How to easily transfer files and data from one PC to another?, How to transfer files from PC to PC easily
How to transfer PC to PC files: 4 intelligent solutions
If you don’t use OneDrive on your PC, you just need to configure it. Now you can go to Windows explorer and see a dedicated oneedrive folder on the sidebar. You can now slide and submit your explorer files to the OneDrive folder to save them.
How to easily transfer files and data from one PC to another ?
Migrate the files from an old PC to a new machine can be done in several ways. It’s up to you to adopt the one that suits you best.
While you have just unpacking your brand new PC, now comes the crucial question of transferring files stored on your old machine to the new. If you are one of those experienced users, you will probably have no trouble finding the solution.
On the other hand, if your knowledge (and skills) in computer science is limited, manipulation may be more complicated. However, there is no point in panicking. There are indeed several methods, each with their advantages and disadvantages, to more or less easily transfer data from one PC to another. Hard drive, online storage, transfer via the local network, direct sharing using a cable, we have reviewed several existing possibilities that will allow you to migrate your data without CHIRCS.
1. Use a good old external hard drive
This is undoubtedly the first method that will come to mind. And it’s rather logical. Because in addition to being easy to set up, it is also the one that will cost you the cheapest. Provided obviously to be already equipped with an external hard drive. Depending on the amount of data stored on your old machine, backing up your data on an external hard drive can be saving. Because in addition to allowing you to migrate these on your new machine, you can keep this backup of data warm in case you are the victim of a problem with loss of data on your new PC. You will not have, so to speak, to copy the data of your old machine to the storage medium, then to repeat the same operation of the external hard drive to your new PC.
2. Go through the cloud storage
If you use your Windows PC, you may have a Microsoft 365 subscription in which cloud storage is included. If this is the case that the offer you have subscribed embarks enough storage space and you have a solid internet connection, use OneDrive to transfer your documents from one machine to the other and probably The fastest solution.
To do this, on your old machine, you will have to make sure you have connected your Microsoft account in OneDrive and above all, to have selected in the application settings, the directories to save on the cloud. To do this, open OneDrive, then click on Manage the backup.
In the new window that appears, select the directories to save. Then wait until all the elements are properly saved on the cloud.
You can check the status of each file directly from the file explorer where an icon representing a cloud should be displayed next to each element saved on OneDrive. Once this condition is completed, the transfer of files from your old PC to your new should be done transparently. You will only have to configure OneDrive with your Microsoft account on the latter so that your synchronized files are accessible.
You will then have to select the folders you want to keep locally on your PC. To do this, click on the OneDrive icon from the notification area, then enter the Settings application. Then select Account in the left column, then click on Choose files. Now check all the directories you want to repatriate and keep locally on your machine.
3. Use proximity sharing
Since 2018 and the deployment of the April 2018 Update update update from Windows 10, Microsoft’s operating system has been carrying out a function of Proximity (Nearby Sharing in English) which is based on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Ethernet port of your PC to allow you to easily share files between two machines. It will therefore be necessary that your Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections are active if you want to make a wireless file transfer. Nevertheless, the proximity sharing of Windows has two major drawbacks. The first is that this solution does not work if you select files already stored on OneDrive. The second is that proximity sharing allows you to share only files individually. You will therefore not be able to consider transfer with ease of whole directories.
To activate it, open the Settings Windows (Windows + I), then in the section System, Enter the menu Proximity.
Under the title Proximityé, then select Everyone nearby. Repeat the same operation on each computers between which you want to transfer files.
Come now in theFile explorer of your old PC. Right click on the directory (or file) that you want to transfer to your new machine, then click on the sharing button represented by a rectangle from which an arrow is released.
In the pop-up that appears, under the title Proximity, Select your new PC. A notification should automatically appear on it, and the transfer of the file should start automatically.
4. Transfer your files via the network
To easily and quickly transfer files between two machines, it is also possible to go through your local network. Depending on obviously depending on your equipment (router, Ethernet cables, Wi-Fi standard of the router, quality of the Wi-Fi connection, etc.) transfer rates can be higher or lower. If your equipment is recent, this should not, in principle pose a problem.
