How to download a podcast, Download Podcast Addict – Loisirs – Les Numériques

Podcast Addict

You too want to start all your sentences with “yesterday I listened to a super podcast”, but now, to listen to you podcasts is a bit of the obstacle. Do not panic, here is the ultimate guide to find yourself there and never miss a single episode of your favorite show.

How to listen to a podcast ?

On this page, you will find all the answers to your questions concerning the podcasts. How to listen to them ? Record them ? Download them ?

How to download a podcast ?

To download a podcast on your phone or tablet, it is necessary to install an application called “podcatcher”. This type of application offers a wide choice of podcasts and allows you to download them on the mobile device.

On recent iOS devices, the Podcasts application is already installed and will allow you to listen and download podcasts. For older models, it is possible either to download podcasts on the Apple Store or to download a similar application like overcast.

On Android devices there are free applications or paid applications. For those who wish to opt for a free application, you can download on Google Play the radio addict or podcast applications. If however you want to opt for a paid application, Pocket Cast is a good alternative.

Once you have downloaded the podcatcher, you need to make sure your phone allows downloads. If this is not the case, you must go to the telephone settings to modify the restrictions of the application. Once in the application, you have the possibility of looking for the precise name of the podcast you want to download or discover new content. Indeed, on the home page of most podcastchers, you have a selection of the latest content and “tops” that can guide your choice.

Most podcatchers will give you the possibility either to automatically download all of the podcasts to which you have subscribed as they are available or to choose the episodes you want to download. To do this, simply locate the “Download” button on your podcast page. It can be, for example, an arrow down located next to the name of the podcast. Once the podcast has been downloaded, you can find it in the application bringing your music on your mobile device. By the way, do not hesitate to subscribe to the podcasts that you download to be aware of the last episodes and support your favorite podcasters !

Good to know: today, many podcast hosts like Ausha or Acast allow you to download episodes on computer, phone or tablet. This functionality is indicated by this sign: ��

How to save a podcast ?

A podcast is a pre -registered audio file broadcast on the internet or podcasting sites, often used to disseminate news and information with an RSS feed. You can download a podcast to your computer and transfer it to a mobile device. If you are interested in the accommodation of your own series or programs, there are different ways to record a podcast. The method presented in this article is simple: you only need a USB microphone connected to your computer and audio mounting software (like Audacity) installed and open. Make sure your microphone is connected and turned on, and that your software saves the sound from your microphone.

Now just click on the Save button on your software interface, and start talking ! It is not necessary to stop or pause recording even if you make some errors, since you can modify it later using the same software.To record your first episode using Garageband, here is a very useful little video that will explain the process to follow you. Once you have finished recording, you will have to export the file. The best format for your podcast files is the MP3 format; It provides good quality and not large audio files, which can be read on most devices. When exporting your files, you will have to choose a bit speed (bitrate in English); Choose save your files by selecting a fixed bit speed and not a variable bit speed (VBR in English). The 128 kb/s bit speed is perfectly suitable, as it allows you to obtain good recording quality and maintain a reduced file size. For the sampling frequency (sample spleen in English), I recommend 44.1 MHz, which corresponds to CD quality.

Tools to save online podcasts

What tools to use to record your episodes remotely ?
�� Zencastr
�� Ringr
�� Squadcast
�� Zoom

How to create a podcast ?

Here are the 8 practical steps to create a podcast:

I/ Choose a subject for your podcast

The first step to create a podcast should be to choose the subject you approach in the podcast. Even if you are familiar with several subjects, it is advisable to focus on one to start. This subject will then be broken down to provide content that brings real added value to the public. The choice of several subjects to be tackled in a single podcast may seem confused and scares off your listeners. In this case, it is better to create several podcasts and separate them by category.

II/ Define the Podcast participants

To make your podcast more dynamic, you can invite other people to participate. You can invite consultants, researchers or other specialists in the matter to share their knowledge with listeners. In this case, you can create several types of podcasts. They can take the format of an interview, a debate or simply didactic so that the guest gives a course on the chosen subject.

