How to delete your Google or Gmail account, delete a Google account: the right method

Delete a Google account: the right method

The precautions are taken, the data has been saved … It only remains to go to the last step ! Be aware, however, that you can delete only certain products rather than all of your account, know how to target your needs above all else. You can for example completely delete your Gmail address while maintaining access to Google services-it will simply ask you to define you will just have to give it a new email address to use.

How to delete your Google or Gmail account

In this tutorial, we explain how to delete your Google or Gmail account in a few steps. But also how to save all the related data, and possibly recover your account if you have deleted it by mistake.

Delete your Google account

The Android operating system is intimately linked to Google. He who is however open source is in fact sorely of interest when the latter’s services are not installed there and requires a lot of tricks to be able to get rid of his grip.

We offered you in a tutorial to separate you from Google on your Android phone, but maybe you want to go even further and simply say goodbye ? We help you at Delete your Google or Gmail account easily, guiding you step by step.

Read this before you start

Deleting your account will have the following effects:

  • Loss of access and data from all Google services Like Gmail, Drive, Agenda, as well as all data such as photos saved on the account
  • Losses of subscriptions, paid or not, or Contents purchased On YouTube or the Play Store (apps, films, books, music, etc.)
  • Information of Chromium like favorites, but also web browser applications
  • Loss of contacts related to your Android phone account
  • Loss of username of this account, which will not be recoverable. If your account is “Machinchose@gmail”, “Machinchose” cannot be resumed once the deletion has been carried out

Start by saving your data

  • Connect to your account and go to the account management page
  • Click on the link Manage data and customization Under your avatar Manage data and customization
  • Go down to Download, delete or plan the future of your data
  • Go to Download your data
  • Check the data to include and drop at the bottom of the page to be able to click on Following Select the data to download
  • Click on Create the archive

Google prepares your data, you will receive a link by email to download it when it is ready. Do not go further before you have been able to download your archive. It contains data that you regret losing forever.

How to delete your Gmail / Google account ?

The precautions are taken, the data has been saved … It only remains to go to the last step ! Be aware, however, that you can delete only certain products rather than all of your account, know how to target your needs above all else. You can for example completely delete your Gmail address while maintaining access to Google services-it will simply ask you to define you will just have to give it a new email address to use.

Delete an account

  • Connect to your account and access this options
  • Go to the tab Data and confidentialities
  • Go to Download, delete or plan the future of your data
  • Click on Delete a service or your account
  • Go to Delete a service
  • Click on the basket icon to the right of the Gmail line

For Delete all of your Google account ::

  • Connect to your account and access this options
  • Go to the tab Data and confidentiality
  • Go to More options
  • Click on Delete your Google account
  • Check if all the information is correct and validate the operation by clicking on Delete the account

Google account deletion

How to recover a Google account ?

By default, the account will be definitively deleted. However, if you instantly regret your choice, you will have a short period during which you could still have a chance to recover your account. The process is incredibly simple.

To try to go back, follow this method:

Recovered Google account

  • Access the account recovery page
  • Connect with your old identifiers
  • Here, the connection is established as if nothing had happened and you immediately find normal use !

Have you managed to delete or collect your account ? Have you encountered difficulties ? Tell us everything in the comments !

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Delete a Google account: the right method

Delete a Google account: the right method

You no longer want Google to keep your personal data when you use its services ? Delete your account ! It’s simple and quick, and you can even recover your information before erasing everything

As you probably know, a Google account allows you to take full advantage of the many Google services by memorizing the information associated with it. You can in particular access the files stored on Google Drive, the history of your research on Google, the events noted in Agenda, the places visited and the routes taken on Maps, from videos viewed on YouTube, images classified in photos, messages sent and received in Gmail – if your account is associated with a Gmail address – and many other things. All data thus kept with your account constitute as many personal information that helps the American giant to profile you, even if it is possible to deactivate certain follow -ups.

