How to make a call referral from my mobile? Orange assistance, how to make a call transfer? | Ubefone

What a difference between calling for appeal and call transfer

Your mobile has calling for your voicemail 888.

How to make a call referral from my mobile ?

The call referral makes it possible to transfer your correspondents’ vocal calls to a fixed or mobile phone number of your choice. You can configure these references to your mobile phone from the telephone keyboard by entering specific codes according to the type of dismissal.

Your mobile has calling for your voicemail 888.

Four types of call referrals are more precisely programmable to a fixed or mobile phone number of your choice from the telephone keyboard of your mobile in case of:

  • No response : when you do not answer a call.
  • Inaccessibility : when you no longer have a network or when your mobile is off.
  • Occupation : as soon as you are online with another interlocutor.
  • Systematic or unconditional : all your calls are transferred to another phone, fixed or mobile.

If you no longer receive calls on your mobile, remember to check that calling for calls is deactivated.

What a difference between calling for appeal and call transfer ?

Call transfection 2 call 2

Obsolete, the telephone standard ? At the good old days of the fixed position, it was still very practical to be able to transfer a call during communication. Much less easy, however, to perform this little manipulation from your mobile in teleworking. In fact … Impossible ! Unless…

Do you know how to transfer a call from your mobile phone ?

Our recent survey proves it: we tend to confuse the functions of calling for call and call transfer.

Lately we asked this question to our professional network:

For you, making a call transfer from a mobile is:

  • Too easy !*
  • I’m wrong every time !
  • Since when we can do it ?
  • I am not standard !

We were surprised by the answers:

Result survey: difference between transfer and dismissal of

In reality, the 38% who responded that it was easy to transfer a call from his mobile confuse two different features often considered to be synonymous:

  • THE call transfer : allows to transfer The current call to another interlocutor. Impossible To be made from a mobile without specific application*
  • THE call forwarding : Allows the referral of calls automatically to another number before he was answered.

In the era of teleworking and nomadism, the mobile call transfer functionality is a major asset for your business, for your brand image towards your customers, and to make life easier for your employees in internal.

Faced with a caller who is wrong with a recipient, your employees will not be obliged to hang up, use the emails or have the interlocutor recall.

This simple feature can avoid a lot of confusion and save time for your business, while giving it a serious and professional image.

This is why it seems important to us to clearly distinguish the two features and to redefine them here.

What is the transfer of call ?

Call transfer is the action of transferring a call to another internal or external number. It is today impossible to carry out this operation from a mobile phone. Unlike the call referral which is made automatically after configuration. As part of the call transfer, that action is carried out during a call !

The transfer of call during conversation from his mobile

Try, you will be fixed. Without specific application, it is impossible to respond to a caller from his mobile and transfer it with or without advertisement to another recipient without hanging up.

This functionality which seems obvious in a context of fixed telephone standard is not on mobile, except with a professional telephony application like Ubefone.

You can then from the application and in a very simple and intuitive way:

  • Transfer your correspondent’s call to another fixed or mobile post under conversation
  • Make a direct call transfer without prior ad in a few seconds thanks to the internal directory of the company integrated in the tool.
  • Transfer the call by announcing it beforehand to the recipient as would a person at the reception of a classic standard.

Answer, talk, announce, transfer your calls

What is the appeal referral ?

You return all the calls received to a number, a person or a service of your choice. This is done AUTOMATICALLY ! You will configure this referral upstream of communications so that incoming calls to a given number are automatically returned to another fixed or mobile number or messaging in the event of non-response.

How to make a mobile call referral ?

On your digital keyboard, you first enter the code *21 *, then the ten numbers of the phone number to which you want to transfer your calls. Complete with the Touche Due # as this: *21 *0632430405 #

In some cases if nothing happens, you must press the call button to activate the calling back.

How to deactivate the call referral ?

In order to put an end to the calling back, simply dial #21 #

If nothing happens, you must again press the call button. If the cancellation of the call referral is taken into account, a visual message indicates it on the phone.

The call referral with Ubefone, multiple possibilities !

Thanks to a professional telephony application such as Ubefone, the referral of call in the event of non-response can also be configured in a simple way and according to your own criteria.
So you can for example configure the following rules in the event of non-response:

  • Masked number: a person who calls in masked number will be automatically returned to another position
  • Waiting time without limited response: if the call is not answered after a certain duration, it is returned to an internal or external number, for example if you are already online with another interlocutor
  • Direct referral to messaging, for example during a given period of closure, during your holidays
  • “Do not disturb” option: it allows you to return the call to another service or another position on a short time during which you are not available.

Make the bet of Mobile increased with Ubefone, It is ensuring a level of reception and processing of incoming calls as high when the teams are on telework as when they are at the office.

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