III/ Plan the content to be treated

Before you start saving a podcast, we recommend that you write a simple script for what you will approach. Nervousness, emotion or simple forgetting can compromise the quality of your content ! Your text must contain the main subjects. It can also contain some notes with statistical data that is difficult to memorize or information that cannot be forgotten. We think for example of names of books, authors or quotes.

IV/ Prepare yourself vocally

We remind you that the podcast is a digital audio file and that users must clearly hear and understand what is said.You or your guest must have a good diction and master the tone of the voice so that it is neither too high nor too low. To guarantee the quality of the equipment, you can even do some voice exercises before saving a podcast. Several examples and advice are available on the internet.Another good technique is to train before registering a podcast. With your script in hand, train yourself to say whatever you want so that when you save, you can speak with ease, insurance and confidence. You can even save a short audio to listen and correct what you think is needed.

V/ Order the equipment to record

The creation of a podcast requires little equipment and therefore few financial investments. One of the only necessary tools is a good microphone. This allows the audio to be properly captured and thus transmit a good quality message to listeners. On the market, there are several types of microphones, each with different characteristics and values. If you cannot grant a budget for your podcast, there are free solutions. It is also possible to use the internal microphone of your computer or the microphone of your smartphone. That said, this is not the best solution because the quality of your episodes can suffer. In addition to worrying about the microphone you choose, it is important to pay attention to the place of recording.

The environment must be calm, without outside noise or other interference. Avoid open places, which are very noisy. Because depending on the noise intensity, it will not be possible to change it without damaging your emission. You can create your podcast and save it at home or in your premises for example a meeting room. If you are at home, be sure to notify those around you and choose a room as far from the street as possible. Before saving your podcast, make sure you have everything you need so that you don’t have to take too much breaks during recording. This will guarantee the dissemination of your podcast and reduce the amount of work to be done for subsequent editions.

VI/ Change your podcast: assembly

After having recorded the podcast, it must be set up, so that it reaches the public in the most professional way possible. Even if the environment is calm, it is frequent that certain unwanted sounds appear in the recording or that the sound is irregular. At this stage, these details must be corrected so that all the audio is understandable. The person listening to your podcast should not have to go up or descend the sound to be able to hear the various interlocutors. This is why it is so important to be aware of the height of the voices and to balance them.

Our advice: take advantage of the assembly to cut unnecessary parts. It is a question of withdrawing the long breaks and the moments when you (or the host of the show) was able to make a mistake on information. In the edition, you can also include a soundtrack, chips or sound commas. Choose music related to the subject in question, in order to create a context for the listener. The sound effects are used to make the podcast more fluid and less tiring. On the other hand, in an exaggerated manner, they can have the completely opposite effect. There are different audio editing software. The best known is audacity. This software is easy to use. It will take you shortly to familiarize yourself with and create a podcast.

VII/ Publish your podcast

After being published, your podcast is ready to be published. Just choose the ideal platform.To publish a podcast, you must first follow an important step. You must first host your podcast on the web to be online. In a second step, it will be necessary to reference your podcast on the platforms to make it visible in the eyes of all. There are specific platforms for podcast accommodation. Some offer free versions for professionals and listeners.Here are examples of podcast hosts: podcastics, ausha, simplecast and many others.

VIII/ Distribute your podcast

Once you’ve created a podcast and have hosted it, it must be broadcast. There are a lot of podcast diffusion platforms: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Majulan, Overcast, etc.

You must take into account the platforms that are the most consulted by your audience, so that your program reaches the desired audience.But you can also broadcast your podcast on all platforms. Rest assured, you don’t have to broadcast your podcast by recording it on a platform at a time.It is possible to do it simply. Podcast hosting platforms generally deal with the publication of your podcast on the different broadcast platforms.Finally to share your podcast once it is online, you can use your social networks, your blog or your YouTube channel.