Before you can share anything on your network, you must insure yourself on each of your two PCs that they can be discovered on the network by other machines. To do this, open the Settings Windows (Windows + I), select Network and internet in the left column, then access the Advanced network settings.
Then enter the Advanced sharing parameters.
Make sure you be in the section Private networks, Then activate the options Network search and sharing files and printers. Keep the option Automatically configure connected network devices activated.
A little lower in the same window, deploy the section All networks, then deactivate the option Password sharing.
To share a directory of your old PC on your network, just right click on it, then select Show other options. Then select Grant, then click on Specific people.
In the window Network access that is displayed, click on the drop -down menu and choose Everyone and click the button Add. Finally click on the drop -down menu of the authorization level and change the Reading setting to Readind, writing. Click on Share To confirm the sharing of the repertoire on the network.
Your file is now shared on the network. Note conscientiously its path and then click on To end.
From your new PC now, open theFile explorer and select My PC In the left column. In the bar of the access road, enter the name of your PC preceded by two antislashes enter to validate. You should get something resembling \\ nomdupc.
You should then automatically be connected to the machine connected to the network. If everything went as planned, you should also be able to access the shared directories of this machine from your PC. You can therefore start to transfer the data from your old PC to your new PC without further delay, using one or more drag and paste or copy and paste-paste.
5. By connecting the two machines using an Ethernet cable
If sharing the files of your old machine on your local network is a good solution and can allow you to transfer the data quickly (depending on your equipment of course), there is an equally efficient and much more direct alternative. You can indeed connect your two machines directly to each other using an ethernet cable. Be careful however, the maneuver requires, again, some modifications in the network settings of your two machines.
To transfer files between your two PCs, start by connecting them to the other using an Ethernet cable.
Then, on each of the machines, perform the following handling. Open them Settings (Window + I), select Network and internet In the left column, then enter the menu Ethernet.
In front of the title IP address allocation, Click on the button To modify.
In the window that opens, change the automatic setting (DHCP), choose Manual instead, and activate the option IPV4.
Then fill the fields as follows:
On the first PC, In IP adress, grab, and indicate for the subnet mask. Then click on Save To save your changes.
On the second pc, Enter theIP address and indicate for the subnet mask. Then save your changes by clicking on the button Save.
Henceforth, on each of the two PCs, open the Settings (Windows + I), select Network and internet in the left column, then under the title Other parameters, Enter the menu of Advanced sharing parameters.
In the menu Private networks, Activate the Network search, check Automatically configure connected network devices and activate the option Sharing files and printers.
In the menu Public networks, activate The two options Network search and sharing files and printers.
Finally, in the section All networks, activate THE Sharing public files And deactivate THE Password sharing.
Now restart the two machines so that the modifications made are well taken into account.
From your new PC now, open theFile explorer, Then in the left column, select Network. Your shared machine should then appear. Double click on it to access it. If not, in the address explorer address bar, type \\ Nomderepc and validate by pressing the key Enter of the keyboard
Note, however, that at first access, Windows will ask you to identify you to validate access if a Microsoft account is configured on the shared machine.
In the window entitled Enter network identification information, in the field Username, Enter the PC name to which you want to connect, add a antislash, and inform the Username used for the Windows session (see screenshot below). In password, enter the password of your Microsoft account. Then click OK. You should finally be able to access the directories you have shared on your machines.
You now only have to drag and to copy and paste the elements of your old PC to your new machine.
How to transfer PC to PC files: 4 intelligent solutions
Do you know that you can easily transfer PC files to wireless PC or with a cable ? Here are 4 popular PC to PC data transfer solutions that you can put in Ouv
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“What is the fastest way to transfer PC to PC files ? I have a new Windows PC and I would like to transfer my data from my old computer “.