Fortunately, it is possible to erase everything by deleting your Google account, whether not to use the different services of the company in a personalized way – it is always possible to use some in a “anonymous”, without account – or account To create a new one, when your situation has changed – for example, if you used a professional type account. And curiously, the deletion of a Google account is simple and quick. The operation only takes a few minutes, unless you want to recover some of your data before erase everything, in which case you must take into account the time required to save.

Before deleting your Google account, keep in mind that you will lose all of your data – unless you save it before, of course – and that you will no longer be able to access certain Google services linked to this account (Gmail, Drive , Agenda, play, etc.), nor to the contents purchased and the subscriptions subscribed via this account. In addition, if you use the Google account to be removed on an Android device or a Chromebook, you will no longer be able to access certain services and functionalities.

Finally, note again that you will no longer be able to create new account using the delete account email address.

Completely delete a Google account

The Google account deletion method is the same as you are on a computer, smartphone or tablet. In any case, including on mobile, you have to go through a web browser.

  • With your usual web browser, go to the administration page of your Google account.
  • If you are not connected to your Google account, click the button To log in in the middle of the page or on Connection In the upper right corner of the window.

  • Enter your email address or the phone number associated with your account and click on Following.

  • Then enter your password and click on Following.

  • Once connected to the account administration page, open the section Data and personalization In the left side menu. In a mobile browser, open the tab Data and personalization at the top of the.
  • In the window Data and personalization, Scroll the page to the game Download, delete or plan the future of your data and click on the link Delete a service or your account.

  • On the page Delete a service or your account, Open the section Delete your Google account By clicking on the link Delete your account.

  • Confirm your password again to continue.

  • On the page Delete your Google account, Read the information text and the recall of the elements that will be deleted. If you want to keep all or part of your data (such as Gmail messages, etc.), click on the link You can download your data before deleting your account To be returned to Google Takeout (see below)

  • Check the boxes Yes, I recognize that I am always liable for costs linked to all financial transactions pending, and I understand that in certain circumstances, my income will not be paid And Yes, I wish to permanently delete this Google account and all the data associated with it.
  • Click on the button Delete account.

  • After clicking, you will be immediately redirected to a page informing you of the success of the operation and confirming the deletion of your Google account.

  • If you change your mind after deleting, you can recover your account within a period of a few days thanks to the page D‘Assistance relating to the account. Consult our sheet on Gmail account recovery to find out more.

Back up data from a Google account before deleting it

If you have clicked on the link You can download your data before deleting your account, You will be redirected to the Google Takeout backup service in a new tab. You can also make this backup upstream of your deletion by connecting beforehand to the Google Takeout page. To learn all about the backup of a Google account, consult our practical sheet.

  • With your usual web browser, go to the Google Takeout service page by checking that you are connected to your Google account.
  • In the Part 1 – Select Download DataR, click on unselect all If you only want to save data from certain services in particular, because all services are selected by default.

  • Choose the data to be saved by service. Some services like Gmail or Drive have advanced parameters, remember to consult them. For other services, such as Drive, Gmail or Chrome, it is possible to save only certain elements (specific file on drive, labels or specific reception box on Gmail. )).

  • Once the boxes are checked, go to the bottom of the page and press the button Next step To access the game Choose the file type, frequency and destination.

  • In the game Send mode, Click on the scrolling menu To choose how backup files are transmitted: by email or via an online storage service (Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Box). In the case of a third -party cloud service, you will have to give Google authorization to connect at the end of the process.

  • In the game Frequency, leave the box Export chewed.
  • In the game File type and size, Choose the archive format (.zip or .TGZ) and size (1, 2, 4, 10 or 50 GB)

  • When everything is configured, click the button Create an export.
  • If you have chosen a third -party storage service, click the button Associate accounts and create export. You will then have to connect to the service and allow Google to connect.
  • Note that export can take time, especially if the volume of archives is important. At the end of the transfer, you will receive a message confirming that your data is available on the storage service you have indicated or downloadable if you have asked to receive a copy of the archives by email.
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