Display attractive messages, showing the advantages that users will have by listening to your podcast. The broadcasting of content scraps can also leave the listener curious to listen to the podcast throughout his journey.You now know how to create a podcast. You just have to get started !

The podcast, how it works ?

After being published, your episode of Podcast is ready to be published. Just choose the ideal platform to host it.

To publish a podcast, you must first follow an important step. You must first host your podcast on the web to be online. In a second step, it will be necessary to reference your podcast on the platforms to make it visible in the eyes of all. There are specific platforms for podcast accommodation. Some offer free versions for professionals and listeners.Here are examples of podcast hosts: podcastics, ausha, simplecast and many others.

Podcasting principle

Unlike traditional distribution modes where a diffuser sends a flow (streaming) to multiple listeners, the principle of podcasting is to subscribe to a podcast pointing to one or more multimedia files and download these files. The user must therefore regularly synchronize his podcast player in order to recover the new features. Thus, the diffuser site no longer pushes the content to users (push), it is users who come to recover multimedia content when they synchronize their reader (sweater).

How to listen to a podcast ?

You too want to start all your sentences with “yesterday I listened to a super podcast”, but now, to listen to you podcasts is a bit of the obstacle. Do not panic, here is the ultimate guide to find yourself there and never miss a single episode of your favorite show.

When listening to podcasts ?

What is good with the podcasts is that you can listen to them when you want and wherever you want. Whether online or offline by downloading episodes.Depending on your desires and habits, you may prefer one or the other method (or both). Ask yourself where you like to listen to your podcasts ? By car ? At work ? At the gym ? Or simply at home, with a herbal tea. This will give you an idea of ​​the listening method to choose.

Where to find podcasts ?

Podcasts are everywhere on the net. You can listen to them on all supports supporting audio format: from your television connected to an old iPod, there are no good solutions. The most common being listening to your computer or from a smartphone via an application for example. Depending on your media media support and consumption mode, you can find your podcasts in different places.

On websites

On listening platforms

Podcasts have made a place for themselves alongside music on most streaming sites. If the SoundCloud site has long been used by musicians, the podcasters have also invested the place and you can find your favorite episodes there. Deezer and Spotify are not to be outdone, because it has been very recently possible to listen to French podcasts although the offer is not yet exhaustive. The advantage of these platforms is to be able to subscribe to the podcasts and receive the new episodes from their outings. Without surprises the most popular platform to listen and discover podcasts remains iTunes, the offer is provided and the possibility of noting and commenting on your favorite podcasts makes it possible to encourage content creators. Here you will also be able to download your podcasts to listen to them later offline.

On websites

You already know the podcast you want to listen to ? Go directly to the latter’s website. This is a fairly practical method, especially when several podcasts are grouped together, this is the case with the Radiokawa collective which brings together around twenty podcasts, or with Louie Media for example. The radios also published, for a few years, the reruns of their programs (which they also call Podcasts), you can therefore find, in delay, your favorite programs directly on the radio site. Please note, however all sites do not allow podcasts to download.


The applications to download directly from your smartphone are also an effective way to listen to your podcasts anywhere and anytime.

Podcast: the application is directly integrated on iPhone. Practical !

The Podcast icon on iPhone

Podcast & Radio Addict: Available on Android, Podcastaddict is the most popular application with a very exhaustive library.

If you want to create your own podcast: contact us here !

Podcast Addict

All your favorite podcasts are accessible in a jiffy via a single interface. Thanks to Podcast Addict group all of your podcasts flows to listen to them from a single reader.

Why use Podcast Addict ?

What are the news of the latest version of Podcast Addict ?

With which podcast addict bones is it compatible ?

What are the best alternatives to podcast addict ?