If you also have a new Windows PC, you can have a request similar to the mind. When we go from one computer to another, the first thing we do is the transfer of our important data. After all, you do not want to lose your important files during the transfer of PC to PC. To make your task easier, I imagined different ways to transfer files from one PC to another. Without too much blah, let’s discover the fastest method here to transfer PC to PC files.
Method 1: transfer of PC to PC files with an external hard drive
The easiest way to transfer PC PC data is to use an external hard drive. In other words, you can first connect your external hard drive to your source PC and copy your data. Then you can connect the hard drive to your new computer and import data from it to your Windows PC.
Before connecting your hard drive to your old computer, make sure it has enough space to accommodate all files. You can see the icon of the connected disk from this PC/my computer in the Windows explorer.
You just need to go to any place in your PC, copy your files from there and stick them to your external hard drive. You can also send them directly to your disk from here. Later, you can connect it to your new PC and manually copy your disk data to your Windows PC instead.
Method 2: How to transfer PC to PC files with OneDrive
If you’ve already used Microsoft products, you may know OneDrive. This is a cloud -based service offered by Microsoft which allows us to save our data and make it available on different devices simultaneously. However, be aware that only 5 GB of space are allocated for free on each OneDrive account. Therefore, if you have a lot of files to transfer, you can consider buying more space. To find out how to transfer PC to PC files with OneDrive, you can follow the following steps.
Step 1: Transfer data from the old PC to OneDrive
If you don’t use OneDrive on your PC, you just need to configure it. Now you can go to Windows explorer and see a dedicated oneedrive folder on the sidebar. You can now slide and submit your explorer files to the OneDrive folder to save them.
You can also go to the OneDrive website and connect to your account. From its site, you can click on the “Download” option and choose to import multiple files from your PC to your OneDrive account.
Step 2: Download the OneDrive files to your computer
After saving all your data on your OneDrive account, you can get it on your new PC too. To do this, simply launch the OneDrive installation program and make sure you connect to the same Microsoft account as your data is saved.
Once you have finished the OneDrive configuration, you can explore it> a reader folder and you can see your data. Just make sure you have an active internet connection and wait for a moment because your files will automatically appear.
In addition, you can also go to the official OneDrive website, select your files and click on the “Download” button to save them on the local storage of your system.
Method 3: How to transfer PC to PC files with a USB cable
If you are looking for the fastest way to transfer files from one PC to another, you can also use USB cables. As standard cables will not work in this case, you will have to get a USB USB adapter to work. Once you have connected your systems to carry out the PC to PC data transfer, you will need to install the USB adapter software.
That’s all ! You can now view your connected systems using its tool and can simply copy and paste your files. Although the global interface of the USB adapter software can be different, the basic principle of PC to PC transfer will be the same. It would be an ideal method for carrying out PC to PC without internet file transfer software also.
Method 4: transfer of PC to PC files via a LAN cable
Finally, you can also use Ethernet (LAN) to make PC to PC data transfers in less time. As allows PC to PC files to be transferred directly, you don’t need to use a third -party service (such as a hard drive or oneedrive) to store your data. Although the process is a bit tedious, it is also one of the fastest ways to transfer PC to PC files that you can undertake the following way.
Step 1: Connect the two computers
At the beginning, you can take a compatible LAN cable and connect your old and new PC there. Make sure that the LAN cable port is supported by the two systems.
Now you must make some changes to the two systems. Go to the start menu> Control panel> Network and Internet> Network and sharing center and visit advanced sharing settings.
In the advanced parameters of the two systems, activate the network discovery function. Also activate the network sharing function in order to read/write files on both systems. You must also deactivate the password protected sharing function on your computers so that it works.
Step 2: set up a local network on your systems
Once you have met these conditions, you can set up a local network to connect the two systems. To do this, go again in network and sharing settings, select your Ethernet connection and go to its properties.
