from the extension.

Publish Instagram stories from

2 Click on your profile photo or the camera icon

To make an Instagram story on PC, you can go through your profile photo. If this is the first time, just click on the ” +” symbol or on the camera icon, located above your profile photo.

3 Choose your photo

When you click to publish the story, the browser opens a window with your folders, as if to share a file in a usual way.

Choose your image to publish. Currently, it can only be a photo and not a video.

4 publish and publish

Although it is a little more limited than the mobile version in terms of stickers, you have the possibility of modifying the content to mention other users, add decorative elements or write the text you want.

If the result suits you, click publish and it will appear on your Instagram profile.

Is this extension really useful ?

At Metricool, we publish via the mobile application because it is designed for the user and has all the features to manage your profile.

However, we recommend this extension which is free and does not take up space. It can be useful in an emergency. For example, if you do not have a network on your mobile or if you are short of battery.

Alternatives to manage Instagram: Instagram Web

If you do not want to associate a Google Chrome extension to your Instagram account, you will not be able to download your stories or your posts from the web page, as it is not allowed.

However, you can always manage certain aspects of your Instagram account from the website.

What can you do and that you can not do from the website ?

Publish Instagram stories from

✅ Download the message to the flow

Instagram Web allows you to share content for your flow: although you can only download images, carousels or long videos.

✅ Manage private messages.

From the website, you can respond to private messages you receive, accept or refuse requests, consult the responses to stories and delete conversations.

✅ React to stories.

Whether you want to respond to the story of another user or react directly, you can do it from Instagram Web.

✅ Send private messages.

If the account is public and allows, you can share publications and stories of other accounts by private message. The process is the same as via your mobile phone.

✅ Save posts.

If a publication holds your attention, you can save it in your saved collection or create a new folder from the web version.

✅ Interact with other accounts.

The options for interacting with other profiles are active on Instagram Web. You can add “likes”, love comments, comment on publications or videos.

You also have the possibility of viewing any type of content: real, stories, IGTV, etc.

❌ Share content

From the Instagram web platform, no type of content can be shared, whether they are stories, publications, reels or IGTV videos.

❌ Use of Instagram shopping

The Instagram store is not available in the web version, so you have to go to the application.

❌ See temporary multimedia messages

Another item that you cannot see on Instagram Web are temporary exchanges that a user sends you directly by private message. These are visible images or videos only once.

When you receive it, you only see a message with the following text: ” Temporary message : use the Instagram application to see this type of message “.

As you can see, it is possible to make an Instagram story on PC via a free Chrome extension.

On the other hand, if you just want to manage content and interact, the web version is made for you.

The choice belongs to you !

You have questions about how to publish Instagram stories from your PC ? Do not hesitate to put them in comments.

3 solutions to publish an Instagram story on PC

The Instagram story is the most successful video format in Instagram. Thanks to its limited duration and the fact that they are ephemeral, Instagram followers love to follow what is happening in.

Instagram has perfected the Story Smartphone publication system and made a successful success.

However, it still lies in mystery around the publication of Instagram Story on PC.

In this article, we will tell you what are the possibilities to publish an Instagram PC story.

Publish Story Instagram PC

The information to know before publishing an Instagram story on PC:

Publishing an Instagram PC story via the web platform is always unavailable. You have surely noticed that the small button (+) to add a publication only allows you to publish a simple publication.

However, this does not mean that there are no solutions to publish an Instagram PC story.

You just have to get around Instagram web platform limitations and find suitable solutions.

In the following, we will offer you 3 simple solutions to use to publish an Instagram PC story.

The 3 solutions are divided into 2 categories:

  • The first is a guide for using the Google Chrome development tool.
  • The second is the use of social media content planning tools.

3 solutions to publish an Instagram PC story:

1. Publish an Instagram PC story with Google Chrome:

Thanks to the Google Chrome development tool, you will be able to create an Instagram story via PC.

Just follow the following steps:

  • Open a new Google Chrome tab
  • Connect to Instagram and go to the profile.
  • In the case of a Mac: on the profile page, click on the option Display , then on Developer Options .
  • In the case of a windows: press the 3 points on the left, then More options , Then Developer options.
  • Press CTRL + Shift + M to open the Toggle Device Toolbar.
  • Select Responsive To display the menu of your phone.
  • Then click on the button on the home page of your Instagram account
  • The option Your story will appear: click the button and import the image to publish on your account via PC.

This method is effective and does not require any extra tools, but it only allows you to publish 5 stories.

2. Publish an Instagram story with Agora Pulse:

It is possible to create Instagram stories on PC via social networks management tools such as Agora Pulse.

Agora Pulse has a mobile version for smartphones, but also a desktop version that allows you to publish a Story Instagram PC.

Publish Story Instagram PC with Agora Pulse

Here are the steps to follow to use Agora Pulse:

  • Create an agora pulse account and then connect.
  • Lie your Instagram account in Agora Pulse.
  • Once on your account, press Publish.
  • Import the image or video you want to publish.
  • Make the necessary changes.
  • Publish on your Instagram account from Agora Pulse: you will have the possibility of planning the publication for the future.

The use of this application is chargeable, but is worth using it. There is a 28 -day free trial period that allows you to test the application.

3. Publish an Instagram story with Buffer:

If you want to search beyond Agora Pulse to publish an Instagram PC story, there are several other tools that allow you to publish from a Windows or Mac computer.

One of these tools is indeed the Buffer planning tool.

Buffer is a tool for planning publications on social networks which is used by a large number of content creators and influencers.

Publish Story Instagram PC with Buffer

The tool allows you to:

  • Plan computer publication
  • Have a publication calendar
  • Edit your publications before publishing them.

Before the date of publication, Buffer sends you a notification to confirm the sharing of the publication.

Buffer offers a free version that you can use to start. But, if you want more options, you can opt for a paid plan.

Now that you know how to publish an Instagram story on PC, you have to think about obtaining the necessary views to succeed in the platform.

Fortunately, with Doctor-Like, you can buy views for Instagram Story to boost visibility.

The views you will receive come from real and authentic accounts. So you have nothing to fear. You will simply have a small boost for the performance of your stories.

So what are you waiting for? Buy views for Instagram stories from Doctor-Like from 0.99 € .

Publish Story Instagram PC - Doctor Like


Throughout this article, we understood how to publish an Instagram PC story.

There are 3 methods that you can use:

  • Google Chrome’s developer tool.
  • A social media manager such as Agora Pulse.
  • A publication planner such as Buffer.

Nevertheless, succeeding in publishing an Instagram PC story is not the end of the game, nor the beginning. You always have to think about the impact your story will have on your subscribers.

Always remember to improve the quality of your stories and also what is the perfect audience for this kind of story.

If you are having a problem with the audience or you cannot reach a large number of subscribers, opt for the Instagram services of Doctor-Like !

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