Podcast Addict is an application that offers centralized access to more than 750,000 podcasts posted on different platforms. Podcast Addict also allows access to audiobooks, radio shows, YouTube channels or Twitch. It is also possible to navigate the contents of other podcasts platforms (NPR, Gimlet, BBC, Serial, Ted Talks. )).

This is the ideal application for any video or audio content. It is possible for the user to subscribe to several podcasts, download episodes and receive notifications on the latest audio content published. The search tool allows you to discover new podcasts by seeking keywords or by receiving personalized recommendations.

Podcast Addict provides access to episodes in English, French, Chinese, Italian and German. The audio player is fully customizable, and the parameters can be modified and saved depending on the podcast listened to. Podcast addict is a free application, advertisements are visible in the interface.

Why use Podcast Addict ?

Podcast Addict is an entirely free application, only a small advertising bar appears at the bottom of the screen, it is not intrusive and does not interfere with the user of the reader. If you want to get rid of it or help the developer, you can take the version without advertising. Note that there is also a premium subscription which allows you to add features.

To use Podcast addict nothing more simple. Just download the application via our link (which leads live to the Google Play Store). Once the installation is finished, you just have to throw it. You do not need to create an account, but if you decide to create one all your data can be saved on your Google Drive (for recovery if necessary).

Podcast addict screen D

Podcast Addict invites you to listen to podcasts, audio (or audiobooks) and radios books. To add podcasts or audio books to your reading list you have several solutions. The first and the easiest way is to use the catalog provided. This allows you to navigate by categories and discover new emissions, it is also possible to do a search by keywords. The second solution, for slightly more experienced users is to enter the address of the flow of your favorite podcast if you know it, the application will connect on it and will serve you the corresponding episodes. The latest solution is to launch a downloaded file apart and present on your device (podcast, audiobook, etc.)).

Podcast addict catalog

Note that you can change the language in which you want to listen to Podcast Addict contents at any time by clicking on the Asian symbol icon located at the top right of the screen, this opens the menu of languages. Dozens of languages ​​are available in addition to French: English, Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, Korean, Spanish, etc. There are even regional languages ​​like Gaelic, Basque, Catalan, etc.

With podcast addict you can listen to podcasts, but you can also listen to a whole bunch of radios in France but also international. To change the country, click on the sphere at the top right. You can also navigate the list of the radio of your choice (this allows you to listen to webradios).

Podcast addict radios

Podcast Addict also offers a selection of free audio books. Of course you will only find great classics that have fallen into the public domain, no novelty. But this is still very interesting and can allow you to discover books that we might not have wanted to read yourself. The books are divided into episodes, each episode representing a chapter which allows you to manage the advance in listening in a simplified way. Books come from websites highlighting the accessibility of books to as many people as possible. The source of audio files is indicated on the audiobook sheet. Note that you can change the language of the books by clicking on the small icon containing an Asian symbol located at the top right.

Podcast Addict Audiobook

Whether for audiobooks or podcasts, the management system is exactly the same. You first have access to a list of emissions or books. You select one (or one) and you open its description on the screen. There you have access to the details of the show (or the audiobook). A button allows you to subscribe, and another to see the list of episodes (or chapters). You can therefore open this list and select the episode (or chapter) that you want to listen to, or launch the download. The descriptive sheet then opens up indications on the story that takes place in this precise file and the time it lasts.

Podcast Addict Podcast

To start playing, you must click on the play button located at the bottom left of the screen. The right button allows you to add the episode to your playlist (reading list). Once you have launched the reading, the bar at the bottom of the screen changes and shows the image of what is being read, the title, the progress and a break button. To display the complete reader, click on this bar. You then have access to the fast advance, on return, to the possibility of putting signs, etc. Also note that the application sets up a reading management bar in your notification area. Finally, to download the episode to listen to it offline, use the button located at the top of the screen and which is represented by an arrow down.

What are the news of the latest version of Podcast Addict ?