Now go to the “Network” tab, select the TCP/IPV4 model and visit its properties again. On your source computer, you can configure the network by entering the following values:
- • IP adress :
- • Subnet mask:
- • Default Gateway :
Please do the same on your new PC, but the configuration values for the different network parameters would rather be:
- • IP adress :
- • Subnet mask:
- • Default Gateway :
Step 3: Transfer PC to PC files via Ethernet
Great ! You are almost there. Once you have connected the two systems, you can go to the network folder and see the PCs connected here.
Now you can simply select the folder you want to transfer, right click and choose to share it with specific people (give access to specific users).
Once the file sharing window is open, you can select the other PC or everyone and click on the “Add” button.
When you have given access to your new PC, you just need to go to the network folder that is there and navigate to the location of the shared folder. Then just copy this content and paste it in any other secure location of your new PC.
This brings us at the end of this long article on how to transfer PC to PC as a pro. As you can see, I listed 4 different ways to transfer PC -wireless PC files or using a wired connection. You can explore them in more detail by yourself and choose the fastest way to transfer PC to PC files without any problem.
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3 methods to share/transfer files between 2 PCs in Windows 10
How to share/transfer files between two PCs under Windows 10 ?
Since more and more users have used Windows 10 and many users change their desktop computers to laptops, the data transfer problem is very often posed.
How to share or transfer files between 2 PCs on Windows 10? If you try to transfer files between two PCs, or if you need to migrate an old PC applications to a new one, follow the methods offered below to transfer/share files between computers very simple.
In part 1, we offer three methods of transferring files between computers, which even exceed file size and network connection problems.
- Large file transfer (location of scattered files) – Method 1
- Transfer of small files on the same network – Method 2
- Transfer of files without network connection (offline) – Method 3
In part 2, we present the sharing nearby for the transfer of files between computers. If you want to share data with friends or family members, please read the last game to get more details.
Part 1: transfer files between 2 computers
Method 1. Use software to transfer files, applications or programs between two PCs
What is the fastest way to transfer files between 2 computers ? If you need an effective method to save your time and energy when transferring files, applications or other software with your friends, colleagues or classmates, your best choice is to use software for software Professional file transfer.
Windows support 11/10/8/7
For what? Here are some advantages that professional file transfer software can offer you:
- Save time and energy to copy and paste files to the new PC.
- Transfer more files desired to the new PC: programs, software, applications or even games.
- No data loss problem and no false operation will occur.
- Possibility of transferring files without going through the network. (Useful if you need to move certain confidential files)
So how to find such file transfer software? Here we strongly recommend that you try Easeus PCTRANS. It will allow you to transfer whatever you want in a few clicks: transfer personal files, software, programs, games or applications to another PC player or other PCs.
You can follow the tutorial below to transfer files directly between two PCs:
Noticed: If you prefer a 100% free tool to share files between PC, Easeus PCTRANS Free will help you. (Only two applications/files are supported). If you want to transfer a large number of data without limitation, please activate it and follow the directives here to start the transfer with ease.
Step 1: Install and launch Easeus Todo PCTRANS on the two laptops.
On the source laptop, select “PC PC” to continue.
Step 2: Connect the old and the new laptop
①. Connect the two laptops to the same local network and click “Continue” to continue.
②. Identify the laptop targets via its IP address and connect it by clicking on “Connect“”. If the target laptop is not displayed, click on “Add a PC“And enter the IP address to connect it.
③. Enter the connection and password of the selected laptop, click on “OK” to continue.
④. Choose the file transfer direction – “Transfer from this PC to another PC” and click on “OK” to continue.
Step 3: Select the files you want to transfer
①. Click “Change” in the Files column to select the files to be transferred. Check the option “Create a restoration point. “In the event of an unexpected system error.
②. Click on the Edit icon to submit a new path to redirect the selected files. Click on “To end” to continue.
Step 4: Transfer files from a laptop to a new laptop
①. Click on “To transfer“To launch the transfer of files to a new laptop.
②. Easeus Todo Pctrans will initialize and transfer all the files selected on the new laptop. Everything you need is to wait for the end of the process and click on “OK” to leave.
