How to get fiber? Orange networks, Orange flow test – Measure its Internet connection speed

Orange flow test

Useful tips:

Orange fiber connection

I am a social lessor:

Sign the framework convention

A framework agreement is generally signed to deploy fiber on a building park belonging to a social landlord.

Useful tips:

For a park of less than 4 dwellings, check its eligibility

For the part of your park which, at a given address, has a house or building of less than 4 dwellings: follow the deployment of fiber in the city corresponding to the address by visiting our coverage card or testing the Address eligibility regularly.

For a park of 4 or more dwellings, sign an installation agreement

For the part of your park which, at a given address, has a building of 4 or more dwellings, an installation agreement is signed building by building, as they are eligible for fiber.

If a building in your park is not yet eligible for fiber, when the installation of the fiber started in your city, sign the installation agreement and return it by email to Orange which will contact you to recover the originals and countersign them. The connection of the building is then carried out within 6 months.

Useful tips:

Inform residents

In all cases, once the building has been connected, passed the regulatory deadlines (3 months maximum*), residents can take out a fiber offer by consulting their commercial operator.
For any questions relating to the connection of your park, contact 0800 38 38 84 **

In the meantime, keep yourself informed of the arrival of the fiber in your building.

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

** Free call from an orange fixed position

Useful tips:

I own a house:

I check if my address is eligible for fiber

Useful tips:

My address is eligible, I consult the fiber offers

Useful tips:

My address is not yet eligible but I would like to be informed of the arrival of the fiber

Useful tips:

I own an apartment in a building of less than 4 apartments:

Check the eligibility of your address by simply testing your line regularly.

In the meantime, keep yourself informed of the arrival of the fiber at home.

Useful tips:

Your address is eligible ?
Subscribe an offer and enjoy the fiber.

Consult your sales operator.

If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

Useful tips:

I own an apartment in a building of 4 or more apartments:

Talk to your trustee.

As soon as the fiber is in your city, ask your trustee to register the connection of the building on the agenda of the next general meeting of co -owners.

Useful tips:

Adopt the resolution

Once the resolution has been adopted at the general meeting and passed the legal period of 2 months, your trustee signs the installation agreement and returns it to Orange which in turn signs it. The connection of the building is then carried out within 6 months.
In the meantime, keep yourself informed of the arrival of the fiber at home.

Useful tips:

Subscribe an offer and enjoy the fiber

3 months maximum* After connecting the building, you can take out a fiber offer. To find out the offers, consult your sales operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

** Free call from an orange fixed position.

Useful tips:

I own a building of less than 4 dwellings:

Check the eligibility for your address

To find out if your address is eligible for fiber, simply test your line regularly.
While waiting to be eligible, keep yourself informed of the arrival of fiber at home.

Unlike 4 -accommodation buildings and more, It is not necessary to sign an installation agreement.

Useful tips:

Your address is eligible ? Inform the occupants !

Once the house or the building has been connected, and past the regulatory deadlines (3 months maximum*), the occupants can take out a fiber offer by consulting their commercial operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

Useful tips:

I own a building of 4 or more apartments:

Sign and send the installation agreement

When the installation of the fiber started in your neighborhood, sign the installation agreement and return it by email to Orange which will contact you to recover the originals and countersign them. The connection of the building is then carried out within 6 months.

Useful tips:

Inform the occupants

3 months maximum* After connecting the building, the occupants will be able to take out a fiber offer. To communicate the offers to them, consult your sales operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

For any questions relating to the connection of your building (only buildings of 4 dwellings and more), contact 0800 38 38 84 **

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

** Free call from an orange fixed position

Useful tips:

I am a tenant of a house:

Check the eligibility of your address by simply testing your line regularly.

While waiting to be eligible, keep yourself informed of the arrival of fiber at home.

Useful tips:

Your address is eligible ? Subscribe an offer and enjoy the fiber.

Consult your sales operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

Useful tips:

I am a tenant of an apartment in a building of less than 4 apartments:

Check the eligibility of your address by simply testing your line regularly.

Useful tips:

Your address is eligible ? Subscribe an offer and enjoy the fiber.

Consult your sales operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

Useful tips:

I am a tenant of an apartment in a building of 4 or more apartments:

Talk to your landlord !

As soon as the fiber is in your city, ask your owner to register the connection of the building on the agenda of the next general meeting of co -owners.
If your owner is a social landlord or the sole owner of the building, simply ask him to sign the Orange authorizing agreement to fiber the building.

Useful tips:

The general meeting must vote for the resolution

Once the resolution has been adopted at the general meeting and passed the legal period of 2 months, the trustee of your building signs the installation agreement and returns it to Orange which in turn signs it. The connection of the building is then carried out within 6 months.
In the meantime, keep yourself informed of the arrival of the fiber at home.

Useful tips:

Subscribe an offer and enjoy the fiber.