The latest version of Podcast Addict saw the arrival of a premium subscription. This subscription makes it possible to delete the advertising banner, but also to automatically download the new episodes of your favorite podcasts (if they use the suitable websub protocol). So you no longer need to consult your flow to see the latest news.

The premium subscription therefore makes it possible to delete the advertising banner, to make an update in real time, but also to modify your home screen, to use a reading list widget, to apply visual themes and Hide the sponsored links.

With which podcast addict bones is it compatible ?

Podcast addict is, alas, only compatible with smartphones and tablets under Android system. No iOS version is planned.

Note the possibility of connecting to the online service to listen to podcasts directly from your browser (Windows, Linux, Mac, IOS). The interface is very refined and there are fewer features than on the Android application.

What are the best alternatives to podcast addict ?

Also only available for Android, you can test for free Republic podcast. The service also offers an online service accessible from any internet browser under any system (Windows, Mac, Linux and why not iOS). Note that many podcasts offered are in English, but it is possible to find them in French by changing the default language which makes French channels appear. Here it is not possible to add flows.

Still in the list of applications specialized in podcasts, you can try Castbox. Available for download for Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad) but also online service, Castbox allows you to access a large catalog of podcasts. The service is supported by a community which has the possibility of leaving opinions on the programs listened to. It is possible to download the content to listen to them offline.

Audible is the service of audio books and podcasts provided by Amazon (in parallel with its platform Kindle For ebooks). A compulsory subscription gives you access every month to a free book (postponed to the following months if not used) and to a shop of many books, including original creations and exclusives.

Deezer And Spotify, The two musical streaming platforms also offer a very large number of podcasts very interesting for adults but also for young. Podcasts can be listened to in the same setting as music: free of charge, or without advertising with a subscription.

Google Play Books is Google’s store. She offers ebooks (digital books) but also a large selection of audio books. It is possible to listen to an extract before deciding to buy the chosen work. The service offers mobile applications for Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad).

Scribd is also a platform of digital books that listen to podcasts and audio books (Audiobooks) to listen to. Here no purchase per unit. Access to Scribd is via a single monthly subscription which gives unlimited access to the proposed content. Note that there are quite little content in French. Access possible via the online service (all internet systems and browsers) or via Android or iOS applications.

Scribd, Youboox offers a subscription for reading e-books and listening to unlimited audiobooks. Here no podcasts, but a beautiful selection of audio books, all in French. It is also possible to access catalogs of works in other languages. Just like scribd you can access content via your internet browser (Windows, Mac, Linux) or your mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPad).

Download podcasts in the iTunes Store on PC

Podcasts are free programs that you can download and read, like a radio or a TV series. You can download individual podcast episodes, or subscribe so that the new episodes are automatically downloaded as soon as they publicize.

If you have an iCloud account, your subscriptions to podcasts, your stations and your progress in the reading synchronize on the podcasts of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Download a podcast or subscribe to it

  1. In the iTunes app On your PC, choose podcasts from the local menu at the top left then click on store. The Store button in the navigation bar
  2. Click in the search field in the upper right corner of the iTunes window, enter a word or a sentence. As you enter text, iTunes displays a list of elements corresponding to the texts entered.
  3. To select where you want to search, click on store in the upper right corner of search results. The research field with the
  4. Press Entrance. The results of your search are displayed in the iTunes window.

Noticed : Instead of searching in the iTunes Store, you canexplore : click on store, review the many collections or categories in the window, then select an element.

  • To see an extract from an item before downloading it, move the pointer over this item, then click the extract button .
  • Select a podcast that you want to download, then proceed in one of the following ways:
    • To download an episode: Click on the GAT button next to the episode.
    • To subscribe to the podcast: Click on Subscribe. iTunes download the most recent episode.

    Trick : You can also subscribe to a podcast without using the iTunes Store. Just choose file> subscribe to the podcast, then enter the Podcast Internet address. You can usually find the Podcast address on its web page.