Windows support 11/10/8/7
Method 2. Use the Internet to transfer files between computers
Another useful method for transferring data between two computers is to use the Internet. You can directly connect your PCs to a LAN/WIFI network, then transfer the desired files to the destination PC.
Below, we have gathered for you several methods of transferring files between PCS:
- Transfer files via a local network/NAS player
- Transfer files via cloud services
- Transfer files via email
- Transfer files via applications such as Skype/WeChat/Instagram, etc.
Now you can follow the directives below to transfer files between 2 PCs by Internet:
1. Connect the two PCs to the same network.
2. Connect to the Cloud/Email/Application that you have chosen for the transfer or open the local network player
The transfer via cloud/email/apps is a useful approach that you can adopt to transfer PC files to PC. It supports Google Drive or Cloud devices for the transfer of files to the network.
If you want to access files on another computer, you can also choose to use Windows apps like Facebook or other standard applications.
- Local network reader (Only to transfer files)
Local file transfer is the most common method under the internet.
Local pc: right -click on the file> Select Properties> Sharing tab> Share> File Sharing window.
Another PC: File explorer> Network> Network discovery> Activate network discovery and file sharing.
3. Select the files you want to transfer and send them to a new PC or copy them to the local network player. Receive and save files transferred to the new PC.
Noticed The only thing that can affect speed and transfer process is network speed.
Method 3. Use an external storage device to transfer files between 2 PCs
If you do not have a network connection on your PCs, you can try this method which consists in copying and paste files on an external storage device such as a USB reader, an SD/memory card/an external hard drive, etc. and then move these files to the new PC.
1. Transfer files via backup and catering
You can create file images and automatically export them from the source PC to the destination PC. Download Easeus Todo PCTRANS to both PCs, and you can start transferring data.
2. Use an external hard drive
The use of an external storage device makes it possible to transfer files between 2 PCs without being limited by the location of computers.
1. Connect the external storage device to the source computer from which you want to transfer files.
2. Select the files you want to transfer to copy them to the device.
3. After completing the copy process, disconnect the storage device and connect it to the destination PC.
4. Then move the copied files to the new PC.
3. Transfer files between 2 pcs via a transfer cable
If your two PCs are located in the same place, we recommend that you choose the transfer cable. When using the external hard drive, you must transfer files between three devices. However, cable like Belkin Easy Transfer (F5U279) can simplify the transfer process.
Noticed: 1. Please note that if you need to transfer installed software, applications, programs, etc. Towards other PCs, you will need the help of Easeus PCTRANS or similar software.
2. Please carefully proceed when you try method 2 or method 3 to share/transfer files between two PCs.
Part 2: Sharing files between computers via Windows shared experiences
The above method is to help you quickly transfer files. If you want to share files to which different computers can access to read and modify them, Microsoft also offers a simple network sharing method: Sharing nearby.
Steps to follow for sharing files in local network:
1. Settings> System> Shared experiences> Proximity sharing> Activated> Choose ‘everyone nearby’ in the drop -down menu.
2. File explorer> Choosing files> Share> Search for nearby devices> then choose the target PC.
Windows support 11/10/8/7
Product notice
- Easeus Todo PCTRANS Free is a useful and reliable software solution created to serve in computers migration operations, whether from one machine to another or a previous version of your operating system to a more recent. Learn more
- Easeus todo pctrans is created by the people of Easeus, who make incredible tools allowing you to manage your backups and recover your dead hard drives. Although this is not an official tool, Easeus has the reputation of being very good with its software and its code. Learn more
- It offers the possibility of moving the entire user account from your old computer, which means that everything is quickly migrated. You keep your Windows installation (and the appropriate drivers for your new PC), but you also recover all your applications, parameters, preferences, images, documents and other important data. Learn more
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Easeus Todo PCTRANS
Easeus Todo PCTRANS makes it possible to transfer the parameters, applications and data between PCs and hard drives. Your versatile PC transfer and migration software to upgrade devices without resettlement.