3 months maximum* After connecting the building, you can take out a fiber offer. To find out the offers, consult your sales operator.
If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

Useful tips:

I am a trustee of a building of less than 4 dwellings:

Check the eligibility of your city

To find out if the address is eligible for fiber, see our cover card.
In the meantime, keep yourself informed of the arrival of the fiber in your building.

Unlike buildings of 4 dwellings and more, it is not necessary to sign an installation agreement.

Useful tips:

The city is eligible ? Inform the occupants !

When the address becomes eligible, occupants can take out a fiber offer by consulting their commercial operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

Useful tips:

I am a trustee of a building of 4 dwellings and more:

Register the connection of the building on the agenda of the general assembly

As soon as the fiber has arrived in your city, simply remember to register the connection of the building on the agenda of the next general meeting of co -owners.

Useful tips:

Sign the installation agreement

Once the resolution has been adopted and passed the legal period of 2 months, sign the installation agreement and simply return it by email to Orange which will contact you to recover the originals and countersign them. The connection of the building will then be carried out within 6 months.

Useful tips:

Inform the occupants

3 months maximum* After the connection of the building, its occupants will be able to take out a fiber offer by consulting their commercial operator. If it’s orange, discover the fiber offers.

For any questions relating to the connection of the building (only buildings of 4 dwellings and more), contact 0800 38 38 84 **

* in buildings connected to fiber by orange.

** Free call from an orange fixed position

Useful tips:

I am a promoter:

Fiber in new buildings

By connecting your building to the fiber optic network from its construction, you offer an undeniable asset to your property. You meet the growing needs of multimedia uses within homes.

In some regions, we connect new buildings exclusively in fiber. This deployment is supervised by the construction and housing code (article L111 -5-1). Thus, since December 1, 2014, in certain fiber geographic areas, customers who move into new housing have been accessing fiber as soon as the keys are handed over.

Useful tips:

Will your building be 100% fiber ?

Your real estate project may be concerned.
For the knowledge :

  1. Consult the full list of cities concerned
  2. Check the fiber cover of the building area.

Useful tips:

Yes, your building will be equipped with 100% fiber

We support you until the finalization and take charge of controlling the quality of the installation, in order to guarantee your satisfaction and that of future inhabitants.

Follow the steps to take:

  1. Choose Orange as a building operator by signing a promoter agreement
  2. Have the interior wiring of the fiber optic building make by your choice
  3. Inform us when the wiring is made 2 months minimum before delivery
  4. Communicate us the contact details of the provisional trustee to set up the orange fiber within the building
  5. Once the building has been connected, and after the 3 -month regulatory period, residents can subscribe to a fiber offer. If you have chosen Orange, see our offers.

To note
The building will not be connected to the copper network, and the ADSL and VDSL2 offers will no longer be marketed. Certain services available on copper technology will also be on fiber (universal telephony, elevator, telealarm, remote law. ) thanks to mobile solutions (GSM) or IP compatible.

No, your building is not a 100% fiber area

According to the Construction and Housing Code, you have the obligation to have a rising column placed to allow the installation of the fiber, for new buildings whose building permit is after April 2012.

Then, you can choose a connection to the fixed network, copper and/or fiber.

For more information, you can reach the 0 800 38 38 84 or contact us by email.

Orange flow test

Orange has an average descending speed of 407.83 Mb/s on fiber and 123.40 Mb/s mobile. In turn, test your orange flow.

What is the speed of your Orange Internet connection ?

Bouygues Special series Bbox Fiber

What is the average orange flow in France ?

Orange debit performance by technology

Technology Download Upload Ping
Fiber 407.83 Mbit/s 323.04 Mbit/s 7.99 ms
Mobile 123.40 Mbit/s 20.30 Mbit/s 41.56 ms
ADSL 7.13 Mbit/s 1.54 Mbit/s 68.25 ms

Annual Evolution of the Average Orange Decendant flow

��‍�� Orange flow methodology

Our study of orange flows is based on more than 6 million flow tests carried out in 2022 on our connection speed measurement tool and on mobile flow tests carried out by ARCEP during the annual QOS campaign (2022).
From this data, a statistical analysis is carried out to determine the average values ​​by technology, operator and regional of the downhill debit (Download), the amount (upload) and the latency (Ping).

The adsl and orange fiber flow in France

Orange fiber flow

In download, with an average fiber flow descending from 407.83 Mbit/s, Orange occupies 4th place in the operators’ ranking.

In upload, with an average fiber flow in upload of 323.04 Mbit/s, Orange is 4th in the classification of operators at the speed of data reception in France.

The average orange fiber ping is 7.99 ms.

The ADSL Orange flow

In descending flow, Orange To an average Download adsl debit of 7.13 Mbit/s, or a progression of 5.32% in one year.
Orange thus occupies 3rd place in the classification of operators.

For the amount of speed, the average ADSL flow of orange is to 1.54 Mbit/s, Placing Orange in 4th position in the operators’ ranking by upload.

Orange’s average ping adsl is 68.25 ms.

Are you eligible for orange fiber ?

By entering your postal address from the Orange fiber eligibility test, you can obtain a complete assessment of the situation of your home.

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