    Update a podcast or unsubscribe

    1. In the iTunes app On your PC, choose Podcasts from the local menu at the top left, then click Library.
    2. Proceed in one of the following ways:
      • To update the podcasts to which you have subscribed: Select a podcast, then click Update near the lower left corner of the window. All the currently available episodes of the podcasts to which you subscribe are displayed.
      • To stop or take a subscription to a podcast: Select the podcast, click the setting button At the top right of the episodes list, then click yes or no next to Subscriber.
      • To remove a podcast or a station: Select the podcast or the podcast station, press the Delete key, then confirm its deletion. Consult the section Delete pieces and other elements

    If you are having a problem to subscribe to a podcast

    • If an episode of podcast is not downloaded in iTunes, the website offers this podcast is offline or busy. To retry the download, in the iTunes app on your PC, click on the podcast or the episode right -bit of the mouse, then choose update the podcast.
    • If you subscribe to a podcast by entering its URL and it is not downloaded, you may have entered an incorrect URL. Check the URL on the podcast web page.
    • Some podcasts available on the Internet use incompatible files with iTunes. For more information, contact the producer of the podcast.

    Choose your default podcast settings

    Choose your default settings, which apply to all podcasts, such as the number of episodes recorded for each podcast and the time before deletion.

    1. In the iTunes app on your PC, choose Podcasts from the local menu at the top left, then click Library.
    2. Click on podcasts in the sidebar on the left, then click on “Default” in the lower left corner of the window.
    3. Choose your settings:
      • To update: Choose the search for new episodes.
      • Episodes to include: Define the maximum number of episodes to keep.
      • Download episodes: Choose activated to automatically download new episodes of Podcast as soon as they are made available.
      • Remove the read episodes: Choose Activated so that ITUNES delete the podcasts after reading.
    4. Click OK to save your changes.

    Choose settings for each podcast

    Each podcast you subscribe can have its own settings. The settings you choose for each podcast take place on the default podcasts settings.

    1. In the iTunes app On your PC, choose Podcasts from the local menu at the top left, then click Library.
    2. Select a podcast, then click the setting button at the top right of the episodes list.
    3. Choose your settings:
      • Reading : Choose the episodes reading order.
      • Sorting order: Choose the sorting order of episodes.
      • Subscriptions: Click on deactivated to suspend your podcast subscription; Click on activated to take it back.
      • Episodes to include: Define the maximum number of episodes to keep.
      • Download episodes: Choose activated to automatically download new episodes of Podcast as soon as they are made available.
      • Remove the read episodes: Choose Activated so that ITUNES delete the podcasts after reading.
    4. Click finished to save your changes.

    Create a podcast station

    You can also create podcast stations with the podcasts to which you subscribe. For example, you may want to group all the podcasts concerning finance in one station. The podcasts of your station can then be read in the order of your choice and the stations are automatically updated when new episodes are available.

    1. In the iTunes app On your PC, choose Podcasts from the local menu at the top left, then click Library.
    2. Click on stations in the sidebar on the left.
    3. Click New at the bottom of the iTunes window, then enter a name for your station.
    4. Proceed in one of the following ways:
      • To add podcasts to the station: Click on the button all the episodes In view of the podcasts you want to include, so that a checkout appears opposite podcasts.
      • To add all the podcasts to which you subscribe: Click on activated with regard to “include all podcasts”.
    5. To customize the station settings, click on the setting button , Then define the following options.
      • Reading order: Choose the Reading Order of the Station episodes.
      • Include : Choose the number of episodes to include in the station.
      • Multimedia data type: Choose if you want to include audio, video or both podcasts.
      • Not read only: Select this option to include the episodes that you have not read yet.
      • Group by Podcast: Select this option to organize stations by podcasts.

    The settings apply to all the podcasts included in the station.

    To display a station, click on library, then on the station in the left list. To read the station, click on the Read button .

    To find out more about how Apple Podcasts protects your information and allows you to choose what you want to share, choose Help> About podcasts and confidentiality.

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